
I haven't had sex in over 1 year, and it perhaps will be a surprise for me when i put it in that i have more length to use.
I'm used to be able to not worry about pounding too hard or too deep, i could just go without thinking about being careful.

But very soon i suppose i'm about to hit 6.5 bpel to start with and i wonder.. Is there anything i should think about?
Is there any secret techniques you could use and benefit from when you have a longer penis?
Like long slow movements from tip to base. Is there anything you should watch out for? I don't even know how it would feel
like if i'm too deep, what if i would just pound and hurt her without understanding that x)
Also.. If the penis is longer, what about the g-spot? Will it be easier to surpass the g-spot and actually miss it?

Would appreciate to get some help with how i can use new length effectively for pleasure.
You shouldn't have to worry about going too deep on most women, I rarely did when I was that size. In my experience you will start bottoming out on some girls at 7"+, but still not all of them. Some can take 8"+.
You should be able to plug away quite freely at that size. Around 7 inches was when I started to see some winces when I went balls deep at a fast pace.

The extra length should make fucking from the spooning position a little easier.
Medicating;710339 said:
You should be able to plug away quite freely at that size. Around 7 inches was when I started to see some winces when I went balls deep at a fast pace.

The extra length should make fucking from the spooning position a little easier.

ooooo interesting
Here's a good first-time-sex trick you can probably do immediately (using some 'adult entertainment-tricks'), and definitely later on when you're a bit bigger ..

(She should be able to see what you're doing, for understanding that it will be a progression. Even though it's a feeling/touch sensation, you'll want to get her Mind involved as well .. that's where all the Eroticism and Anticipation of everything happens .. in her Mind. Seeing what's about to happen will get her Anticipation and Eroticism involved. If she's really bright she'll get it immediately, if she's more average, or wasn't paying attention at first, she'll get it when you go to stage-two. Either is fine.)

* Tease the chick by holding your dick with both hands and (at first) only putting the amount into her that's left over still sticking out. You're spreading her introitus and getting as far back maybe as the Gspot area. It's not going to super-blow her mind (yet) but this initial area is the bit of first-insertion where they go "Mmmmmmmm" and get a sense of what's still to come .. which is the point.

* Fvck her like that for a few slow strokes/insertions, then take away your hand on the middle-shaft and now put the extra amount in there too, ...

* Fvck her like that for a few strokes (still holding on to your dick with the remaining hand) .. then take away your last hand too and put the Whole Thing In.

With the first stage, you're getting her attention and causing her to 'wake up' to sensations that are more subtle that just ramming it ballsdeep on every stroke.

With the second stage, you're (at a PE size) putting in as much dick as essentially anyone she's ever been with .. plus she's extra tuned up for it because of the teasing of the first stage.

With the third stage, putting your whole PE dick in after enervating her to subtleness and anticipation, she's going to be able to obviously notice the difference in your dick vs her past experiences, you'll probably get like an 'omg!' or eyes rolling back in her head, or some hard to spell noise like a mix of "Ahhhh!" and "Guh!" etc.

If you'd simply gone-for-it in a normal manner, she'd have been impressed .. but not As impressed .. and great impressions build your acclaim.

Don't be a 'Dog' about it (and Never if you really like the chick), but stuff like this can cause 'reference sex' (where she's been telling her friends impressive stuff about you and they start hanging around, being weird, trying to figure out how to bang you while being all 'innocent' about it.)

-- I've written about this before and people were like "sheesh do you realize how much dick 'more than 2 hands' is??" , and .. yeah .. lol .. I do , .. but from the owner's point of view with this trick you're going to have your pinkie fingers facing -towards- your body, so half of your bottom hand is going to be underneath you on the inner penis at the balls. It'd be like only having 6 fingers (just 1.5 hands) on your shaft -- or just 5 fingers-worth if doing a tricky adult entertainment-hold -- instead of the full 8 fingers of shaft someone (say) laying underneath you would be using. You don't have to be a monster to do this.. just bigger than normal (which is what PE is all about.)

Mess around with it to see. With a raging erection, if you can arrange a two-handed hold (with some fingers underneath not really being counted, if need-be) where you have more than your entire head/glans still sticking out, it'll work for you.

