Hey everyone, about three days ago I was stretching and didn't really notice anything different than usual. When I started to jelq, I had this line protruding out that looked like a vein running from the very base of my penis all the way to my head. It was very sore and had one spot near the center that formed a sort of ball mass, but continued running up the penis after. It stemmed from the bottom right of my inner penis and would protrude even greater when I would stretch down and to the left, making me think it was a ligament. It moves around freely when I push on it, going side to side, and also causes pain while I jelq and do any exercise that involves clamping off the base. It hasn't yet gone away or gotten any better, even though I took the day off yesterday. I'm hoping it's not dorsal nerve damage< . If anybody has any experience with this or has any clue what it could be or what I should do, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.