Sexual Health Supplements...

ok, i know about Pygeum and Horny Goat Weed, but are there any other types of herbs or supplements that can be taken that can increase the health of not only your penis but the rest of the organs associated with reproduction?

and i swear to god if someone says extenze or any other "natural male enhancement" pill i'm going to dong slap you.

anyway, if you know of any others, please list it and say what it does.

please note that they should be things that can be easily found by going to a normal health food store.
cool cool, but that really didn't help much. what that was mostly about was Penis Enlargement through different supplements. what i wanted to know was is there stuff that you can take that will promote the overall health of your reproductive system (ie penis, testicles, prostate, etc.)
I take 5-htp, it's a herbal supplement that boosts serotonin and gives much better erections. It improves overall mood as well! You should look up some kidney and liver tonic herbs as these will be the most beneficial.
StillHangin said:
once again, another dickhead response. why even respond?

1st off dont fuck with me like that. dudes like you, your wifey swallows my kids and worst of all they go home and kiss the husband (being you). Trust me its HAPPenis EnlargementNED PLENTY. Im short tempered, I dont give a fuck, and second of all I never came at you for any fuckin reason. I was never gon to respond back, but when you come back callin me a dickhead , fuck you punk ass bitch you lucky you talkin over the computer.
oh...did i hit a nerve? don't fuck with you like what? Calling you a dickhead when you act like a dickhead? oh, i'm sorry for calling a spade a spade.

nice try talking about a wife that i don't have...good attempt at trying to hurt me in such a childish way.

You never came at me? i never said you did. what i did say was that you were acting like a dickhead. look at your responses. you were. I'm sorry if you took that as some challenge to your manhood (something that must not be too prominent judging by your response).
Just ignore this guy. It sounds like he has a lot of teenage angst. However, it may be warranted. The teenage years can be difficult ones.

This is what has to say about the word fam:
the ebonic term for saying hello to a close loved one or another term for a person you get along dearly with

Hey, what up fam? What be crackin', son?

So, there you have it. He was referring to you as his family.