I'm white, so I must not be able to say, nigga, spic, beaner, wetback..but I am called cracker or redneck.

I'm hyper, so I must be imature and annoying.

I'm skinny, so I must be bulemic.

I'm emo, so I must cut my wrists.

I'm black, so I must be on welfare.

I'm Hispanic, so I must be dirty.

I'm Asian, so I must love math.

I'm a revolutionary, so I must want to kill bush

I'm Jewish, so I must be greedy.

I'm gay, so I must have AIDS.

I'm a lesbian, so I must live in San Francisco.

I'm Arab, so I must be a terrorist.

I'm a single mom, so I must be a slut.

I'm old, so I probably cant drive.

I'm quiet so i must be a bitch.

I'm overweight, so I most likely have a problem with self control.

I'm religious, so I must shove my beliefs down your throat.

I'm palestinian so I must be anti-semetic

I'm republican, so I must not care about poor people.

I'm democrat, so I must not believe in being responsible.

I'm from the south, so I must be white trash.

I take anti-deppressants, so I must be crazy.

I'm a man, so I only want to get into your pants.

I'm a woman, so I must think irrationally.

I'm Irish, so I must have a bad drinking problem.

I cry, so I must be suicidal.

I'm Indian, so I must own a 7-11.

I'm Native American, so I must dance around a fire screaming like a savage, or be apart of a gaming casino.

I dont live with my child, so I must be a dead beat dad.

I'm athletic, so I must be stupid.

I'm a muslim so I must be a terrorist

I'm a prep, so I must eat and breathe Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister.

I'm a teenager, so I must drink and do drugs.

I drink so something must be wrong.

I'm a cheerleader, so I must be a whore.

I'm a punk, so I must do drugs.

I'm young, so I must be naive.

I'm rich, so I must be a snob, conceited.

I wear black, so I must be gothic.

I'm blonde so anything that comes out my mouth shouldn't matter cause im just a stupid ditz.

I'm white, so I must be a nagging, steal your money kind of girlfriend.

Im Black/Hispanic, so I must be loud and obnoxious

Im tall, so I must be good at basketball.

Im a black male that chills on the corner and has a nice car ,so im a drug dealer who didnt graduate from high school....

I'm chinese, so i must like Egg Rolls (but i really like Egg Rolls though)

I'm white, so I must think I'm better than everyone else.

I'm a Hispanic living in Texas, so I must be from Mexico.

I graduated from high school but I dont have a job or go to school right now but I still live with my parents and have a car and get to go out when I feel up to it so I must be a bum or spoiled brat.

I had my son when I was seventeen, so I couldn't possibly be a good mom.

Bottom line is that stereotypes are wrong, and the only way we can get rid of them is to make people aware of them! If you agree that predjudices and stereotypes are wrong... repost this, with the title that best fits your mold! And make others aware (oh and if you know any other stereotypes please add to the list).
This is BRILLIANT. What a fantastic idea. I fully agree with you.
Will get my thinking hat on and get something in her but for now.

*I have goodlooks so I must be a complete overconfident arsehole who gets woman with a click of the fingers and dumps them just as quick
*I'm young so that makes me a yob [Thug or nasty person]
*I'm British therefore I'm posh
*I have scizophrenia therefore I'm a fuckin lunatic
*All British men are like Hugh grant
*I have a disability so class me as a second class citizen
Stereo Types

All black guys got big dicks.

All Black people smoke crack and have multiple Baby Momma's

All Chinesse people are smart. (those chinky eyed, son of-a bitchin bastards)

Black people smell, and Indian people smell also.

