What a bitch

So, me and my ex broke up about a month ago - except we've still been seeing and sleeping with each other so it doesn't feel like we broke up at all.

So now she's going out on dates with this other guy, and TELLING me about it. She's not even doing it in a malicious way either - its like she's completely oblivious to the fact that it might hurt me. How the hell can she be so insensitive??

To make matters worse, he's 6'4 and has size 12 feet. Yes I know penis size doesn't necessarily correspond to overall size, but its just my luck in this case it will. I feel really insecure, depressed, and well, just fucked up about it all.

To make matters worse she was talking to me on MSN about it and made a joke about how 'big' he was. When I responded as you might expect, she said she was just kidding and if I was gonna act all stroppy, she didn't want to talk, and she blocked me.

What is it about women that they can be in love with you one minute and then stamp on your heart like a bitch? AND not feel bad about it either? I know I've treated women badly sometimes but I've always felt guilty about it.

I know she's being a total bitch and I should hate her for it, but it's hard to suddenly start hating someone who you've loved for the past year and a half...
if she is like any other woman - she knows EXACTLY what she is doing. she probably wants you to tell her that its hurting you (it gives them control). the fact of the matter is that if you have been seeing her that long then she will be hurting too! she is probably with this guy (if he actually exists) and thinking of you at the same time. this is probably why she is telling you.
my advice is to completely forget about her, change your number etc. by doing this you are not giving her the satisfaction of knowing that you are hurting, but instead moving on with your own life. its not easy to move on but once you stop speaking and seeing eachother its sooo much easier. i hope this is usefull to you :)
Thanks for the advice - unfortunately yes the guy does exist.
I don't actually think thats the situation. I honestly think that she isn't aware that she's hurting my feelings, and I really don't think she's hurting herself. She was never the most emotionally sensitive girl.
I could deal, if she was hurting to. The real hard part for me is knowing that she isn't, while I am.

The best advice yes is probably to completey forget about her, so thanks for that. I just keep picturing her getting ruined by this guy with a huge cock, not good for my self esteem.

I'd feel better if I was gaining through Penis Enlargement, I'd just throw myself into that. But as yet I haven't really gained, since Jan. I'm not sure about investing a lot more time and energy into Penis Enlargement in case it doesn't work (not that I doubt Penis Enlargement, just whether it works for me).
Hey Evo, that's some pretty good advice, I think breakups are pretty painfull either way, but to just chuck it up is probably just as solid as morosing about it all day. Rude-GOD, Penis Enlargement works for everyone, sometimes it takes 3x longer for some people but gains are inevitable, it could be your routine, or a matter of trying different angles or excercises.
Rude_God said:
So, me and my ex broke up about a month ago - except we've still been seeing and sleeping with each other so it doesn't feel like we broke up at all.

So now she's going out on dates with this other guy, and TELLING me about it. She's not even doing it in a malicious way either - its like she's completely oblivious to the fact that it might hurt me. How the hell can she be so insensitive??

To make matters worse, he's 6'4 and has size 12 feet. Yes I know penis size doesn't necessarily correspond to overall size, but its just my luck in this case it will. I feel really insecure, depressed, and well, just fucked up about it all.

To make matters worse she was talking to me on MSN about it and made a joke about how 'big' he was. When I responded as you might expect, she said she was just kidding and if I was gonna act all stroppy, she didn't want to talk, and she blocked me.

What is it about women that they can be in love with you one minute and then stamp on your heart like a bitch? AND not feel bad about it either? I know I've treated women badly sometimes but I've always felt guilty about it.

