The Long Game: Learning with Longstretch, Key Principles to Make Sustained Growth

Kyrpa at another forum has been on this line of thinking longer than me. In fact he's really one of the inspirations and trail blazers with it. I refined my routine in reading about his results. He's gone from 7.09 x 5.18 to 8.74 x 5.88 in less than a year and has helped a hard gainer like me gain again. In his log at another forum he set out to use the IPR theory set out by xeno and actually his protocol disproves that we must cause inflammation. He's kept strict measurements and analyzes them thoroughly complete with graphs and charts. Here's his synopsis of what he's learned this first year. This is excellent for anyone looking to apply what is learned here. He has already done all the leg work.
Kyrpa said:
Have been pondering this and the yearly wrap-up as well. If the log have somewhat hard to read or to understand content I hope this will clarify some of it further.

Getting widely appreciated it is not entirely in my hands. Widely appreciation comes if there start to be other users adopting the methods, principles or even the whole concept as it is.
If them finding the value, we should be hearing from them I suppose. I am not hurrying to push it as I have enough in my hands and brains already running this operation alone with a clock ticking.

That said I surely like to encourage some of the victims of plateauing or hard to gain worries study these things. Changing nothing in their approach they will achieve nothing from here to infinity.
Easy gainers continue do just fine with traditional methods, though these tricks found in here could push them even further or get them more awarding results with permanent elongation.
As you wish here is what I recall for having found in layman´s terms, put in the frame of one years in wrap up.

Officially signed off from IPR methods. Not trying to cause micro-failures on collagenous tissue, not trying to trigger inflammation response with exercises. No progressive workouts either increasing loads nor workout volume, surely not giving any thought on any form of progressive overloading.
Keeping only the having enough rest between workout cycles and using decon breaks adopted from the IPR- environment.
Everything is based on doing as little as possible harm or damage with maximum results possible.

When stretched cold if we progressively introduce more load with 10 minutes intervals, penis stretches linearly behaving to a certain load and/or time before not seeing any additional elongation.
Adding more load at this point doesn´t give more strain unless we keep hanging multiple times longer if at all.
It is measurable and be can be confirmed by testing and measuring.

After all the initial elastic elongation is reached penile tissues stiffen radically resisting any additional strain to form. After this everything is just brutal forcing and hopeful fishing without heating.
If tissues are heated during stretching the achieved elongation is significantly better.
Heated to therapeutic temperatures tissues elongate further before the stiffening occurs.

If we were to increase loads further by a huge amounts, the stiffening should ease at some load and loading time and we will reach the proportional range (elastic).
There on the stretched behaviour is linear again but the needed loads are really heavy and loading times should be really long.

With therapeutic heat 40° to 43 °C (104° to 110 °F) we can have significantly better strain while stretching.
In this context it means having maximum of 2 % strain when stretching at natural temperature.
When heating as described the strain can be anything between 2,5% - 4,5% from pre exercise BPFSL.
Heating above 40° C (104° F) collagenous tissues can go through thermodynamic induced plastic deformation during stretching.
Stretching induced elongation while operating under therapeutic temperatures results significantly less damage in the tissue than stretched “cold” for the similar strain percentages or even beyond.

This plastic deformation will result as permanent elongation some portion of the stretched length not recovering back to baseline.
In this context we are talking about 1mm permanent elongation on BPFSL within three workouts inside 5 days bracket.
Without heat plastic deformation occur only in small percentage of the structure therefor permanent elongation hard to achieve and the gain rates being minimal.
Having the whole collagenous structure under plastic deformation without thermodynamic deformation would need strain percentages of 6-8 % and to achieve this we would need hanging time and load sky high. So differing from the descriptions from many PE practitioners me included , we are not going to reach plastic region with stretching by any means in single exercise.

Keeping elongated tissues stretched at maximal length during the cooldown from therapeutic temperatures provide better permanent elongation than letting tissues cool down freely.
It can be done as we wish but I have found it productive with extender at fixed length or manual cyclic stretching during tissues cooldown. Preferring manual stretching method for reason I have been getting some extra strain due the procedure. It has been measurable indicating 1 mm additional elongation topping already achieved lengthening while stretching under heat. As we can calculate 1mm extra resulting significantly on total strain percentage.
We have confirmed by testing tissues cooldown time to be minimum of 10 minutes.

Stretching workouts produce elongation with this concept from 4,5 % - up to 7 % from the BPFSL measured as a baseline at day one of the Period.
After the post exercise BPFSL not showing any additional elongation the focus is turned to repeating it for ten exercise minimum for cementing the permanent elongation. Not trying to force the elongation by any means of overloading etc. This occurs at 30 -45 days margin.

