Acai Antioxidant


Nov 21, 2003
Has anyone been using or taking acai juice or supplements for a while? I want to know what effects it has over the long run.
dont think i trust that site
"Our Acai is a pure 2 to 1 ratio Extract. This means that it takes more then 2 kilos of pure pulp to make 1 kilo of our extract"
then a few lines down
"It takes four (4) kilos of Pulp to make one (1) kilo of our Extract."
I buy it at the grocery store. I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this or have been drinking acai juice for a while. This is not an advertisement.
I take a powdered isotonic form of has other stuff in it too. Not sure how good it is because I just started it.
I work with a guy that is involved in a multi-level marketing company called Monavie that is selling a juice made up of the Acai berry. He swears by the stuff, has tried to get me involved, and is up to receiving $1000 per month checks after only about 5 months.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, it has many of the downfalls of other MLMs. The juice costs over $30 per week and that's at the wholesale distributor price. The retail price is over $40 per week supply. Therefore, the only people that can afford to take it and benefit from the price break are going to be distributors. So, if you become a distributor you need to take everyone to meetings and the whole nine yards and sell people that just want to try the product on the "opportunity".
So far it does all the things it says it does. I'll keep going for a few weeks and see.
There is a smoothie shop across the road from where I work. They sell a Acai smoothie. I can't say I noticed any benifits from it. Other than it is delicious and its healthy. Many brazilian athletes eat/drink it and swear by it.

That said, I'm not sure if the quality is up to much in this shop, if indeed quality makes a difference.

Drinking it everyday would cost about €30 per week which is maybe 40 dollah, which is very affordable here.

I really appreciate someone responding to me. I'm not trying to sell anything i'm just trying to figure out if this stuff is good over a long period of time. I mean they sell this stuff at wildoats, fresh market, and almost any major grocery store. Thanks pest.
"Magnonee" by NOW nutrition is really good! I take 2 tbs 2 times daily and it really makes you feel good with more energy...

It's got an 80,000 ORAC value per bottle!

It has Acai, magnosteen, goji, and a couple other ingrediants...and it's really thick, so it's not mainly water...

You oughta check it out.
It's also important to note that of these things actually don't give you energy. The body uses fats, carbs, and protein to obtain energy (I know everyone knows this). If someone is in a horrible diet and just decides to take Acai and Magnosteen with vits and minirals they won't have that great of an effect.

Another important not is not what you take, but how you take it and how it comes (powder, liquid, solid). Something that is isotonic will work with maximal power because it is isotonic in that it works with the pressure of the rest of the liquids in your body (tears, body fluids ect) going to work as fast and efficiently as possible.

While all these things are great supplements, they aren't really any good unless you are eating right. You would just be dumping good fuel into a dirty busted car.
Your exactly right Juggers... and these supplements for the most part are "whole food" supplements so they can be good for the fruit category, to an extent...

"you would be dumping good fuel into a dirty busted car."

or uploading new software and important documents to a virus and worm infested

I would add in a complete body detoxification program...while only eating fresh natural'll find out that how you feel on your best day right now, is how you would feel on your worse day, being detoxed...
Yeap, I've tried it. I take it for breakfast with oat. Two weeks and lost 4 kilos. In the first week I was shitting yellow, grease coming out.

I'm a fan. :D
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