What is the most effective over-the-counter weight loss pill?

Calcium was suspected to truly help it and it has been researched, but I don't know the result.

The only things that truly help are sufficient amounts of all nutrients.

Fish Oil Omega3 might be the answer.
Kelp will help you out, high in Iodine which is good for the thyroid. You need to exercise hard still, no matter what pill you take.
Agree with RED

Supplements only go so far. You got to bust your ass to get towards your goal. Worry about diet first. So many people can get there goals with out wasting money on supps. There are more supps that dont work than that do. Look at your diet and see what can be fixed. You can Multivitamins, fish oil,etc. stuff like that, that is good for everyone trying to improve there health but so many people Think they will find the miracle drug and there isnt one. Do your homework on nutrition before diet pills. Those are maybe the most dangerous things you can buy in any store. I have a ton of bad stories of people taking diet pills. Some of them are with people who took the suggested amount to and still had problems from it.
marinasmath;377375 said:
I know I need to exercise and gain a healthy lifestyle, but what are the best weight loss pills to help support my weight loss?
Or is there any vitamins/mineral that will support weight loss?

If your talking weight lose pills, and not supplements that help with weight loss, then I would recommend checking out VPX Meltdown. I don't like weight lose pills, but this one not only worked for me, but didn't have anything in it to give me the jitters :-)
My two cents: newbie09 has an excellent point with the calcium; on a reduced calorie diet calcium supplements can increase your weight loss by 50%, and if you get the calcium from dairy foods it can double your weight loss. Fish oil is also excellent, as it boosts your metabolism slightly, fills you up a bit and can reduce inflammation so you can work out both harder and more often. Others to consider are:

L-Carnitine - Straight up metabolism and energy boost; start off with half the recommended dosage as it can make you jittery and make your heart really thump.
Caffeine - A classic. Not only has caffeine been shown to slightly boost your metabolism it also acts as an appetite suppressant. Shown to be even more efficient when used with the L-Carnitine, but again: Start off slow!
EGCG/Green tea - A safe, healthy metabolism boost; no jitters or palpitations. As an added bonus it's been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of cancer (Assuming you already have a healthy lift style of course) and has cardiovascular benefits as well.
Hoodia - This herb has a reputation of being a good appetite suppressant, though the jury is still out on it's actual efficacy. If you can find it cheap give it a shot, but don't pay more than maybe $15 for it. Anyone want to chime in on this?
Fiber - Fills you up, suppresses the appetite and can lower your risk of cancer.
Water - A no brainer; not really a supplement of course but it's proven that drinking plenty of water helps suppress the appetite, improve metabolism, improve muscle function, improve workout intensity and duration, the list goes on forever.

Now if you're looking for an over-the-counter fat burner (Usually referred to as a Thermogenic) you need to be careful. A lot of them rely heavily on stimulants that can cause jitters, nausea, heart palpitations and so forth. The concern is that if you have elevated blood pressure, cholesterol or blocked arteries one of these stimulants can increase your risk of stroke, heart attack and nerve damage. Check with your doctor before you go out and get a straight up fat-burner; they're great for otherwise healthy people who need to lose that last ten to twenty pounds but they can be dangerous if you're trying to lose much more.

Last thing: Muscle milk. I love the stuff, and I've found that having it for breakfast is a great metabolism boost and appetite suppressant. The Casein protein in Muscle Milk is slow to digest, leaving you feeling fuller longer. Of course you can use any brand of Casein protein, I just think that Muscle Milk tastes the best. :D Give it a shot; if you don't like it just make use of it after workouts or before bed.

