I think there is a lot of room here for decisions both ways. Sometime in a young mans life with so much going on in the world today, he needs to build confidence. If he is mature in his thinking and asks, why not tell him about Penis Enlargement. I would have given anything to know about this when I was a young man. There are times when obsession to various things need to be directed. If a boy is needed help and asks for it, then with guidance and careful wisdom you can give it. What age? That I can't answer but I don't think kids today are as sheltered as we might think. Insecurities in the penis department often cause insecurities in other areas. Security in the penis/
package gives security in other areas. I have seen 20 year olds with hormone problems that kept their penis as a Baby and once they got that fixed their whole lif changed for the better, confidence replaced shame and fear. There are some basic rules that need to prevail. No touching if you are going to explain this to your son. There are some very good video's to explain things like jelqing and stretching etc. Discussion as to the basics and the anatomy of the male surely are in order. Better to teach your son yourself than have him learn wrongly from someone else. As to how to approach it. That might be left to some natural thing. If he wants to learn, let him ask. Or if you ask, "son, do you want to know anything about penis enlargement?" If he responds, so be it, if he says no, that is the end of it. Some transparency is going to have to be involved here on your part. May be that you don't want to open this door, and if so, that is fine too. Just remember that every boy has some interest at one time or another. The masterbation subject is dealt with at schools, why not at home? Sex is discussed at school, why not at home? Discussed openly and candidly at home in private is, imo, appropriate.
A friend had a son that was dealing with some issues and asked me to discuss with the boy some of these things. Carefully I approached this and the young man was actually horrified of what was happening to him in puberty. I was able to answer questions and starthim down a road of understanding and success. He asked intelligent questions and started on a basic regiment of Penis Enlargement. I discussed this all over again, in the presence of his father and that opened a door for this father with his two boys that has continued as they have grown up. Thanks for listening. GS