Progress thread Question about girth training and length training.

Easier routine for today...

Bathmate 15min... Warm water / Semihot water.

Phallosan Plus extender for 1,5 hours.

Feeling great. 🍄🥰

This has really made me think. Could it really be so, that shorter periods of time under tension will give almost same benefit for length gains as longer periods of time? I will do this way for 6 months, and see the results. One thing is for sure, that turtling and blisters aren't a problem, and hang is nice and low.
Easier routine for today...

Bathmate 15min... Warm water / Semihot water.

Phallosan Plus extender for 1,5 hours.

Feeling great. 🍄🥰

This has really made me think. Could it really be so, that shorter periods of time under tension will give almost same benefit for length gains as longer periods of time? I will do this way for 6 months, and see the results. One thing is for sure, that turtling and blisters aren't a problem, and hang is nice and low.
Had sex with new girlfriend for 2 days, and took that time Off from PE-training and tissue healed nicely.

Routine for today was:

10min. Bathmate Warmup.

Bundled stretches 5min. for each side, total 10min.

5x5x3 with -15hg.

Extender Phallosan Plus for 1 hour.
This day was fun fun fun. 🥳🤣

So... I did my routine:

Bathmate 10min warmup.

Bundled stretches 5 min. Each side, totaling 10min.

5x5x3 airpump -15hg.

Extender Phallosan Plus for 1 hour.

(forgot to mention, that I broke my stretched flaccid plateau. It is now 20cm something. Gonna measure well later.)

The fun started after my training. Jumped in car and drove to my girlfriends apartment. Didn't much ask, just picked her up (she is 160cm tall). Threw her on bed, took clothes of and she was already moist. She is tight, and the damn 😯 look on her face was priceless when I put my cock in her... 🤣 And I can tell you that her neighbours were putting more volume on their headphones. 🤣 Orgasms with her are absolutely from other world. Last damn long time, and my legs are like spagetti afterwards. She usually falls sleep after her orgasm. Emotional connection with her is something that I havent experienced before. ❤️
2 days of training I did this routine, as I didn't want cause too much damage, because I was having sex yesterday and today.

Bathmate for 15mins.

Extender Phallosan Plus for 1 hour.

It feels so damn nice, when you have small girlfriend with tight pussy. I am simply filling her fully, and today she complimented my penis for its size. I think, if this works out for 2 years with separate apartments, I will definitely marry this woman. (Not really gonna marry her, it propably would ruin everything.) 🤣 Damn, men have done worse things when they are horny... Or have they? 🤔😅🤣
As the old tradition goes, once the female attached to men through intimacy and they know the pleasure is good, they will stick onto the males like flies to honey. My wife, was girlfriend, admitted the same thing 20+ years ago. So, claiming to marry her is not too farfetch. She will stick onto you, and your penis, for a long while.
Pfff..let the little lady do the reporting. What you can't see doesn't mean the little lady can't feel. ;) They can feel even a 0.05in increase for girth. Unfortunately, they won't feel anything until 0.25in in length. It's a weird scientific fact.
Pfff..let the little lady do the reporting. What you can't see doesn't mean the little lady can't feel. ;) They can feel even a 0.05in increase for girth. Unfortunately, they won't feel anything until 0.25in in length. It's a weird scientific fact.
Hitting the bottom already, and she tells me that I am her "drug", so I think I will marry this one. 🤤❤️🤣
2 days of training I did this routine, as I didn't want cause too much damage, because I was having sex yesterday and today.

Bathmate for 15mins.

Extender Phallosan Plus for 1 hour.

It feels so damn nice, when you have small girlfriend with tight pussy. I am simply filling her fully, and today she complimented my penis for its size. I think, if this works out for 2 years with separate apartments, I will definitely marry this woman. (Not really gonna marry her, it propably would ruin everything.) 🤣 Damn, men have done worse things when they are horny... Or have they? 🤔😅🤣
What a great compliment
I have been thinking about starting SRT. I have read and listened the material... But initially information overflow feels overwhelming. I want fast length growth, 5x5x3 takes care of the girth. Or should I implement Hard Core Hanging 20mins per day? 🤯
I am still considering what hanger I will get.

Todays routine:

Bathmate 15min.

Extender Phallosan Forte 30min.

