Please advice - routine and progress


Active member
Would appretiate your advice to fine tune my routine.
I used to uae only extender traction device of QEP, for 6 month. Then i added also bundled streches by hand. And then i saw that i grew 1cm length (bpel).
Since then i bought LM3, MOSRED & Mityvac.

Today I use LM mostly once a day at day time for around 20-30min. I still do the newbie routine two months now (around 20+min) but i also incoporate down and BTC for around 4-7mins total at the end.

To be honest im lazy and don't use MOSRED most days but i think i might need to.
I combined my QEP extender with the LM for past months and i saw further growth of 0.4-0.6cm in bpel. (18.6cm)
(P.s read here that it takes 6 months to gain 1" with LM that equals 0.4cm a month.. unfortunately i'm not there at all.)

I bought the silistrecher maybe 10 days ago and started using it as much as i can basically. Before and after LM and also after the srt 5x5x3.
What i have difficult with is that my glans started to sore when i remove the ss, and they feel painful even when i touch them as they are very inflated. And it also causes me to have split stream after. Unless i wait enough time in between.

Since the ss, im using my QEP extender less and less but sometimes i do hour here and there for now..

Would appretiate advice of how to expedite the length growth.

For the GIRTH

Im using srt 5x5x3 excercise and put the ring afterwards.
Im doing that for maybe 3-4 months now but unfortunately even that my wife claim it seems thicker, i didn't measure any gain at all on erect girth. And im pretty sure im not doing it right.

First 2-3months i used air pumps when the last was the mityvac.
I work mainly around 4-5 inHG in static way. I must say with the air pumps i always feels like every second i might get injured and that stressed me out..

Last month+ switched to Bathmate as hydropump, i can say i feel more safe inside and not as tense as im with air pump.
However in BM i mainly enter flaccid or semi erect 50% and pump (without handball) to the point where there is no much more to squize. And where i see i get in the tube to 18-18.5cm length. And seems really big inside (however that might be the water illusion).
However i still don't get any measured temporarly gain in erect girth after the session.

What i can say for sure that i learned is that when i keep erection for the whole session i feel much more expand after than if im not very focused and not having good erection during session (which happens more often when im in the bath and its not very convinient, as opposed to when im pump dry on my sofa with comfort than its much easier for me to maintain erection.)

Today i did dry air pump with mityvac around 4-5inHG with good erection and i felt much better expansion after then with all BM month sessions (but again another main difference is the erection during jelqing+pumping enter state that i have between dry and bath)
So i think it would be best if i could use water pump to feel more safe inside but able to maintain good erection during the whole session and also with gauge (which i don't have with BM for now) so i can monitor myself.

So for sure need advice for girth.
Sorry for the length of this post

Edit adition:
My current size is around 18.6cm BPEL
And 10.5cm erect girth.
I want to get to at least 20cm BPEL in 6 months. And to 11.5cm erect girth in 6 months.
My final goals would be aroung 23cm BPEL, and at least 13cm erect girth.

