New MOS Custom Dual Infrared for Advanced Healing and Erection Quality!!!


The Legendary Mistress with the Whips
Staff member

As many of you might of read or heard, Dual Red Infrared healing is the real deal. It is scientifically proven and drastically speeds up healing deep tissue and close range tissue while improving erection quality big time even after using!

There are people that have regrown the frenulum from use. So let's say you have an injury you would normally recover from in ten days, you can actually recover that tissue in two days by treating it with light.

We are outsourcing these custom made high powered hand held Dual Red Infrared units specifically for PE. These are not cheap amazon pain reliever therapy pads. These are real deal high powered units that's going to give you real results real fast and we are even going to guarantee it!

Infrared light therapy prompts the release of nitric oxide, which enhances blood flow in the tissue. This boosts blood flow and brings oxygen and nutrients to injured, aching tissues, resulting in fast healing. Infrared Light therapy also reduces inflammation and provides pain relief.



In 1965, the Russians and Czechs were trying to standardize colour therapy, which is the use of colours to treat the body. When they used a single colour on a number of people, they got different reactions because colour affects emotions and produces different effects. The Russians wanted to have a standard treatment, so they theorized that if they isolated one frequency of blue, or red, they could duplicate colour therapy on a regulated basis. They started separating different frequencies with lasers, and they discovered a lot more than they expected to find. They discovered that a single frequency light in a laser can stimulate DNA in damaged cell tissue. They used a low power laser under 50-milliwatts because higher lasers can cut tissue.

They discovered that if they used a pulsed laser light, the tissue healed rapidly.
On the other hand, if they gave a continuous beam, it sedated the cell and killed the pain. When a single frequency pulsed light hit the cell, it actually stimulated the cell to start producing more protein than it normally does, and as a result, the cell would heal. Even when they took the light away, the cell continued its healing. The continuous beam had a reverse effect. It actually caused the cell membrane to relax; it killed pain, reduced inflammation and made muscle tissue relax.

It didn't matter what the frequency was. It could be infrared, red, blue, or green, as long as it was single although, as you move toward the red end of the spectrum, the rate of cellular regeneration increased. For instance, a single frequency in the green range might affect the kidney 40 times better than a normal base-line study, whereas a red would be about 4,000 times faster. So over the years they migrated to infrared, red and eventually the 660 nanometer wavelength because it was the fastest way to regenerate tissue. So if you have an injury you would normally recover from in ten days, you can actually recover that tissue in two days by treating it with light.

About ten years later at the University of Chicago, researchers discovered that the average wavelength of cell tissue in the human body ranged between 600 nanometers and 720 nm; 660 is the mid-point. So in essence, the reason a 660 nm works better than any other single frequency is because it is closer to the resonant frequency of cell tissue. The other reason is that 660 nm absorbs better in hemoglobin.

When this therapy reached the U.S. and Canada, both lasers and light-emitting diodes at 660 nanometers were being used. The LED diffuses; the single frequency laser does not. With this diffusion, the cell can actually be in control of the treatment and shut off the molecules when it was done. But with the laser, the cells are no longer in control; the doctor or the practitioner applying the laser is in control. If he does it too long or with too much strength, you would not only heal the tissue, but you would start a deterioration again. So basically, the use of light-emitting diodes eliminated the draw back of lasers, and light could be applied into such sensitive areas as the eyes and around the face. LEDs allowed this whole area to blossom into a much larger usage by average people in their homes. Tiina Karu, Ph.D. of the Laser Technology Center in Russia, and affiliated with the University of California at Berkely, probably the top researcher in the world on the use of lasers and light emitting diodes published a study in Health and Physics Digest called "Photobiological Effects of Lasers" which discusses photobiological stimulation without laser light. The article explains that you can do laser treatment without using laser light, by using light emitting diodes which are much safer. Since the cells are basically in control of the process, there is no way to overuse light.