The focus is the then move for girth exercises which are used to keep BPEL progression on going.
Penis is a 3-dimensional volume and volumetric enlargement is needed to form BPEL gains.
BPEL and BPFSL are elongating further to take a plateau at 60-70 days for BPFSL.
This is the stage the working Period is called off. Any longitudinal stretching after this is not going to be anything but counterproductive.
Either going to prolonged rest or continuing with girth, using methods not stressing tissues excessively longitudinally.

Everything is already put up in details in the log with multiple documents and references if someone find this raising interests.
@longstretch thank you so much for this thread and being so genuine to recommend it to me! This is absolutely gold (clap)
I really have to put some theories in my head together now and read it a few more times to get all information out of it, already bookmarked it!
No problem F26! I made this thread for posterity sake. A realization I had with this form of PE is I will be at my end goal soon. I am aiming to hit my length goal by end of year and then will focus on girth. That being said my time here in the PE community is drawing to a close and I'd like to help shape the future. Hopefully no one will need to be here 5+ years to reach their goals and can do so efficiently without having PE take over their lives. Just a few hours a week is needed, not a few hours a day.

Tuffdong that looks interesting. I wonder how well the heat would transfer to penis. At the moment I really can't think of a better way to reach therapeutic range of heat than the ultrasound.
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No problem F26! I made this thread for posterity sake. A realization I had with this form of PE is I will be at my end goal soon. I am aiming to hit my length goal by end of year and then will focus on girth. That being said my time here in the PE community is drawing to a close and I'd like to help shape the future. Hopefully no one will need to be here 5+ years to reach their goals and can do so efficiently without having PE take over their lives. Just a few hours a week is needed, not a few hours a day.

Tuffdong that looks interesting. I wonder how well the heat would transfer to penis. At the moment I really can't think of a better way to reach therapeutic range of heat than the ultrasound.

I’m hanging with the SiliStretcher2, so you’re telling me I only need to hang a few hours per week?
What routine do you recommend? How would one implement all this knowledge in one routine?

I agree with the scientific methods and knowledge that you have put out on this board. I am looking for the fastest way to gain length and it looks like I need a therapeutic heat source which keeps my tissues heated between 40-43.5 degrees Celsius....

Regarding my routine; I do a maximum of 4
Hours of hanging with the SiliStretcher2 per day. Sometimes it’s only 1 or 2 hours... I hang cold without warmup or heating source during my hanging sets.

I do on average between 10 and 20 hanging hours per week of hanging. So you’re telling me that if I feel the tunica burning aka tunica fatigue that could be a signal of inflammation and thus needs to be avoided?

How should I continue to hang? I don’t have a heating source and I don’t have the money to get one currently.
I’m hanging with the SiliStretcher2, so you’re telling me I only need to hang a few hours per week?
What routine do you recommend? How would one implement all this knowledge in one routine?

I agree with the scientific methods and knowledge that you have put out on this board. I am looking for the fastest way to gain length and it looks like I need a therapeutic heat source which keeps my tissues heated between 40-43.5 degrees Celsius....

Regarding my routine; I do a maximum of 4
Hours of hanging with the SiliStretcher2 per day. Sometimes it’s only 1 or 2 hours... I hang cold without warmup or heating source during my hanging sets.

I do on average between 10 and 20 hanging hours per week of hanging. So you’re telling me that if I feel the tunica burning aka tunica fatigue that could be a signal of inflammation and thus needs to be avoided?

How should I continue to hang? I don’t have a heating source and I don’t have the money to get one currently.
A few posts up I detail my current routine and also provide an analysis by Kyrpa. Without heat it takes significantly more stress to achieve the same elongation. Heat weakens the bonds in collagen and actually prevents damage during the stretching process, now some might think that's a bad thing but it's actually good, less damage and more proliferation instead of healing.

Your routine might work for you. These principles can be applied in a multitude of ways. I've found what works for me by trial and error and following kyrpa's and manko's lead. I was doing multiple sessions and now am making progress with only one and not having to spend all my days off on PE.

Are you measuring BPSFL before and after sets? This will show you how much elongation your achieving with each set/exercise and how much total strain you've achieved that day. You might find that last set or two isn't giving you much more profit and can be taken out.

Your first set could be more of an ADS and utilize stress relaxation every 5 min. I did this before I got an extender by attaching leg strap and locking in tension with safety pin. Every 5 min I increased tension. You can feel the tension ease off every 5 min. This allows the collagen fibers to uncrimp and takes one out of the toe region in the stress-strain curve. Do this for about 30 min. After this set the real elongation begins.

If you can't afford a state of the art heating machine (ultrasound) you can most likely afford a rice sock, heating pad and even an Infrared lamp can be assembled for under $20-30. Apply this heat during the actual hang set. Try to get as hot as comfortable possible, the conduction on these methods is not as efficient as an ultrasound but will be better than nothing. Apply heat during your hanging set.

