3 month progress


Active member
Jan 7, 2023
Hey bros

thought I give you an update post 3.5 months into using the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like I’ve made any gains. I wasn’t going to measure until July but felt bigger and was curious to know.

when I measured I was pretty much the same in length and girth and I’ve been stretching everyday. Doing lots of bundled stretches and at least 30mins each day.
Am I doing something wrong?
Just to add that in terms of bundled stretches I can rotate the length at least 3 full turns, was only able to do 2 at the max when I started
Hey bros

thought I give you an update post 3.5 months into using the LengthMaster. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like I’ve made any gains. I wasn’t going to measure until July but felt bigger and was curious to know.

when I measured I was pretty much the same in length and girth and I’ve been stretching everyday. Doing lots of bundled stretches and at least 30mins each day.
Am I doing something wrong?

Just to add that in terms of bundled stretches I can rotate the length at least 3 full turns, was only able to do 2 at the max when I started
You need to increase the intensity as you progress. That is; You need to increase the stretching force. Also it's better if you split up the sessions. Try aiming for 20 minutes sessions, 2 to 3 times per day.

Your time under tention is to low. You need to increase the stretching time and the stretching force.

Watch this video:
🔗 07. How to Break Penis Enlargement Exercises Into Sets (FAQ video with DLD).

and this one:

🔗 DLD Explains Mistakes People Make!!!

If you can do your sessions without any problems every day and without any soreness, your intensity isn't high enough. You should feel that you need a rest day from time to time.

This is your problem i believe: Not high enough intensity.

I have some questions:
- Do you always keep your penis in an elongated state when you are not stretching?

- Are you doing Kegels?

- Are you doing reverse Kegels when you stretch, so you stretch your inner penis as well?

- What kind of stretching exercises are you doing with the lengthmaster? Please explain for me how you are stretching so I can help you better.
The best thing would be if you uploaded a video of your stretching session. With this I could figure out why you have not seen any gains.

Kind regards.
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Hey @squirt_inducer_man thanks for your response. My routine is as follows.

warm up using infra red heat pad.

Bundled stretches straight down and out
Bundled stretches to the left and right
Bundled stretches up

I do the above for at least 15 minutes with good tension.

then I do the A and Y stretch for 4 sets

then bundled stretches behind the cheeks for 4 sets.

the above takes me 35 minutes.

then I wrap with a sports wrap and silli sleeveto stay in an elongated state.

I hope you can give me some good pointers on what I can do to improve and make gains as I feel I’ve water 3 months.
I will also watch the video links for further guidance
Hey @squirt_inducer_man thanks for your response. My routine is as follows.

warm up using infra red heat pad.

Bundled stretches straight down and out
Bundled stretches to the left and right
Bundled stretches up

I do the above for at least 15 minutes with good tension.

then I do the A and Y stretch for 4 sets

then bundled stretches behind the cheeks for 4 sets.

the above takes me 35 minutes.

then I wrap with a sports wrap and silli sleeveto stay in an elongated state.

I hope you can give me some good pointers on what I can do to improve and make gains as I feel I’ve water 3 months.
I will also watch the video links for further guidance
What if you only focused on downward bundled stretches and then progress into bundled stretches behind the cheeks? Do this with high intensity 1-3 times per day.

Have you seen my videos?
Just to add I’ve not been doing reverse kegels when stretching, not exactly sure how I do those when stretching
Yes I watched the videos. So shall I just do downward bundled stretches, let’s say 3 x 15 min sessions a day. Ideally want length gains as a priority. What do you suggest @DLD
Yes I watched the videos. So shall I just do downward bundled stretches, let’s say 3 x 15 min sessions a day. Ideally want length gains as a priority. What do you suggest @DLD
If you could do 2x20 minutes sessions and do them with so much intensity that you can't do the third one that would be best.

Reverse Kegels it's just that you relax your PC muscles. Just stretch hard and this will happen automatically. Relax into the stretch hard and let it happen.

I believe you do not stretch hard enough you must force the tissue to elongate.
Ok, I’ll add more intensity. I did notice that I can stretch to 8inches which I couldn’t before, but I’ll increase the intensity and do 2 x 20min sessions
Btw how long shall I stretch for? Continuous or for 1 minute and then rest 30 seconds and repeat?
Also should my whole penis be wrapped or just where it’s clamped down on with the lengthmaster?
Btw how long shall I stretch for? Continuous or for 1 minute and then rest 30 seconds and repeat?
Hold the stretch hard for 1 minute. No rest. Bundle to the left stretch for 1 minute then rotate to the right and bundle stretch for 1 minute repet.

I split the sessions up 10 minx2 and I detach and unwrap during that rest.
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Perfect I’ll get into this routine in the morning. Thanks so much. I’ll feedback on how I’m getting on in 30 days
Perfect I’ll get into this routine in the morning. Thanks so much. I’ll feedback on how I’m getting on in 30 days
You're welcome brother.
Just write here if you want feedback.

By the way: What is your goal in length?
Perfect I’ll get into this routine in the morning. Thanks so much. I’ll feedback on how I’m getting on in 30 days
Keep us up to date and do not be afraid of increasing time and intensity as you can
@Hungthespian believe me. You can stretch so insanely hard with the lengthmaster. Do it safe. But if you stretch hard you will gain faster.
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