Constant Soreness on Shaft from Pumping or Hanging?


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2020
My shaft along the sides and underside has been very sore to the touch from my aggressive PE routine. Problem is, I can’t tell if it’s from hanging or pumping. My base is always extremely sore to the touch, but I know that’s from the hanging. The soreness on the shaft I’m not so sure, but my hope is that it’s from the tunica being stretched from pumping/clamping. I also do 10 min of bundled stretches on the LENGTHMASTER every morning but I can’t see that creating this kind of soreness.

does anyone have experience from this? Is soreness on the mid and upper shaft a sign of good tunica expansion from pumping?
Whenever you feel soreness along the shaft it will be because of actual growth. Base pain isn’t always indicative of growth but when you feel it along the shaft it is indicative of growth due to Tunica expansion. I hope that you’re using Hydrocortisone after each workout because that will keep your skin in very good condition. If you’re not doing that now I suggest that you start doing it so you can avoid much of this irritation.
Whenever you feel soreness along the shaft it will be because of actual growth. Base pain isn’t always indicative of growth but when you feel it along the shaft it is indicative of growth due to Tunica expansion. I hope that you’re using Hydrocortisone after each workout because that will keep your skin in very good condition. If you’re not doing that now I suggest that you start doing it so you can avoid much of this irritation.
This is such great feedback. Thanks DLD! Exactly the answer I was hoping for LOL.

im definitely growing then because my shaft hurts to touch all the time, even to whip it out to take a piss. I have to be slow and careful cuz is so sore along the sides. When my gf grabs it my whole body jerks from the pain and she looks at me all surprised and apologizes. I just blame it on my dick being sore from our “intense sex last night”. And she actually believes it ?

And yes, I use hydrocortisone cream usually 2x per day, always after my length sessions for sure.
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This is absolutely me right now too. Constant pain on the shaft. If it gets too bad I simply take a rest day and let things heal.
This is absolutely me right now too. Constant pain on the shaft. If it gets too bad I simply take a rest day and let things heal.

on or in?
Since @DLD ’s response I’ve been smiling every time I feel my shaft in pain knowing that the gains are coming ?
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I find I get more pain on skin after a pump then hanging by far
Well, I guess some of both, I get pain on the skin too. External pain, but also internal shaft soreness too. So both.

Internal soreness is very welcome and you should be excited about that. External soreness would be considered skin issues and Hydrocortisone should be able to deal with that for you.
So its normal because its happens after every session with bathmate was scared i was doing something wrong
So its normal because its happens after every session with bathmate was scared i was doing something wrong

Not only normal but an excellent sign of gains! Have no fear and carry-on. But I like that you asked which shows you have cautious attitude. So please ask any questions before you do something worrisome
Will do thanks dld

You can also do some deep tissue massage using heat. This was always soothing for me it may do the same for you. You can use a hot washcloth, a heating pad or warm some oil and then just work that deep into your tissue. I would spend about five minutes doing this.
This is absolutely me right now too. Constant pain on the shaft. If it gets too bad I simply take a rest day and let things heal.

I only feel a slight pain at the shorter side of my Ligs when I'm using my length master. I don't let that bother me at all.
Soreness is normal. A good workout comes with some soreness
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