Following the hanging set and heat you want the tissues to cool naturally and to do while being elongated. So you can do a short 10 to 20 min set here with no heat or like I do 10 to 20 min manual stretches. I do these pretty intensely but look at my routine to see how.

My routine probably isn't the end all be all but I'm gaining efficiently with a little over an hour times investment 4 to 5 days a week. I'll take it. When things start to slow down take a decon and reset. When I come back I can start making easier gains again, that's the sustained growth.
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Also read what kypra says about inflammation, I have found the same. I get no inflammation and no soreness. If I do I know I went a little too hard. I just get gains. I'm not talking fluid buildup that will dissipate in 10 to 20 min. I'm talking lingering edema, soreness (fatigue), retraction or turtling or any other negative PI's save maybe sometimes a slight drop in EQ. So yes the goal of traditional hanging (fatigue) is counterproductive. We are coaxing gains through proliferation (mitosis and migration) not forcing damage (microtears).
A few posts up I detail my current routine and also provide an analysis by Kyrpa. Without heat it takes significantly more stress to achieve the same elongation. Heat weakens the bonds in collagen and actually prevents damage during the stretching process, now some might think that's a bad thing but it's actually good, less damage and more proliferation instead of healing.

Your routine might work for you. These principles can be applied in a multitude of ways. I've found what works for me by trial and error and following kyrpa's and manko's lead. I was doing multiple sessions and now am making progress with only one and not having to spend all my days off on PE.

Are you measuring BPSFL before and after sets? This will show you how much elongation your achieving with each set/exercise and how much total strain you've achieved that day. You might find that last set or two isn't giving you much more profit and can be taken out.

Your first set could be more of an ADS and utilize stress relaxation every 5 min. I did this before I got an extender by attaching leg strap and locking in tension with safety pin. Every 5 min I increased tension. You can feel the tension ease off every 5 min. This allows the collagen fibers to uncrimp and takes one out of the toe region in the stress-strain curve. Do this for about 30 min. After this set the real elongation begins.

If you can't afford a state of the art heating machine (ultrasound) you can most likely afford a rice sock, heating pad and even an Infrared lamp can be assembled for under $20-30. Apply this heat during the actual hang set. Try to get as hot as comfortable possible, the conduction on these methods is not as efficient as an ultrasound but will be better than nothing. Apply heat during your hanging set.

Following the hanging set and heat you want the tissues to cool naturally and to do while being elongated. So you can do a short 10 to 20 min set here with no heat or like I do 10 to 20 min manual stretches. I do these pretty intensely but look at my routine to see how.

My routine probably isn't the end all be all but I'm gaining efficiently with a little over an hour times investment 4 to 5 days a week. I'll take it. When things start to slow down take a decon and reset. When I come back I can start making easier gains again, that's the sustained growth.

I have a pulley set mounted under my desk. I work alot behind my desk on my computer so I can test out how many hours I need to hang before getting diminishing returns.

Because I am sitting behind my desk in a desk chair my balls are somewhat protected if I would put an infrared heating source on the ground for heating the shaft while hanging.

I will look for an infrared heating source which can deliver a constant heat at 40-43.5 degrees Celsius.

I have a very thick tunica. I believe I have 3 thick layers of tunica and I am a hard length gainer. I need to go extreme in order to gain length.

This week I wasn’t home and I had a mini decon break of like 10 days. Tomorrow i’ll get back into hanging and I will set up baseline parameters. I will track and calculate everything just like you showed us in your posts.

I need the pre-BPFSL and post-BPFSL to calculate the strain %.

I never did this and it seems very logical to do this. I love the scientific approach because I studied mechanical engineering a few years so i’m very familiar with Hooke’s law, Newton’s laws, forces, stress and strain and all that stuff.

It’s wonderful we can use that knowledge to work smarter and not harder. I was willing to give up a huge portion of my time and social life just to stay inside and get my hanging sets done but this seems more appealing.

I am recovered from a blister injury after hanging too much too heavy with the SiliStretcher2 and with your method injuries will be a thing of the past.

I am hanging 4 hours with 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) but that doesn’t give me any significant strain... Well I assume that because I never measured post-BPFSL after my hanging sets.

Maybe it gives me enough strain to quit hanging after a few hours... Who knows... I’m increasing weights until I see significant strain and I will exhaust that set up for as long as possible until I reach a plateau.

I’m also going to test your method combined with DLD’s reverse pyramid hanging method. Increasing the weight every 30 mins to see how fast I can get into that proliferation-gaining zone.

A big problem of infrared heating lamps is the fact that they are built on giving 15-20 minutes of heat. I require several hours of constant heat for my hanging sets.
I tried several 150 Watt infrared lamps but those light bulbs literally broke during my stretching and hanging sets and it was very frustrating.
I’d do my newbie stretching routine and then suddenly the lamp would explode. Because I used it for several hours straight. It couldn’t deliver the performance I was looking for as a PE’er.

