Progress thread Question about girth training and length training.

So, today I am going to extend with Phallosan plus for 4 hours. 5 hours, if I feel like my glans is taking it well. After that 5x5x3.
When I dived into Phallosan, I noticed that base is getting tight. This means that it starts to work as cock ring and creates bit of erection... This actually can be good thing. 🤔 5x5x3 seems to effect alot for my base girth and it transfers to extending. Consistency is definitely the key, as I feel like that if I would give too long periods of time for my penis to heal, it would make tissue resistant to force. Boron, zinc and magnesium seem to make any injury heal in half of the time it usually would need to heal. There is real benefits for being on plant based diet, because of the lower inflammation in body, which helps tissue to heal faster. This effect helps muscle building, but also tissue healing. And of course lower inflammation is better for mental health... One of the benefits of plant based diet, that I forgot to mention about healing depression.
Done with training today. Extender 4 and half hours. 5x5x3 also done. After first set, my base of penis simply was not fitting in cylinder. Used water as lubricant, and got it in. Expansion that I get from 5x5x3 is fenomenal. Tried my limits with vacuum: first set 10, second set 12,5hq, third set 12,5hq, but last minutes of it I upped to 15hq. (no blisters, penis is getting used to training this hard.)

So... Im gonna eat avocado, chickpeas, broccoli, tomato, cashew nuts, some salad and cucumber, maybe bit of beans for flavor. 😘
Done with training today. Extender 4 and half hours. 5x5x3 also done. After first set, my base of penis simply was not fitting in cylinder. Used water as lubricant, and got it in. Expansion that I get from 5x5x3 is fenomenal. Tried my limits with vacuum: first set 10, second set 12,5hq, third set 12,5hq, but last minutes of it I upped to 15hq. (no blisters, penis is getting used to training this hard.)

So... Im gonna eat avocado, chickpeas, broccoli, tomato, cashew nuts, some salad and cucumber, maybe bit of beans for flavor. 😘
Awesome brother!
That sounds like good sessions.

Many beans for protein?
Or do you get that from nuts?
I have work that became more or less routine. The benefits of my work is that I am able to listen one audiobook per workday. This cumulates alot in long period of time, but most important thing is not the amount of reading and its effect on crystallized IQ on long term, but the capability to assosiate and have memory imprint of knowledge, meaning that if you need to find some information, you necessarily don't remember everything about the subject, but you definitely remember where to find the knowledge. One great example of this is: We all think that Albert Einstein was genius, but many don't know that in reality he spent his youth working in patent office, where he read hundreds patent documents. He definitely took some red pill, and started to think differently compared to most people. It is matter of choice these days... You can watch adult entertainment, watch cat video, or read study journals and listen to audiobooks. Knowledge is only power, if put in action. 👈
I suggest you to read book: How not to die - Dr. Michael Greger. I myself have gone through depression periods on life several times. Environmental triggers effect greatly. Lack of exercise is one major driver of depression. For this I recommend reading book: Spark - John J. Ratey. Natural remedies for depression: Curcumin, Magnesium, Plant based diet that makes gut flora work like charm. This connection between gut and brain has been scientifically proven. They also found that creatine is good against depression. Also... If testosterono starts to drop at age 30-40, you will get depressed. You will be ok DLD. 👍💪
Thanks my friend
Today I am going to do 30 mins on normal jelqing as recovery training. After hard workweek, there is going to be eating like a horse, sleeping like sloth and sex like slug... Or something. 🤣 So recovery mainly for EQ and gathering strength for next workweek and PE-grind. 🍄 Project: Mushroom.
I decided yesterday to give full rest to my penis, so I left jelqing out. This morning I dived into Phallosan Plus, and I'm going to extend for 4 hours. Lots of thing to do today. I hope that I will be able to do my 5x5x3 routine after extending.
Plant based diet has one minor negative side: high fiber content makes your intestine work like charm, I'd say too well at sometimes. If you put extender on in the morning and eat your lentils and oats with berries, it takes roughly ten minutes and you need to run to toilet and take a major bump. 💩 This can be hassle sometimes. 🤣 If you drink coffee, it has same effect as coffee has shrinking effect on stomach and your bowel starts to work "like" never before. 😬
I decided yesterday to give full rest to my penis, so I left jelqing out. This morning I dived into Phallosan Plus, and I'm going to extend for 4 hours. Lots of thing to do today. I hope that I will be able to do my 5x5x3 routine after extending.
Plant based diet has one minor negative side: high fiber content makes your intestine work like charm, I'd say too well at sometimes. If you put extender on in the morning and eat your lentils and oats with berries, it takes roughly ten minutes and you need to run to toilet and take a major bump. 💩 This can be hassle sometimes. 🤣 If you drink coffee, it has same effect as coffee has shrinking effect on stomach and your bowel starts to work "like" never before. 😬

