New MOS Custom Dual Infrared for Advanced Healing and Erection Quality!!!

I would also like to know when this will be available. I’ve been waiting years for something like this to be made. I want a shot at gaining back erectile function.

If Lightning is saying that he has immediate results I’m praying that I do too. Just like anyone else whose been p.eing for years (like myself) there has always been risks associated with the processes.

I would be extremely thankful if this gives me back what I feel like I’ve lost as a man.
I would also like to know when this will be available. I’ve been waiting years for something like this to be made. I want a shot at gaining back erectile function.

If Lightning is saying that he has immediate results I’m praying that I do too. Just like anyone else whose been p.eing for years (like myself) there has always been risks associated with the processes.

I would be extremely thankful if this gives me back what I feel like I’ve lost as a man.

If you have severe ED, this will not be the magic solution. I suffered from eq issues due to medication. The morning wood is back big time. I almost thought I out grew the the morning wood.

It's an amazing thing that we can get this powerful therapy in our own privacy now. We knew about this for a long time and there have been a few threads here on it but prices were astronomical. It's kind of like when plasma TVs first came out, you had to be a millionaire to buy on. Now they are the standard TV in homes.

There are allot of light treatment systems available online. Most of them are way too low power or dont have the calibrated waves the pros use.
If you have severe ED, this will not be the magic solution. I suffered from eq issues due to medication. The morning wood is back big time. I almost thought I out grew the the morning wood.

It's an amazing thing that we can get this powerful therapy in our own privacy now. We knew about this for a long time and there have been a few threads here on it but prices were astronomical. It's kind of like when plasma TVs first came out, you had to be a millionaire to buy on. Now they are the standard TV in homes.

There are allot of light treatment systems available online. Most of them are way too low power or dont have the calibrated waves the pros use.
I don’t have severe ED. It’s just penis exercise induced ED if that makes sense. I feel like over time because of trial and error, trying different devices, getting hurt, over training etc. Has led to low EQ.

When I was younger I had strong firm erections that we’re spontaneous. I also used to have a high erection angle.

I’m 25 now. I’m still young but my erection angle is weak. After 7 years of doing this stuff it feels as though the length and girth Ive gained did not match up with the blood flow entering in. I can still get a full erection, but only when I stimulate it to 100%. That’s what I want back. The 100% / staying power without the stimulation.

if this therapy heals and promotes collagen growth then I’m all for it is what I’m saying.

If you had low EQ due to medication and now you’re getting morning wood then I say that’s a really good sign of healing.

I read somewhere once that morning wood is an indicator of your actual health .

Also if this therapy works then it will definitely put me in the right direction to get the full benefits of Kegels.

Unfortunately because I can’t maintain a full 100% erection without stimulation my kegels /pc muscle is weak as hell .
I don’t have severe ED. It’s just penis exercise induced ED if that makes sense. I feel like over time because of trial and error, trying different devices, getting hurt, over training etc. Has led to low EQ.

When I was younger I had strong firm erections that we’re spontaneous. I also used to have a high erection angle.

I’m 25 now. I’m still young but my erection angle is weak. After 7 years of doing this stuff it feels as though the length and girth Ive gained did not match up with the blood flow entering in. I can still get a full erection, but only when I stimulate it to 100%. That’s what I want back. The 100% / staying power without the stimulation.

if this therapy heals and promotes collagen growth then I’m all for it is what I’m saying.

If you had low EQ due to medication and now you’re getting morning wood then I say that’s a really good sign of healing.

I read somewhere once that morning wood is an indicator of your actual health .

Also if this therapy works then it will definitely put me in the right direction to get the full benefits of Kegels.

Unfortunately because I can’t maintain a full 100% erection without stimulation my kegels /pc muscle is weak as hell .

One of my main reasons I want to use this is for the collagen effects in how I believe that if hydrocortisone is used this will speed that process tremendously.

Having weak PC muscles will effect erection quality and as you get bigger if you do not increase the strength of your PC muscles you’ll have weaker and weaker erections. I suggest you go to the newbie routine and do the Kegel routine laid out there. This will increase your strength and endurance of all of your pelvic floor muscles given you much better erections.
If you have severe ED, this will not be the magic solution. I suffered from eq issues due to medication. The morning wood is back big time. I almost thought I out grew the the morning wood.

