Dude, i follow you reasoning BUT, x-ray IS a form of light ( a wavelength of the light spectrum ) and light ( photons ) travel propelled by electromagnetism. So, in the end, even the fire under your frying pan will cook your food ultimately through electromagnetic forces which speed up atoms in molecules ( excite them ) caused by the transfer of thermic energy and the lessening of the density by dilation. you know the drill bro... more free space, more speed, more heat.
Do you not receive the radiation on your entire body when doing a simple arm or leg x ray ? Yes you do, the radiation is all but localized but rather diffused all over and will accumulate over time.
To sterilize someone by this medium you would have to receive massive doses of the radiation not just the few gauss the actually hit you on a single xray.
Never been at an airport without at least a whole battalion of those.
Also, lead is radioactive also, it does provide shelter from direct exposure but is in itself a radioactive element, think of it... lead is a poor form of uranium bro, but still
Yup, it's all over the damn place bro, those full body ones are a different wave length and carry less radiation, some but not a lot.