Progress thread Question about girth training and length training.

"Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a naturally occurring compound that is found in various plant and animal tissues. Some plants that are known to contain AKG include:
  1. Spinach
  2. Broccoli
  3. Cabbage
  4. Tomato
  5. Beetroot
  6. Carrot
  7. Onion
  8. Potato
  9. Avocado
  10. Grapefruit
These plants contain AKG in varying amounts, and the specific concentration may depend on factors such as the growing conditions, soil composition, and harvesting methods. AKG is also available as a dietary supplement, typically in the form of capsules or powder."
Anyway, I don’t want to take over your thread with a diet debate. You are killing it with your PE consistency and dedication. Keep it up brother, I think you will start seeing great gains soon!
Most of our Evolution we ate mostly plant based diet, and meat was actually not always available. There are paleontologic studies made about the subject, which show that people ate mostly high starch foods. And this is really long time in the timeline of our evolution. This means that we are not able to lean on only hunter-gatherer era of our evolution, which really is not the majority of our metabolic and physiological developmental stretched through timeline. Meat is not really needed. Even our body produces DHA and EPA from ALA in sufficient matter for brains to be highly developed. We can't even compare ourselves to hunter-gatherers in that respect, because they were masters of their environment. This meas that they used hundreds of diffent plants for medicine, nutrition etc. We have always thought that they lived in scarcity, but in many areas this is not true. We also know the effect of our environment on eating habits. Meat is not always available and neither are plants. If its winter or you live on areas like northpole, your main source of nutrition will be fatty fish and meat. There was study made about eskimo, where they found that even when they ate lot of seal meat, they were able to survive, but they died younger, and cardiovascular system was thoroughly calcified.
Good books about these subject to read:
- Dr. Michael Greger - How not to die. (going through current scientific journals about Nutritional science.)
- Dr. Michael Greger - How not to diet. (same as before.)
- Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari.

There is TED talk about paleontology study if I remember correct. 🤔
Most of our Evolution we ate mostly plant based diet, and meat was actually not always available. There are paleontologic studies made about the subject, which show that people ate mostly high starch foods. And this is really long time in the timeline of our evolution. This means that we are not able to lean on only hunter-gatherer era of our evolution, which really is not the majority of our metabolic and physiological developmental stretched through timeline. Meat is not really needed. Even our body produces DHA and EPA from ALA in sufficient matter for brains to be highly developed. We can't even compare ourselves to hunter-gatherers in that respect, because they were masters of their environment. This meas that they used hundreds of diffent plants for medicine, nutrition etc. We have always thought that they lived in scarcity, but in many areas this is not true. We also know the effect of our environment on eating habits. Meat is not always available and neither are plants. If its winter or you live on areas like northpole, your main source of nutrition will be fatty fish and meat. There was study made about eskimo, where they found that even when they ate lot of seal meat, they were able to survive, but they died younger, and cardiovascular system was thoroughly calcified.
Good books about these subject to read:
- Dr. Michael Greger - How not to die. (going through current scientific journals about Nutritional science.)
- Dr. Michael Greger - How not to diet. (same as before.)
- Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari.

There is TED talk about paleontology study if I remember correct. 🤔

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. All of the research I have done draws very different conclusions about most of the topics you are talking about.
3 hours working out some Judo and Krav Maga. Now I am using Phallosan Plus, and I can tell you this much: my second hour, and I am already extending with 20cm without any discomfort. This day can actually be when I am able to add not one, but two more pieces of bars... Atleast I am going to try. If I can, I will fuck my gfs brains to the wall. 🤯😜🍑🍄
3 hours working out some Judo and Krav Maga. Now I am using Phallosan Plus, and I can tell you this much: my second hour, and I am already extending with 20cm without any discomfort. This day can actually be when I am able to add not one, but two more pieces of bars... Atleast I am going to try. If I can, I will fuck my gfs brains to the wall. 🤯😜🍑🍄
Good news I must say.
You are the King 👑 of the Phallosan forte extender.