Acupuncturists discovered that single frequency light could activate acupressure points. Pulse light could stimulate it; continuous light could sedate the acupuncture points. But they also discovered that light applied to a meridian end-point can actually be traced flowing through the meridian to the organ acupuncture points. The meridian system is a useful pathway for getting light deeper into the body, so if you are treating things like asthma in the lungs, there is an alternate method of getting light into the lungs.

As we developed more types of lights with different geometrical shapes, we were able to actually get light deeper into the body without going through the meridians. Initially, single frequency light penetrated approximately an inch and a half, but today, larger units can penetrate up to eight inches. It will go through the skull. We use it on strokes, concussions and internal problems in the brain. Excellent studies have been done using light for pain relief, degenerative osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel tendonitis, skin ailments, acne, psoriasis, healing of the sinus cells, throat and ear problems, whiplash and lower back problems.

You can even get light into the blood stream. One of the best ways is through your belly button, because the aorta artery is behind the belly button. So if you insert the light there for 20 minutes, every drop of blood in the body will pass in front of the light, increasing the activity of your white cells, red cells, B-cells and T-cells, so you can boost your whole immune system.

If you use lasers or light-emitting diodes, it will actually speed up healing by a factor of five. If you have chronic conditions like osteoarthritis or whiplash from 15 years ago, conditions that are not responding or are deteriorating, the use of laser and LED light has actually stimulated regeneration. I believe light is going to play the biggest part in chronic conditions for people who have already explored a lot of other modalities and have found no solution.

We were studying the diagnosis of illnesses like leukemia, etc through brainwave patterns. We were surprised to find that when we treat the person with light, or with heat, that when the body starts healing, it shifts into what is called a healing profile where beta waves disappear, and alpha, theta and delta appear like you wouldn't even find in a yogi.

"I oppose sunglasses. Sunglasses are the main reason why the UV light destroys the eyes. This occurs because your pupils expand when you wear sunglasses, and the exposure can destroy your eyes even
quicker". - Meier Schneider
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Perhaps you don't have the answers to these yet, but I figure it can't hurt to ask:

  1. Is this strictly for use during healing or also while doing PE exercises?
  2. How big is it?
  3. What type of power does it accept? (USB?)
  4. PRICE

Good questions.

I want to add that this is something that does have a lot of history going all the way back to 2002. Infrared heating has been proven to help with gains because it keeps a steady heat while you’re stretching Keeping the penis malleable and easily manipulated. I can relate on a level since I have not used this lamp yet but in my past using constant heat of a heating pad truly made things more malleable and stretchable. If you look up infrared on the forms you’ll see many posts addressing this. A very welcome addition to our family of growing products!
Perhaps you don't have the answers to these yet, but I figure it can't hurt to ask:

  1. Is this strictly for use during healing or also while doing PE exercises?
  2. How big is it?
  3. What type of power does it accept? (USB?)
  4. PRICE

They can be used for warm ups, advanced tissue healing and boost erection quality. I see benefits of using during exercise as the penis will stay relaxed while stretching.

They are handheld about the size of a large smartphone like the Note.

Power is a 15v adapter (no usb)

Price will be under $200, we are still working on quantity discounts.

They will come with lifetime guarantees.
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ONLY in our community is a good deal... anywhere else, if you get dick for any transaction you do, you literally got FUCKED (cwl)(cwl)(cwl)(cwl)(cwl)

Well now you can literally fuck with what we give you, which is a huge cock! ????
I'm interested

I trained with heat and have made the best gains in all of the PE world. Heat allows the tissue to become mailable, stretchable a much better experience. It certainly will speed gaining and healing from proof of the past. My desire is to work it onto SRT ASAP ?
This is great news - I was looking into getting a JOOVV light for PE and general healing. This is becoming a one stop shop for PE supplies - good work gentlemen...I will be getting the Sili ADS and this shortly in April ?
This is great news - I was looking into getting a JOOVV light for PE and general healing. This is becoming a one stop shop for PE supplies - good work gentlemen...I will be getting the Sili ADS and this shortly in April ?
That’s the idea to become the one-stop place for all things PE. Who deserves this more than brotherhood? No one! ?
Certainly will be a step in the right direction if it works like you say and hope. I will keep watching and waiting.

