Mike3209;765930 said:
Get after it brother! I just started hanging as well. Ready to see what hanging yields.

I'm glad you have joined the train. I got a gallon yesterday and filled it with water but I'm yet to use it. I just want to travel on my short trip and come back first before going hardcore. Right now I'm just using the LengthMaster for 20 mins daily for maintenance. I will be traveling by Wednesday or Thursday for only a few days. When I come back, I will embark on a 6 months LengthMaster/hanging journey.
Mike3209;765930 said:
Get after it brother! I just started hanging as well. Ready to see what hanging yields.

I'm going for it and there is no going back.
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huge-girth;766032 said:
I'm going for it and there is no going back.

Have you used your LengthMaster to hang yet? I think you will enjoy the comfort of the chamber when hanging. It gives such a broad area of grip which really helps evenly distribute the weight.
doublelongdaddy;766213 said:
Have you used your LengthMaster to hang yet? I think you will enjoy the comfort of the chamber when hanging. It gives such a broad area of grip which really helps evenly distribute the weight.

I need to come back from my short trip before starting the hanging stuff. But I have used the LengthMaster to hang before. it was comfortable.
huge-girth;766314 said:
I need to come back from my short trip before starting the hanging stuff. But I have used the LengthMaster to hang before. it was comfortable.

Where are you off to?
doublelongdaddy;766546 said:
Business or Pleasure? :)

Business for sure. I'm trying to get a job. I'm so broke and frustrated.
huge-girth;766626 said:
Business for sure. I'm trying to get a job. I'm so broke and frustrated.

You and I both :(
doublelongdaddy;766697 said:
You and I both :(

Things will surely get better. Once I arrive back from my trip I will start hanging intensely.
huge-girth;766765 said:
Things will surely get better. Once I arrive back from my trip I will start hanging intensely.

I am sure of it and now I have a few other people helping me with things (thanks for donating your time!) and I will also be introducing a whole new line of products this month, if the deal goes through. Big things in the future.
doublelongdaddy;766808 said:
I am sure of it and now I have a few other people helping me with things (thanks for donating your time!) and I will also be introducing a whole new line of products this month, if the deal goes through. Big things in the future.

looking forward to those new products you talked about.
huge-girth;764344 said:
As per the subject, what do you guys think my gain will be in 6 months if I hang for 1 hour and also use my LengthMaster for 1 hour?

Will I gain up to 1.25 inches? I will start hanging by the weekend.

I’m gonna start my second hanging routine in a few weeks. Now i’m stretching daily with lengthmaster and jelqing. When new semester begins i’ll incorporate 2 hours of hanging each day.

I’ll be doing 10 mins bundled lengthmaster stretching and then hanging. Slowly building up to 20-25 pounds for tunica gains.
Mike3209;764480 said:
Would two a day work? How long for each session?

For significant gains a minimum of 10hours per week is a must to gain efficiently with hanging.

That’s like 1 hour and 40 mins each day, 5 sets of 20 mins per day, very managable
DutchAthletic92;766986 said:
For significant gains a minimum of 10hours per week is a must to gain efficiently with hanging.

That’s like 1 hour and 40 mins each day, 5 sets of 20 mins per day, very managable

5 sets of 20 minute is the best routine. That is what I did.
DutchAthletic92;766984 said:
I’m gonna start my second hanging routine in a few weeks. Now i’m stretching daily with lengthmaster and jelqing. When new semester begins i’ll incorporate 2 hours of hanging each day.

I’ll be doing 10 mins bundled lengthmaster stretching and then hanging. Slowly building up to 20-25 pounds for tunica gains.

2 hours of hanging is a lot. I can only do 1 hour of hanging and another 1 hour of LengthMaster stretches.
huge-girth;767139 said:
2 hours of hanging is a lot. I can only do 1 hour of hanging and another 1 hour of LengthMaster stretches.

True it is alot! And with wrapping / unwrapping / restoring circulation and everything it costs me 3 full hours of being busy with PE.

Can you imagine bib? He was one of the first hangers and he gained 4.5 inches erect length! He started at 6 inches BPEL and ended at 10.5 inches BPEL. He worked from home and was sitting at his desk all day. He hanged daily for 8 hours... He said it could have been done with 4 hours daily, but he was way too determined to gain. 4 hours is 12 sets, I had to stay at home all day in order to get in 12 sets. Maybe this is possible on my holiday / summer vacations. 😃

When i’m really pressed for time, i’m capped at 10 hours per week. That’s the minimum.

That’s 5 sets on monday + tuesday
And 4 sets from wednesday till sunday

But whenever I have more free time I try to get in 6 sets per day that’s 14 hours per week. I’m single and I live in a dorm room. I don’t have kids or girlfriend. I’m in monk mode and PE’ing / self improving.
There's no need to unwrap and re wrap between each hanging set. None at all. Just remove your hanger and massage and palpate your penis to restore blood flow. Replace your hanger about 5 minutes later and hang another set.

I know we are trying to sell Langhtmasters here, but a dedicated hanger can just hang for two hours vs hang an hour total time, then stretch an hour. It's a more efficient approach. Why hang with a known resistance level for an hour, then spend another hour guessing? Makes me think of meeting your personal trainer at the gym, having them tell you what to do for the first hour, then putting on a blind fold and stumbling around for another hour.
stillwantmore2;767178 said:
There's no need to unwrap and re wrap between each hanging set. None at all. Just remove your hanger and massage and palpate your penis to restore blood flow. Replace your hanger about 5 minutes later and hang another set.

I know we are trying to sell Langhtmasters here, but a dedicated hanger can just hang for two hours vs hang an hour total time, then stretch an hour. It's a more efficient approach. Why hang with a known resistance level for an hour, then spend another hour guessing? Makes me think of meeting your personal trainer at the gym, having them tell you what to do for the first hour, then putting on a blind fold and stumbling around for another hour.

I always wondered how much force I can exert with pulling. I think it’s between 5-10kg but not constant.
The lengthmaster is a really good warming up tool, pre bundled stretches before hanging. And to maintain gains while not active PE’ing

I restore bloodflow with some ulis / slow squash dry jelqs and my wrap is very easy to rewrap, it’s just a 1 inch wide THERABAND wrap.

Bib said you can’t do girth work with hanging, but jelqing is girth work right? He says to lightjelq after you’re done hanging. 10-20 mins. In my eyes that’s still some girth work being done, and you can still gain girth from it while hanging.

The penis is a balloon right? Like DLD said, it expans in all directions, so why couldn’t we gain some girth along with hanging?
It's perfectly fine to also train girth when hanging. The idea is to hang first though, so swelling from the girth work doesn't affect hanger fit or make hanging too uncomfortable to do.
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