Thanks in advance,
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Good you see you're posting a routine and progress thread for yourself. This way, we can chime in and do evaluation based on your post. Let's break things down for you to understand before we move on:
  • When you use the SS and the pump, your glans will be sensitive. After so many months of usages, my glans is still sensitive between the SS and the pump. Why? Your glans is literally expanding at the micro level. Where do you think the nerve bundles are ending? At your glands. Every little growth will make your glans become sensitive. Sensitivity is the body's way telling you, "Hey, are you growing against me or what?"
  • When you use the SS penis sleeve, you are forcing a bit of blood into the glans, expanding in the vacuum cup. The vacuum cup is constantly put a 3 to 5inHg of pressure (under one full rotation of the knob). That means you're forcing the glans to grow every moment inside that vacuum cup. Sensitivity is expected when you're making it expand and grow against your body's wishes. However, don't stop! I do light kegels, literally half the strength of the 1 second hold. It's half a second hold, just to add blood into the my glans. You will experience some light discoloration under 2.5lbs of traction force, but the color fresh to a natural state in the pump.
  • Between the SS and the pump, you will have skin peeling on your glans. This is common as your glans goes from one moisture environment to another, while expanding. Think of creature doing molting as they exceed the containment tissue size, like a snake. Hm..wish my penis is the size of a king snake. Going off topic..sorry.
Now, finetuning, which is based on my own experience using water and the SS ADS unit:
  1. Keep with water. Air is great if you need that easy and less messy approach. However, warm water will energize your penile cells for relaxation and growth. If you ask my wife, I rarely do things in the bath. First pump is in the shower to get myself all cleaned up. Second and third pumps is on my bed. Yep. My bed. Any wet and splatter? Nope. I have a large containers next to me and all went into the container. No mess. It takes a bit of a learning curve to do it.
  2. Break your LM usage for morning hours, do light routines to break down the tissues, and strap on the ADS for day time wearing to continually force the elongated healing. If you have that extra time at night, 15 to 20 minutes of the LM routine, then the moderate session for the pump, post-pumping cock ring, and then rest. Since your air is 4-5inHg static, that means your static in water should be around 3 to 4inHg. However, never stay static at 3 or 4inHg. Why? Continue to creep up on the second pump toward 5inHg and beyond. Like I said earlier, the magic begins at 5inHg.
Okay, I talked too much. Let's rebuild your routine and baselines:
  • Create your availability time using the reprogramming routine, and brother SIM and I will assist. First, do you have time for the quick morning routines? Just 25 minutes for the LM should be enough. I do a 15 minutes 5lbs warm stretches before my ADS goes on. This mirrors the 8.3lbs the $20k machine routine does for the morning round. I don't go beyond 7lbs in the morning. You must have a 5 minutes tissue warm up first, or you can do it while perform the LM routines using a space heater/blow like brother SIM.
  • Once the ADS goes on, continue to add a bit more traction force up to 5 lbs for 1 hour. This further breaks the collagen tissues down even further while you're on the run. I place the traction force between 5 to 7 lbs using a dynamic tug with my knees. Once that hour is over, reduce the traction force down to 2 to 2.5lbs all day.
  • Keep an eye out with brother SIM's larger reservoir mod for the MityVac system. I can probably do the same thing for the Bathmate, but I'll refocus on the MityVac for the fun mods later to mirror that $20k rental unit. But a large reservoir is what needed for the less mess approach.
  • Lower baseline for water vacuum pressure is 3 to 4inHg, with second pump set at 4 to 5 inHg for the upper expansion. Make sure to creep up. Do that for one week to see your capacity to hand this pressure range. Make sure to record the baseline and routine here so we know how you are performing. Record the post-sensation/feeling/EQ, etc like brother Haursen. If not, you can record the info in your private notes and let us know later.
If anything else comes up, let us know immediately.
I would first go back and ask you what measurements you are at now, and where do you want to be and also when.
Stating the final goal is important in my opinion in order to lay out an efficient plan.

I believe doing things simple and effective.
Be strategic with everything you do. But first state youf6goal and then proceed from there. It's much easier when we do this.
Good you see you're posting a routine and progress thread for yourself. This way, we can chime in and do evaluation based on your post. Let's break things down for you to understand before we move on:
  • When you use the SS and the pump, your glans will be sensitive. After so many months of usages, my glans is still sensitive between the SS and the pump. Why? Your glans is literally expanding at the micro level. Where do you think the nerve bundles are ending? At your glands. Every little growth will make your glans become sensitive. Sensitivity is the body's way telling you, "Hey, are you growing against me or what?"
  • When you use the SS penis sleeve, you are forcing a bit of blood into the glans, expanding in the vacuum cup. The vacuum cup is constantly put a 3 to 5inHg of pressure (under one full rotation of the knob). That means you're forcing the glans to grow every moment inside that vacuum cup. Sensitivity is expected when you're making it expand and grow against your body's wishes. However, don't stop! I do light kegels, literally half the strength of the 1 second hold. It's half a second hold, just to add blood into the my glans. You will experience some light discoloration under 2.5lbs of traction force, but the color fresh to a natural state in the pump.
  • Between the SS and the pump, you will have skin peeling on your glans. This is common as your glans goes from one moisture environment to another, while expanding. Think of creature doing molting as they exceed the containment tissue size, like a snake. Hm..wish my penis is the size of a king snake. Going off topic..sorry.
Now, finetuning, which is based on my own experience using water and the SS ADS unit:
  1. Keep with water. Air is great if you need that easy and less messy approach. However, warm water will energize your penile cells for relaxation and growth. If you ask my wife, I rarely do things in the bath. First pump is in the shower to get myself all cleaned up. Second and third pumps is on my bed. Yep. My bed. Any wet and splatter? Nope. I have a large containers next to me and all went into the container. No mess. It takes a bit of a learning curve to do it.
  2. Break your LM usage for morning hours, do light routines to break down the tissues, and strap on the ADS for day time wearing to continually force the elongated healing. If you have that extra time at night, 15 to 20 minutes of the LM routine, then the moderate session for the pump, post-pumping cock ring, and then rest. Since your air is 4-5inHg static, that means your static in water should be around 3 to 4inHg. However, never stay static at 3 or 4inHg. Why? Continue to creep up on the second pump toward 5inHg and beyond. Like I said earlier, the magic begins at 5inHg.
Okay, I talked too much. Let's rebuild your routine and baselines:
  • Create your availability time using the reprogramming routine, and brother SIM and I will assist. First, do you have time for the quick morning routines? Just 25 minutes for the LM should be enough. I do a 15 minutes 5lbs warm stretches before my ADS goes on. This mirrors the 8.3lbs the $20k machine routine does for the morning round. I don't go beyond 7lbs in the morning. You must have a 5 minutes tissue warm up first, or you can do it while perform the LM routines using a space heater/blow like brother SIM.
  • Once the ADS goes on, continue to add a bit more traction force up to 5 lbs for 1 hour. This further breaks the collagen tissues down even further while you're on the run. I place the traction force between 5 to 7 lbs using a dynamic tug with my knees. Once that hour is over, reduce the traction force down to 2 to 2.5lbs all day.
  • Keep an eye out with brother SIM's larger reservoir mod for the MityVac system. I can probably do the same thing for the Bathmate, but I'll refocus on the MityVac for the fun mods later to mirror that $20k rental unit. But a large reservoir is what needed for the less mess approach.
  • Lower baseline for water vacuum pressure is 3 to 4inHg, with second pump set at 4 to 5 inHg for the upper expansion. Make sure to creep up. Do that for one week to see your capacity to hand this pressure range. Make sure to record the baseline and routine here so we know how you are performing. Record the post-sensation/feeling/EQ, etc like brother Haursen. If not, you can record the info in your private notes and let us know later.
If anything else comes up, let us know immediately.
Thank you very much again for all your help.
I can't measure in water right now as i don't have a gauge. But i will try again to use mityvac w water.

