Viagra Question

Does Viagra sorta numb the penis when being used delaying ejac? This is what I heard somewhere. My girl HATES condoms and so we have yet to use one, and it is hard for me to hold for long. I can go for a bit, but Im done, when she is just getting into it like 5-10 minutes. Never had chance to practice holding back, but I knew all the tips they just didnt come to mind :(
Which is better to hold back with and keep hard long... cialis or viagra, and how long will you hold back? Also where can I order it online without prescription. PREFERABLY with paypal... thanks.

Oh also. Do you notice to have any temporary (during use) size increase with it? Like just while your using it. Say Im 18, how long will my erection last.... THANK YOU!
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sephin said:
Which is better to hold back with and keep hard long... cialis or viagra, and how long will you hold back? Also where can I order it online without prescription. PREFERABLY with paypal... thanks.

Oh also. Do you notice to have any temporary (during use) size increase with it? Like just while your using it. Say Im 18, how long will my erection last.... THANK YOU!

Most of the questions you ask depend on you. I cannot tell you which of cialis or viagra will work best for you. You will have to try both and see wat works for you.
Well then tell me about your experiences in relation to my questions. Also how much for like 10 50mg viagra pills in the mail. Southern california area delivery? From u..
sephin said:
Well then tell me about your experiences in relation to my questions. Also how much for like 10 50mg viagra pills in the mail. Southern california area delivery? From u..

Wouldn't be from me, would be from a supplier of mine. 10 50mg pills would cost $6. Then you would need to purchase shipping which would be $15 but would get to you very quickly.
Kausion, people say your good. Can you show me site or person to talk to, and do they take paypal?

So for 10 50mg pills itd be 21$ total? Nice...
Sephi ,Kausion can help or just e-mail Pugal at he can fix you up also.I prefer silagra 100 mg split them in half for 50 mg or quarters for 25 mg.they come in packs of four so you need to order in multiples of 4. pup,personally I can fuck and cum and stay hard and go again and again,it is the greatest thing since sliced bread,order a few and try them out I guarantee you will be a viagra head like me. pup
You are gonna have to take it and see for yourself. It may make you last longer it may not. Best way to know is to test it out and see what works for you.
You may still blow soon but it will stay hard as a rock for a few hours depending on what kinda physical shape your in 50 mg keeps me hard all day.
NO! Viagra is meant to help those with problems achieving an erection- i.e. age, diabetic, etc. It will get you hard after about an hour, if you have now phical impairment preventing an erection. It will be much harder. You can get hard soon after ejaculation, To last, use Prolong, Stay Hard, or any number of desenitizing products. They contain, benzine, which will kill the head of your dick wor 30 to 45 minutes, you can reapply more if you get to feeling any sensation, but you won't feel jack shit for a good halfhour, so hump away. Viagra will get it hard, and Prolong will plug the canal.
u took 100mg silagra and didn't feel shit ?

crazy- i get super dupa boners from 25mg and 50 mg is almost too much.

so i use 25 for girth and 50 for sex.

its a huge mental relief. no doubt. also its very true thats u must not think that u depend on it at any time.

for me : i don't depend on it to get real hard erections for sex - it makes it more fun though - easier to keep it up 100%...

that said i'm 22 and never ever lost an erecton duuring sex...I've been active since 13 , fuckin like a rabbit since 16 and finally settled down with one steady girlfreand (for 2 years now) @ 20.

girth Penis Enlargement workouts are a different story , while real action and my girl instantly get me hard and turned on - adult entertainment ain't doing the same for me ( like it used too) - i became so desenitized by it , yet so used to using it as an erection stimulus for pe that without viagra i struggle with gettin hard - then workin it out then loosing it then working up to getting hard and so on...well 25 mg changed that forever.

i can have excellent girth workouts AND eventhough my dick is wasted the other day - i can pop 50 mg and have great sex if i choose too....and if no viagra is available i still can have great sex , well the other day .) however i'll come crying to kausion to resupply me so i can continue the girth workouts.

basically viagra is cool stuff and as long as u use it wisely and for pe + fun and not believe that u depend on it for sex its perfect.
T birdy I'm with you I take it cause I enjoy fucking with the viagra buzz.I take between 25-50mg,If I take 100mg I feel like it's gonna explode rofl
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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