Muslim people have bombs strapped to their bodies under their frumpy ass rags that they wear.

tall people have big "tools"

Short people have small "tools"

Midgets like it when you pat them on the top of their head

Irish people love to fight (not sterotype...its true:) )

All women are evil

Remember that bike that got stolen from you?...It was a MEXICAN

Women from Budapest will suck your cock for 50 cents american $

i dunno kinda lame but whatever i gave my stereos

I have a big dick which means I can get anywoman I want
Rich people are happier than poorer people
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Stereotypes are awesome! (it's really hard to type sarcasm)

I'm black so I can't speak intelligently.
I'm black so I love fried chicken (along with watermelon, chitterlings, pork rinds and collard greens)
I'm short so I'm probably mean.
I'm young so my opinions aren't valid.
I went to private school so I must be a rich snob.
I'm black so I love basketball.
My Personal Favorites (once again, sarcasm)
I'm light skinned so I must be mixed.
My friends are white so I must think I'm better than my own people.
I listen to "white music" so I must want to be white (white music is basically anything that's not R&B or Hip Hop).
I'm a well built college guy, so I'll try to date rape you if I get you alone with me.
I'm really blonde so I must have dyed it for attention

I went to a private High School so I must not be tough.

I never lived anywhere that was mentioned in a rap song growing up so I must not know how to fight.

I'm white so any black or Mexican guy can beat me up, not asians though....unless they practice kung-fu than this round eye is fucked!

I'm from Miami, Tampa Bay, Polk County, Compton, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, LA, or New Jersey so I can beat up anyone who isn't.

I'm average height and white so I must have an average penis at best, and I lift weights because I feel inadequate when meeting women, oh well when your stronger it makes it that much easier to date rape right?
The thing is, a lot of stereotypes have some truth to them. Not saying most, but a lot. If the behaviors didn't exist in signifigant numbers, the stereotypes probably wouldn't either. There are too many people reinforcing stereotypes, and sometimes they are the ones making the most noise about it. Take the Black people/proper English stereotype. How many of you can honestly say that the majority of Blacks you are around you speak properly? I don't meet very many, and I probably see 3 or 400 people a day. My Black friends asked me why I talked like I was White. Oh, you mean like I've read an ENGLISH book? Another stereotype ^ there. Some of them even assert that I am gay because I am very articulate. Ridiculous.
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gonnabe2huge said:
Stereotypes are awesome! (it's really hard to type sarcasm)
My Personal Favorites (once again, sarcasm)
I'm light skinned so I must be mixed.
My friends are white so I must think I'm better than my own people.
I listen to "white music" so I must want to be white (white music is basically anything that's not R&B or Hip Hop).

Some of the stuff thrown out by your own race is the worst. Your personal favorites are on my short list as well. I AM mixed, and it is a question I field a bunch. It cracks me up how a white rapper is cool, but a Black dude acting"White" is a sellout. And who do those people with that attitude respect? Black doctors, lawyers, or people trying to advance their cause? No. Football players, basketball players, & rappers, those are the heroes. We need more of those.:s Only Uncle Toms and sellouts don't try to get ahead by underhanded means or sports. A lot of people are bigots but just don't know it.
AlreadyPackin' said:
Some of the stuff thrown out by your own race is the worst. Your personal favorites are on my short list as well. I AM mixed, and it is a question I field a bunch. It cracks me up how a white rapper is cool, but a Black dude acting"White" is a sellout. And who do those people with that attitude respect? Black doctors, lawyers, or people trying to advance their cause? No. Football players, basketball players, & rappers, those are the heroes. We need more of those.:s Only Uncle Toms and sellouts don't try to get ahead by underhanded means or sports. A lot of people are bigots but just don't know it.
Wow man, my respect for you just shot through the roof. Even though I am not black, I still find I am one of the few who will honestly express the backward way our society seems to operate in many aspects, with the one you mentioned being one of them, regardless of who is around at the time or what they think. It's just good to see there are still sane people out there.
Some stereotypes that are thrown in my direction and/or said to me.

- " ...You have a great physique and model goodlooks so you must have every girl in town after you... " Reality: I may have the looks but it means nothing since I haven't dated in years and if I ever pick up any time soon I'll buy a lottery ticket.

-"...You speak German therefore you are a Nazi.." I F**KING HATE this one and got it all the way through highschool.

-"...You're tall therefore you are a basketballer..." I've been 5foot10 since I was 11 and got this all the time when I was younger.

-"...All fighters (boxers/kickboxers) are thugs..." Another one that I hear whenever somebody finds out that I was a boxer/kickboxer.

- "...You have small feet/hands/elbows etc therefore you have a small penis..." I'm not even going to answer that one.