For ads not sure how to measure weight i do have the little siliscale for sili sttecher. I will leaen how to use it. And will be done. But in general you put it on the outer side of your knee to make the extra weight if 5-7lbs? And then move it back to the inside side of your knee to make it less weight?

By the way im using the medium size cup and not the small cup even that my flaccid girth around 9cm and technically need the small one. Not sure im doing right but since i switched to it it felt much better and much less issues with my glans injured and opened and make pops.
I also kind of sin with 2 twists but i will go easy and try stick to 1 full twist.

And yes i have time for one LM session of 25min usually. In evening not always..
Also what about MOSRED? what would be your recommendation of when and how much to use it?
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I would first go back and ask you what measurements you are at now, and where do you want to be and also when.
Stating the final goal is important in my opinion in order to lay out an efficient plan.

I believe doing things simple and effective.
Be strategic with everything you do. But first state youf6goal and then proceed from there. It's much easier when we do this.
Thank you for your help.
My current size is around 18.6 BPEL
And 10.5cm erect girth.
I want to get to at least 20cm BPEL in 6 month. And to 11.5cm erect girth in 6 month.
My final goals would be aroung 23cm BPEL, and at least 13cm erect girth.
But in general you put it on the outer side of your knee to make the extra weight if 5-7lbs? And then move it back to the inside side of your knee to make it less weight?

By the way im using the medium size cup and not the small cup even that my flaccid girth around 9cm and technically need the small one. Not sure im doing right but since i switched to it it felt much better and much less issues with my glans injured and opened and make pops.
I also kind of sin with 2 twists but i will go easy and try stick to 1 full twist.

And yes i have time for one LM session of 25min usually. In evening not always..
Also what about MOSRED? what would be your recommendation of when and how much to use it?
Using the SS, place the elastic strap on the outside of the knee, or technically speaking over the knee cap, will force the elastic to be higher in tension. Placing the strap on the inside of the leg or right below the knee cap at the front reduce the traction force. You can also adjust the strap to adjust the traction force.

To know the weight load on the strap, this is where you need to compare using the weight scale you have versus the feeling of the tug after you strap on. If you need more help on that, let us know.

For MOS Red, start at 15 minutes first, at night. If you feel comfortable enough for a week with no skin discloration from light exposure, push it to 20 minute. If you use red light consistently on a daily basis, limit to 15 to 20 minutes a day, reaching around the dosage of 35 J/cm^2. You can push it up to 55 but it doesn't bring any more benefits after 35 for the daily dosage.
Thank you very much again for all your help.
I can't measure in water right now as i don't have a gauge. But i will try again to use mityvac w water.

For ads not sure how to measure weight i do have the little weight for sili sttecher. I will leaen how to use it. And will be done.

