Please Help

I've measured my dick quite a lot when erect and consistently find it to be 6 inches, which is not what I want. My girth is quite good however, and I reckon it's about 5.5 inches or maybe more.

Anyway I just recently found out about jelqing and how to do it properly etc and decided I was gunna do it everyday of the working week for about 15 or 20 mins. I was just wandering if this was a good enough routine as I would like reach 7inches or more. Am I missing out on anything besides jelqing that I should really do? If anyone else started at 6" and could suggest a routine that would be great. Thanks for reading.
Welcome to the forums and thanks for the post. You best bet is to follow the Newbie Routine, here you will find the best ways to start out and make gains fast. Read it over and ask any questions you may have.