-"...You never bring home girlfriends. Are you gay?" I get this from my mother and family all the time and it really gets on my nerves. Look at my answer for the first stereotype.

- People ask "...You're georgeous, do you have a girlfriend?" I reply with no and they go "Oh...are you gay?" Look at the answer that I gave above.

- " If you come from the country you are a hick/ redneck" I get this one alot.

- "If you don't play football/drink beer you are gay" Applys in Australia. I want a dollar for every time I hear this one.

-" You didn't go to university therefore you are stupid/ not very intelligent" Another one that I'm not going to answer.

There's some that I hear all the time.

This thread is really good. RESPenis EnlargementCT to all those who have had to deal with these terrible things yet have had the balls to admit to it and post them here.
Here's another one that I get all the time, " You're on your P plates and drive a Japanese sports car therefore you are a hoon". The police like pulling me over a LOT because of this stereotype.
-I'm not a hoon
-I haven't customised/done up my car in any way. It's still the same as when it left the Factory, including the stereo.
-I drive rather slow and conservatively since the pricey insurance and how much it would cost to fix ( a LOT! )
-I've never had a speeding ticket in my life.
-I usually drive 5km/h slower than the speed limit.

I think that we all agree that stereotypes are a pain in the arse.

freakazoid said:
Here's another one that I get all the time, " You're on your P plates and drive a Japanese sports car therefore you are a hoon". The police like pulling me over a LOT because of this stereotype.
-I'm not a hoon
-I haven't customised/done up my car in any way. It's still the same as when it left the Factory, including the stereo.
-I drive rather slow and conservatively since the pricey insurance and how much it would cost to fix ( a LOT! )
-I've never had a speeding ticket in my life.
-I usually drive 5km/h slower than the speed limit.

I think that we all agree that stereotypes are a pain in the arse.

I get the jist of what your saying, but what exactly is a hoon? Never heard that term before.
bIgjOe said:
I get the jist of what your saying, but what exactly is a hoon? Never heard that term before.

Hoon is an Australian term for someone that drives like a maniac with too much testosterone. "Hoons" are usually young men (many are P platers) and tend to drive done up cars (mainly Holden Commadores & Monaroes and various Japanese imports) and are known for driving recklessly with total disregard for other motorists' lives. Many are also into street racing. Check out Fast and the Furious to get the general idea.

freakazoid said:
Hoon is an Australian term for someone that drives like a maniac with too much testosterone. "Hoons" are usually young men (many are P platers) and tend to drive done up cars (mainly Holden Commadores & Monaroes and various Japanese imports) and are known for driving recklessly with total disregard for other motorists' lives. Many are also into street racing. Check out Fast and the Furious to get the general idea.

Ah ok, yeah in that case we definitely have an over-abundance of hoons in the greater Orlando area. A friend of a friend just died earlier this week as a result of reckless driving (from what we understand). Its a bit of a stark reminder about death seeing as how I just talked to the guy days earlier, still hasn't really sunk in that he's dead.
On a lighter note then, what is a P-plater? Help a yank out:)
freakazoid said:
Hoon is an Australian term for someone that drives like a maniac with too much testosterone. "Hoons" are usually young men (many are P platers) and tend to drive done up cars (mainly Holden Commadores & Monaroes and various Japanese imports) and are known for driving recklessly with total disregard for other motorists' lives. Many are also into street racing. Check out Fast and the Furious to get the general idea.


I learned something new ;) in the UK these are called Boy racers
P Plate stands for probationary License. In Australia you are on your P plates for roughly 3 years (varies state to state) before you can have a full license. When you are on your P plates you can't drink alcohol then drive, you have to have a blood alcohol reading of 0.0 or you lose you license. You can't drive certain cars that have high power to weight ratios (again varies state to state) eg: anything with turbo, V8s, V12s etc.

bIgjOe said:
Wow man, my respect for you just shot through the roof. Even though I am not black, I still find I am one of the few who will honestly express the backward way our society seems to operate in many aspects, with the one you mentioned being one of them, regardless of who is around at the time or what they think. It's just good to see there are still sane people out there.