And yes i have time for one LM session of 25min usually. In evening not always..
Also what about MOSRED? what would be your recommendation of when and how much to use it?

Using the SS, place the elastic strap on the outside of the knee, or technically speaking over the knee cap, will force the elastic to be higher in tension. Placing the strap on the inside of the leg or right below the knee cap at the front reduce the traction force. You can also adjust the strap to adjust the traction force.

To know the weight load on the strap, this is where you need to compare using the weight scale you have versus the feeling of the tug after you strap on. If you need more help on that, let us know.

For MOS Red, start at 15 minutes first, at night. If you feel comfortable enough for a week with no skin discloration from light exposure, push it to 20 minute. If you use red light consistently on a daily basis, limit to 15 to 20 minutes a day, reaching around the dosage of 35 J/cm^2. You can push it up to 55 but it doesn't bring any more benefits after 35 for the daily dosage.
Excellent post
Hi @oldandlively
So i have some issues with my SS.
The last one is that i get swelling beneath the glans. It goes down eventually after30min or so with massage but it's not pleasant. (Attached photos). Do you have advice how to avoid that? (That's pretty new since i replaced sleeve (was ripped)

Also i realized that air is escaping from the vaccum from the lower part of the sleeve after i replaced sleeve, and my glans was disconnected from the silipad in seconds.. So i was able to overcome it by rolling the tape around the end of it so air can't come out. Maybe i will use some other small tight sleeve instead.

I will also find another more firm straps as the velcro all the time opens.. i wish MOS was including better straps.

Unrelated question. I read your comment at some other post about taking aspirin to avoid blood clots from long use ring for example.
On which scenario's there is risk for blood clotting? Im very hypochondriac And don't want to risk myself with that.
Just want to know what to avoid doing..
Is regular 2 hours ring safe after srt553 or also at risk?

Thanks again.


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Let's break things down.
The last one is that i get swelling beneath the glans. It goes down eventually after30min or so with massage but it's not pleasant. (Attached photos). Do you have advice how to avoid that? (That's pretty new since i replaced sleeve (was ripped)
Very common when you glans's corona (the bottom side) goes past the rim of the vacuum cup. This happens to all vacuum cup type ADS. Two things you can do:
  1. Don't have the glans's corona go too far in pass the vacuum cup's rim. This minimize the amount of extra foreskin at the bottom of the penis enters into the vacuum system and causes fluid to build up. There is a second part to this, and i'll address it later as part of your other question as well.
  2. Ease up on the pressure. One full rotation of the knob is already high on the vacuum pressure. Two full rotations and you'll get blisters after 3 hours. 3/4 rotation can be more than enough under good seal. If you move around a lot like me, use a second larger penis sleeve over the smaller one as a double strength to resist faster wear a s tear. Most penis sleeves only have a thickness of 6mm. The thickness near the base of the glans and cup's rim can thin out very quickly due to movement stresses. That is why I double up. If you stay still most of the day, this is not needed.
Also i realized that air is escaping from the vaccum from the lower part of the sleeve after i replaced sleeve, and my glans was disconnected from the silipad in seconds.. So i was able to overcome it by rolling the tape around the end of it so air can't come out. Maybe i will use some other small tight sleeve instead.
As for the vacuum seal leak at the base of the glans, a few options to use:

Folding the sleeve:
Recall back on the photo I used at the base of the glans. By folding the sleeve, shortening it, that double folds help with the vacuum seal. However, the sleeve may be a tad larger than normal, that is not a problem. This where the old penis sleeve that was ripped comes into play. Cut out the length of the old sleeve long enough to cover the folds and pass the folds by 0.5 to 1in. Place the cut out sleeve over the folded length and cover any extra foreskin. I do this during my cycling time to prevent any loss of pressure seal. Do this before rotating the knob to create a seal.

Double the sleeve with folding:

Just like above, you are using a larger penis sleeve to out over the smaller one you're using, but the larger one is not folded. You use the cut out sleeve to put over both sleeves, but below the fold. This way, you're creating a triple seals. If you need more info because it's unclear, let me know.

  1. most of the day, this is not needed.
I will also find another more firm straps as the velcro all the time opens.. i wish MOS was including better straps.
The provided straps are general straps. Just like all PE equipments, they are general. You have to mod them according to your needs. All my equipments, down to the straps, are now customized. Let me know if you need help with this as well. Yea, wish they have these customized ones at the ready too.