I’m afraid that those more expensive lamps will also break down or explode so IF anyone knows a good infrared heating lamp which can be shipped internationally, please let me know!
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My favorite gif is the mind blowing one I posted LOL I post it when I see someone doing above and beyond the norm. These people deserve recognition for the hard work and dedication they put in.
I need the pre-BPFSL and post-BPFSL to calculate the strain %.

I never did this and it seems very logical to do this. I love the scientific approach because I studied mechanical engineering a few years so i’m very familiar with Hooke’s law, Newton’s laws, forces, stress and strain and all that stuff.

It’s wonderful we can use that knowledge to work smarter and not harder. I was willing to give up a huge portion of my time and social life just to stay inside and get my hanging sets done but this seems more appealing.

I am recovered from a blister injury after hanging too much too heavy with the SiliStretcher2 and with your method injuries will be a thing of the past.

I am hanging 4 hours with 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) but that doesn’t give me any significant strain... Well I assume that because I never measured post-BPFSL after my hanging sets.

Maybe it gives me enough strain to quit hanging after a few hours... Who knows... I’m increasing weights until I see significant strain and I will exhaust that set up for as long as possible until I reach a plateau.

I’m also going to test your method combined with DLD’s reverse pyramid hanging method. Increasing the weight every 30 mins to see how fast I can get into that proliferation-gaining zone.

A big problem of infrared heating lamps is the fact that they are built on giving 15-20 minutes of heat. I require several hours of constant heat for my hanging sets.
I tried several 150 Watt infrared lamps but those light bulbs literally broke during my stretching and hanging sets and it was very frustrating.
I’d do my newbie stretching routine and then suddenly the lamp would explode. Because I used it for several hours straight. It couldn’t deliver the performance I was looking for as a PE’er.

I’m afraid that those more expensive lamps will also break down or explode so IF anyone knows a good infrared heating lamp which can be shipped internationally, please let me know!
The first step will be to start getting those accurate measurements. I would've listed that principle as number 1 if this forum was sold on importance of decon breaks but seeing as that has not happened here yet I wanted to stress that.

2.2 lbs will likely not be enough, perhaps enough to come through toe region but doubt strain. Vacuum devices are amazing, I made most gains from them, however they require conditioning of skin and proper taping. 4 hours is long time but you are doing light weight which is good. If weight is increased time might need to be adjusted down until conditioning occurs for that weight at that time. Especially if coming back from blister. Hanging leads itself as an excellent companion to heat and stretch, especially when ultrasound comes into mix as a free hand is needed to move transducer. Currently you could use hanging set to apply your IR heat lamp and then do a short manual routine after dieing cooldown. Magic will happen when you can safely get to 6-10 lbs, conditioning required so don't rush there. Injuries suck

I responded back in your other thread about heat lamp. I recommend the RubyLux with a deflector with a ceramic base. It might not get deep enough to get everything hot enough but should get close. I recommend saving up for ultrasound machine. Can currently be found for $160 on Ebay, budget accordingly.

With your background you probably have a heads up on me on understanding some of these concepts. That's excellent as I'm hoping others will pick up where me, kypra and manko will be leaving off. I would guess I have less than a year left depending on girth gains.
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The first step will be to start getting those accurate measurements. I would've listed that principle as number 1 if this forum was sold on importance of decon breaks but seeing as that has not happened here yet I wanted to stress that.

2.2 lbs will likely not be enough, perhaps enough to come through toe region but doubt strain. Vacuum devices are amazing, I made most gains from them, however they require conditioning of skin and proper taping. 4 hours is long time but you are doing light weight which is good. If weight is increased time might need to be adjusted down until conditioning occurs for that weight at that time. Especially if coming back from blister. Hanging leads itself as an excellent companion to heat and stretch, especially when ultrasound comes into mix as a free hand is needed to move transducer. Currently you could use hanging set to apply your IR heat lamp and then do a short manual routine after dieing cooldown. Magic will happen when you can safely get to 6-10 lbs, conditioning required so don't rush there. Injuries suck

I responded back in your other thread about heat lamp. I recommend the RubyLux with a deflector with a ceramic base. It might not get deep enough to get everything hot enough but should get close. I recommend saving up for ultrasound machine. Can currently be found for $160 on Ebay, budget accordingly.

With your background you probably have a heads up on me on understanding some of these concepts. That's excellent as I'm hoping others will pick up where me, kypra and manko will be leaving off. I would guess I have less than a year left depending on girth gains.

That is a huge disadvantage, to keep moving the transducer with ultrasound to keep everything heated at a constant temperature. So basically it isn’t handsfree. I can now understand why you would only do one or two hours maximum of hanging...