By the way: Do your girlfriend knows that you are doing PE?
I think that when there comes point when penis "retracts, creeps, turtles" from over training, it is time to keep some pause from training and let tissues heal. Because I noticed that my hang was really low today. Blood was flowing nicely. I had this feeling, that my penis was really healed and grown. Now I will try the limit, if the line has moved forward. If it has, awesome. Tomorrow I will be doing 5x5x3, and if there is not retracting or turtling, I will do 4-5 hours of extending aswell.
You should start a nutritional based thread that discusses plant based diet. 😁

You should start it here: Body Building, Health, Fitness & Diet Forum.
I couldn't... Subject is way too conflicting, and dicotomy is strong. It is one of the subject that work more as religion to many. This is why it is most of the time waste of time to debate on nutritional subject, as there is psychological bias at work: people tend to create their frame of thought through one source of information. Business of Nutrition used this dicotomy really effectively, by creating "Evil them" reaction on people. This is why we tend to see these "trend diets" that are actually bad for health. Books are sold with label: The plant paradox. Which creates cognitive dissonance in people. Books tells about the "evil" lectins that are terrible to health. Well... those plants that have lectins are boiled, so lectins will be destroyed. I have done these debates propably hundreds of times, and the results are the same. Someone gets Hurt, won't change his mind, wont read study journals I post, and keeps his frame of thought. This why I can only recommend books, studies etc. It saves nerves, time and propably lives. 🤣😅✌ *there was a joke somewhere hidden... *
I couldn't... Subject is way too conflicting, and dicotomy is strong. It is one of the subject that work more as religion to many. This is why it is most of the time waste of time to debate on nutritional subject, as there is psychological bias at work: people tend to create their frame of thought through one source of information. Business of Nutrition used this dicotomy really effectively, by creating "Evil them" reaction on people. This is why we tend to see these "trend diets" that are actually bad for health. Books are sold with label: The plant paradox. Which creates cognitive dissonance in people. Books tells about the "evil" lectins that are terrible to health. Well... those plants that have lectins are boiled, so lectins will be destroyed. I have done these debates propably hundreds of times, and the results are the same. Someone gets Hurt, won't change his mind, wont read study journals I post, and keeps his frame of thought. This why I can only recommend books, studies etc. It saves nerves, time and propably lives. 🤣😅✌ *there was a joke somewhere hidden... *
I agreed with that for sure.
I have experienced this in many parts of life, previously I tried to convince people on youtube that they need to think for themselves and keep their mind open...I was not successful in that.

They believed a guru and they believed blindly without even thinking if the information even is correct or objective...or if the information really was validated in the medical community. There was a guy talking about many diffrent subjects, but he talks about studies that have only been done once...That's not a proper way to do things, there is risk for disinformation if you do not validate your clames throughly. And this guy disregard this and just looking for fame.

