Serious concern

Heres the story:

Several months ago i had unprotected sex with this girl but i withdrew after about a minute because i wanted to avoid getting her pregnant. Im an idiot for not wearing a condom. The problem is that jus recently, her doctor told her that her cells were looking pretty abnormal, and that it was in stage 2 of the process of becoming cancerous. She was having lots of unprotected sex with a guy that was havin unprotected sex with others girl. I only had sex with her once, and that was the time that was the one minute session. They said that the cells just became abnormal during the time that she has been having unprotected sex with this other dude I just wanted to kno if i should get a blood test anyway, jus so i kno whats goin on?
theres been things about this stuff in the news lately. There is a std that can cause cervical cancer and resides in the foreskin. i don't think it affects men but has been proven to increase the chance of cancer in women by about 40%. They have developed a vacine for the virus and are discussing whether or not to nationally give it out to young women in schools. If that is what has happened in this case, then i wouldn't worry about yourself but should get it checked so as not to put future girlfriends at risk.

I actually read an article about this and apparently they only discovered the link by noticing low level of c cancer in jewish women, the thought process was this: jewish women usually go with jewish men (i think they ment devout or something) while non jewish women go with whoever. And as jewish men are generally circumsiced, they have no place for the virus to live. or some crap like that.
It is better to be sure and get tested especially if this girl was a freak. If there is a problem with you, most of the time the doctor can get you right. Cover up that jimmy!
Hi mate, we've all made mistakes like that. I dont think you have to worry about catching any form of cancer as its not contageous, but I would say go to the GU clinic for a sexual health test as there are loads of other things you could have caught. The test isnt all that nice but it is quick, simple and free and you will know straight away and can be treated if you have anything.

Good luck with it.

It is probably Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Yes, get checked out and treated, and use a condom next time.

finalsight said:
There is a std that can cause cervical cancer and resides in the foreskin.

This is not correct. HPV lesions can occur in many areas of the body, not just under the foreskin. This idea is left over from the days before HPV was discovered to be the cause of cervical cancer, when some people thought that smegma caused the cancer. After HPV was discovered, they just assumed that foreskins harbored HPV, but this is not the case.

finalsight said:
I actually read an article about this and apparently they only discovered the link by noticing low level of c cancer in jewish women, the thought process was this: jewish women usually go with jewish men (i think they ment devout or something) while non jewish women go with whoever. And as jewish men are generally circumsiced, they have no place for the virus to live. or some crap like that.

This is flawed logic. Promiscuity spreads HPV infection and the Jewish group that was studied is relatively non-promiscuous. That is why their infection rate is so low, not because they are circumcised.
yea bro, HPV is what she has, there are over 70 strains, and the ones you cant see as warts are the most likely to cause cancer....but its realy only an issue for women. Men dont have to worry other than getting warts and the risk of spreading them

There is alot of research supporting folic acid and other nutrients as reducing the risk of cervical dysplasia so she might want to look into that. Also the pill increases risk as it depletes certain nutrients in the uterus.

read more

Google "HPV Birth Control Pill"

or try a google on "HPV Folic Acid"(here)