Who wants to keep moving that transducer around the shaft for like 5-6 hours. I can’t even get my work done behind the computer if I have to keep moving the transducer.

This is so fucking frustrating. I have to work my way up to 8-10 pounds with the SiliStretcher2 and then heating the shaft while hanging for a few hours as my main workout and then letting it cool down hands free I guess.

That should give me daily maximum strain and BPFSL gains.
Heat is the key. Once in range strain rate is accelerated to the point you'd only need one session if your using an adequate stress. I'd recommend to stretch during a cooldown as well. That could mean shutting off heat and continue to vacuum hang for 10 to 20 min or do so cyclically manual stretches.

Is this the gentleman behind that beautiful writing?
The man himself. The forerunner!
Also I've tested multiple sessions in a day and I got good results. At the time I was doing one day on and 3 days off. However it took all day to do 3 sessions and I'm getting appreciable results using once a day routine now. I currently do 1-2 on and 1 day off. I would like to ideally do 3 on 1 off but my schedule is hectic.
So I have to look for the maximum strain achievable per day. After that just cooling down and letting it heal to reheat and hang the next day?

Yes. You described it yourself the best. To maximize the residual lengthening the cool down should be produced while still stretching. In your case still hanging. And not to do it every day. Off days are needed between.
Heat is the key. Once in range strain rate is accelerated to the point you'd only need one session if your using an adequate stress. I'd recommend to stretch during a cooldown as well. That could mean shutting off heat and continue to vacuum hang for 10 to 20 min or do so cyclically manual stretches.

The man himself. The forerunner!

Okay thanks for your explanation! I now fully understand the concepts. I’ll get that ultrasound device next month or so, it is a priority for me.

I’m struggling with gaining length from 7” to 10”...This is the holy grail! Heat is highly recommended for length.
Well then, @kyrpa I must say, WELL DONE and a BIG THANK YOU for your efforts and sharing your abundance of knowledge on this subject. ??
Thank you for your kind words. Longstretch is so enthusiastic for what he is seeing himself and trying to get some attention for these methods that I thought that I should at least visit his valuable thread over here. Thank you guys.
Yes. You described it yourself the best. To maximize the residual lengthening the cool down should be produced while still stretching. In your case still hanging. And not to do it every day. Off days are needed between.

Why are rest days needed? Theoretically I could do these heated hanging sessions every day to get maximum strain and BPFSL gains per week so that will get me faster to my length goal ?

I am hanging every day since the SiliStretcher came out. It’s so comfortable and nice.
Why are rest days needed? Theoretically I could do these heated hanging sessions every day to get maximum strain and BPFSL gains per week so that will get me faster to my length goal ?

I am hanging every day since the SiliStretcher came out. It’s so comfortable and nice.

My thinking comes from the very basics of doing as minimal efforts as needed to produce the permanent elongation we are after.
So the daily hanging fits badly in this principle. I have made significant progress with 3 days on and 2 off.

There are few things to avoid to keep this engine going. Inflammation. Excessive soreness. Conditioning for hanging.
I think that we are all looking for penile lengthening not coming long lasting hangers. There comes the resting between these workouts as them tissues have couple of days to recover they are permitting better strain when stretched.

In the attached graph is seen all the periods I have produced so far and the gains achieved within.

Gains stops after some time and the longer break from BPFSL elongation workouts sets up the the table for another run.
BPEL keeps coming at decelerated rate even during the breaks from intensive stretching once the difference between BPFSL and BPEL is large enough.
I never did this and it seems very logical to do this. I love the scientific approach because I studied mechanical engineering a few years so i’m very familiar with Hooke’s law, Newton’s laws, forces, stress and strain and all that stuff.

Now that you are aware of the Hooke´s law you should find out and plot the stress strain curve of the Penis. Not ligament or tendon.
It has a non-linear appearance of the biological soft tissues having long toe region with initial nearly proportional elastic phase.
After this there comes the transitional region with radical stiffening of the tissues increasingly resisting any stretching efforts despite to loading tissues more. The stiffening continues to increase as there is no additional strain achieved. Stress though increases at multiple rate and there is no sense to stress the tissue more if there is no additional strain available with these efforts.

The stiffening should ease at some point and then and only then the Hooke´s law is obeyed and the proportional range have been found. I have been loading up to 9kg and yet to found the proportional region still working at the stiffening range. This same stiffening and the final proportional behavior have been seen in studies with ligaments.