I know where you are coming from with this.
"Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a naturally occurring compound that is found in various plant and animal tissues. Some plants that are known to contain AKG include:
  1. Spinach
  2. Broccoli
  3. Cabbage
  4. Tomato
  5. Beetroot
  6. Carrot
  7. Onion
  8. Potato
  9. Avocado
  10. Grapefruit
These plants contain AKG in varying amounts, and the specific concentration may depend on factors such as the growing conditions, soil composition, and harvesting methods. AKG is also available as a dietary supplement, typically in the form of capsules or powder."
Back with some updating. Today gonna focus on extending for 4 hours, and gonna sleep for awhile.
I listened audiobook: Plant Based Athlete - Matt Frazier, Robert Cheeke. It was really good book to listen in conjunction with How not to die and How not to diet.
By the way... There is mention in How not to die about Citrulline, that can be found in watermelon, for increasing erektion and helping ED. Erection level +60%. I put it to the test: I ate half watermelon. Holy crap when was "segsy" time my erection was through the roof. Sex was amazing with that erection. At July, when its time to measure, definitely gonna eat whole damn watermelon before I measure progress. 🍉🤣🍄
Back with some updating. Today gonna focus on extending for 4 hours, and gonna sleep for awhile.
I listened audiobook: Plant Based Athlete - Matt Frazier, Robert Cheeke. It was really good book to listen in conjunction with How not to die and How not to diet.
By the way... There is mention in How not to die about Citrulline, that can be found in watermelon, for increasing erektion and helping ED. Erection level +60%. I put it to the test: I ate half watermelon. Holy crap when was "segsy" time my erection was through the roof. Sex was amazing with that erection. At July, when its time to measure, definitely gonna eat whole damn watermelon before I measure progress. 🍉🤣🍄
We will messure approximately at the same time.
There is L-Citrulline supplements that's even more potent then consuming watermelon. But you probably already knew this.
All right, back in business... Doing Phallosan Plus for 4 hours. Went bit back with intensity. I am trying to find good level of stretched so that glans wont take damage from extending. Just need to trust the process, and ultimately see if it gives results.
I can definitely tell, that I have lost good amount of fat and gained some muscle. Scale is not the best measure in this, but girlfriend is... When she says: "Maybe you should start eating some fast food and drink Coca-Cola... I liked the dadbody."... I can only laugh. 🤣 Plant based diet simply works. I have been in long relationship, and when gf says something in direction that would take your own value down to help gf's bad self-esteem, you do exactly opposite what she wants you to do... I am not a fcn simpleton. Man's value is the thing that keeps man as man. If your value gets low, woman don't give shit about your lovely dadbody, and cheats you with someone that has not dadbody. If you are high value man, it gives you advantage over gf, as if she does shit behind your back, you always have choices. 🤣😏
I will appreciate if you can point me to where I can get some dose of this same pill. I need more because it is never enough.

I believe you know everything already, but I will try to find some resources about it.
This is as red-pilled as you can come...
🔗 Lose family members one after pilled/escape the matrix, and the abusive nature of your family (thread on MOS).
It also covers red-pilled mindset/being a man in relation to women.
All right, back in business... Doing Phallosan Plus for 4 hours. Went bit back with intensity. I am trying to find good level of stretched so that glans wont take damage from extending. Just need to trust the process, and ultimately see if it gives results.
I can definitely tell, that I have lost good amount of fat and gained some muscle. Scale is not the best measure in this, but girlfriend is... When she says: "Maybe you should start eating some fast food and drink Coca-Cola... I liked the dadbody."... I can only laugh. 🤣 Plant based diet simply works. I have been in long relationship, and when gf says something in direction that would take your own value down to help gf's bad self-esteem, you do exactly opposite what she wants you to do... I am not a fcn simpleton. Man's value is the thing that keeps man as man. If your value gets low, woman don't give shit about your lovely dadbody, and cheats you with someone that has not dadbody. If you are high value man, it gives you advantage over gf, as if she does shit behind your back, you always have choices. 🤣😏

my ex used to say this to me when I would get really clean with my diet and the abs started coming through. She’d be like: I kinda liked when you were bulkier etc. I think she said that stuff because she felt bad that she was lazy and had let herself go. She was in worse shape than I met her while I Iooked better. You are right, don’t be a simp. Be the best man you can be.
Back at business after case of blisters. Had also damn horrible few days at work followed by Krav Maga training. I jumped back to training: I did 5x5x3.

My learning experience from mistakes made:

1. My unit can't handle 5x5x3 + vacuum extender 4 hours.
- So to bypass this, I made rough prototype of clamp made from wood. Tried it, and it definitely works, but I am thinking of taking another route that has seem to work before. Doing 5x5x3 followed with manual stretching on first day. Second day I will do 4 hours of Phallosan Plus extender. I am not convinced that I should do extender everyday, as pumping has to contribute some to length, atleast when you start filling the tube fully. Thinking from this point of view: as my unit has healed completely, erection level is great. Did simple test with toilet paper roll, and I can't fit my healed fully erect penis in. Length is constant 18cm, no losses after healing period.

