
Jan 18, 2017
Hi all,

been a while since my last post. I've been using my bathmate fairly regularly and I use my method outlined in my other posts. I use an ace wrap around the base of the shaft to minimize testicle discomfort. Recently I've incorporated a cock ring to secure the ace wrap. It is a loose fitting, hard rubber cock ring. It doesn't stretch but is too big for me to use normally, which makes it perfect for securing the wrap because it is big enough to squeeze around my member with the ace wrap. I have been using this method for a couple of months and really like it. But I have some concerns. I do get some bad discoloration while in the bathmate. You can see from the pictures I have uploaded, my dick will turn a very deep purple. I don't believe it is anything to be too concerned with because I only keep the bathmate on for 15 minutes max. I never go over. Sometimes after I have recently shaved my shaft, the hair folicles will get very red/purple after bathmate use as well. You can see a few purple spots. The discoloration goes away immediately after I remove the wrap and ring, and I jelq for 5-10 minutes after. Is this anything to be concerned with? I have always heard that 20 minutes without proper circulation can lead to tissue death, but is this discoloration ok? I can use the wrap without the ring and don't get as bad discoloration, but I feel like the ring gives me a more intense session. Also, why does it only go half way up my shaft? Will this lead to permanent discoloration in the future?

That's if for the discoloration. As for the bathmate... I don't know what to think of it. I will use it religiously and put in the time and jelq afterwards, including ssjs. I still get bad fluid retention. I get a decent pump, but then it goes away within hours. My flacid size will be looking strong - as long as I'm using the BM religiously. If I have a few days where I don't use it, it's back to normal. Normal as in regular old dick. The dick I spent money on the BM for to make bigger. Three days without pumping and my flacid size is back to where it was before I bought the pump back in January. I love how my weiner looks after a pump, and love how it looks and feels if I'm using it daily, but why isn't anything sticking? I feel like my time and effort I'm putting into my cock is just going out the window in my bathroom. I spend at least 5 hours a week just dedicated to my dick. I know that's not a lot, I'm not saying it is. I know there's guys out there that can dedicate 10+ hours per week... but I'm doing what I can. And I don't feel like I'm making gains. I'm not complaining or looking for a magical response that will make my dick grow. I just want to know what I'm doing wrong or what I can do to make my dick bigger.

Peace guys. Keep on growin for those of you who do.


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First on the discoloration, in the tube we all become discolored due to the influx of blood. As long as the color returns within 24 hours there is nothing to fear. Next of the gains not sticking, what is you exact routine? Time, reps, supersets, etc. this will help me see what is going on. I like the wrap you are using, it looks like it is doing a good alternative to tying back completely. Well,let me know whats up and we can see what we can do to make things stick for you.
doublelongdaddy;745825 said:
First on the discoloration, in the tube we all become discolored due to the influx of blood. As long as the color returns within 24 hours there is nothing to fear. Next of the gains not sticking, what is you exact routine? Time, reps, supersets, etc. this will help me see what is going on. I like the wrap you are using, it looks like it is doing a good alternative to tying back completely. Well,let me know whats up and we can see what we can do to make things stick for you.

Thanks DLD. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into what you do here. You respond to almost every post and you really care about people I can see that from your responses. So for the routine:

Like I said I don't spend 10 hours per week doing PE, and some weeks will have more time involved than others. For the weeks that go by that I don't PE every day - where there's a gap in my commitment - I can't blame the BM, only myself. There are times where it just isn't convenient or possible for me to PE but I usually try and get some work in every day if I can. I just got a new job and the commute is hell.. I'm talking 2 hours in the morning with traffic and 1.5 home, so time is very limited at the moment. But I digress. My routine will usually consist of using the bathmate in the shower for the most part. I shower at night. I'll get either a full 15 minutes in the shower or 10 minutes in the shower and then get out and head to the basement bathroom (shower doesn't work down there, otherwise I would do my whole routine there)((living situation is kinda f'ed up right now so I do what I can)) and then finish up with the remaining 5 mins there. I have gravitated towards doing an entire 15 minute session at once instead of 3 sets of 5. Mostly for convenience. But I have done 3x3x5 or 3x5x5 whichever it is, (I think its Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) actually) and I did like that. I get fluid buildup regardless though.

One of the reasons I stopped doing sets is because I need to use a lotion or homemade oil lube to jelq after a set. If I BM for 5 mins and then come out to jelq some, I get oil/lotion all over my balls and that makes them want to suck up into the BM when I go back in. Cleaning my balls with soap each time worked for a while but I just find it easier to do all 15 minutes at once and then jelq after, instead of 5 mins BM, 5 mins jelq, wash balls, 5 min BM, 5 min jelq wash balls, then repeat again. After I BM for 15 I'll remove the wrap and get the blood flowing again. I usually have a medium amount of fluid buildup after a session. So I'll get to jelqing. I'll jelq for 10 maybe 15 minutes, usually until the majority of the fluid buildup is gone. I'll throw in some SSJs from time to time. People have mentioned they have a hard time keeping the pressure with the SSJ, and I do as well. After I clamp off at the base I'll get a realllll good pressure but it slowly decreases after about 3-5 seconds and I have to release grip and re-kegel and go again. I know the �naked people movies� can help maintain the EQ but I'm trying to stay away from �naked people movies� for personal reasons.