It's an amazing thing that we can get this powerful therapy in our own privacy now. We knew about this for a long time and there have been a few threads here on it but prices were astronomical. It's kind of like when plasma TVs first came out, you had to be a millionaire to buy on. Now they are the standard TV in homes.

There are allot of light treatment systems available online. Most of them are way too low power or dont have the calibrated waves the pros use.
Im not sure if I remember seeing it , but did you say that the product will be available soon?! I’m super excited/dieing to buy it haha
Im not sure if I remember seeing it , but did you say that the product will be available soon?! I’m super excited/dieing to buy it haha

We are expecting the first round to be ready to ship in 3 weeks.
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Update: We are happy to say we are going to start shipping the MOSRED in two weeks. The delay was from needed adjustments we made.

More Power, Shorter Sessions, Faster Healing
We added more LEDs for more Wattage. The new configuration is 300 watts total at a 1:1 ratio.
This is insane power for very fast healing in shorter treatments.

Three Light Modes
We separated the two types of light emitted so users can individually select deep healing, surface healing or both at the same time.

Larger and Slimmer Panel for More Concentrated Coverage
The new size is about the size of a sheet of letter paper (8"x12") and 2.5" thick.

The Perfect Session (What I use)
The MOSRED sweet spot is 6" away with a 10-15 minute treatment twice away a day.
You must allow 6 hours between treatments for healing and no more than two treatments in a 24hr period.
This will give you the ultimate results.

Remember, too long of a treatment counter-acts the healing process and too little will prolong it. Also keep in mind, your body is still healing from the session after your treatment.

For first time users, it is recommended you start off with 2 minute treatments and slowly work your way up for the first week so your body can get use to it.

The MOSRED wont burn you like a light bulb but you will feel the intensity the first few times.

This is Seriously like a Miracle Pill

Reduced Fat Pad

Another incredible discovery I learned about these treatments for guys with stubborn fat pads (like me), is that the MOSRED reduces your fat pad. I've noticed that my fat pad pad is softening up which means fat is melting away. So it appears I'm slightly gaining size due to more of the inner penis being exposed.

I did some deeper studying and learned that Red light therapy affects adipocytes, which are cells that store fat, causing the lipids to disperse. In other words, light therapy helps the body wash away fat cells.

View attachment 1821451

For the geeks like me, here are a couple flicks of the MOSRED internals so you can see how serious these are.

View attachment 1821453

This shot is of the 200watt version in a very bright shop. It is really hard to get a picture with it on due to the high power output.

View attachment 1821452
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Update: We know allot of you are anxiously waiting for an update, we are happy to say we are going to start shipping the MOSRED in two weeks. The delay was from needed mods we made.

More Power, Shorter Sessions, Faster Healing
We added more LEDs for more Wattage. The new configuration is 300 watts total at a 1:1 ratio.
This is insane power for very fast healing in shorter sessions.

Three Light Modes
We separated the two types of light emitted so users can individually select deep healing, surface healing or both at the same time.

Larger and Slimmer Panel for More Concentrated Coverage
The new size is about the size of a sheet of letter paper (8"x12") and 2.5" thick.

The Perfect Session (What I use)
The MOSRED sweet spot is 6" away with a 10-15 minute treatment twice away a day.
You must allow 6 hours between treatments for healing and no more than two treatments in a 24hr period.
This will give you the ultimate results.

Remember, too long of a treatment counter-acts the healing process and too little will prolong it. Also keep in mind, your body is still healing from the session after your treatment.

This is Seriously like a Miracle Pill

Reduced Fat Pad

Another incredible discovery I learned about these treatments for guys with stubborn fat pads (like me), is that the MOSRED reduces your fat pad. I have noticed fat loosening up which means it is melting away and I'm gaining size.

So I did some deeper studying and learned that Red light therapy affects adipocytes, which are cells that store fat, causing the lipids to disperse. In other words, light therapy helps the body wash away fat cells.