I am operating at the last part of the transitional region with my heaviest and final exercise by manual stretching.
Before that working through the initial elastic part of the toe region with no heat. Applying heat elongating this elasticity and moving the pivot of the stiffening further.
Now that you are aware of the Hooke´s law you should find out and plot the stress strain curve of the Penis. Not ligament or tendon.
It has a non-linear appearance of the biological soft tissues having long toe region with initial nearly proportional elastic phase.
After this there comes the transitional region with radical stiffening of the tissues increasingly resisting any stretching efforts despite to loading tissues more. The stiffening continues to increase as there is no additional strain achieved. Stress though increases at multiple rate and there is no sense to stress the tissue more if there is no additional strain available with these efforts.

The stiffening should ease at some point and then and only then the Hooke´s law is obeyed and the proportional range have been found. I have been loading up to 9kg and yet to found the proportional region still working at the stiffening range. This same stiffening and the final proportional behavior have been seen in studies with ligaments.

I am operating at the last part of the transitional region with my heaviest and final exercise by manual stretching.
Before that working through the initial elastic part of the toe region with no heat. Applying heat elongating this elasticity and moving the pivot of the stiffening further.

Wow ! You truly are a master ! What is your scientific background?

Regarding resting days: is it also possible to alternate rest days like one day on and one day off and continue that way until you reach a plateau?

Or is it better to just do 3 days in a row and then 2 days off like you recommended? 48 hours of rest before doing a new workout of 3 days in a row.
I have a background on mechanical engineering tightly linked to medical field. Been involved in developing manufacturing processes, material and product testing methods and their productivity. Guess mainly solving problems by eliminating variables one by one.

I like to keep this PE experiment as practical as possible by chewing it to pieces first and starting from there. Not taking any forcefully fabricated theories that seriously. And them seems to plenty with PE.

Before P1 was this three months time when I tested different distributions and I found 2+1 having not enough time to rest as the strain percentages were compromised. Then again 5+2 was showing various signs of over training and lots of negative PI´s.
From the P2 I have used this 3+2 schedule.
Minimum of 2 days rest seems to work fine. I will run P4 with 2+2 distribution.

P3 was the first period with US heat in every session. And for the first time my EQ stays excellent every day.
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I have a background on mechanical engineering tightly linked to medical field. Been involved in developing manufacturing processes, material and product testing methods and their productivity. Guess mainly solving problems by eliminating variables one by one.

I like to keep this PE experiment as practical as possible by chewing it to pieces first and starting from there. Not taking any forcefully fabricated theories that seriously. And them seems to plenty with PE.

Before P1 was this three months time when I tested different distributions and I found 2+1 having not enough time to rest as the strain percentages were compromised. Then again 5+2 was showing various signs of over training and lots of negative PI´s.
From the P2 I have used this 3+2 schedule.
Minimum of 2 days rest seems to work fine. I will run P4 with 2+2 distribution.

P3 was the first period with US heat in every session. And for the first time my EQ stays excellent every day.

Thank you for your contributions. You explain everything clearly. I will try out the 3on/2off schedule. I’m saving up for an ultrasound device but for now I have an infrared lamp to heat the shaft. It’s better than nothing.
I am really glad you are finally giving your input Kyrpa. The visuals and the way you relay your knowledge is of immense help. You have a way of making your ideas easily understood.

We can theorize all we want. I have better results with rest days factored in (strain levels and overall gains prove this) and I believe it has to do with the fibroblast mediated proliferation. Read the study I linked to on page 2 of this thread. It has electron microscope pictures of different strain rates on collagen tissue. I'm not sure what would be the ideal days of rest to work. I made great gains coming back from 18 months off using a 1 on, 3 off. Keep in mind coming back from long extended decon so lower stress levels were effective. I slowly increased my amount of sessions on my on days to 3 to account for total strain rate. Following kyrpa's lead I'm much more efficient in achieving the needed strain rate with my current gains campaign (Kyrpa calls them periods). Point being the body does need rest to repair, fill gaps created and grow. I'd much rather do one hour session a couple days back to back than revolve a whole day around PE and I'm getting similar results.

Here's the stress-strain curve of collagen as Kyrpa has plotted its different from the penis as a whole but similar. The squiggle lines represent crimped fibrils.
View attachment 1824639
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I am really glad you are finally giving your input Kypra. The visuals and the way you relay your knowledge is of immense help. You have a way of making your ideas easily understood.

We can theorize all we want. I have better results with rest days factored in (strain levels and overall gains prove this) and I believe it has to do with the fibroblast mediated proliferation. Read the study I linked to on page 2 of this thread. It has electron microscope pictures of different strain rates on collagen tissue. I'm not sure what would be the ideal days of rest to work. I made great gains coming back from 18 months off using a 1 on, 3 off. Keep in mind coming back from long extended decon so lower stress levels were effective. I slowly increased my amount of sessions on my on days to 3 to account for total strain rate. Following kyrpa's lead I'm much more efficient in achieving the needed strain rate with my current gains campaign (Kypra calls them periods). Point being the body does need rest to repair, fill gaps created and grow. I'd much rather do one hour session a couple days back to back than revolve a whole day around PE and I'm getting similar results.