Hope this was helpful!
One more thing to chime in then I'm done. Diet. It's all about diet. Girth Hammer was kind enough to remind me of that on another thread just moments ago. If I may suggest, in a world where there are as many different diets at there are people on them (The No-Cherry diet, the All-Cherry diet, the Cherry on Sunday diet....) there is still a classic out there that works for 99% of the people who stick to it: Old fashioned reduced calorie. There are a lot of benefits to this diet. People who go on it and stick to it keep the weight off. There's almost no math (Calorie X + Calorie Y =...) You can eat -anything- you want so long as you stay at or below your threshold. You get to eat a lot more food than you might imagine; you'd be surprised how much you eat, not to mention how much you don't eat, when you pay attention. Again, I know this doesn't address your initial question but I think it bears mentioning. Anyhow, best of luck, let us all know how it's going!! :D
Diet is number one. You're best OTC fat burner will cost you a fraction of all the $50+ fat burners with the fancy labels in all the supp shops.
Get you some sudafed or bronkaid, some caffeine pills, and you could toss in some aspirin though not needed. What you have here is the famous EC or ECA stack.
DNP is the strongest one but is dangerous if you don't know what youre doing.

CYX3 is also very affectiv.
Its T3, yohimbine and clenbuterol in one pill.
Its a 3 week syklus.
Please don't take a fat burner. Most are dangerous. I know all the stories of life changing from taking these & all the deaths.

I need to get into the supplement business. I understand the dirty world it is but its a cash cow.
I loved using those fiber pills when I was losing weight. You take one and they expand in your belly making you feel full. I would just take one about an hour before a meal and it really did the trick. Also, taking walks was great too. I was in Florida when I lost most of the weight I lost and walking in the evening was beautiful. I felt very in touch with nature and when I finished walking I felt great. After a while I started to run in the mornings too. i would do 2-3 miles a day and it made me feel INCREDIBLE. I could see the weight coming off. Everyday I was losing a pound and this was SO MOTIVATIONAL. I incorporated some light weight training too, maybe 15 minutes a day. I lifted paint cans on broom handles:) lunges, squats, curls, behind the shoulders, tricep presses and push ups. I kept it very light and easy because I wanted this to become a life change, not a quick vacation. This allowed me to lose 140 pounds very quickly (about 4 months)

I think the most important part of my weight loss was my mind power. I visualized everything. When I ate I imagined the food going into my body and how my body would use it for fuel to burn more fat. With every step I took I would imagine fat dropping off. I would get up in the AM and look in the mirror and squint my eyes until I could see myself as a lean, muscular man. With every exercise I did I imagined it was making me stronger and stronger, leaner and leaner. It was a total mental overhaul but once I got in the habit of visualizing all these things it became natural. The second I truly believed it, IT HAPPenis EnlargementNED.
Much like Penis Enlargement , it requires time and dedication. diet is a huge part like others have said, exercise is also a huge benefit. All it takes is to see your self lose more than a few pounds and you become motivated. There may be times you hit a plateau but thats when you have to step up your game . Diet Pills are not always the answer, just like some penis pills they only help in certain ways and will not totally get you to where you want to be, but with some exercise and dedication you will reach your goals and have a great time getting there. I am currently in this boat of losing weight to compliment my Penis Enlargement efforts, so far I'm doing very well with a diet and vitamin regimen with protien shakes incorporated and some light weight lifting. I've dropped and additional 6.5 pounds in the last 4 days, my metabolism is speeding up and I eat small meals about 4 to 5 times through out the day, protien shakes and protein bars account for my meals in between my regular breakfast lunch and dinner. I;ve started to bulk up a bit and it has made my wife want me even more. Imagine a healthy trim you and your many efforts in Penis Enlargement and how it will make you feel when your woman can't keep her hands off you every time she sees you===Priceless nd you will feel more confident than ever and be in the best shape ever. I read alot on a website called Muscle and Strength, they have diet info and workout routines as well as info on supplements. Alot of the diet pills have caffieine in them and can make you jiddery, also steer clear of ephedran as back in the days of Metabolife it made many people ill and some passed away do to complications with their heart. Yohimbine can have a similar effect and is found in many diet pills. My best suggestion is if you find your self needing to try a diet pill, be careful and pay close attention to how it affects you