Here's a good first-time-sex trick you can probably do immediately (using some 'adult entertainment-tricks'), and definitely later on when you're a bit bigger ..
(She should be able to
see what you're doing, for understanding that it will be a progression. Even though it's a feeling/touch sensation, you'll want to get her Mind involved as well .. that's where all the Eroticism and Anticipation of everything happens .. in her
Mind. Seeing what's about to happen will get her Anticipation and Eroticism involved. If she's really bright she'll get it immediately, if she's more average, or wasn't paying attention at first, she'll get it when you go to stage-two. Either is fine.)
* Tease the chick by holding your dick with both hands and (at first) only putting the amount into her that's left over still sticking out. You're spreading her introitus and getting as far back maybe as the Gspot area. It's not going to super-blow her mind (yet) but this initial area is the bit of first-insertion where they go "
Mmmmmmmm" and get a sense of what's still to come .. which is the point.
* Fvck her like that for a few slow strokes/insertions, then take away your hand on the middle-shaft and now put the extra amount in there too, ...
* Fvck her like that for a few strokes (still holding on to your dick with the remaining hand) .. then take away your last hand too and put the Whole Thing In.
With the first stage, you're getting her attention and causing her to 'wake up' to sensations that are more
subtle that just ramming it ballsdeep on every stroke.
With the second stage, you're (at a PE size) putting in as much dick as essentially anyone she's ever been with .. plus she's extra tuned up for it because of the teasing of the first stage.
With the third stage, putting your whole PE dick in after enervating her to subtleness and anticipation, she's going to be able to
obviously notice the difference in your dick vs her past experiences, you'll probably get like an 'omg!' or eyes rolling back in her head, or some hard to spell noise like a mix of "Ahhhh!" and "Guh!" etc.
If you'd simply gone-for-it in a normal manner, she'd have been impressed .. but not
As impressed .. and great impressions build your acclaim.
Don't be a 'Dog' about it (and
Never if you really like the chick), but stuff like this can cause 'reference sex' (where she's been telling her friends impressive stuff about you and they start
hanging around, being weird, trying to figure out how to bang you while being all 'innocent' about it.)
-- I've written about this before and people were like "sheesh do you realize how much dick 'more than 2 hands' is??" , and .. yeah .. lol .. I do , .. but from the
owner's point of view with this trick you're going to have your pinkie fingers facing -towards- your body, so
half of your bottom hand is going to be underneath you on the inner penis at the balls. It'd be like only having 6 fingers (just 1.5 hands) on your shaft -- or just 5 fingers-worth if doing a tricky adult entertainment-hold -- instead of the full 8 fingers of shaft someone (say) laying underneath you would be using. You don't have to be a monster to do this.. just bigger than normal (which is what PE is all about.)
Mess around with it to see. With a raging erection, if you can arrange a two-handed hold (with some fingers underneath not really being counted, if need-be) where you have more than your entire head/glans still sticking out, it'll work for you.
[..You'd think with all the remodeling going on here at the moment I'd be able to find a *%#*# tape measure, it's my -guess- that .. doing fingers under .. you should be able to do this (in a manner where it'd be
worth doing) starting right at 7 inches.]
Couple other things since we're grabbing our dick ...
1) You can use one hand on your dick (while some of it is inside the chick) to move your dick around in a circle, or bang it up into the gspot, etc, .. all while quite a bit of is already filling her up. Some chicks 'don't like' this ... it's my opinion that those people are emotionally uptight and get overwrought by the intensity. (And their inability to 'control everything' during high intensity.) But, it's
their vagina .. it takes more than one fvck to unravel someone's psychological issues .. so, start off easy for a second and then you can go a bit harder and harder with it if the response seems positive. While some don't like it, for the rest it'll blow their heads off. Don't start out with this though, .. fvck for a while first so she's got endorphins (and some wild abandon) happening.
2) If you get too close to the edge, you can try calming your buddy back down from the brink by using a hard squeeze on the shaft. People in the OM community call this 'grounding' (or something similar). Just squeeze the shaft really hard, I'd say in the middle or bottom half, and the urge to cum should chill-out pretty fast. After a second or two you might even mix this move with the other one and do some circle motions inside her, or take your dick out and rub/smack her clit and lips with it, or some other similar smooth stunt that makes it look like you weren't just trying to not cum.