Kyrpa at another forum has been on this line of thinking longer than me. In fact he's really one of the inspirations and trail blazers with it. I refined my routine in reading about his results. He's gone from 7.09 x 5.18 to 8.74 x 5.88 in less than a year and has helped a hard gainer like me gain again. In his log at another forum he set out to use the IPR theory set out by xeno and actually his protocol disproves that we must cause inflammation. He's kept strict measurements and analyzes them thoroughly complete with graphs and charts. Here's his synopsis of what he's learned this first year. This is excellent for anyone looking to apply what is learned here. He has already done all the leg work.
Kyrpa said:Have been pondering this and the yearly wrap-up as well. If the log have somewhat hard to read or to understand content I hope this will clarify some of it further.
Getting widely appreciated it is not entirely in my hands. Widely appreciation comes if there start to be other users adopting the methods, principles or even the whole concept as it is.
If them finding the value, we should be hearing from them I suppose. I am not hurrying to push it as I have enough in my hands and brains already running this operation alone with a clock ticking.
That said I surely like to encourage some of the victims of plateauing or hard to gain worries study these things. Changing nothing in their approach they will achieve nothing from here to infinity.
Easy gainers continue do just fine with traditional methods, though these tricks found in here could push them even further or get them more awarding results with permanent elongation.
As you wish here is what I recall for having found in layman´s terms, put in the frame of one years in wrap up.
Officially signed off from IPR methods. Not trying to cause micro-failures on collagenous tissue, not trying to trigger inflammation response with exercises. No progressive workouts either increasing loads nor workout volume, surely not giving any thought on any form of progressive overloading.
Keeping only the having enough rest between workout cycles and using decon breaks adopted from the IPR- environment.
Everything is based on doing as little as possible harm or damage with maximum results possible.
When stretched cold if we progressively introduce more load with 10 minutes intervals, penis stretches linearly behaving to a certain load and/or time before not seeing any additional elongation.
Adding more load at this point doesn´t give more strain unless we keep hanging multiple times longer if at all.
It is measurable and be can be confirmed by testing and measuring.
After all the initial elastic elongation is reached penile tissues stiffen radically resisting any additional strain to form. After this everything is just brutal forcing and hopeful fishing without heating.
If tissues are heated during stretching the achieved elongation is significantly better.
Heated to therapeutic temperatures tissues elongate further before the stiffening occurs.
If we were to increase loads further by a huge amounts, the stiffening should ease at some load and loading time and we will reach the proportional range (elastic).
There on the stretched behaviour is linear again but the needed loads are really heavy and loading times should be really long.
With therapeutic heat 40° to 43 °C (104° to 110 °F) we can have significantly better strain while stretching.
In this context it means having maximum of 2 % strain when stretching at natural temperature.
When heating as described the strain can be anything between 2,5% - 4,5% from pre exercise BPFSL.
Heating above 40° C (104° F) collagenous tissues can go through thermodynamic induced plastic deformation during stretching.
Stretching induced elongation while operating under therapeutic temperatures results significantly less damage in the tissue than stretched “cold” for the similar strain percentages or even beyond.
This plastic deformation will result as permanent elongation some portion of the stretched length not recovering back to baseline.
In this context we are talking about 1mm permanent elongation on BPFSL within three workouts inside 5 days bracket.
Without heat plastic deformation occur only in small percentage of the structure therefor permanent elongation hard to achieve and the gain rates being minimal.
Having the whole collagenous structure under plastic deformation without thermodynamic deformation would need strain percentages of 6-8 % and to achieve this we would need hanging time and load sky high. So differing from the descriptions from many PE practitioners me included , we are not going to reach plastic region with stretching by any means in single exercise.
Keeping elongated tissues stretched at maximal length during the cooldown from therapeutic temperatures provide better permanent elongation than letting tissues cool down freely.
It can be done as we wish but I have found it productive with extender at fixed length or manual cyclic stretching during tissues cooldown. Preferring manual stretching method for reason I have been getting some extra strain due the procedure. It has been measurable indicating 1 mm additional elongation topping already achieved lengthening while stretching under heat. As we can calculate 1mm extra resulting significantly on total strain percentage.
We have confirmed by testing tissues cooldown time to be minimum of 10 minutes.
Stretching workouts produce elongation with this concept from 4,5 % - up to 7 % from the BPFSL measured as a baseline at day one of the Period.
After the post exercise BPFSL not showing any additional elongation the focus is turned to repeating it for ten exercise minimum for cementing the permanent elongation. Not trying to force the elongation by any means of overloading etc. This occurs at 30 -45 days margin.
The focus is the then move for girth exercises which are used to keep BPEL progression on going.
Penis is a 3-dimensional volume and volumetric enlargement is needed to form BPEL gains.
BPEL and BPFSL are elongating further to take a plateau at 60-70 days for BPFSL.
This is the stage the working Period is called off. Any longitudinal stretching after this is not going to be anything but counterproductive.
Either going to prolonged rest or continuing with girth, using methods not stressing tissues excessively longitudinally.
Everything is already put up in details in the log with multiple documents and references if someone find this raising interests.