View attachment 1821451

For the geeks like me, here are a couple flicks of the MOSRED internals so you can see how serious these are.

View attachment 1821453

This shot is in a very bright shop. It is really hard to get a picture with it on due to the power output.

View attachment 1821452

HOLY SHIT! I'm so excited for this! This shit looks absolutely INSANE bro! Great Job!
I have done so much research on what we can use this for it’s amazing. Everyone should pick one of these up I’m gonna make it an integral part of every routine I write. The benefits of the lamp alone, as Lightning has laid out, are already amazing but there’s even more! There’s ways of using different creams to accomplish different outcomes. Plan on some serious discoloration and deep bruise correction. Also look forward to having the collagen level increase in your penis giving a more plump and supple skin, eliminating wrinkles and other unsightly marks. I cannot wait to get this!
Two weeks NEEDS to fly now haha. I’m so excited for this.

Just curious though. Since the design is for penis health/treatment can we use this device for other things like reducing fat in the stomach, healing scars(probably not) , bruises/inflammation all over your body ???
Two weeks NEEDS to fly now haha. I’m so excited for this.

Just curious though. Since the design is for penis health/treatment can we use this device for other things like reducing fat in the stomach, healing scars(probably not) , bruises/inflammation all over your body ???

That’s what I’m talking about my brother there are so many things that I’ve found out that we can do with this infrared light that is amazing. Once I get my hands on one and the versions of different creams I want to use I’m going to put out some treatments that will rock the world! Infrared, at a professional state, as we have with ours, will produce excellent results in every way Infared can be used.
I just thought about it, but is there someone that is going to do a video on the using the device ? Reading instructions is cool, but I feel like this calls for a video to ensure proper use so that we all could avoid any negative side effects( if there are any) .

I think I remember reading in this thread that you have to hold it at a certain length away from your dick. I’m just thinking because what are the chances your arm will hold still ( or not) for X amount of time per session . I’m sure there will be many of us who will go too close or too far away with the device because we’re “eyeballing” it. I mean unless it doesn’t matter and there are no detrimental effects to using the device. I hope the latter haha , but you gotta be safe than sorry.
There is really no video needed to demonstrate it. We made it very simple for users to achieve maximum results.

It's this simple...

Plug it in.

For Internal Healing
Before exercise session, set MOSRED 6" from your pelvic area either naked or lightly clothed, turn the IR switch on for 10 - 15 minutes (no more and no less), shut off.
Perform your exercise session.

Wait at least 6 hours and use one more time in IR mode for 12 - 15 minutes.

Do not use more than two times in a 24 hour period.

For skin coloration, aging, wrinkles, varicose veins, scarring, etc.
Set MOSRED 6" away from pelvic area in the nude. Apply Hydrocortisone to area being treated. Switch on to RED mode and use for 6 minutes max, no more or no less.

Wait at least 6 hours and use one more time in RED mode for 6 minutes.

Do not use more than two times in a 24 hour period.
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There is really no video needed to demonstrate it. We made it very simple for users to achieve maximum results.

It's this simple...

Plug it in.

For Internal Healing
Before exercise session, set MOSRED 6" from your pelvic area either naked or lightly clothed, turn the IR switch on for 10 - 15 minutes (no more and no less), shut off.
Perform your exercise session.

Wait at least 6 hours and use one more time in IR mode for 12 - 15 minutes.

Do not use more than two times in a 24 hour period.

For skin coloration, aging, wrinkles, varicose veins, scarring, etc.
Set MOSRED 6" away from pelvic area in the nude. Apply Hydrocortisone to area being treated. Switch on to RED mode and use for 6 minutes max, no more or no less.

Wait at least 6 hours and use one more time in RED mode for 6 minutes.

Do not use more than two times in a 24 hour period.
So it appears there’s 2 modes . One for internal healing and one for “other” (the second List you just mentioned).

I would imagine the mode for “internal” would be ideal for gains and the red mode is a more higher power for Skin aging varicose veins etc.

Now you mentioned don’t use it more that twice a day (6 hour wait time difference) . Does that mean once in red mode and once in IR mode ? Or 2 and 2?

