"New" Girth enhancement Surgery using PLGA scaffolds

Patent United States Patent 6465000

Method for penile augmentation with autogenous dermal cell culture Document Type and Number:


The present invention relates to a penile augmentation method comprising culturing autodermal cells in a laboratory and inserting this into penis by using scaffold. This method has advantage of operation convenience, and causes no foreign body sensation after operation and no side effect.

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Dr.Sava's homepage :


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Prospective study



To evaluate in a multicenter, prospective study preliminary aesthetic and functional results of autologous ex-vivo tissue engineering for penile girth enhancement.


From July 1999 to January 2004, 204 men of mean age 26.77 (range 19–54 years) underwent this procedure. Indications for penile girth enhancement were penile dysmorphic disorder and previous failed surgery for penile girth enhancement. Fibroblast cells harvested from 1cc of biopsied scrotal dermal tissue were expanded in culture until the total cell number of at least 2×107 was reached. Suspended cells in culture medium were then seeded on pretreated tube-shaped PLGA scaffolds and incubated for 24hours. After penile degloving, scaffolds were shape adjusted and transplanted between dartos and Buck's fascia when the skin was compliant or under the neurovascular bundle when the skin was not compliant.


A total of 84 randomly selected patients were followed 1 to 5 years postoperatively (median 24 months). The gain in girth ranged from 1.9 to 4.1cm (mean 3.15cm). Postoperative complications occurred as infection in three, penile skin pressure necrosis in two and seroma formation in five patients and were all treated conservatively. Surgical intervention was appraised by patients on a scale from 1 to 5 as follows: the best mark (5) was given by 44.05%, very good (4) by 36.90%, good (3) by 19.05% and only one patient gave the mark 2 judging general penile appearance as dissatisfactory; mean score was 4.25.


Autologous tissue engineering by using biodegradable scaffolds as a carrier is a new and safe therapeutic approach for penile girth enhancement. The outcome of this study points out the necessity for its expanded clinical applicability in the future.

Link :


Has anyone some Info's on this subject ? Links; personal experiences etc ?
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Fuck that noise...I would never...I MEAN EVER allow my penis to be in this state. The pics that are halfway down the page...YUCK

the pics didn't come up for me...i was gonna delete this cuz i thought it was spam but then i saw that he has been a member for a while...but i didn't look at the post too much...no surgery for me!!!
The Pic's are really hard to look, but in the end i think that a ligament cutting surgery are a fair way more fatal than putting this scarfold under the Penis skin....

If the Results an risks in the Prospective study are realistic then i think that it's not that mutch freaky to do this than injecting all kind of Hormones in the Penis like in the chemical Pe Group.....

I done Pe for a long time but with good Gains ; but all things stop at a time; logical to search an alternativ......
doublelongdaddy;317492 said:
Fuck that noise...I would never...I MEAN EVER allow my penis to be in this state. The pics that are halfway down the page...YUCK


Well with a 11 inch cock like yours; theres no bottom for you to do a surgery like that ;-)
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Shadus;317584 said:
The Pic's are really hard to look, but in the end i think that a ligament cutting surgery are a fair way more fatal than putting this scarfold under the Penis skin....

If the Results an risks in the Prospective study are realistic then i think that it's not that mutch freaky to do this than injecting all kind of Hormones in the Penis like in the chemical Pe Group.....

I done Pe for a long time but with good Gains ; but all things stop at a time; logical to search an alternativ......

It just scares the shit out of me. Seeing the surgery pics and some of the results (which look highly deformed) just seam drastic. Even if I had a 5" penis with small girth I would not risk it...I would Penis Enlargement my ass off till I got what I wanted. If I can do it anyone can and no surgery in the world can give the gains that I have made.
