All good points and good posts. Here's a generalization that I think we can all agree with. Women respond to how well you make them feel about themselves one, and two the way you make them feel when they are around YOU. Remember that the behavior you exhibit creates a emotion in a woman, whether its you intention or not, it's created. A bad boy, as we like to call it is just a guy who is "exciting, fun, lives, on the edge, doesn't give a shit about what everybody thinks.....but that's just ONE emotion trail, which is why most women don't stick around with bad boys. Not all, but many are one trick ponies....they create very similar emotions which for a confident women, will become boring and mundane. Women will sometimes stick around for the challenge, but eventually even that begins to bore her.
Women need emotional variety, they need to be taken on a ride....... excite her, make her feel incredible, keep her guessing, and when you fuck her, devour her! The more emotional variety you give a women, the more intense, and the deeper you allow her to feel her OWN LIFE, her own self in that very moment, the more attached and interested she will become.
There's the wonderful illusion out there that all women want bad boys, and pricks. Total bullshit. Women want to FEEL their lives and they want to feel like the man they are with will help them. The so called bad boy creates this incredible mystery and interest for allows them to feel excitement, passion, longing, desire, and challenge.
I've got to say this. You want to learn real game? Talk to the guys that have been married for 10 or more years who have 2-3 kid and still come home each night and their hot ass wives drop to their knees and begs for it every night. Those are the guys with game. What's more difficult? Running some basic patterns, lines, and ideals on a woman you just met, all so you can demonstrate some temporary value to get laid? She thinks you are fantastic because you just did something 98% of them men out there don't do. Congrats, you get laid. Or the guy who has SUSTENANCE, real value. The guy she's seen walking around in his underwear, who leaves his socks laying around, and his shit everywhere, and she can't keep her hands off him. Someone he's made her world exciting for 10 years, not 2-3 hours. She feels alive around him, like she can be anything she wants around him, a dirty slut or an incredible mother. He creates emotional variety in her life, massive sexual tension, and he can sense what frame of mind she's in.....what she needs in that very moment. Because he stays PRESENT with her. He creates the exact path of emotion that she wants to feel in that very moment! Think about that. Think about how powerful it is to be able to create the exact, or similar emotion she wants to feel in that very moment.
The housewife you guys are referring to is the BORED woman who comes home to the husband who begs for boring ass sex, and can barely make it 5 minutes without being exhausted. He creates no excitement, no passion, and the sex sucks. He's too busy watching the game and raising a family to pay notice that she wants to be a dirty slut tonight....and even if he did notice he wouldn't know what to do. So of course that housewife is going to get a strong emotional response from the bad boy.....hell he's exactly what she needs....IN THAT MOMENT. But that's all he'll ever what she needs when that part of her life is missing. What happens when that part of her life is all filled up....back to the hubby.
Find a way to be all of it, and you might be surprised how easy it is, and you'll unlock the key to women!