[..You'd think with all the remodeling going on here at the moment I'd be able to find a *%#*# tape measure, it's my -guess- that .. doing fingers under .. you should be able to do this (in a manner where it'd be worth doing) starting right at 7 inches.]


Couple other things since we're grabbing our dick ...

1) You can use one hand on your dick (while some of it is inside the chick) to move your dick around in a circle, or bang it up into the gspot, etc, .. all while quite a bit of is already filling her up. Some chicks 'don't like' this ... it's my opinion that those people are emotionally uptight and get overwrought by the intensity. (And their inability to 'control everything' during high intensity.) But, it's their vagina .. it takes more than one fvck to unravel someone's psychological issues .. so, start off easy for a second and then you can go a bit harder and harder with it if the response seems positive. While some don't like it, for the rest it'll blow their heads off. Don't start out with this though, .. fvck for a while first so she's got endorphins (and some wild abandon) happening.

2) If you get too close to the edge, you can try calming your buddy back down from the brink by using a hard squeeze on the shaft. People in the OM community call this 'grounding' (or something similar). Just squeeze the shaft really hard, I'd say in the middle or bottom half, and the urge to cum should chill-out pretty fast. After a second or two you might even mix this move with the other one and do some circle motions inside her, or take your dick out and rub/smack her clit and lips with it, or some other similar smooth stunt that makes it look like you weren't just trying to not cum. :cool:
Excellent post Asanon! I hope the Brothers will read this.
Medicating;710339 said:
You should be able to plug away quite freely at that size. Around 7 inches was when I started to see some winces when I went balls deep at a fast pace.

The extra length should make fucking from the spooning position a little easier.

Hahahaha thats what I used to do when I was very out of shape. So convenient.
Interesting post Asanon.
Sounds like what i did to my ex-girlfriend but instead of using my hands to cover my penis i just did it manually. I put a little bit of my penis in slowly in small strokes and didn't use the whole shaft, teasing her like this, eventually
i put in more and more until i finished of with a long stroke to put my whole penis inside. I realized this actually was a really good technique applied on her ;)

So to summary.. This is the technique you can tease with and use, and it will get more intense for the lady the longer your dick is? This really sounds like a good technique to use regarding length. Because you can use
more "steps" before the actual full stroke happens with a longer dick. Which means you can build on this sensation even more with a longer dick than a shorter dick.
Imagine having a penis that gets thicker the closer to the base aswell, then this technique is even more overpowered. My dick gets bigger and bigger towards the base. I think a big amount of difference from top and bottom is gonna make this technique so overpowered, along with a long shaft. This is the perfect starting method before you fuck. When you are balls deep you can make long slow strokes first and then build it up with more speed and eventually you can fuck her hard and deep to finish with a powerfull orgasm i suppose x)
Asanon;710353 said:
Here's a good first-time-sex trick you can probably do immediately (using some 'adult entertainment-tricks'), and definitely later on when you're a bit bigger ..

(She should be able to see what you're doing, for understanding that it will be a progression. Even though it's a feeling/touch sensation, you'll want to get her Mind involved as well .. that's where all the Eroticism and Anticipation of everything happens .. in her Mind. Seeing what's about to happen will get her Anticipation and Eroticism involved. If she's really bright she'll get it immediately, if she's more average, or wasn't paying attention at first, she'll get it when you go to stage-two. Either is fine.)

* Tease the chick by holding your dick with both hands and (at first) only putting the amount into her that's left over still sticking out. You're spreading her introitus and getting as far back maybe as the Gspot area. It's not going to super-blow her mind (yet) but this initial area is the bit of first-insertion where they go "Mmmmmmmm" and get a sense of what's still to come .. which is the point.

* Fvck her like that for a few slow strokes/insertions, then take away your hand on the middle-shaft and now put the extra amount in there too, ...

* Fvck her like that for a few strokes (still holding on to your dick with the remaining hand) .. then take away your last hand too and put the Whole Thing In.

With the first stage, you're getting her attention and causing her to 'wake up' to sensations that are more subtle that just ramming it ballsdeep on every stroke.