Had sex with gf. She rode me to damn huge orgasm. I usually don't come, but her pussy is just so good, that I had the most longest orgasm I have ever had in my life. After that I slept for an hour like a drugged baby. Damn, cant get enough of this shit. 🍄💦🍑🤯
Running back to her tomorrow like a thirsty teenager.
Routine for 2 days:

Bathmate 15min.

Extender Phallosan Plus 1,5 hours.

Bit of flu at the moment. I was wondering why I was tired all of a sudden and calisthenics training wasnt working so well. Tomorrow I will do my 5x5x3 training. It seems that PI:s are really good with this training routine. Gonna meet my gf next week. Can't wait for those mental blowing orgasms she has to offer. 🤯🍄💦🍑
Question: Do you consider pumping twice a day more productive than once per day? Any reference to results that some of you brothers have?
Me, I like to break down to twice a day if I have time. 3x3x2 to get the expansion going, base wrap, and keep it nice and large all day. Come home, do a 3x3x4 to maximize the enlargement some more, strap up for a few hours, then relax to sleep. If I go straight into pumping, I go straight through my 3x3x10.
Routine was:

5x5x3 Now used Bathmate in sauna.

Extender Phallosan Plus for 1 hour.

Did later on some jelqing for better EQ.

Noteworty: Bathmate with water, rather than using airpump makes bit difference when moving to extender, as tissue seems lot more malliable when using water longer period. But damn the hassle is annoying. Airpump feels more convenient. I had 2 hours of sex with gf after my session...this is really the Big thing for me that I noticed after doing 5x5x3: You can fuck forever if you like. By doing kegels when doing ssj:s, you don't have any problem with ejaculating too fast while having sex. You can grind all you like, be at the edge and control when you come...and when you come, it is mind blowing. Gotta Love this stuff. 🍄
Today I did routine:

Bathmate 15min.

Manual stretches:

Forward 5min.
Upward 5min.
Behind the cheeks 5min.

I tried today Hanging with Phallosan XL Bell. I was able to use 5kg of Weight. I noticed absolutely nice stretch on my ligament. But I had to stop my experiment because Bell causes too much concentration on glans. But mainly purpose was to determine, what weight my unit can handle without problem.
Hehehehehe. You are now officially her sex slave brother. She will try everything in the female's power play book to keep you on her very short leash.
Sex is really amazing with her. And closeness is also something that I really enjoy with her, because on my past experience with a narcissistic ex. And all the things she says to me feel like: "Who the fuck are you?" I am not yet acostumed for the good things she does to me, compared to emotionally sadistic shit I went through with my ex. This is a damn heaven compared to my ex.
Sex is really amazing with her. And closeness is also something that I really enjoy with her, because on my past experience with a narcissistic ex. And all the things she says to me feel like: "Who the fuck are you?" I am not yet acostumed for the good things she does to me, compared to emotionally sadistic shit I went through with my ex. This is a damn heaven compared to my ex.
The females bare their fangs around the 9th month, and they set their traps to allow the lull in your relation to hit a hard wake up call around the 15th months. Working with enough of the psychological colleagues one the years as they all agreed. Do pay attention to her every words, actions, and expectations. Tell-tale signs are everywhere. I pray that this one is the right one to consider as a soulmate brother. She's hooked, linked, and infatuated with your affection and sexual satisfaction.
Did some jelging for EQ and put extender Phallosan Plus for one hour.

Noticed while jelging, that erection is getting hard as a rock. This summer of healing has been awesome for overall health and penis health. Now I am able to concentrate on training fully and enjoy the pleasure of tight pussy. I am not sure about what has been the most biggest reason for great erection quality. Maybe the reality, that my routine seems to work, and supplementing with L-Citrulline. 🤔
Did some jelging for EQ and put extender Phallosan Plus for one hour.