  1. most of the day, this is not needed.
Unrelated question. I read your comment at some other post about taking aspirin to avoid blood clots from long use ring for example.
On which scenario's there is risk for blood clotting? Im very hypochondriac And don't want to risk myself with that.
Just want to know what to avoid doing..
Is regular 2 hours ring safe after srt553 or also at risk?
In general, any long stationary task, be work (sitting around too long at a workstation), home (couch potato), or PE related (strapped equipment or equipment tightened to the penis more than 10 minutes such as Length Master, ADS, or restrictive cock ring), use a baby aspirin to prevent the blood from thickening due to trapping of the blood. It's a safe insurance policy. If you are not allergic to aspirin, the daily dosage is way too little for the body to adapt or the drug to harm you. It helps quite a bit actually.

For most SRT and 5x5x3 sessions, with even post 2 hours, there is always a 5% to 15% of blood clot development. It goes the same for sitting for more than an hour each time, including crossing your legs for more than 20 minutes. I like to bring any possible likelihood down to less than 2% or achieve 0% whenever I can.
Let's break things down.

Very common when you glans's corona (the bottom side) goes past the rim of the vacuum cup. This happens to all vacuum cup type ADS. Two things you can do:
  1. Don't have the glans's corona go too far in pass the vacuum cup's rim. This minimize the amount of extra foreskin at the bottom of the penis enters into the vacuum system and causes fluid to build up. There is a second part to this, and i'll address it later as part of your other question as well.
  2. Ease up on the pressure. One full rotation of the knob is already high on the vacuum pressure. Two full rotations and you'll get blisters after 3 hours. 3/4 rotation can be more than enough under good seal. If you move around a lot like me, use a second larger penis sleeve over the smaller one as a double strength to resist faster wear a s tear. Most penis sleeves only have a thickness of 6mm. The thickness near the base of the glans and cup's rim can thin out very quickly due to movement stresses. That is why I double up. If you stay still most of the day, this is not needed.

As for the vacuum seal leak at the base of the glans, a few options to use:

Folding the sleeve:
Recall back on the photo I used at the base of the glans. By folding the sleeve, shortening it, that double folds help with the vacuum seal. However, the sleeve may be a tad larger than normal, that is not a problem. This where the old penis sleeve that was ripped comes into play. Cut out the length of the old sleeve long enough to cover the folds and pass the folds by 0.5 to 1in. Place the cut out sleeve over the folded length and cover any extra foreskin. I do this during my cycling time to prevent any loss of pressure seal. Do this before rotating the knob to create a seal.

Double the sleeve with folding:

Just like above, you are using a larger penis sleeve to out over the smaller one you're using, but the larger one is not folded. You use the cut out sleeve to put over both sleeves, but below the fold. This way, you're creating a triple seals. If you need more info because it's unclear, let me know.

  1. most of the day, this is not needed.

The provided straps are general straps. Just like all PE equipments, they are general. You have to mod them according to your needs. All my equipments, down to the straps, are now customized. Let me know if you need help with this as well. Yea, wish they have these customized ones at the ready too.

  1. most of the day, this is not needed.

In general, any long stationary task, be work (sitting around too long at a workstation), home (couch potato), or PE related (strapped equipment or equipment tightened to the penis more than 10 minutes such as Length Master, ADS, or restrictive cock ring), use a baby aspirin to prevent the blood from thickening due to trapping of the blood. It's a safe insurance policy. If you are not allergic to aspirin, the daily dosage is way too little for the body to adapt or the drug to harm you. It helps quite a bit actually.

For most SRT and 5x5x3 sessions, with even post 2 hours, there is always a 5% to 15% of blood clot development. It goes the same for sitting for more than an hour each time, including crossing your legs for more than 20 minutes. I like to bring any possible likelihood down to less than 2% or achieve 0% whenever I can.
Excellent advise
Let's break things down.

Very common when you glans's corona (the bottom side) goes past the rim of the vacuum cup. This happens to all vacuum cup type ADS. Two things you can do:
  1. Don't have the glans's corona go too far in pass the vacuum cup's rim. This minimize the amount of extra foreskin at the bottom of the penis enters into the vacuum system and causes fluid to build up. There is a second part to this, and i'll address it later as part of your other question as well.
  2. Ease up on the pressure. One full rotation of the knob is already high on the vacuum pressure. Two full rotations and you'll get blisters after 3 hours. 3/4 rotation can be more than enough under good seal. If you move around a lot like me, use a second larger penis sleeve over the smaller one as a double strength to resist faster wear a s tear. Most penis sleeves only have a thickness of 6mm. The thickness near the base of the glans and cup's rim can thin out very quickly due to movement stresses. That is why I double up. If you stay still most of the day, this is not needed.