With the second stage, you're (at a PE size) putting in as much dick as essentially anyone she's ever been with .. plus she's extra tuned up for it because of the teasing of the first stage.

With the third stage, putting your whole PE dick in after enervating her to subtleness and anticipation, she's going to be able to obviously notice the difference in your dick vs her past experiences, you'll probably get like an 'omg!' or eyes rolling back in her head, or some hard to spell noise like a mix of "Ahhhh!" and "Guh!" etc.

If you'd simply gone-for-it in a normal manner, she'd have been impressed .. but not As impressed .. and great impressions build your acclaim.

Don't be a 'Dog' about it (and Never if you really like the chick), but stuff like this can cause 'reference sex' (where she's been telling her friends impressive stuff about you and they start hanging around, being weird, trying to figure out how to bang you while being all 'innocent' about it.)

-- I've written about this before and people were like "sheesh do you realize how much dick 'more than 2 hands' is??" , and .. yeah .. lol .. I do , .. but from the owner's point of view with this trick you're going to have your pinkie fingers facing -towards- your body, so half of your bottom hand is going to be underneath you on the inner penis at the balls. It'd be like only having 6 fingers (just 1.5 hands) on your shaft -- or just 5 fingers-worth if doing a tricky adult entertainment-hold -- instead of the full 8 fingers of shaft someone (say) laying underneath you would be using. You don't have to be a monster to do this.. just bigger than normal (which is what PE is all about.)

Mess around with it to see. With a raging erection, if you can arrange a two-handed hold (with some fingers underneath not really being counted, if need-be) where you have more than your entire head/glans still sticking out, it'll work for you.

[..You'd think with all the remodeling going on here at the moment I'd be able to find a *%#*# tape measure, it's my -guess- that .. doing fingers under .. you should be able to do this (in a manner where it'd be worth doing) starting right at 7 inches.]


Couple other things since we're grabbing our dick ...

1) You can use one hand on your dick (while some of it is inside the chick) to move your dick around in a circle, or bang it up into the gspot, etc, .. all while quite a bit of is already filling her up. Some chicks 'don't like' this ... it's my opinion that those people are emotionally uptight and get overwrought by the intensity. (And their inability to 'control everything' during high intensity.) But, it's their vagina .. it takes more than one fvck to unravel someone's psychological issues .. so, start off easy for a second and then you can go a bit harder and harder with it if the response seems positive. While some don't like it, for the rest it'll blow their heads off. Don't start out with this though, .. fvck for a while first so she's got endorphins (and some wild abandon) happening.

2) If you get too close to the edge, you can try calming your buddy back down from the brink by using a hard squeeze on the shaft. People in the OM community call this 'grounding' (or something similar). Just squeeze the shaft really hard, I'd say in the middle or bottom half, and the urge to cum should chill-out pretty fast. After a second or two you might even mix this move with the other one and do some circle motions inside her, or take your dick out and rub/smack her clit and lips with it, or some other similar smooth stunt that makes it look like you weren't just trying to not cum. :cool:

Great post. Always informative and clear.
Just got home from Atlantis Spa | Meet Your Sensual Masseuse at Atlantis Spa seeing this cutie...I tried to book an independent but it was too late so I opted for an establishment with several 'available' women for sheer convenience. This girl has a knock-out body with enormous fake boobs, (very soft and very well-done, I might add) and a tiny waist with a little bubble-butt...maybe 5'4" 120# (20 pounds of it were boobs, no joke). To be perfectly honest, I completely forgot about the whole 'tease/withhold' technique and went with her rhythm...had a great time for $200CAD for an hour ($153USD).
Big Schwanz Acht;710706 said:
Just got home from Atlantis Spa | Meet Your Sensual Masseuse at Atlantis Spa seeing this cutie...I tried to book an independent but it was too late so I opted for an establishment with several 'available' women for sheer convenience. This girl has a knock-out body with enormous fake boobs, (very soft and very well-done, I might add) and a tiny waist with a little bubble-butt...maybe 5'4" 120# (20 pounds of it were boobs, no joke). To be perfectly honest, I completely forgot about the whole 'tease/withhold' technique and went with her rhythm...had a great time for $200CAD for an hour ($153USD).

