Short check in, all according to plan despite the attempts of the local and state authorities. This is a new day coming and it will all be fueled by the pain and suffering of my punisHydromaxents. Just or unjust this is part of the trials of manhood that AlphaBlade requires. If we can not stand firm in the face of adversity we have no place at the table of AlphaBlade. Last time I came forth with the Blade I was met with similar resistance but I have remained steadfast and swift in my message....AlphaBlade NEEDS to happen.Today I celebrate the anniversary of my death in 1999 and my rebirth into the privies of a second life. Since this time I have dedicated myself to the betterment of the male race on every level. AB is the next step in empowerment, it is the way for every person who is asking themselves why? Why what? Well, like you I had many whys? Why don't I have this, why is my life a mess, why am I unhappy, why do I not have enough, why am I in pain, and I could go on for pages. I stopped asking why and I learned how and I am about to teach each and every curious person this....Fuck it, if I know it you guys DESERVE to know it.I have an attorney who is dealing with the civil rights case and it more than likely will be a class action suit. On the premise of my blindness and religious beliefs I have been greatly persecuted. I will go into detail on the 15th after I speak with my council. Keep your heads up and believe in the Blade! I promise you my presents and my attorney will see that I am able to be in constant contact with you NO MATTER WHAT.Empowerment, Unity, Unification, we are the ones and I am proud to be your leader! Please show the utmost respect for my honorable staff, you guys ROCK!Love and safe travelsMichael