Please give this a read

ok, so now nearly a week has past and nothing has changed so I think It's time to put this up in here.

Last Sunday I was doing my usual routine when this shit happend. I was nearly finished with my routine when suddenly inmiddle of a quite strong jelq my complete shaft stiffend. It realy struck me like lightning and scared the shit outa me. About a secound later i got my head clear again and calmed my self down. ( It realy fucking shoked me... ).
I of course lost all of my errection with that shock but when i reached down to see and feel what had happend I noticed that my dick was totaly flaccid but my two top chambers were as hard as wood.
I didn't feel any Pain or nothing. My dick just felt totaly strange. Like if you had a realy good hard on and that in flaccid state. (size was normal aswell).
And it hasn't gone away till today.

When I'm flaccid and i massage my shaft, my two upper chambers are realy stiff. and as soon as i get a bit of a hard on, both chambers are completly hard as a rock. I havn't got any Pain or nothing.

On thursday i tried to start jelqing again. But its useless... I have no Pain while jelqing but its nearly impossible to do it because my two top chamber are nearly instantly rock hard.

Any Idea what this shit could be? Did i maybe rip something in my top chambers? On the other hand i don't feel any Pain. It's realy starting to freak me out because i don't like a flacid penis that feels like stick. I want my soft normal dick back....

P.S: No erection Problems, just both top chambers are as hard as a freaking rock.
Have any of you older Members ever had something like this? Overworkout?
Sould I stress my self or just give it another week or so?
hopful- Man you might have just found the holy grail of a rock solid erection!

Did you say your falccid is back to normal now after a week? If so I would not stress too much and take another week off just to be safe. Having a really ROCK hard erection might not be a bad thing at all, I know the harder I get the mroe my girl enjoys it. However if it is stiff while flaccid then there is something wrong.

Take a little more time off and keep us posted on your experience. Hopefully we can help.
Yeah, would be nice.... ;P

No the two top chambers (all the way from top to bottom) are stiff when i am flacid.. especialy after i blow a nut. It's like if someone had filled my two top chambers with some cinda of hard rubber.... :(

But like I said, I feel no Pain so I'm not sure.....
Yeah i have.... but i don't wanna go as I have no Pain... and don't realy feel telling him the story if its nothing to worry about...
hopful said:
I can bend my dick normaly, but I can feel my chambers beeing hard when i squeeze my dick between my fingers

Have you tried a heating pad? You might have a T-Vein in the Dorsel vein? A huge vein might cause the whole top of the penis to be hard? Maybe?

Do a T-vein treatment on your penis and see what happens, as of now that is the only thing I can think of.
Even if there's no pain that doesn't mean there's nothing the matter. I suppose you wouldn't HAVE to tell him the story... probably best to get a few more opinions from here first tho, maybe someone has experinced the same thing...
Cool_as_fcuk said:
Even if there's no pain that doesn't mean there's nothing the matter. I suppose you wouldn't HAVE to tell him the story... probably best to get a few more opinions from here first tho, maybe someone has experinced the same thing...

You could tell the DOC that your girlfriend was giving you a handjob and was squezzing too hard and that is how it happened? Shit I would tell a little fib like that just because a hard handjob could be = to Penis Enlargement.
Yeah, I will be starting hot and cold wraps from tomorrow, but still I'm cinda freaking myself with the question what the fuck could it be?
Sorry man, I don´t have a clue.

I would go to the doc, and apply heat as much as possible in the meantime. Heat always seems to help.

Could this be related to outer (out flow) veins? Im in a freaking hurry now to think, maybe look at some diagrams to get an idea... Anythink about about out flow from e CC may be of help.