I did 4 hours of extending today. My glans is giving some indications of darkening. Propably need to take it easier for few days, but I am not going to stop or take rest. I was going to do 5x5x3, but I need to do it tomorrow. Had busy day doing some Judo and BJJ training. So I will rest today well. Feeling good atm. I can emphasise enough the importance of training for mental health and physical health.
I did 4 hours of extending today. My glans is giving some indications of darkening. Propably need to take it easier for few days, but I am not going to stop or take rest. I was going to do 5x5x3, but I need to do it tomorrow. Had busy day doing some Judo and BJJ training. So I will rest today well. Feeling good atm. I can emphasise enough the importance of training for mental health and physical health.
Rest is important. After my previous rest day, I could increase the intensity even further (with: lengthmaster).
So rest is important to have planned I believe, otherwise you may be forced to take rest due to penis soreness (skin) or something else...maybe blisters...

Keep going 👍
It's easy to feel bad about that.
You can think that your penis have heald good, and you can increase the intensity even further. I had that experience with the lengthmaster. After a rest day the intensity was insane. Night and day you can say.

I will do my best to take only 1 day off every week. I'm seeing results already from my pumping routine. My penis is thicker in my eyes. 9th of this month will make it 3 months of pumping. I'm longer and thicker than before.
Today I'm giving rest to my penis. It needs atleast one full day of rest to heal tissue completely. Tomorrow I will see if I get good EQ. If not, I will do light jelqing. Glands needs to heal well. I Wonder if I am able to add one more small piece of bar to Phallosan Plus after healing.
I got an idea about product. What if extender was designed bit differently. 3D modeling and printing makes it possible to design extender so, that extender could be elongated one millimetre at time by rolling knop. Just an idea, but prototype could be made from plastic. If it works, it could be made from material that is stronger, and "unbreakable". Practically penis would be put is vacuum Bell, that is connected to base that is moving along rail. This would make it easy to just add one millimetre per day to stretch... Or even smaller increments. 🤔
I will do my best to take only 1 day off every week. I'm seeing results already from my pumping routine. My penis is thicker in my eyes. 9th of this month will make it 3 months of pumping. I'm longer and thicker than before.
Whta's your current workout routine for girth brother?
I'm going to give one more rest day to my penis. Tomorrow I am going to jump back on the horse, as tissue has healed completely. There was no turtling today, and hang is low, so indications are good. Tomorrow I will see if there is retraction or am I able to add one more piece of bar on Phallosan Plus.
I got some Krav Maga training today at evening. Its really good because now I can put my mind more holistically to improving myself, and training is always good for losing weight and gaining muscle. Effect on testosterone and free testosterone is also positive. 😙
I did 4 hours of extending with Phallosan Plus. I actually started this week by taking off on piece of bar. I am going to try if smoother aproach gives me a lower hang. I don't have time for 5x5x3 today, but I am going to do it tomorrow.
After "hellish" workday got in shower, and got some warm water to get tissue warm. After shower I put on Phallosan. Added one piece of bars back and got easily stretched without retraction. I think this initially tells me that tissue is nicely healed and I can continue with training with same routine. I am trying to add one piece of bar eventually to last hour of stretching.
Today I am going to do 4 hours of extending. After 4 hours has passed, I need to head for Krav Maga training. I just hope that I am not too tired after, because I need to do 5x5x3 today.
Damn easter messed some of my training, but I was able to jump back to routine. Doing 4 hours of Phallosan Plus extending. If I need to find some positive about break: penis is completely healed and flaccid is nicely loose. After these holidays, concetration and dedication to training needs to be 100%. (Damn holidays and social events mess shit up bad.) 😑
Krav Maga training was awesome. I can tell you that thaicup is a must, if I want to have my penis and balls to be intact. Couple of good kicks to balls may end up in severe injury. 😬 Tomorrow I am going to focus on 5x5x3. For some reason my glans is not taking extender use well. Not sure, if I should take week for only doing manual stretching and jelqing? 🤔
Workday done. Put on Phallosan Plus, and trying to do 4 hours. There is a persistent problem where used to be blister, tends to come bloodspot that renews when using Bell with full vacuum. This damn annoying. I need to figure out the work around this problem. But I am starting to lean on ordering Length master. I should of ordered already, but mind got preoccupied with other things that are going on atm.
Workday done. Put on Phallosan Plus, and trying to do 4 hours. There is a persistent problem where used to be blister, tends to come bloodspot that renews when using Bell with full vacuum. This damn annoying. I need to figure out the work around this problem. But I am starting to lean on ordering Length master. I should of ordered already, but mind got preoccupied with other things that are going on atm.
Blisters are not fun to deal with.
