Jun 3, 2003
April 13, 2005
Witer; Unknown

Penis Enlargement as Body Mod

A fine piece of sex writing appeared in yesterday's Salon about natural penis enlargement. Email inboxes everywhere have probably led most of us to equate natural penis enlargement to "enhancement," that sili word that was spammed across the 'netiverse before spam blocking became commonplace. But reading about Mike Salvini and his daily regime, I can't help see his practices as a body modification thing.

Really, how is it different from putting a plug in your earlobe to stretch its piercing? Or going for transdermal implants? And, hey, let's not forget that there's a whole range of genital modification going out out there, from penis splitting to urethral modifications to (gasp!) both quasi- and complete castration. Body mods may not seem as rife as they were a decade ago, but there's still plenty of activity out there.

Let's fact it: Salvini's body mod tact is eye catching because it involves his penis and it suggests that anyone with a dick and dedication can follow in the late John Holmes' footsteps. Myself, I'm struggling to avoid ludicrous thoughts of legions Holmes-type men wandering about ala Night of the Living Dead, but I can't help it, having seen too many men get a little too dumbfounded over their dicks.

Despite my wild imagination, I truly have no problem with penis stretching practices. Truth be known, I'm pretty good at administering a scrotal saline inflation and my loved one enjoys the fullness of a big ball sac. He enjoys experiencing the changing sensations as his sac "pancakes" and his body absorbs the saline. He's particularly enamored with the permanent changes to his sac, from its slightly larger size due to stretching to, especially, the feel of hard nuts inside a saggy sac after orgasm. He really loves that last one.

Personally, I enjoy giving him the inflation. Believe me, sinking the needle catheter into the sac (No, you don't put it in the testicles, folks.) is the least of it. I love setting the drip and controlling it at whim, then sitting back at watching his sac expand. I love seeing his expression as he rises and has to cup his jewels. And, when all's said and done, I get a trannyboy kind of rush, watching him capture the big boys in a jockstrap.

So I understand Salvini's penis enlargement thing. But what about his OCD/BDD/agoraphia/whateveryouwanttolabelhim? Well, he's got his meds and he's clean, so so what if he's a colorful eccentric? He's certainly putting his obsessive behaviors to better use now than when he used hard drugs and liquor to self-medicate. Tell me, too, how is what he's doing any different from the body sculpting procedures millions of American run to their plastic surgeons to get.

Risking a tangent (but I've a point), as the mother of an Asperger teenager who has plenty of OCD tics and behaviors, sometimes the best way to handle things is to provide adaptive paths. I let my son tic away unless they grow a bit messy. Then, we devise alternative, compensating outlets for them. Feeling the urge to flick the bird? How about using that finger-tapping tic instead? Nobody will notice it involves your middle finger. Need to spout that "pensicitis!" verbal tic? Your girlfriend's coming over soon; better work on subduing that one for the day, OK?

See my point? Some brain surges can't be totally quelled. Meds can dampen it, but if the level of affectedness is exceptionally strong, an individual will always have some level of urge. That's as true with the BDD urge as it is with handwashing or tics. In many cases, as this now fee-required NYT health article details (if memory serves), it's often best to help the BDD individual satisfy the urge safely rather than thwarting it.

Certainly, it's always difficult to know when enough is enough -- Michael Jackson's nose is proof of that -- and it's difficult to say when Salvini will feel satisfied with his size. And, yes, some body mods can bear quality of life issues. What if his girlfriend misses getting buried to the hilt? Or he reaches his goal and, for whatever reason, it's still not big enough? Or he damages the spongy tissue and can't achieve an erection? Maybe Viagra takes care of that last one, I don't know, but what if he ever needs a urinary catheter in a health crisis? Do they even make them that long?

So, yes, I have some concerns. But I know from my own body mod experiences and medical play that the body's capable of much and the mind's capable of enjoying many so-called deviant practices. Heck, a plastic lock holds my four labia rings captive as I write this so the last thing I'm going to do is add another label to Mike Salvini state of being. And I know the medical emergency limitations that come with body mods, too, like that fact that MRIs and tattoos don't go well together. Bet you didn't know there's magnetically affected metals in the body ink and your skin can heat up during an MRI, huh? And guess what I have on my back and hip? Yup, tattoos.

Pleasure is the very basis of erotic fulfillment and I'm not about to sacrifice mine by giving up the weird sex stuff I do. And if I'm not holding myself to a prudish standard, I'm certainly not going to dump on Mike Salvini and his impressive sword of size. He has a much right to his big dick as I do to my locked labia.

lol Very interesting article! This is really spreading isn't it?
Thats funny because I was wondering recently if the Body Modification communities would be into Penis Enlargement.

A "colorful eccentric"! DLD you are awesome man!
philadelph said:
Thats funny because I was wondering recently if the Body Modification communities would be into Penis Enlargement.

I never really thought about it on this level and it is strange because I always make the analogy with penis stretching to ear stretching. I loved the guys style of writing, a very fun article.
Since "he" had locked labia, I'm pretty sure the writer was a woman. :D
9cyclops9 said:
Since "he" had locked labia, I'm pretty sure the writer was a woman. :D

I did not understand that, I though it was in reference to his girl:D
I never considered Penis Enlargement to be on the same plane as those body modifications listed above, piercings, tatoos, ect. I thought of Penis Enlargement as a more "natural" thing. In my mind its is most similar to weightlifting. Condition the body, condition the cock. Make the arms/chest.back bigger/stronger, same as jelqing, stretching, ect. Interesting article though.
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