Well my thoughts include this as a viable treatment for Peyronie’s. You know me ? I am think erect jelqing against the bend with IR heat to speed the process of breakdown and reduction of plaque and curvature. Always thinking ??
Within a couple weeks. These things are super powerful.

Oh that’s nice. Something to look forward to! Is that particular wavelength also suitable to stimulate your testicles with? Like boosting your testosterone and sperm etc. I’ve read about that stuff in blogs lol.

Is it possible to keep that infrared lamp mounted on the SiliStretcher so it can give give constant deep heating to dick shaft tissue? Or will those SiliSleeves slip off?
Is it expensive? It looks good, what are the specs?

They will be right under $200 and have a lifetime warranty. 200 watts and dual modes for deep tissue and surface. I was just telling @arkailija, I've been using one for a couple weeks and it has improved EQ already big time. I take meds that have been messing with my EQ and this has been incredible change in morning wood and EQ. I'm stoked. It's a product you see immediate results within a week or so.
Sign me up ??‍♂️

This is going to help with length gains big time. I always used heat to heal with but I’ve always wanted to use it to train with us. So I’m really looking forward to testing this.
I've been getting some PMs asking how long to use the MOSRED for deep tissue and skin coloration.

Being that we designed the MOSRED to focus on one area of your body at a time ( in this case the pelvic area), here is a rule of thumb.

There are very specific formulas to use this technology to heal properly.

The MOSRED is a very powerful concentration of NIR and RED at 300W and is intended for high power short sessions. It is the same power used in spas that charge $150 a session.

Too much treatment wont help and and too little of power wont either. So there is a specific formula to get proper therapy.


For Deep Tissue Healing (NIR)

At six inches away, the recommended time is 15 minutes.

At twelve inches away, the recommended time is 30 minutes.

For Skin Coloration Anti-Aging (RED)
At six inches away, the recommended time is 6 minutes.

At twelve inches away, the recommended time is 12 minutes.

I will try to get a simplified formula posted shortly to show how these times and distances are calculated based on power and coverage.
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I've been getting some PMs asking how long to use the MOSRED for deep tissue and skin coloration.

Being that we designed the MOSRED to focus on one area of your body at a time ( in this case the pelvis area), here is a rule of thumb.

There are very specific formulas to use this technology to heal properly.

The MOSRED is a very powerful concentration of NIR and RED at 200W and is intended for high power short sessions. It is the same power used in spas that charge $150 a session.

Too much treatment wont help and and too little of power wont either. So there is a specific formula to get proper therapy.


For Deep Tissue Healing

At six inches away, the recommended time is 3 - 5 minutes.

At twelve inches away, the recommended time is 6-10 minutes.

For Skin Coloration Anti-Aging
At six inches away, the recommended time is 2-3 minutes.

At twelve inches away, the recommended time is 4 - 6 minutes.

I will try to get a simplified formula posted shortly to show how these times and distances are calculated based on power and coverage.

This is going to be very very helpful to give specific directions when I write routines. It’s similar to the scale that’s going to help me tell people exactly how much intensity to use. This is going to help make PE so much more specific and easy to understand.
How many treatment per day ?

Before or after exercise ?

Testicles exposed or protected ?

I plan on doing two routines the day one in the morning with hydrocortisone and in deep tissue massage to promote more collagen. This will be a new method never used before that will help with many issues involving the skin and lower dermal levels.

The second routine will be testing exercise while using the I.R. This will give me an idea of elasticity that is given to the tunica. I will also be testing it as a warm down while using deep tissue massage.

I have great faith in my first method above
Here are the answers to many common questions about this type of treatment.

Does red light therapy work?
Yes, it does. Red light therapy is actually a true science with decades of research behind it.

How does red light therapy work?
The Light Therapy Options red and red/infrared LED lights use ranges of wavelengths that penetrate the outer layer of the skin, providing the cells with usable energy. This brings about various reactions in the cells including improved healing, the reduction of inflammation and enhanced production of collagen.