I know she's being a total bitch and I should hate her for it, but it's hard to suddenly start hating someone who you've loved for the past year and a half...
you cant stop feelings, but what you have to do is get over her. keep busy, thats what im doing, and i have a more fucked up situation than you. Oh and keep in mind woman are evil, and they ARE aware of the things they say, and how to hurt a guy. They are damn good at it too, they cant hurt us physically, because they are girls, so they verbally attack us in the worst ways. Also they know that they can get away with saying the same things, that if a guy said to us we would punch them in the face, but we cant knock a bitch out even if they deserve it. So just know that She knows what she is saying, and how what she says is gonna make you feel. They are manipulative in nature
Thanks for the support guys. I know my situation isn't as bad as a lot of people's - it's hardly a divorce or a bereavement. But of course it still does hurt, so I appreciate your advice. I used to tell alot of my friends who were relationship-dependent that if they weren't happy on their own they'd never be happy with someone, I suppose I should now follow my own advice.
I know that women can be evil and manipulative, its just hard to swallow when the girl who loved me and was so kind, considerate, caring and sweet to me now is just being completely harsh.
This time last year the shoe was on the other foot, I was considering ending it because I wasn't feeling ready for a long term relationship, and she was begging me to stick with her. Now the tables have turned and she's holding all the cards.
best thing to do is keep busy. Penis Enlargement..and focus on ur work or school. if there is a girl around a twork or school talk with her, flirt with her. try to get some sense of somethingback after what happened to you with ur ex. after a while all u'll see is pics and then have the desire to put them away forever or burn them. it's amazing how many you find after you break up. it's like "GODDAMNIT GO AWAY ALREADY >_<!"
Rude_God said:
Thanks for the support guys. I know my situation isn't as bad as a lot of people's - it's hardly a divorce or a bereavement. But of course it still does hurt, so I appreciate your advice. I used to tell alot of my friends who were relationship-dependent that if they weren't happy on their own they'd never be happy with someone, I suppose I should now follow my own advice.
I know that women can be evil and manipulative, its just hard to swallow when the girl who loved me and was so kind, considerate, caring and sweet to me now is just being completely harsh.
This time last year the shoe was on the other foot, I was considering ending it because I wasn't feeling ready for a long term relationship, and she was begging me to stick with her. Now the tables have turned and she's holding all the cards.

Yeah. Being love by a women is the greatest thing that could happen to us mens. But as soon as the women's feelings are gone, she become the very worst thing that ever happen to us. Keep in mind that it will always be like that, that this was not an exeption, but the very rule. The only way to escape this is to give up on womens. But, of course, you are not ready to do this. Remember this: If you wanna enjoy all the good things that a women is able to give you, you gotta be ready to suffer all the mean, ugly things that she will show you soon or later. Nietsche once said (more or less) about womens: "They are the most ugly kind of monsters, but so pleasant, at the same time". And he was fucking right!
Yeah dude it either sounds like she is a dumb bitch or just plain a bitch. I also know what its like to be hurting from a girl and to know without a doubt that they aren't hurting at all.

On a related note I was reading one of those daily articles on netscape. It was an advice column for women and this particular one was about bedside manners (for heterosexual women). Of course it was a woman giving other women advice. Pretty much the only advice she gave was for women to "never make jokes about his size or staying power, while you may think they are funny or cute, he takes such things very seriously". Now while that was good advice (or bad if you consider how many more bitches will use this to hurt men) I had to think to myself "Is this really that much of a common thought that there needs to be an advice column on it?" I mean do that many of them really not realize that that isn't funny? Damn man, maybe we should make some more fat, or stinky pussy jokes so we can get our own little advice column.:s
All the pics, cards, presents etc are already put away in a box :) best thing to do i figured, don't want to have the reminders around. Still finding it hard not to look at all the naked pics and vids I've got on my computer tho...
Rude_God said:
All the pics, cards, presents etc are already put away in a box :) best thing to do i figured, don't want to have the reminders around. Still finding it hard not to look at all the naked pics and vids I've got on my computer tho...
Why don't you get back at her by posting those pics and vids here... ;)
cooldude is correct. Part of life is Letting GO ! Take the lesson at hand making a positive and apply it to the next relationship. Besides, it free you up to go do other things(women). Living a good life is the best revenge.