So I'll jelq for 10-15 after a 15 min BM session, and some days I'll clamp after jelqing. Usually only 5 mins at max pressure. The johnson can get super deep purple doing that so I only go for about 5 mins. And You're right about the discoloration - it goes away by the next morning, which is why I'm not too concerned about it. After I jelq/clamp I'll usually wrap and call it quits for the day. I have been wrapping in the morning when I wake up and I can wear the wrap all day at work with no discomfort. I haven't seen any flacid gains from wrapping yet but I know this is a great method as I've used it before in the past. I get around 8 hours a day of traction wrapping. That about does it for my routine.

Like I said, I know it's not much. Not much at all now that I typed it out... But its what I can manage now. I have built hangers in the past and still have them. Would love to add hanging to my routine but I just don't have time. I don't have an extra hour to add to my routine and even I know that with hanging I would probably need 2+ hours per day to reap results. I would like to be able to wear an extender at work but I just don't see that happening. I don't have one either but I'm talking about the size of it under clothing. I would like to build an ADS that would allow me to stretch at work but I haven't crafted anything in my head that I think would work. I would like to build a length-master so that I could really rip my stubborn penis out of my damn body. I know the best method for gains is added time and added effort but I'm not in a position right now where I can add more time to my routine, and I'm not seeing results from what I've been doing. Like I mentioned, if I got 2 or 3 days without the routine my flacid goes back to it's old self. Maybe it's just cold in my basement :s

But yeah any modifications to my routine I am willing to try. I mostly stopped trying for length gains once I got the BM as I thought it would be easier to get girth with the BM than length with my hands, but gains seem hard in general for me. I don't think I've gained a half inch in either dimension since I started PE. But I gotta keep tryin! I think a reasonable goal for me would be a half inch in both dimensions!!
I have quite significant discoloration, and is very dark. I attribute it to clamping and the BM. I have had this before, over the decades I've been doing PE, and the only way to get rid of it, in my experience, is to lay off all girth work. And it doesn't clear up overnight. It takes many months. I've just come to accept that if I want significant increases in girth, discoloration is unavoidable, at least for me. But it does look pretty bizarre, and If someone, like my doctor, were to see it, he'd wonder if I'd been in some kind of accident. No bullshit, it's that dark.
what was a total BM game-changer for me was the addition of the VacuVin mod which triples (at least) the amount of pressure you can impart (just be careful)
I definitely looked into the wine vac mod when I first got the BM, but decided to wait until I had more experience with it. I still get decent fluid buildup, would the wine vac not make this worse? Sure, I love it when I come out of the tube and my dick doubled in size, but then after a few minutes I can tell it is all just fluid and no real tissue expansion and then I feel like there's no gains involved with that. I have seen threads mentioning silicon sleeves for reducing edema while pumping. I'd be open to getting the wine vac but I want to ensure the extra pressure goes into tissue expansion instead of just sucking more fluid into my beef whistle.
jorgsmashh;745901 said:
I definitely looked into the wine vac mod when I first got the BM, but decided to wait until I had more experience with it. I still get decent fluid buildup, would the wine vac not make this worse? Sure, I love it when I come out of the tube and my dick doubled in size, but then after a few minutes I can tell it is all just fluid and no real tissue expansion and then I feel like there's no gains involved with that. I have seen threads mentioning silicon sleeves for reducing edema while pumping. I'd be open to getting the wine vac but I want to ensure the extra pressure goes into tissue expansion instead of just sucking more fluid into my beef whistle.

It will not make it worse, it will simply add more intensity. Fluid buildup has much more to do with time than intensity. Most find at 5 minutes retention begins so the is why SRT puts forth the 5x5x3 routine. Even if you are going for longer sets I would still incorporate the SSJ into the session to disperse as much of the retention across the penis as possible. Again, retention is neither good nor bad in itself but the goal is always tissue expansion over retention. Also keep in mind that retention will happen to everyone from one degree or another.
doublelongdaddy;745908 said:
It will not make it worse, it will simply add more intensity. Fluid buildup has much more to do with time than intensity. Most find at 5 minutes retention begins so the is why SRT puts forth the 5x5x3 routine. Even if you are going for longer sets I would still incorporate the SSJ into the session to disperse as much of the retention across the penis as possible. Again, retention is neither good nor bad in itself but the goal is always tissue expansion over retention. Also keep in mind that retention will happen to everyone from one degree or another.

Anything I can do with my routine besides the vine vac and adding more ssjs? I'm wanting to really see some visual gains.
go into the cylinder with as high EQ as you can muster and maintain it throughout the session...kegel/rk, rinse repeat repeatedly, lol
jorgsmashh;745933 said:
Anything I can do with my routine besides the vine vac and adding more ssjs? I'm wanting to really see some visual gains.