As for the vacuum seal leak at the base of the glans, a few options to use:

Folding the sleeve:
Recall back on the photo I used at the base of the glans. By folding the sleeve, shortening it, that double folds help with the vacuum seal. However, the sleeve may be a tad larger than normal, that is not a problem. This where the old penis sleeve that was ripped comes into play. Cut out the length of the old sleeve long enough to cover the folds and pass the folds by 0.5 to 1in. Place the cut out sleeve over the folded length and cover any extra foreskin. I do this during my cycling time to prevent any loss of pressure seal. Do this before rotating the knob to create a seal.

Double the sleeve with folding:

Just like above, you are using a larger penis sleeve to out over the smaller one you're using, but the larger one is not folded. You use the cut out sleeve to put over both sleeves, but below the fold. This way, you're creating a triple seals. If you need more info because it's unclear, let me know.

  1. most of the day, this is not needed.

The provided straps are general straps. Just like all PE equipments, they are general. You have to mod them according to your needs. All my equipments, down to the straps, are now customized. Let me know if you need help with this as well. Yea, wish they have these customized ones at the ready too.

  1. most of the day, this is not needed.

In general, any long stationary task, be work (sitting around too long at a workstation), home (couch potato), or PE related (strapped equipment or equipment tightened to the penis more than 10 minutes such as Length Master, ADS, or restrictive cock ring), use a baby aspirin to prevent the blood from thickening due to trapping of the blood. It's a safe insurance policy. If you are not allergic to aspirin, the daily dosage is way too little for the body to adapt or the drug to harm you. It helps quite a bit actually.

For most SRT and 5x5x3 sessions, with even post 2 hours, there is always a 5% to 15% of blood clot development. It goes the same for sitting for more than an hour each time, including crossing your legs for more than 20 minutes. I like to bring any possible likelihood down to less than 2% or achieve 0% whenever I can.
Are you using sili sleeve or duro sleeve for the ss? Since i replaced the sleeve (ripped) my expirience with ss is terrible! I noticed the new one i now have is thicker. And previous was thiner and more like a condom sticking tight on the penis while the new one more rough and not take the body shape. Since than it doesnt work well at all for me.
Are you using sili sleeve or duro sleeve for the ss? Since i replaced the sleeve (ripped) my expirience with ss is terrible! I noticed the new one i now have is thicker. And previous was thiner and more like a condom sticking tight on the penis while the new one more rough and not take the body shape. Since than it doesnt work well at all for me.
DuroSleeve is only for intense post-length works after my daily wearing of the SS. The sleeve you got may be 10mm thick if it's thick. That may be way too thick. I always have extra spares that are 6mm thick. Msg me and I'll show you where I got my spares. I always have at least half a dozen on standby when I'm down to 2. Heavy active person like yourself or me may cause the sleeve to thin out quickly. I have both the larger and smaller size for the purpose of holding things together during high mobility.
Thank you for your help.
My current size is around 18.6 BPEL
And 10.5cm erect girth.
I want to get to at least 20cm BPEL in 6 month. And to 11.5cm erect girth in 6 month.
My final goals would be aroung 23cm BPEL, and at least 13cm erect girth.
It's only 1.4 cm (or: 4.4 cm = final goal) in erected length to go, that will be done really fast with LengthMaster 3, and the progression structure I recommend here at MoS.
Beginner routine >> Downward Bundled Stretches >> Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches.
(There are videos).

You will probably get thicker with LengthMaster 3 bundled stretches as well, so I suggest first to do length work and then girth work.

You can also use a broomstick as well, but that will probably take more time.

Focus on optimizing everything for fast growth. Length work is hard work.
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It's only 1.4 cm (or: 4.4 cm = final goal) in erected length to go, that will be done really fast with LengthMaster 3, and the progression structure I recommend here at MoS.
Beginner routine >> Downward Bundled Stretches >> Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches.
(There are videos).

You will probably get thicker with LengthMaster 3 bundled stretches as well, so I suggest first to do length work and then girth work.

You can also use a broomstick as well, but that will probably take more time.

Focus on optimizing everything for fast growth. Length work is hard work.
You really think it would be better to leave all the girth work until i reached my goal? Do you think i will reach length goal faster that way?
I already owned LM. Doing one session a day currently. If i leave girth, i can switch to twice daily LM.
You really think it would be better to leave all the girth work until i reached my goal? Do you think i will reach length goal faster that way?
I already owned LM. Doing one session a day currently. If i leave girth, i can switch to twice daily LM.
You will reach your length goal faster if you only focus on that, especially when using LengthMaster 3. I could not do both and go full intensity with LengthMaster 3.
Great. So you recommend to do BM even if i focus only on length? Just without the whole Srt 5x5x3?
The thing is that me personally I can not do both.