Noticed while jelging, that erection is getting hard as a rock. This summer of healing has been awesome for overall health and penis health. Now I am able to concentrate on training fully and enjoy the pleasure of tight pussy. I am not sure about what has been the most biggest reason for great erection quality. Maybe the reality, that my routine seems to work, and supplementing with L-Citrulline. 🤔
Hehehehehe. Found the secret to l-citrulline heh? Now, add a bit of VitD3, calcium 1200mg (600mg at 7AM and around 5PM), add a B12 complex, and a Men's mega vitamins to balance things out. You think it's hard rock now, wait until you have odd night erections while she's next to you, and odd constant wet dreams during this phase. By the way, take advantage of your emotional and optimal hormone changes and go hard with the routines. You'll get a bonus surprise.
Hehehehehe. Found the secret to l-citrulline heh? Now, add a bit of VitD3, calcium 1200mg (600mg at 7AM and around 5PM), add a B12 complex, and a Men's mega vitamins to balance things out. You think it's hard rock now, wait until you have odd night erections while she's next to you, and odd constant wet dreams during this phase. By the way, take advantage of your emotional and optimal hormone changes and go hard with the routines. You'll get a bonus surprise.
Thanks for this advice! Will be looking into this!
Man, looking back at all those times I got discouraged and quit. I would lose motivation after a month if I didn't measure any gains. I was very impatient, and did not understand the process of PE the way I do today.
I think it really messes with a guy's mind when he makes easy newbie gains in the beginning, and then all of a sudden, he reaches a plateau, and the real work begins. Newbie gains are like easy money. Then, you have to get a job and bust your fucking ass off. It is quite the transition.
I wish I had had the discipline and knowledge back then to not quit. I wasted so much time for nothing. I would have reached my goals a long time ago, and walked away from the game, feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Now, I feel like I am being held back a couple of grades, and sometimes it sucks.
But I have the right mindset now, and I know exactly what is required. I will reach my goals in 2 years, which is alright.
I just wish I had done it sooner.
How is this going brother?! Give me some good news! Finally starting on my journey and every success story keeps me encouraged to stay consistent. ESPECIALLY with all of the great resources that are available for PEing these days. The science has gotten pretty crazy. A lot of men are scared or too embarrassed to go through it but I feel like if I don’t grab a hold and at least try now I will get depressed and things can get real ugly. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
1. For Bathmate only water but I use it for warm up. I don't consider 10-15min as main training for girth.

2. 5x5x3 is my main focus at the moment. This routine is recommended to do with water pump, but I use airpump, as my bathmate warmup makes tissue malliable enough to get good expansion. Progressed from -5hg to -15hg in cylinder. Do not go to -15hg if you haven't conditioned your unit progressively. Good indicator is if you start feeling any pain. I don't feel any pain or discomfort at all when pumping to -15hg, and this is because of the fact that my tissue has adapted to tolerate the negative pressure.

3. I don't use cap. I am at the moment testing with Phallosan Plus, that is it True that with 30min to 1 hour, I am able to make good gains. (Work in progress). For the science. 🤣👌

4. Measurements: This is bit tricky... When I started back in the day, when girls I fucked were still virgins (can't remember the date or year.) My starting length was about 15cm bonepressed. Girth wasn't something I measured at all back then. Yesterday I measured with ruler about 19cm bonepressed. But this actually can vary littlebit depending on many factors: +/- 1 cm tolerance, and of course fatpad effects the measurement. So, I don't care about the ruler anymore so much, as I care about pump cylinders diameter and length. My goal is to fill the cylinder completely before moving to bigger. At the moment length shows constant 19,5cm inside pump. At Last set of 5x5x3 it is Hard to get inside. I would say, that good goal for me has been toilet paper rolls shell diameter. If you can't fit inside, most women's eyes will roll when you shove your penis inside of her, and 💦 will start dripping like crazy.

5. Afterwords: Many like to keep good measurement and it is good way to keep up with the progress. For me this was bit of problematic before, because I was in really toxic relationship, and there were constant BS that broke my training progress. I will do something about this, but meanwhile I will post some pictures of my journey as 🍄 is. There are always something new to learn, and something to try. I don't think that I will stop until I have 20cm+ sledgehammer. This has become now a way of life and it is enjoyable for me and my gf.
Something worth mentioning: Inside Phallosan Bell, I am using some small piece off bandage on tip of glans, because the expanded glans hits the small holes of the Bell and this is not fun fun fun. 🤣 Can cause irritation. If I would use longer periods of time, I would definitely use silicap. There is no problem with blisters if you dont use bathmate before extender, but when heat has affected your tissue, blisters will occur, atleast for me. I am not sure, if this because of my tissue type that is celloidic. If I get scartissue, it is clearly visible for long period of time. I Love the Phallosan XL Bell, as it gives nice expansion for glans. When I started with XL Bell, sleeves were always venting air. This is no longer a problem, because 5x5x3 has removed the problem. But I am still using small rubberbands to make sure, that venting doesn't happen. I thank DLD for this 5x5x3 routine. 💪🍄 It simply works for girth. Atleast I haven't found anything else that would work this great for girth.
Today's routine: Tried something.