Here's the stress-strain curve of collagen as Kypra has plotted its different from the penis as a whole but similar. The squiggle lines represent crimped fibrils.
View attachment 1824639

Actually this slope serves its purpose as a simplification.
a) collagen fibrils are crimped and when the tissue is in its resting length. When stretched is behaving mainly elastically.
b) At the transition the fibrils are recruited to load bearing and the stiffening occurs while tissue is stretched further
Most of us are working between b and c at the best.
c) At the proportionally behaving region all the fibrils have been recruited and are elongating elastically . Some micro-failures happening as the tissue is stretched further. Some of the craziest hangers are getting here.
d) Fibers are breaking until the total failure is achieved.
We can theorize all we want. I have better results with rest days factored in (strain levels and overall gains prove this) and I believe it has to do with the fibroblast mediated proliferation. Read the study I linked to on page 2 of this thread. It has electron microscope pictures of different strain rates on collagen tissue.

It beautifully describes the expression of the proliferation induced without the involvement of the inflammation response. Now with the therapeutic heat we might be having the response of the subfailure strain for fibroblast mediated proliferation without having subfailure strains.
Whatever happens is happening because the heat allows plastic deformation to occur in the first place igniting responses otherwise triggered at subfailure strains.
It beautifully describes the expression of the proliferation induced without the involvement of the inflammation response. Now with the therapeutic heat we might be having the response of the subfailure strain for fibroblast mediated proliferation without having subfailure strains.
Whatever happens is happening because the heat allows plastic deformation to occur in the first place igniting responses otherwise triggered at subfailure strains.

One more thing; is it bad if you take 3-4 rest days because you are busy and have to travel or something? Let’s say you do 3 days of heated hanging / stretching with the ultrasound device and you get maximum strain you won’t lose “gaining momentum” only because you’re taking extra days off right? It leaves more time to recover and grow when you take extra rest days here and there.

I am about to start my career as a 3D CAD draftsman and sometimes I have to travel for projects and they want me onsite to work and help with stuff. If I go for longer time I make sure to bring my PE equipment. Some colleagues get deployed to Paris or Australia for 5-6 months straight for example. My new company is very internationally oriented.
One more thing; is it bad if you take 3-4 rest days because you are busy and have to travel or something? Let’s say you do 3 days of heated hanging / stretching with the ultrasound device and you get maximum strain you won’t lose “gaining momentum” only because you’re taking extra days off right? It leaves more time to recover and grow when you take extra rest days here and there.

I am about to start my career as a 3D CAD draftsman and sometimes I have to travel for projects and they want me onsite to work and help with stuff. If I go for longer time I make sure to bring my PE equipment. Some colleagues get deployed to Paris or Australia for 5-6 months straight for example. My new company is very internationally oriented.

I have had few 3 to 5 days breaks due my schedule as well in every Period. They don´t interfere the outcome in period level.

And there is one guy already running weekly based routine with the concept by 4 + 3 system. He is getting results with 3 days of program similar to what Longstretch has presented and the fourth day is for girth exercises with no at all or minor longitudinal stretching.
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I have had few 3 to 5 days breaks due my schedule as well in every Period. They don´t interfere the outcome in period level.

And there is one guy already running weekly based routine with the concept by 4 + 3 system. He is getting results with 3 days of program similar to what Longstretch has presented and the fourth day is for girth exercises with no at all or minor longitudinal stretching.

How can we protect our testicles and testosterone and other androgenic hormones from the Electro Magnetic Waves/Frequencies? That ultrasound device sounds very damaging to hormones.

Our endocrine system (testicles) is very easily affected by heat or radiation. How can we prevent damage?
You can wrap them in tin foil as that'll reflect the sound waves but honestly as long as the part of your dick is not directly in line with your testicles your okay. Part of the reason I do fulcrum hanging is because the fulcrum will be in the way. Kyrpa does side stretches, 10 min to each side so it's not being directed at testicles. You could even do straight outas long as you're not heating the very base with it aimed at testicles. You don't want to do it over any major nerve pathways or organs. I sometimes use it for PT purposes on myself.
You can wrap them in tin foil as that'll reflect the sound waves but honestly as long as the part of your dick is not directly in line with your testicles your okay. Part of the reason I do fulcrum hanging is because the fulcrum will be in the way. Kyrpa does side stretches, 10 min to each side so it's not being directed at testicles. You could even do straight outas long as you're not heating the very base with it aimed at testicles. You don't want to do it over any major nerve pathways or organs. I sometimes use it for PT purposes on myself.