You need to do SRT 5X5X3. If you are not just pumping for bloodflow and maintenance.

So if you are only focusing on length do that. The key is to keep the sessions as effective as possible. If you also are pumping with Bathmate, it can interfer with your lengthwork due to the expansion of your tissue.

But if you can make it work that is also a possibility. But always length work before girthwork and not the other way around.
Update on my routine:

Doing LM, 3 days a row, one day rest.
Since a week ago i switches from newbie to dbs. 20min session in morning.
I must say LM is where i have the most difficulty (not convinient, penis try to slide inside - pressure on glans. Feels like my penis can take more but my skin is painful and stopping me).
One full twist.
trying to introduce 1.5 twists as i think it would bring better strech with less force, but its challenging since short area needs to be twisted over itself and feels almost impossible mostly.

Then MOSRED 10min+-.

Then i put my SS on for all day as much as i can. Doing 9 hours a day on average (for the last 3 weeks or so).
I need to unplug every 2 hours because i get massive vacuum on my glans and beyond the glans (which is like huge swellings). And i have to let it settle and massage until it returns to normal.
I don't take days off from SS.

At night i do SRT 5x5x3, with BM with the added gauge mod (awesome).
I now at 5inhg most of the time. And i started introduce 6inhg for some minutes.
I also added c jelqs for the last 5 minutes.
After that i put my ring and SS back on until i go to bed.
For SRT 553, i also do 3 days on, one day off.

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Update on my routine:

Doing LM, 3 days a row, one day rest.
Since a week ago i switches from newbie to dbs. 20min session in morning.
I must say LM is where i have the most difficulty (not convinient, penis try to slide inside - pressure on glans. Feels like my penis can take more but my skin is painful and stopping me).
One full twist.
trying to introduce 1.5 twists as i think it would bring better strech with less force, but its challenging since short area needs to be twisted over itself and feels almost impossible mostly.

Then MOSRED 10min+-.

Then i put my SS on for all day as much as i can. Doing 9 hours a day on average (for the last 3 weeks or so).
I need to unplug every 2 hours because i get massive vacuum on my glans and beyond the glans (which is like huge swellings). And i have to let it settle and massage until it returns to normal.
I don't take days off from SS.

At night i do SRT 5x5x3, with BM with the added gauge mod (awesome).
I now at 5inhg most of the time. And i started introduce 6inhg for some minutes.
I also added c jelqs for the last 5 minutes.
After that i put my ring and SS back on until i go to bed.
For SRT 553, i also do 3 days on, one day off.

Have you looked at the thread Slippage solutions?
You will find it in my bucket (look for: List of important threads) of threads I share, for important information.
Then i put my SS on for all day as much as i can. Doing 9 hours a day on average (for the last 3 weeks or so).
I need to unplug every 2 hours because i get massive vacuum on my glans and beyond the glans (which is like huge swellings). And i have to let it settle and massage until it returns to normal.
I don't take days off from SS.
If 1 full rotation causes too much pressure, reduce it to 3/4. I see you are up to 5inHg in the pump. Your glans should reach a conditional state soon where you can wear it all day at one full rotation for the SS suction cup. If the pressure is too much at this moment at the 3/4 rotation does not give enough holding, a double sleeve may be the best bet for that high activity mobility.

Do take a day off on the SS after every 3 to 4 days. Stagger it off on the day you are not using the LM or the pumping. I found using the SS and pumping on the same day and going for 5 days straight can do a number on the glans's epidermal tissue and sensitivity. The moment I feel I reach that sensitive point because the glans has been under pressure and moist environment for too long, I take a break for the day. Remember to listen to your penis.
If 1 full rotation causes too much pressure, reduce it to 3/4. I see you are up to 5inHg in the pump. Your glans should reach a conditional state soon where you can wear it all day at one full rotation for the SS suction cup. If the pressure is too much at this moment at the 3/4 rotation does not give enough holding, a double sleeve may be the best bet for that high activity mobility.

Do take a day off on the SS after every 3 to 4 days. Stagger it off on the day you are not using the LM or the pumping. I found using the SS and pumping on the same day and going for 5 days straight can do a number on the glans's epidermal tissue and sensitivity. The moment I feel I reach that sensitive point because the glans has been under pressure and moist environment for too long, I take a break for the day. Remember to listen to your penis.
Thank you very much.
I didn't know that and i was wearing it every day for 3 weeks now.
My glans do look like they were inside dishwasher. Red. Sensitive. Piling skin sometimes. Etc.