2. Better circulation, lower inflammation, and definitely more horny.
- Plant based diet simply works. Losing fat, weight stays nicely at 92kg. Lost about 10kg ish when got fully commited to this way of life. Losing weight has slowed as muscle has build up nicely. Fatpad is getting thinner. Lower flaccid hang and alot more veinier penis. I read somewhere that running can contribute for penis length like 1cm+. I am training Krav Maga, but I get atleast 15K steps per day at work, and I lift heavy shit.

3. About measurement on June...

- My pump shows 18,5cm with 10hq. Not sure atm how much Fatpad lower this, but it seems reasonable estimate. I will measure later on. Maybe at July.

Posting more later on. I will rest for awhile, as my workdays start to suck some major as due to rising temperatures. (waiting for summers heat wave with fear, sweatty ass crack and wearing tang.)

One major learned experience: If something wont work the way you want... Don't try to do it all over again, expecting new results. Step back for awhile, and think what you are doing wrong. It may have been efficient, but progress will get stuck if some tissues can't handle the process. Then new approach is needed. 💪
Yesterday I did 3 hour of Phallosan Plus extender to adapt my penis to training after rest period. Today I did 5 hours of Phallosan Plus extending. Feels good, no bruising and nice lower hang.
Tomorrow I need to go train some Thaipads 5*3 min rounds to get better technique and more fighting conditioning. After that I will do 5x5x3... This is the plan for tomorrow.
Combining 5x5x3 with extender is not good for my penis. I will do these separately for awhile as it seems to be better for me.
Anyway, about the Red pill. It seems that when my gf hasnt been able to turn me around about empowering myself, she is talking about separation. For some reason I am bit relieved, as I am able to see what women with bad self-esteem can do to destroy man. I could call it Tao.. Man needs to walk his path. If woman is worth, she will follow. Man cant follow womans path, as nice guy gets emasgulated, used and dumped. 💁‍♂️
Yesterday I did 3 hour of Phallosan Plus extender to adapt my penis to training after rest period. Today I did 5 hours of Phallosan Plus extending. Feels good, no bruising and nice lower hang.
Tomorrow I need to go train some Thaipads 5*3 min rounds to get better technique and more fighting conditioning. After that I will do 5x5x3... This is the plan for tomorrow.
Combining 5x5x3 with extender is not good for my penis. I will do these separately for awhile as it seems to be better for me.
Anyway, about the Red pill. It seems that when my gf hasnt been able to turn me around about empowering myself, she is talking about separation. For some reason I am bit relieved, as I am able to see what women with bad self-esteem can do to destroy man. I could call it Tao.. Man needs to walk his path. If woman is worth, she will follow. Man cant follow womans path, as nice guy gets emasgulated, used and dumped. 💁‍♂️
Great to hear that you are back on track.
You are correct according to the book: The way of the superior man by David Deida, and the red pilled mindset. If we follow woman and kill our dreams in the process we will become depressed. We also become a SIMP this way.

It seems that when my gf hasnt been able to turn me around about empowering myself, she is talking about separation.

If you don't mind me asking:
-What do you mean with this?
I mean, that she has a way of keeping people around her under control. So empowering myself, raising my masculine value, and having my own mind and identity, it creates conflict in her which in turn manifests in high conflict behavior. Walking over eggshells so to speak. But empowering myself means to her that she is losing control. There are many narsissistic tendencies driving her behavior. Sometimes she turns into quite different person, like turning on switch. Many phobias that manifest in neurotic behaviors. When she has her PMS, its a damn hell of time. 😬
I mean, that she has a way of keeping people around her under control. So empowering myself, raising my masculine value, and having my own mind and identity, it creates conflict in her which in turn manifests in high conflict behavior. Walking over eggshells so to speak. But empowering myself means to her that she is losing control. There are many narsissistic tendencies driving her behavior. Sometimes she turns into quite different person, like turning on switch. Many phobias that manifest in neurotic behaviors. When she has her PMS, its a damn hell of time. 😬
That sounds like a nightmare.
I had a narcissist in my life my entire life. When I removed this person from my life (took a while to discover this), I feelt like myself and free. Feels like I can do anything I want with my life now. No more mental leash on myself (and no more controlled by this petson), from a narcissist any longer. I'm finally free.