So when I hit 7" you paying right?
Big Schwanz Acht;710755 said:
scroll-through the menu of available talent, update your Passport and off we go...my treat :) the best reward for all the effort, jmo

Lol ya crazy old man, still knocking over 20 somethings. I respect that though hahahahaha living on your own terms. Do you also have a Corvette Convertible candy red, gold chains and hairy chest?

My passport up to date buddy dont worry bout that, worry about your shitty golf swing.
habban;710818 said:
Big car = Small penis

I never understood those people with big trucks or cars. Like what's the point. Why do you want to be so high up? People look funny driving them.
kyomoto;710877 said:
I never understood those people with big trucks or cars. Like what's the point. Why do you want to be so high up? People look funny driving them.

Because you have a faulse perspective. You want to look at everyone from above because you feel that you are "above" everyone mentally or something similar. You want to have the same perspective physically as you have mentally ;)
No i don't know actually x)
Matter of taste?
kyomoto;710877 said:
I never understood those people with big trucks or cars. Like what's the point. Why do you want to be so high up? People look funny driving them.

Maybe they are a construction worker, maybe they like off roading, maybe the roads in their town are shit, maybe daddy bought a truck for his little girl so when she has an accident she is more protected but kills everybody else or maybe he just has a small penis.

Matter of fact DLD you might wanna try to single out people with F150s and target them to market [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

And I second BSA, Range Rovers are badass.
rocky1243;710911 said:
Maybe they are a construction worker, maybe they like off roading, maybe the roads in their town are shit, maybe daddy bought a truck for his little girl so when she has an accident she is more protected but kills everybody else or maybe he just has a small penis.

Matter of fact DLD you might wanna try to single out people with F150s and target them to market [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

And I second BSA, Range Rovers are badass.

Construction don't require more height than the default of the truck they purchase. I'm talking about this look:

^^^^^^ this is way too much

This is normal:
kyomoto;710925 said:
Construction don't require more height than the default of the truck they purchase. I'm talking about this look:

^^^^^^ this is way too much

This is normal:

Gotcha well that limits the options to he likes offroading or he has a small penis.

If this means I have a small penis I guess my next vehicle should be a Caterpillar Tractor?
rocky1243;710923 said:
Those are sweet rides bro, I love the old boxy design. The new ones are cool too but the have more rounded edges you know?

Yup, I only fuck with LandRover 1995 and older.
rocky1243;711059 said:
The higher its lifted the smaller the penis. I guess that would put DLD at right about 5.75" nbpel. Not bad.

You heard it here first folks. Rocky claims DLD is actually 5.75nbpel
rocky1243;711102 said:
Hahahahaha according to your philosophy of tall cars = small dicks. And average lifted car would equal and average penis no?

Who said it was my philosophy? When did i claim this to be my philosophy :)? Talking to the wrong person lol
It was me that said "Big cars = small penis"
I was joking ;) It's a stereotypical thing to say that, i was ironical since DLD has the biggest dick so it doesn't make sense.
Thank you Asanon! Now I gain penis length AND also know how to use it when I'll have sex (once in a life time ha ha:P).
seriously, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
Last edited:
kyomoto;711026 said:
Your cars are not uplifted exaggeratedly though

I lift and space my trucks to the exact specification that LandRover allows. In the green Defender it has a 2" Old Emu/ARB lift with 30mm spacers. On my white one I have a 2" Terrafirma lift with no spacing. Both trucks are on 285/75/16's
kyomoto;711516 said:
Damn DLD don't let any dragons near your cars.

lol, the only people that notice my Truck is Dad's and Boys, no women ever! LandRovers are not pussy machines :)
I just did that two hands thing, just for the visual and her talkback, and tell her friends. After that, no hands, and she didn't use any hands either, for balance. I respected that.

I did different teasing, similar idea, shallow, some g, all spots. She said I squirted, I said no you squirted, we argued, but time will tell, every time.

Thanks to this site's "members", I had an idea how to avoid the violent, raging woman,"you fucked up my bizness", next day problem. Moving past the Korean sex doctor's useless warning that more than 6-3/4" is just useless and you can't stick it all in, I followed the knowledge of "members" here and went for the pockets. Korean sex doctor was good on movements, though.

