
From what I understand, this is a condition from the breakdown of large amounts of skeletal muscle. The broken down tissue becomes waste, and is released as toxin into the blood and this can be deadly. It's extremely rare to begin with. I have personally only heard of 1 anecdotal incident that was supposedly a result of over doing "Crossfit". The penis has almost no skeletal muscle.
The penis has smooth muscle, it does not mean it's not possible to the rest of the body parts. It will not happen to the penis and nor will it bring this out from doing Penis Enlargement.

From WebMD: Rhabdomyolysis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Rhabdomyolysis Causes

There are many causes of rhabdomyolysis. The most common causes include:

  • The use of alcohol or illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine or amphetamines
  • Extreme muscle strain, especially in someone who is an untrained athlete. This can happen in elite athletes too, however. And it can be more dangerous if there is more muscle mass to break down.
  • A crush injury such as from an auto accident, fall, or building collapse
  • Long-lasting muscle compression such as that caused by prolonged immobilization after a fall or lying unconscious on a hard surface during illness or while under the influence of alcohol or medication
  • The use of medications such as antipsychotics or statins, especially when given in high doses
The reason I ask is because 2 weeks ago from last Friday I had an episode where I pissed brown piss(coke color) from start to finish and prior to that my left side kidney hurt to the point of almost couldn't stand straight. I did it again when I woke up Saturday morning but it cleared up thru out the morning.
2 weeks later (this past Friday morning) I did it again this time my right kidney was hurting. So I've been trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
I saw a picture of pee associated with Rhabdomyolysis and it looked exactly what mine did. I know it's a rare condition but wondered if the stress against the tendons would cause this. I read somewhere that that could trigger this as well.
The chemical produced is called myoglobin and it's very toxic to the kidneys so I thought maybe that's why my kidneys would hurt til after I cleaned them out. Also for the next day after I felt pretty drained and weak feeling.
I don't know. Just kinda of freaks you out when you see brown piss coming out of the end of your dick.
Additional info:
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal striated muscle breaks down rapidly.
Skeletal muscle is one of three major muscle types, the others being cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. It is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the voluntary control of the somatic nervous system.[1] Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons.
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stillwantmore2;698229 said:
History of kidney issues in the family? It would be a first for me hearing of something like this.
No known family kidney issues.
Upon further research and failing to mention a possible key factor I'm leaning more towards this:
Both times before the onset occurred I got extremely hot working outside. The first time involved moving heavy logs. The second time not as much physical strain but I got sicker and light headed.
Both of these things I have done countless times over the years due to working outside most of my working life. Before now I would just get over it and move on. This time was different for some reason. If it wasn't for the kidney thing I wouldn't have given this any thought either.
Just going to make sure I'm more hydrated from now on because that seems to be the biggest cause with this type of Phabdomyolysis.
I'm not a Dr so I can't swear this is what I had but it sure does sound like it. If it happens again I guess I'll have to break down and go to the dr's.
I remember once in county the niggas in charge (eme) made some dude do like a hundred sets of squats (burpees style) using only bodyweight as a sort of disciplinary for breaking the tank rules. He was almost passing out afterwards and also pissed brown so he went to medical and the nurse sniffed his cak.

He asked him what he'd done and he said the disciplinary and the nurse wasn't surprised. Like "ah yeah that burpees shit, stop making guys do that". Idk what they gave him though
IVEADREAM;698225 said:
The reason I ask is because 2 weeks ago from last Friday I had an episode where I pissed brown piss(coke color) from start to finish and prior to that my left side kidney hurt to the point of almost couldn't stand straight. I did it again when I woke up Saturday morning but it cleared up thru out the morning.
2 weeks later (this past Friday morning) I did it again this time my right kidney was hurting. So I've been trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
I saw a picture of pee associated with Rhabdomyolysis and it looked exactly what mine did. I know it's a rare condition but wondered if the stress against the tendons would cause this. I read somewhere that that could trigger this as well.
The chemical produced is called myoglobin and it's very toxic to the kidneys so I thought maybe that's why my kidneys would hurt til after I cleaned them out. Also for the next day after I felt pretty drained and weak feeling.
I don't know. Just kinda of freaks you out when you see brown piss coming out of the end of your dick.
Additional info:
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal striated muscle breaks down rapidly.
Skeletal muscle is one of three major muscle types, the others being cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. It is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the voluntary control of the somatic nervous system.[1] Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons.

So do any of these apply to you?:

  • The use of alcohol or illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine or amphetamines
  • Extreme muscle strain, especially in someone who is an untrained athlete. This can happen in elite athletes too, however. And it can be more dangerous if there is more muscle mass to break down.
  • A crush injury such as from an auto accident, fall, or building collapse
  • Long-lasting muscle compression such as that caused by prolonged immobilization after a fall or lying unconscious on a hard surface during illness or while under the influence of alcohol or medication
  • The use of medications such as antipsychotics or statins, especially when given in high doses

Do you take any drugs or alchohol?
Have you ever had muscle breakdown or major strain?
Do you live in an environment which causes you to strain your body?
I think a doctors visit would be a good idea.
The reason I ask is because 2 weeks ago from last Friday I had an episode where I pissed brown piss(coke color) from start to finish and prior to that my left side kidney hurt to the point of almost couldn't stand straight. I did it again when I woke up Saturday morning but it cleared up thru out the morning.
2 weeks later (this past Friday morning) I did it again this time my right kidney was hurting. So I've been trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
I saw a picture of pee associated with Rhabdomyolysis and it looked exactly what mine did. I know it's a rare condition but wondered if the stress against the tendons would cause this. I read somewhere that that could trigger this as well.
Rhabdomyolysis - Wikipedia
The chemical produced is called myoglobin and it's very toxic to the kidneys so I thought maybe that's why my kidneys would hurt til after I cleaned them out. Also for the next day after I felt pretty drained and weak feeling.
I don't know. Just kinda of freaks you out when you see brown piss coming out of the end of your dick.
Additional info:
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal striated muscle breaks down rapidly.
Skeletal muscle is one of three major muscle types, the others being cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. It is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the voluntary control of the somatic nervous system.[1] Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons.

Brother, after reading through this post, I want to check on you. I hope you are still with us and your issue has since been sorted?
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