You can never change a narcissist. The only think you can do is to remove them from your life. Distance yourself and put them out of their mind. Never go back. This is hard to realize.
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That sounds like a nightmare.
I had a narcissist in my life my entire life. When I removed this person from my life (took a while to discover this), I feelt like myself and free. Feels like I can do anything I want with my life now. No more mental leash on myself (and no more controlled by this petson), from a narcissist any longer. I'm finally free.

You can never change a narcissist. The only think you can do is to remove them from your life. Distance yourself and put them out of their mind. Never go back. This is hard to realize.
Agree 👍
I'm back... Back from nightmare. I totally burned out at work, and here in Finland our winters are long and dark. I tried to keep family together, but my so called borderline/narcissistic female partner decided, that when man goes down, he should be burried under shit load of BS. So no more transactional relationship. Thank god. It took me about 3 months to get out of depressive state and get my masculinity back with someone else. And lets be Frank... Havent had so good sex in years. I have been too loyal to my ex spouse, but these experiences tell me that enough of shitty long relationships is just enough. So... I got back in business with PE. Been doing pumping mostly with starting 15min in Bathmate...from that I transfer to gauged Aira pump. 10hg mostly and trying to go up just a bit for while to adjust my penis to better stretching. And it feels awesome. ❤️🍆


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I'm back... Back from nightmare. I totally burned out at work, and here in Finland our winters are long and dark. I tried to keep family together, but my so called borderline/narcissistic female partner decided, that when man goes down, he should be burried under shit load of BS. So no more transactional relationship. Thank god. It took me about 3 months to get out of depressive state and get my masculinity back with someone else. And lets be Frank... Havent had so good sex in years. I have been too loyal to my ex spouse, but these experiences tell me that enough of shitty long relationships is just enough. So... I got back in business with PE. Been doing pumping mostly with starting 15min in Bathmate...from that I transfer to gauged Aira pump. 10hg mostly and trying to go up just a bit for while to adjust my penis to better stretching. And it feels awesome. ❤️🍆

Welcome back brother. Glad you were able to break free from that relationship. I've had similar experience before. Such relationship feels like something that is draining one's life force.
I bought bit stiffer cockring, and it gives good seal. Tomorrow I will try modified 5x5x3. 15min pumping with bathmate for warmth and starting expansion. After that 10min Air pump. Then slow squash jelgs 5min. Repeat 3 times. I was thinking of getting back to extender, but earlier I had problem with getting blisters. So I will forget about that for while, and do some basic stretching. My goal is to get this cylinder full, so I get good inner pressure, and start getting length from pumping. I need to figure out a way to prevent the blisters problem. It seems to occur after 19cm stretching flaccid. Maybe I just should start hanging... Not sure yet. 🤔 One thing is sure... There is some truth about decon breaks. All lost gains seem to come back quicker. Maybe I can now get past 20cm easily with dedicated routine.
I bought bit stiffer cockring, and it gives good seal. Tomorrow I will try modified 5x5x3. 15min pumping with bathmate for warmth and starting expansion. After that 10min Air pump. Then slow squash jelgs 5min. Repeat 3 times. I was thinking of getting back to extender, but earlier I had problem with getting blisters. So I will forget about that for while, and do some basic stretching. My goal is to get this cylinder full, so I get good inner pressure, and start getting length from pumping. I need to figure out a way to prevent the blisters problem. It seems to occur after 19cm stretching flaccid. Maybe I just should start hanging... Not sure yet. 🤔 One thing is sure... There is some truth about decon breaks. All lost gains seem to come back quicker. Maybe I can now get past 20cm easily with dedicated routine.

The length master won't give you any blisters. It can be very addictive too.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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