When you order the lengthmaster, you will not regret you decision.
I found the solution to problem, and it is stupid simple. If I put protector cap too high or don't use protector cap, there will be blisters or bloodspots... If protector cap is stretched more lower behind glans, Phallosan Plus sleeve creates vacuum from behind glans so that the stretching force pulls up more from root of glans, not on top or surface of the glans. This is why tension should not be too high from the start of the extender use. Glans needs to become bit bloated, so when pieces of bars are added, vacuum Bell still divides pull force more to root of glans, not to top of glans. This also means, that vacuum bells vacuum does not need to be too high, medium seems to be Best, atleast for me. Extending like this feels more like: I am pulling my penis with my OK-fingers. Not like my glans is too full and there is negative feeling on my glans. Maybe this post helps someone using Phallosan Plus or some other vacuum bell extender. 😘
Now that problem with vacuum bell and protector cap is solved, I was able to do 5 hours of extending easily. Glans becomes nice bloated ball inside the bell and force is pulling evenly from root of glans. When I roll sleeve up and tied band around my shaft and sleeve to make vacuum more secure, extending was efficient. Penis looks long and ready for action tonight. 🍄😏🍑
Now that problem with vacuum bell and protector cap is solved, I was able to do 5 hours of extending easily. Glans becomes nice bloated ball inside the bell and force is pulling evenly from root of glans. When I roll sleeve up and tied band around my shaft and sleeve to make vacuum more secure, extending was efficient. Penis looks long and ready for action tonight. 🍄😏🍑
What good news! Proud of you!
Great dedication man! It’s interesting, I have the complete opposite view of the optimal diet as you. I eat lots of fatty animal protein, eggs and fruit with some raisins (lots of boron). This diet keeps me full of energy, lean, muscular and good T levels. I actually don’t like plant foods and feel as carnivores we shouldn’t eat many of them. Different strokes for different folks I guess!
I used to eat lot of meat when I was young and practically lived at gym. I don't like so called ideological dicotomy that tends to create atmosphere, or environment that feeds ignorance. This means that I myself can't live so that I neglect the idea that meat would not have its perks. There are Big difference in meats aswell. If you eat factory farmed meats, you get fat and sick, as you get too much estrogen, saturated fats etc. But if you eat lean meats, hunted game, it promotes wellbeing if done in modesty. Same with plant foods. This subject is actually something that I can talk propably for days, but the most important thing to understand here is, that if most of consumed Nutrition is plant based and you eat meat in modesty... You wont get so. Called bad bacteria, that creates TMAO effect in our gut from carnitine and choline. This TMAO is the contributer for biggest killer in our society: cardiovascular and heart disease. For myself I can tell you, that when I ate just meat, I didnt feel well, and I should of not done it, as I had heart disease when I was Child (four holes). I always suggest that people read books by Dr. Michael Greger, and check their channel: Nutritional facts, where they dive into current Nutritional science journals. For me plant based diet is great way to lose fat in a way that I dont ever feel hungry. Of course this is combined with hard work and training. I also am getting biologically younger and this I can tell quite easily by looking into mirror. AKG that is primarily found in whole plant foods does its trick. We tend to think food only as carbs and protein, because industry has gave us this way of thinking. Reality is, that tomato is much more, broccoli is much more, turmeric is much more... List continues on and on.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates.
I think you’re off a little with your science. AKG isn’t found in foods. It is produced by our bodies during the Kreb Cycle. I do agree with the anti aging benefits of AKG on a cellular level though.
I think you’re off a little with your science. AKG isn’t found in foods. It is produced by our bodies during the Kreb Cycle. I do agree with the anti aging benefits of AKG on a cellular level though.
The thing is, that when we age, the levels that we produce AKG drops. This why it is necessary to get it from foods. This is one of the main reasons why whole plant based nutrition keeps body lean and young.
But we don’t “get it from foods.” Our body produces it. It does use glucose to produce it during the Kreb Cycle, but that has no link to where the glucose comes from. Another reason why exercise and fasting are important as they increase the body’s production of AKG. At least we agree that it is important for anti-aging and it declines with age.
And I completely disagree with plant based diets keep the body lean. Just type in Vegan to carnivore transformations to see that is not true. In fact, I would argue that most plant based bodies are softer and less muscular than those that focus on meat/fat.
Our ancestors were far less inflamed and diseased when compared to modern Homo sapiens. Their diet was very high in animal proteins/fats while being very low in plant matter. The only reason the life expectancy was so low was due to external environmental factors.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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