For the pumping by the way i already at 6inhg, and for short time yesterday i reached up to 7inHG even without discomfort. (Bought the only vacuum pressure gauge 0 - -30). Its awesome).

Yeah sometime it seems that even one full twist isn't enough to hold the vacuum. So i just find myself twisting it more than one twist. (Not counting).
I will try to play with it.
I say it again. Your penis should not rotate/slide inside the chamber. Check out the thread: 🔗 Slippage solutions.
My penis is not really sliding and especially not rotating inside the chamber. Its pretty fixed. But when i pull down the glans are getting closer to the chamber and it seems they are under pressure.
I almost never success to close the chamber all the way down. It feels like a pain in my nerves or pinching if i close too much.

Also in front of of the glans there is some weird rope. That always cover my glans and interupting me to see my glans when i push the LM. Is there a safe way to remove it?

I also put pictures of how my setup looks like. For the wrapping i put theraband first, then the pad/bandage, then the black tape on top.


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My penis is not really sliding and especially not rotating inside the chamber. Its pretty fixed. But when i pull down the glans are getting closer to the chamber and it seems they are under pressure.
I almost never success to close the chamber all the way down. It feels like a pain in my nerves or pinching if i close too much.

Also in front of of the glans there is some weird rope. That always cover my glans and interupting me to see my glans when i push the LM. Is there a safe way to remove it?

I also put pictures of how my setup looks like. For the wrapping i put theraband first, then the pad/bandage, then the black tape on top.
Show me your padding inside the chamber.
I didn't put anything inside the chamber. I only wrap my penis 3 layers and put it in the chamber.
I just want to see how the orginal padding in the chamber looks like.

Because this have been discussed before.
I believe I know why you can't clamp down all the way without pain.
I just want to see how the orginal padding in the chamber looks like.

Because this have been discussed before.
I believe I know why you can't clamp down all the way without pain.
Also attach picture of this piece of rope i would like to remove as its just interupting me.


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By the way. Unrelated question.
About the ring after srt 5x5x3.
I always wondered.. is my penis supposed to stay semi erected for all the time i wear it?
I mean my logic says yes. But in fact if i put it once i semi erect it might stay like that for a 3 minutes. But eventually it return to flaccid and i wonder what the ring helps with flaccid?
Maybe i put ring that is not tight enough? Or its normal.
By the way. Unrelated question.
About the ring after srt 5x5x3.
I always wondered.. is my penis supposed to stay semi erected for all the time i wear it?
I mean my logic says yes. But in fact if i put it once i semi erect it might stay like that for a 3 minutes. But eventually it return to flaccid and i wonder what the ring helps with flaccid?
Maybe i put ring that is not tight enough? Or its normal.
After girth you should wear a cock ring for up to three hours. If you become flacid simply take off ring and being yourself to a expanded state and put back on. After stretching you should wear a wrap at your longest state. Do not worry on erections simply wrap flaccid and as long as possible
After girth you should wear a cock ring for up to three hours. If you become flacid simply take off ring and being yourself to a expanded state and put back on. After stretching you should wear a wrap at your longest state. Do not worry on erections simply wrap flaccid and as long as possible
So the idea with the ring is to keep semi erect. Not just stay flaccid. Got it.
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Perfect! Stay connected.
You're welcome.
So i tried your suggestion of rolling the black tape over the corners in the upper and down chambers.
I might over did it a bit. It feels better, but i still can't close it all the way.
Here is the reason i think.
So on the middle of this chamber you have this curved space you supposed to put your dick in while at the sides it's flat - not suitable to put the penis there.
The thing is when i put my penis in the designated space and starts to close it, my penis is wider than this designated space (and i don't have great width at all), and the width is coming out of it to the flat space from both direction and when i close it up to the point that the flat space starts to push on my penis on the sides. (Attached photo with arrows).
Am i doing something wrong here?

Another question i have is lately when i push it down (dbs) i feel that my skin is very streched at non expected location around the sides of my penis base around the twisted spots on both sides (attached photo with arrows). And it feels like the skin strech is somewhat limiting me as it's painful. But It subsides gradually as i keep pushing.. Is it normal?


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Yep, this is why everyone tells you to do balls and ligs stretches. Doing this allows the skin to also be stretched to prevent the limitations of skin flexibility. I had that issues too. Scrotum rises high and skin tightness during LM routines are indicators of inflexible skin.
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