Im excited because there’s definitely going to be some experimentation with this.
If preferred, you could treat both at the same time and shut off the RED in 6 minutes and continue NIR for another 6 minutes and do this twice a day 6 hours apart.

Or, treat the skin in one session and NIR in another, either/or, as long as it's at least 6 hours apart between treatments and no more than 6 minutes for the RED and 12 mins for the NIR.

They are two different treatments.
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There will be many uses for this. As soon as I get and test it will be playing a part in the healing portions if SRT. Aside from the research I have done and the different ways I plan using, I am very interested in it’s 2modes and how that also can play a part in an overall routine.
The MOSRED is up for pre-orders at an introductory price and free shipping in the US to start the buzz. We will start shipping end of next week.

The MOSRED is similar to the Joovv but MOSRED is more powerful and has a lifetime warranty.
Just ordered mine too.. SO fucking excited! My time has been really limited lately so I haven't been able to put all of my PE equipment to thorough use. I am compiling a comprehensive review of all the items I have and I want to it to be as accurate and complete as possible. I'm definitely going to add this to the review before I post it. AWESOME job @Lightning! We love you bro!! <3
Anyone know if you can use this on your scalp to prevent hair loss like those red light helmets? Does it have enough 660 wavelength power to do that, if so I'll purchase

Yes, there are many uses for this besides PE.

This unit uses the new 5w LEDs with 150watts of 660nm Red Luminous LEDs and 150watts of 850nm Infrared with the highest amount concentrated irradiance. Higher irradiance = better results in less time.

Many people confuse heat lamps with RED/NIR technology, they are nothing of the same.

Here are some of the things the MOSRED can heal.

Male Infertility
Fat Loss
Skin Health
Hair Growth
Muscle Recovery
Joint Pain
Thyroid Function
Sleep Optimization
Deuterium Depletion
Brain Injuries
Training and Performance

Here are many studies done on it
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) / photobiomodulation (PBM) / red/NIR phototherapy studies
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Can this be used as replacement of warmup before doing pe routine and a cool down as well

It can be used as a warm up before your session but you wouldn't want to use it again right after your session as a warm down.
Yes, there are many uses for this besides PE.

It is more powerful than many of the hospital/spaa set ups because this unit uses the latest 5w LEDs with 150watts of 660nm Medical-Grade Lasers and 150watts of 850nm Red Luminous LEDs with the highest concentrated irradiance and higher irradiance = better results in less time.

Many people confuse heat lamps with RED/NIR technology, they are nothing of the same.

Here are some of the things the MOSRED can heal.

Male Infertility
Fat Loss
Skin Health
Hair Growth
Muscle Recovery
Joint Pain
Thyroid Function
Sleep Optimization
Deuterium Depletion
Brain Injuries
Training and Performance

Here are many studies done on it
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) / photobiomodulation (PBM) / red/NIR phototherapy studies
Wow , so are they LEDs or lasers for the 660 could you be more specific please ? I just pre ordered one :)
Would you by any chance know how long I would use this on my scalp to prevent hair loss and how often, red and infrared?

The same directions posted in this thread apply to all treatments. It's more about concentrating the power/irradiance on one area at a time doing no more than 6 mins for RED and no more than 15 mins for IR with 6 hours apart between treatments. Doing too much counteracts the process.

We will create another thread with the instructions, pictures, videos as well so they dont get lost in this thread.
Are there instructions sent with the device?
For example should it be used while Erect or flaccid?

Being erect or flaccid isnt going to change the healing properties. The light is going to penetrate no matter what state you are in.

Just make sure you concentrate the RED on a nude area and IR on a nude or light clothed area, boxers for example is light clothing.
So you dont need to rotate sides when using this? Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the top side get more light treatment ? I though red light only penetrated like 6mm to 10mm deep
So you dont need to rotate sides when using this? Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the top side get more light treatment ? I though red light only penetrated like 6mm to 10mm deep

No, they alternate per LED so the full panel has 50% coverage of each wavelength. It's not one side one wavelength the otherside another wavelength.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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