Question about generic liquid cialis dosage

I'm wondering if anyone could answer a dosage question for me. I've just bought generic liquid cialis. I was between that and generic liquid Viagra, and in retrospect, I probably should've bought Viagra, it was a pretty close decision considering what I've read online about the two, but anyway here's my scenario.

I'm currently back in school, so is my girlfriend, which leaves little time for sex, except for Wednesdays. I get to spend time with her from about 11am-5pm. She's usually tired from her job, so she'll sleep unti 2-2:30, and then we usually have sex for about 2-2.5 hours, (masturbation has decensitized me so I can last longer). I can get off twice without any problems but after that my mind is willing, but my body isn't as able to go for a third time,I can't get any type of immediate errection, (@ 18 I could, but I'm 26 now and the refractory period is a tad bit longer)..........I usually have a 35-40 minute refractory period, which usually ends up me being hard again 5 - 10 minutes after she leaves for her night class.

So basically I'm losing out on probably close to an hour of extra sex, (35-40mins plus 15 minutes of frustration of me trying to get hard again). Therefore, considering all of the following I was wondering if anyone could recommend a ballpark dosage for liquid cialis.

Oh, I also wanted to mention that I'm in class from 9:30am - 4:30 pm straight through on Thursdays, so I really would like to keep any erections at a minimum during this time,.........hopefully shouldn't be to difficult b/c I use the Autoextender [words=]ADS[/words] during this time, .......on for 1.5 hours and off for 1.5 hours, during classes, (I've found that on for too long can sometimes cause me to have fluid build up)....................Also important to mention I'm 230lbs.
You should have gone with the Viagra.

With Cialis, it will be hard to keep erections at a minimum during classes, so your [words=]ADS[/words] could get uncomfortable.

I would use the equivalent of 10-15 mg of tadalafil if I were you. But it will stay in your body for a long time, want it or not.
Liquid Cialis, 1 ml = 30 mg tablet. Chi is correct in that you will be sportin' some lumber for a day or two after. Your erectile challenge is not a blood flow issue such as cialis & viagra are used for but a Prolactin issue. You should pursue that route to remedy your situation however there are sides to consider. Do a search here on prolactin.
Thanks for the reply guys. I was worried about hitting the perfect timing with the V, and heard the side effects are harsher. I've read different things on different places about C not really having that much bang for its buck, (as it's billed up too), after the first 8-10 hours.......... guess I got my facts messed up. I will be trying it tommorrow, it'll be pretty intersting to see how Thursday goes during class.

Alberta, good call on the Prolactin, didn't know those type of drugs existed. I've looked around on the forum, and on the net; I'm seeing cabergoline coming up a lot, but I can't seem to find anything under $125, have you seen it for anything that's realitively close to V or C prices,......$80 bucks or under?

Also, I'm hard pressed to find info on the specfics: dosage, how long the effects linger in your system, specific sides. I also read on a site that women can take it. I seem to find a lot of advertiesment info, but not really much more. Sorry about beign a pain with all the questions. I couldn't really find anything after two hours of searching.

Almost forgot to ask this,...can't believe I didn't think about this before I ordered C,........I have an Outpaitent Physical Therapy Clincial Obseration day every Fri. from 8am - Noon. I would probably take the Cialis on Wed. at 8am. I can probably cover myself up in class on Thursday,.........but on Fri. I have have my shirt tucked in and the whole guys think if I used a 5-10mg dose that it would still do enough for me on Wednesdays, but not be kicking full steam by Friday morning? Screw the sides, I'm really regreting not buying V instead, o well.
You may want to take a half dose, over a weekend or break, so you get a better idea of what your results will be like. You can also take the C earlier on wed, so your reaction will not last as long afterward.
Anywhere to buy cheap generic Viagra? I heard people had problems with the webiste given in the sticky thread on the main forum...
Goldmember, haven't seen anything out there for cheap per say for Viagra, after looking through the archives here and at thunders. However when doing this I haven't heard anything but good comments so far about the stuff at I myself haven't tried anything from there yet, but I'm looking to do so hopefully by the end of the month.

Funny thing about my Cialis situation,.........some how I'm almost a non responder. My erections were much harder, actually to the point of being a little painfull on the one side of my anus. However, as far as longer erection time and frequency goes, if anything it decreased somewhat. Makes a little shakey after seeing the price for cabergoline.

Anyone ever hear of the product primal X - I wrote to the guy last week but haven't gotten a response back. Bascially his site claims the most active ingredient is yohimbine, and that almost all the other products out there do not contain pure yohimbine as his does,...........the claims seem similar to that of cabergoline.............any thoughts anyone?
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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