I hang straight out. I sit in a deskchair and i’ll cover up my testicles with thin foil. Is it actually scientific proofed that thin foil reflects the ultrasounds? What about the electro magnetic waves? We’re already being bombarded by wifi devices all day long and eletronic devices which radiate EMF but yea I don’t want to put that source near my testicles, how can we prevent EMF radiation. I heard of some kind of EMF blocking underwear. Testosterone levels dropped because of men having smartphones in their pants pockets.
It offers acoustical and vibrational shielding yes. The actual machine will be away from you so EMF should not be an issue you're only using the transducer to apply the ultrasound. I don't know if it produces EMF. Maybe you should invest in those underwear.

Maybe you should see what an ultrasound machine actually is.

And there is one guy already running weekly based routine with the concept by 4 + 3 system. He is getting results with 3 days of program similar to what Longstretch has presented and the fourth day is for girth exercises with no at all or minor longitudinal stretching.
That's pretty interesting. I am curious if adding girth is for BPEL gains, EQ or girth gains or a mix. Has his girth increased?
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The ultrasound is an amazing piece of hardware. After my spinal injury, I was blessed to have the maseuse at my chiropractic appointments utilize it. Man, what a difference.
That's pretty interesting. I am curious if adding girth is for BPEL gains, EQ or girth gains or a mix. Has his girth increased?
According to his stats he has made gains in both BPEL and MSEG . Interestingly he is using IR + rice sock for heating and have adopted only the training regimen. He is keeping the skin temperature at 45 C . He was plateauing 8 months before adapting the protocol to his liking.

EDIT: BPFSL not BPEL . Seems to have gained 3/16 inch BPFSL in 5 weeks. And the MSEG have gone 0.06 inch up at the same time.
BPEL has gone from 7.25 to 7.31
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I'm on the fence with them and Kyrpa is against them, stating once strain rate has been achieved with heat ADS will not produce any more strain and the tissues do not heal in elongated state. I however think it could be beneficial and I do know fibroblasts can change shape from being in low level traction so there could be a response. Extender gains operate with low level long time traction and creep deformation. However if I'm able to make notable gains without the added hassle of ADS (and it honestly is s pain in the ass) then I'll more than likely take that route.
What are your thoughts on ads?
I'm on the fence with them and Kyrpa is against them, stating once strain rate has been achieved with heat ADS will not produce any more strain and the tissues do not heal in elongated state. I however think it could be beneficial and I do know fibroblasts can change shape from being in low level traction so there could be a response. Extender gains operate with low level long time traction and creep deformation. However if I'm able to make notable gains without the added hassle of ADS (and it honestly is s pain in the ass) then I'll more than likely take that route.

During P1 there was ADS used 1-2 days after heated stretching exercises.
Somewhere on the line it was removed as a first steps were taken for thinking out of the box of the realms of IPR- protocol.

While on P2 ADS was used as a conditioning stretch tool prior the main excersices instead of the extender .
Wearing it 1- 3 hours a days before the main event. Using 1-2 kg load.

The whole P3 has been produced without any ADS use.
The creep utilizing conditioning stretch has been replaced with stress relaxation stretch.

Elongation by creep for collagenous tissues is procuced by strething with continuous load.
Stress Relaxation instead is happening when the tissues have been stretched to a certain strain and fixed for the given lenght until the stress reliefs.
Repeatedly loaded every 10 minutes or so until all of the initial elasticity has been reached. Then we move on to creep based stretching with heat and so on.

Stress Relaxation has the ability to produce the given elongation in shorter time than creep based stretching.
In this context 30minutes vs. 1-2 hours when using 2 kg load.

Speaking of my personal case, after seeing identical progress with permanent elongation there is clearly no need for ADS concluding pre exhaustion use prior excercises. Healing in elonged state mantra has been heard a lot. There is no tissue which heals while it is stressed with continuous loading. It is just another long lasting stretching exercise hindering any recovery. Coils etc. which are not continuously loading could have the ability to be used as such IMO.

Not before the results achieved at P3 once again prove to be permanent I will be stating conclusively that ADS is not needed for getting permanent BPEL gains with this concept. That said we need to take in to concideration that the girth work at the end of the period after the BPFSL gains plateua is propably giving some fibroblast respond Longstretch mentioned.

Lookin the bigger picture in this concept we elongate the BPFSL as much as we can during the few intense weeks until strains start to diminish.
Then we reproduce the maximal lenght for few rounds to the point BPFSL does not gain any additional length.

Then we turn the focus on exercises which are giving the best growth response possible keeping the BPEL progressing. I strongly recommend girth exercise being the thing for this . If someone thinks ADS should bring this response it wont hurt much at this point of the period.

Prolonged break is inevitable before the whole circulation can be repeated. There can be individual variance but for me being away at least 40 days from the intensive heat - stretching protocol , has done the trick of clearing the table for further legthening aspirations.
This including all the things mentioned above happening after BPFSL gains are diminishing and the complete rest for few weeks.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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