BBC - Pro-intact documentary January 5th


Jan 25, 2004
Watch for Circumcise Me? on BBC Three January 5th at 10:30 pm. It's part of the series Mischief which has been compared to Penn & Teller's Bullshit! series on Showtime.

The producer and director (who appear on camera) came to my house and interviewed me while I made tuggers in my kitchen. They seemed sympathetic to the cause, but I haven't seen the show. I'm not even sure I haven't been edited out.

After it airs in the UK, I'll get a copy in US format so I can host a screening near Chicago.

-Ron Low
>> get a copy in the US or on the Internet? <<

I haven't looked online, but I heard from a guy who saw it that way. I've heard from UK guys who saw me in it and said I didn't make an arse of myself.

I've never done bittorent or anything like that, and I don't think I'm going to.

If it's not in Monday's mail, I'll send a reminder to the producer telling him that I'm eager to see it. I don't know why he would have sent word that a US-format copy was in the mail if he didn't think it was true.
Vectormatch said:
Were you ever able to get a copy in the US or on the Internet?
I finally got my DVD of Circumcise Me? from BBC Three. I'm in it for about a minute. I had forgotten that I gave them permission to show the befores/afters from my web site.

The whole thing is surprisingly racey for broadcast TV. They stop short of showing any penis more than "45 degrees" erect, and there's no female bush, but there's a lot of nudity and swearing. The show is very funny and very pro-intact. I'm truly proud to be part of it. It also features Dr. James Haughey of Tug-Ahoy, looking incredibly buff and ripped. Kristen O'hara comes off a little flaky. Dr. Dean Edell makes perfect sense as usual.

The only screening I know I have planned for certain is during the Seattle Genital Integrity Symposium August 24th-26th. I'll host a party one night in a bar where TLC users are invited to the back room for the screening. I guess I'll try and do something similar during the Gay Games in Chicago this summer.

Any other events you can recommend; I'd love to hear about.
Is there a torrent somewhere, so I could download it? ;)
RonJLow said:
The only screening I know I have planned for certain is during the Seattle Genital Integrity Symposium August 24th-26th
At the screening, we also saw an exciting 9-minute student film from Florida. Apparently they have a TV/Film program that ranks right up there with Northwestern and USC. The movie was by an intact guy who went around trying to find out what's so bad about being intact. He concluded not one damn thing. It was absolutley hilarious and utterly professional, both in production values and the creativity of the presentation.

I'm going to try and convince him to make the DVD available for sale. We now have the 9-minute student film, the 30-minute Penn & Teller show, and the 60-minute BBC documentary. All are lighthearted, compellingly persuasive, and unapologetically pro-intact. I'd like to see Howard Stern offer them on his On-Demand service and I'm going to make a pitch. Wish me luck.

pointless cuz i requested the bbc documentary and my comment got deleted.

I went else where to check out the penn teller show on you tube.
again thats stupid and has nothing to do with a documentary lol. its just some punk kid tryin to pretend he is going back to the future
RonJLow said:
We now have the 9-minute student film, the 30-minute Penn & Teller show, and the 60-minute BBC documentary. All are lighthearted, compellingly persuasive, and unapologetically pro-intact. I'd like to see Howard Stern offer them on his On-Demand service and I'm going to make a pitch.

The BBC show is now in the hands of Doug Goodstein at HowardTV. Fingers crossed everyone.

I also recently saw Cut by Eli Ungar, which my dink is in. It's focused on the Jewish perspective. The filmmaker/narrator is the son of an orthodox rabbi. It's a very compelling pro-intact case. One of the rabbis basically says: "If you're doing this for non-religious reasons, you should be locked up for child abuse."

It ends with a slide that says 1,000,000 US boys will be cut this year. I suggested to Eli that he add: "only 2% of them because they're Jewish."

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