Hey thanks, man! I see many people who complain about being categorized, but they are breathing life into the stereotypes. They bitch about their supervisors or bosses getting on them when they don't do their job, even when it is clear that they are in the wrong. Then..out comes the race card. Sorry son. Just a coincidence. You should see some of the looks my wife gets walking around with her Black husband. And most of the worst of it comes from Black women. It's OK for Black comedians to make jokes about whites, but let White man tell some ethnic jokes, and he is a racist.
One reason I believe the double standard exists is because of history, and White supremacist groups. If there were Mexican hate groups runnig around defacing White churches and putting up websites there might be more equality about it. The Black Panthers were sure dealt with in a hurry. In a sense, White folks are paying for the sins of their forefathers, but that doesn't justify it.
Lets see???

I'm white so I must be racist?

I'm white so I got a small dick and can't fuck worth a damn?

I'm white so I can't play basketball let alone jump.

I'm white so I will never know what a struggle is?

I'm white so I have a political given privilege?

I'm white so I will never get profiled by the police?

I'm white so I speak very proper?

I'm white so I got a good education?

White boys can't rap?

White boys cant dance?

I'm white so I got money?

Fuck it I gotta stop! How the fuck can I complain about stereotypes of white people? Us white people got it all right?
REDZULU2003 said:
I learned something new ;) in the UK these are called Boy racers

We call 'em that here, too. Also Riceboys, Ricers, Street Racers, Posers, or just Ignorant Jackasses. Poser and the "Rice" terms usually don't apply if the fool actually has a fast car.
AlreadyPackin' said:
Hey thanks, man! I see many people who complain about being categorized, but they are breathing life into the stereotypes. They bitch about their supervisors or bosses getting on them when they don't do their job, even when it is clear that they are in the wrong. Then..out comes the race card. Sorry son. Just a coincidence. You should see some of the looks my wife gets walking around with her Black husband. And most of the worst of it comes from Black women. It's OK for Black comedians to make jokes about whites, but let White man tell some ethnic jokes, and he is a racist.
One reason I believe the double standard exists is because of history, and White supremacist groups. If there were Mexican hate groups runnig around defacing White churches and putting up websites there might be more equality about it. The Black Panthers were sure dealt with in a hurry. In a sense, White folks are paying for the sins of their forefathers, but that doesn't justify it.
Yeah, all very true. Although my forefathers came to America from Ireland in the later 1800's, and Poland around the 1920's so they weren't all too aware of what was going on in this country before then, but you know....we all look alikerofl .
freakazoid said:
-"...You speak German therefore you are a Nazi.." I F**KING HATE this one and got it all the way through highschool.

I heard that one a lot also, but being black I could never have been a good Nazi.(and after years of not being used my German is awful)

AlreadyPackin' said:
You should see some of the looks my wife gets walking around with her Black husband. And most of the worst of it comes from Black women.

I love this one, a lot. Most black women will not give the "preppy" black man any attention but once a white women steps in it becomes a major problem. I've just watched this unfold up close, and it's definitely interesting. "How dare him, and who is she to come and take a successful black men" (random ghetto girl says to me), but once you say, "when he was available you wouldn't give him the time of day". All of the sudden it comes to surface that she and all of her friends were vying for him, but somehow no one ever knew it.

***Possibly Offensive Personal Opinion***
When did black culture come to accept immaturity and stupidity among young males. Not every young black male is in that grouping, but it seems as if we should only be focusing our attention on "ice","rims" and "hoes". People seem surprised once they realize you're past that, more mature. Even though I'm in that group age-wise, I can honestly say that I'm disappointed in a lot of my peers.
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You should see some of the looke I get walking around with my Black Girlfriend, jezz, mostly from Black Men. I get hated on because my girl is black. All I got to say is fuck em, if they want to look, let them look, but thay want to say smething to my face then that is a whole different story.
^^And they usually don't do they? Punks. Can't stand 'em.
Good points, 2huge. It's funny how that works out isn't it? I personally can't stand listening to a bunch of fools yap on about ice, rims(REALLY hate that), and hos 'dis, hos 'dat. I hate the disrespect for the ladies as well. If I'm going to listen to rap, I prefer someone with something to say. But as you said, young guys like you are the minority.
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