Bathmate Hercules for 10mins. For initial expansion.

Bathmate X40 for 10mins. Moved for this. With max pressure. 10mins in X40 does not cause blisters on my skin of the Base.

Expansion was really good.

Extender Phallosan Plus for 1 hour and 20mins. Added one small piece to rod length.

Wrapped Base of shaft for hour to hold expansion for 1 hour.

I am doing jelqing at nights before bed to get better EQ and some nice expansion. But having sex tonight so gonna leave jelqing for tomorrow night.
How long have you been doing the extenders after hydo-pumping? Careful with that. Maybe you have tougher skin that I do because you have been doing this longer but I did it and had a mushroom event! 👀 I was terrified for a minute! I think I will do my stretching before girth training going forward. I like the hydo-pumping before dry pumping idea though. Pumping appears to be a solid finale routine to me if you can get it up after all the stretching. May start doing my pumping in the morning and during the day and end the evening pumping after I shower for bed then sleeve up.
How long have you been doing the extenders after hydo-pumping? Careful with that. Maybe you have tougher skin that I do because you have been doing this longer but I did it and had a mushroom event! 👀 I was terrified for a minute! I think I will do my stretching before girth training going forward. I like the hydo-pumping before dry pumping idea though. Pumping appears to be a solid finale routine to me if you can get it up after all the stretching. May start doing my pumping in the morning and during the day and end the evening pumping after I shower for bed then sleeve up.
No worries. The skin tends to toughen up after 2 months of continual usages and expansion at incremental level. The key is to take your time to adjust.
Routine for this evening:

Bathmate Hercules 10mins.

Bathmate X40 10mins.

Extender Phallosan Plus 1 hour.

I noticed something when using Bathmate Hercules. It gets difficult to put base of penis inside. Not sure why, but I feel like growth has accelerated for some reason. Maybe this is because I am having more sex, or 5x5x3 combined with easier days is giving the results. Phallosan Plus must also have somekind of effect as extender base gives cockring effect after pumping, so I am extending for an hour with more full penis. 🤔

Brothers... Any thoughts on the matter? 🤔
I noticed something when using Bathmate Hercules. It gets difficult to put base of penis inside. Not sure why, but I feel like growth has accelerated for some reason. Maybe this is because I am having more sex, or 5x5x3 combined with easier days is giving the results.
Phallosan Plus must also have somekind of effect as extender base gives cockring effect after pumping, so I am extending for an hour with more full penis. 🤔

Brothers... Any thoughts on the matter? 🤔
It's a combo. Having more sex, you trigger your body to ensure your penis is always prime for procreation. During this period, your penis will get more dedicated blood flow and grow faster due to the nutrient delivery through higher blood flow. When you use the PP base, it does act like a penile ring to trap that blood. The funny thing is, your mind is constantly thinking about getting her higher and higher on the feel good gateway (the love drug) that you're instinctively doing kegels to get your blood boiling to your penis. This is the reason for your girth expansion at an accelerated rate. Most people don't understand that doing PE during your sexual prime (not your age prime) is where the real gain comes into play. So for the brothers that actually pursuing PE, have wholesome goodness great sex regardless of your ages. Sorry to say, but masturbation doesn't provide the same benefit as the real thing. Your brain triggers different kind of hormones during the sexual phases (the love phases) than the watching of adult movies and masturbate. This has been studied so much that there are tons of published medical journals on this, especially in sex medical journals.
Routine today was:

Bathmate Hercules 10mins.

Bathmate X40 10mins.

Extender Phallosan Plus 1 hour.

Going Strong. No problem whatsoever. My unit has adapted to X40 max vacuum. This means I am able to do more intense work with water. But tomorrow I will do 5x5x3 training. Anyway... With X40 I get nice stretch and extender work seems alot more efficient this way. And btw... I am able to do training much more frequently without problems on recovery.