How long does it take for red light therapy to work?
It is not an immediate miracle transformation that will occur overnight, but it will provide you with ongoing improvements that you will begin to see in anywhere from 24 hours to 2 months, depending on the condition, its severity, and how regularly the light is used.

  • For the “healthy glow” of a photofacial, you’ll see a difference right away.
  • When used in conjunction with infrared light for pain relief, results can arrive in under 20 minutes.
  • As a skin healing therapy, some improvements should be noticed in as little as 24 hours from the first treatment. If the wound is quite small and superficial, a healthy person should see quite a dramatic improvement in a short period of time.
  • Healing a longstanding open wound that has been non-healing, such as in the case of diabetic wounds, the process does take longer, but there should be a gradual, noticeable difference that is certainly better than what was occurring without the light therapy.
  • Acne scars and scars from other types of injuries can start being visibly improved in as little as two weeks, and should gradually fade over time with continued use.
What is the difference between red and near infrared light therapy?
Red and near infrared light therapy are exactly the same except for two differences:
  1. Red light is visible and near infrared light is invisible.
  2. Near infrared light penetrates into the body deeper than red light.
What is the difference between red light and LED light?
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. It’s a type of general lighting technology. For example, the first lighting technology was incandescent light. Next came fluorescent. Halogen is another example. So LED is just the next advancement in lighting technology.

Does red light therapy work through clothes, bandages or dressings?
No. The good thing about red light is that you can see it. Shine the light at your clothes and see if it comes out the other side. The color will be absorbed by the fabric. Only red light that you can see reaching your skin can be absorbed by your skin.

Does near infrared light therapy work through clothes, bandages or dressings?
Yes. Near infrared light, which is invisible to the eye, will penetrate through clothes and many bandages and dressings. Somewhere I saw a list of what types of dressings will block it… next time I find it I will post it here. If you know where it is, please kindly let me know.

How often do I need to use red light therapy?
This depends on the condition you are treating and the device you are using. For most conditions, daily use for at least two weeks is recommended, followed by a once- or twice- weekly maintenance regimen. It is best to follow the directions that come with the device you choose, or as recommended by your doctor.

Can I use it more than once per day?
Yes. Twice per day would be fine.

Do I need to continue to use the light as much when I start seeing results?
Yes. Just because you’re seeing results, it doesn’t mean that your skin cells are finished doing their jobs. It’s just that the results of their efforts are starting to become something you can see and/or feel. Keep up the treatments until you reach your goal level of results. Then you can start a weekly maintenance schedule.

Once my skin problems have been resolved, do I stop using the light?
When your skin is clear or your fine lines, wrinkles, or scarring have been reduced or even eliminated, it is best that you continue the use of the light once or twice per week as a part of a regular maintenance practice. This will help to make sure that the benefits will continue over the long-term.

Is there such thing as getting too much red light therapy?
Yes. Using red light therapy for too long can reduce the effectiveness of your treatments. Red and near infrared light therapy has a “sweet spot” where the light is most effective.

Does red light therapy work for everybody?

Is red light therapy safe to use on sensitive skin?
All Light Therapy Options products are approved for all skin types and skin tones. However, if you have any specific concerns, it is recommended that you speak with your physician or dermatologist.

Do I have to wear the protective goggles if I am not facing the light?
When using red light therapy on your face, the goggles are meant to shield your eyes from the extreme brightness of the Pure Red LED Red Light. The goggles make the sessions comfortable for you. When you are not facing the light (for example, if you are treating acne scars on your back), you don’t need to wear the goggles as long as you don’t shine the light into your eyes. Red light has never been shown to be harmful to eyes. That said, when combined with blue light, protective goggles should always be worn.

Is there UV in red or near infrared light therapy devices?
No. UV is on the opposite end of the spectrum. For UV to be in a red or near infrared light therapy device, the manufacturer would have to put it in there on purpose for a reason.

Can red light therapy cause skin cancer?
No. Skin cancer caused by light exposure is from UV wavelengths, which are at the opposite end of the spectrum from red.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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