Some men can go longer than others and this is something you will have to test. Try going with 10x10x3 and see where that lands you. If it is too much cut down to 8x8x3, etc. Some men can handle much more than others. The only way to discover this is by testing.
I know there is tons of information out there on using the Vac mod and the best way to set it up. I'm wondering how to use it without applying any downward pressure on the valve and releasing pressure. I get the idea of it but it seems to me in order to use it you would need to press it down on the tip of the BM and it is very easy to accidentally let out some pressure.
If you are doing the WV mod on your BM you will be removing the valve that comes stock on the BM and replacing it with the WV
Lookn4girth;747671 said:
If you are doing the WV mod on your BM you will be removing the valve that comes stock on the BM and replacing it with the WV

If you remove the top plastic piece and the black valve, how do you get a good seal with the VV?
Lookn4girth;747671 said:
If you are doing the WV mod on your BM you will be removing the valve that comes stock on the BM and replacing it with the WV

So I took a week break from PE and did 10 minutes in the BM last night at max pressure and came out with an ass ton of fluid retention. Will the wine vacuum mod with increased pressure not just increase this problem?
jorgsmashh;747676 said:
So I took a week break from PE and did 10 minutes in the BM last night at max pressure and came out with an ass ton of fluid retention. Will the wine vacuum mod with increased pressure not just increase this problem?

What causes the retention is going into the pump for too long. 5 minutes is where many men start to take on fluid and at this point get in some SSJ to counter the fluid and continue with another set. This will always reduce discoloration and retention.
Fillerup;747674 said:
If you remove the top plastic piece and the black valve, how do you get a good seal with the VV?

From what I remember, the valve is removed and the cork/stopper that comes with the WV is placed in the hole where the valve was. There is a video here on MOS that shows how that works. I have not done the mod myself as I have the extreme model that came with the hand pump but from looking at the video it looks fairly easy to do. There are some here that have done it and may be able to give you any details that I left out
jorgsmashh;747676 said:
So I took a week break from PE and did 10 minutes in the BM last night at max pressure and came out with an ass ton of fluid retention. Will the wine vacuum mod with increased pressure not just increase this problem?

As DLD stated in his reply, I think it is going to be the amount of time you are staying in the tube at one session. There are guys here that pump for longer sessions but they have been doing it longer than I have. When I started pumping with the X30 I was following the instructions and pumping for too long and I had FR like crazy. Since I started using the 5x5x3 method, I rarely get FR at all. There is nothing wrong with increasing your intensity but you may need to work up to that level over a period of time. Hope this helps a little and feel free to ask any questions
as L4G mentioned, replacing that awful Bathmate valve w/the VV stopper will be a game-changer. All you have to do is take a small, flat-tipped screwdriver and pry-off (carefully) the BM valve which will essentially leaves you with a cylinder that has an opening at the top to (almost exactly) fit the VV cork. I use a rubber 'O' ring to keep the cork in place while filling the cylinder w/H2O...once filled, place over your erection and use the VV pump to extract the water and increase the pressure (just go slowly until you're accustomed to the power)
Big Schwanz Acht;747736 said:
as L4G mentioned, replacing that awful Bathmate valve w/the VV stopper will be a game-changer. All you have to do is take a small, flat-tipped screwdriver and pry-off (carefully) the BM valve which will essentially leaves you with a cylinder that has an opening at the top to (almost exactly) fit the VV cork. I use a rubber 'O' ring to keep the cork in place while filling the cylinder w/H2O...once filled, place over your erection and use the VV pump to extract the water and increase the pressure (just go slowly until you're accustomed to the power)

Actually, I have been using the vacu vin, but in a different manner. I would simply go into the tube as normal, pump to a point, then position the VV over top of the valve. You have to position it just right, and may have to play around a bit, but I usually find the "sweet spot" within 10 seconds. Then I pump up to where I think if I went any higher, I would explode. It's actually quite painful, but I think that is what has been termed Gaiter bite? Not sure what to do about that. I have taken the top off with a screwdriver as you described and removed the valve, inserted the VV, which "almost" fits. But I just tried applying it to my abdomen to see if it would work. But I couldn't get it to pump and seal. I guess maybe that O-ring may be the key? In any event, what I am doing is working, just a little finicky, and sometimes the VV may press the valve, thus releasing vacuum. But I'm quickly back up there, and once I'm pumped as high as I dare go, I can remove the VV and it holds. Another thing I should point out is that I do not use the Hydromax in the shower or tub. I've pretty much figured out how much water to put in the pump such that, when fully pumped, my penis is submerged but still some air space at the top. That way, I can sit back in my recliner, watch tv or whatever. No water gets pumped out, no mess. Works like a charm!
If you have a certain volume of air in the chamber so that you pump up to max pressure but still no water comes out, if I'm correct, you are cutting yourself short on pressure. The whole idea of the water is that it is a better medium to create the vaccum. So, like I said if I'm correct, if you were to replace that air space with water, you would be increasing pressure because the air is limiting that amount of pressure you can achieve. I have noticed myself if the BM is completely full, the pump feels better and more pressure than if there is air in the pump. Hell, if I have a bad seal and even just a few tiny bubbles seep in, I notice and feel a drop in pressure. But who am I to teach you have gained over an inch in girth lol.
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