I was making sure I was gentle around the cherry and in the pockets. She started saying I should come with her, but I explained that she and her friends had been talking about "kicking ass" so I didn't want that. They also said,"He's not going to like me", which means go to the doctor and dentist, not plug it.

I find it difficult to express emotion, so I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I just wanted to keep on going. I just said she and Secret Victoria said,"kicking ass", so I had trained myself to kick her ass and I couldn't really go back to squirt and pay, squirt and pay, etc. I could say that. I also didn't want to give away about the acupressure spot for endurance, or the electric chi heat thing that started happening--it's a man thing.

I am afraid to let her pull her knees up again. Everything is going so well. I don't want her to get violent and raging again the next day!

I don't think I should fuck her sister, because the men in the grocery store were singing,"You got the wrong one, bebe", when I took her sister to the store. The street tells me everything!

I'm afraid to fuck Secret Victoria, because a man was singing,"End of My Journey". That might be really good, or, really bad, so that's risky. Maybe he means she's a setup queen. She did whisper something about six years in prison. She brought me somebody's wallet after her friend told her something, you know what. Her friend gave me her atm card once--that's good I think but I'm afraid of responsibility--maybe I should run away now.

My penis exploded during manual exercise--you need to know which doctor before that!--I was too embarrassed to go to a strange doctor so I just sopped up the blood with my favorite shirt. Three months later there was just a little stinging but I started to hang, not stretch, and now I'm up to ninety pounds for 30 seconds. Funny, after a while the bruising stopped! [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]Phallosan[/words] and [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]pmp[/words] look interesting, but I'm not sure how many more credit cards are going to come in the mail! A car saleswoman put me in a car after I explained I hadn't worked in a couple of months because I didn't have a car and I was penniless--she just wanted to use me to get a car off the lot, I know, more female aggression. The seats fold down. Two women seemed to be on ecstasy, they kept saying they loved me and wanted to listen to NPR and try different positions. Nice car.

On Barnaby Street SE there was this girl with signature legs so long and perfect. Wow, was she angry. I'm starting to learn about women's rage. She kept saying she was going to fuck somebody up. It was kind of like the other woman coming to my bedroom with a kitchen knife. They're always talking about killing people. A little one told the father of her baby to "merk" me, but, again it was just that women's rage thing, no problem, kind of ppd too in her case. The women who really kill people, bank robbers, armed robbers, I don't mess with them yet. They're kind of like junior pimps. I just give them rides to the bootlegger in the alley, nothing else.

Then there's women's fear. That one with the nice cherry and pocket action, she told me to leave where I was when the big club diva bouncer left, or something might happen with the three young women, the one with the Mercedes and the pretty colorred hair girls. So I left. That could be wrong, because her fear might just be like her rage and that merk stuff and the long legs girl wanting to have sex in the street in front of her mom's house because her uncle--"your brother"--pimped her unacceptably--but the mood passed uneventfully, well, she did pull her tight gym shorts down in front of her mom's house--she shaves, cool. I gave her my tank top to wipe after a major pee. End of rage.

I think I like women. There were these two, one wearing black stockings and a man's tutu, and the other explaining, their crowd, they were from Ballston and Adams-Morgan, not Barnaby and Chesapeake, their crowd, 4 of 5 haven't decided if they want to be male or female yet. I think I'll stick with the primo old ghetto underground clubs for now, simple city.
pnoewbe;711791 said:
Actually a hand or two can make things with a peenus possible that women can only do with their tongues!

Honestly I had terrible understanding of what you were even talking about. I do understand you have trouble with something
pnoewbe;711791 said:
Actually a hand or two can make things with a peenus possible that women can only do with their tongues!

Is your native language Portuguese? If so feel free to ask the same in your native tongue. I am having problems understanding your post.
You shouldn't have to worry about going too deep on most women, I rarely did when I was that size. In my experience you will start bottoming out on some girls at 7"+, but still not all of them. Some can take 8"+.

It feels good to be over 8 inches in length. Confidence booster.
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