Name the best dating Guru's, books, sites and other stuff


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Okay we could all do with a hand sometimes, more so than others and I do fall into that category now since I have literally collapsed off the wagon :s

Name Guru's, books, [words=]DVD[/words]'s, sites and anything else you can that helps and guides men on seduction, dateing, body language etc etc and why you chose it, plus what you learned from it the most and how it has changed your life in that regards.

I'll go first.

Carlos Xuma - He's good to listen and watch. Has one of those voices that you can learn from. He doesnt just talk down one avenue, like some Guru's such as David DeAngelo but covers much more, such as social anxiety, visualisation and much more. I have his Ultimate Game series and havent yet finished it off but have learned from it that anxiety is much more common amongst men than I first thought, not just me rofl

David DeAngelo - Everyone has heard of this guy. I have nearly all his material and its been really helpful to me over the years. I need to study his [words=]DVD[/words]'s in more detail once I get them on the Ipod but his guides are fairly sound.

I don't agree with everything he says and its like the former guy says [Carlos] your best taking bits from all the gurus that you prefer and like, than building your own style and that is SO TRUE indeed.

David essentially made the penny drop with me with regards to the types of men women want, the 8 personality types and its a SPLENDID read. His style is easy to follow and not boring although I do get bored sometimes with his audio and [words=]DVD[/words]'s with Carlos keeping my attention for longer.

Has made me also take note more about how you carry yourself at all times near women, more so the ones our after.
Hey Red,

I've read a fare amount of different pickup material. My favorite stuff comes from Real Social Dynamics. These guys tend toward a more natural approach to game and are straight savages in field. You might recognize some of the big name instructors they have like Tyler Durden, Jeffy, and Papa. Also they have a forum full of uber cool guys constantly giving a lot of value. Kinda like here :)

David DeAngelo is awesome I read a lot of his stuff from a few years ago it was solid. I'm not familiar with Carlos Xuma... thanks for the link I'll be checking him out.

Also Red I'm pretty sure I remember you from a certain cheeky cherry forum years ago. If that was you, I just wanted to say thanks your pe journal was really inspirational for me.
RSD is in my opinion the best resource available.they dont stay on the subject of pickup only,they describe how to be a better more attractive human being in general wich will help you in every aspect of your life.
here are my reccomendations

tyler durden(rsd)
david deangelo
steven p

hope this helps!
RSD is a cult! AVOID at all costs. I know people in the industry and their has been alot of dissatisfaction with his bootcamps.
alot of people are looking for a quick fix similar to Penis Enlargement(overnight penis growth,or over night skills with women by using lines and routines)the path that RSD builds for people is generally a longer road to take were people learning lines and routines think there getting a quick fix and avoiding all hard reality though using routines and lines are like putting a bandaid over a gaping wound wich is many mens poor personality.ill stand by RSD no matter what because i believe in it 100%

but thats just me
REDZULU2003;370240 said:
Keep it coming guys, this will help us all! Also talk about what you liked the most from these guys and programmes you have used. I'll go back to Carlos Xuma, which I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet. Really goes into detail on many things, not just how to get a women which is what David D mostly goes into but Carlos also talks about Anxiety and how to deal with it. I'm listening to that portion now and I'm telling you, what he says is what I have felt for years but no one understood and he has simply said it like that.

most of the stuff i put is similar to Xuma. some of them even talk about him and have gone out with him. i believe in the alpha male attitudes and natural game over all the bullshit lines like how mystery and all the other guys teach
RSD is a cult. Stay away from them at all costs. Go to their forum and you will know what I'm talking about. All their members are losers who just post shit that is mental masturbation. The founders Owen Cook (Tyler) and Nick Kho (Papa) are frauds. Tyler has been with the same women 5-6 years who is a total butter face. And Papa is a social retard with aspergers, who doesn't get laid.

People have been fucking and mating for billions of years, you don't need some "guru" or "PUA" to tell you how to do it. Most of it is overanilitical bullshit. Wanna get chicks?
-Get over your inferiority complex
-Get in shape
-Talk to women....eventually you will hook up with one. If I told you out of every 10 chicks you approach, you were gonna hook up with at least one, what would you do? Hopefully talk to some women.

Stay away from pick-up material, it just fucks you up even more.
Lol, do you remember 26/Barry Kirkey? He has his own podcast show and he hates Tyler, some very interesting stories about the inner workings of Tyler and RSD.
well hands down i would say:

Mystery method as basic knowledge (forget his patterns, i hate patterns) but his basic idea of male/female relation is a must know.

Gunwitch method, very basic, no fancy things, he believe in the simple rules, and that girls want to fuck so just try and fuck them!

sex god method, now you got a big cock (thanks [words=]matters of size[/words]) and you got her into your bed (thanks mystery) now fuck her so they can hear her scream in space (sex god method)

you need a drivers licence for that big cock of yours thats for sure :)
I will second both Gunwitch and The Sex God Method.

Vin DiCarlo and Xuma are favorites of mine. 60Yearsofchallenge offers very down to earth advice. Mainly he says to not worry to push the boundaries and risk being creepy. He also advices holding her hand to escalate things. Old fashioned but definitely works.

I stay away from Mystery & RSD. Too much fluff & plagarized material with RSD and Mystery Method has you running around like a goof ball being a fake version of yourself.

The Book of Pook and David Deida are good because they get you in the mindset of being a real man. So does David D in "On Being a Man". Basically I feel that if you build your lifestyle to be attractive women will follow. Major on the major things (job, physically fit, social life & hobbies) and be confident and outgoing. Be cool and you'll get laid easily. Women shouldn't be the center of your life...but they are icing on the cake!
Aimingforthetop;370389 said:
well hands down i would say:

Mystery method as basic knowledge (forget his patterns, i hate patterns) but his basic idea of male/female relation is a must know.

Gunwitch method, very basic, no fancy things, he believe in the simple rules, and that girls want to fuck so just try and fuck them!

sex god method, now you got a big cock (thanks [words=]matters of size[/words]) and you got her into your bed (thanks mystery) now fuck her so they can hear her scream in space (sex god method)

you need a drivers licence for that big cock of yours thats for sure :)

After reading 'The Game' by neil strauss (aka Style) i delved deeper into the whole Pick up artist thing.

i found it REALLY #@*$& interesting lol. I watched the Mystery Method videos, the Annihilation Method by style [ Basically video footage of their 2 boot camps ] and even managed to get my hands on the vault collection. Its all really interesting and you can learn a shitload, mystery even goes into the whole Tribal Leader thing where he talks about where our fears of talking to woman came from etc. While i myself havent been able to test the material properly as im in a long term relationship i started offloading heaps of info off to me friend who i was personal training at the time and he is getting some positive results with woman. it really changes your outlook on woman and how to go about things and i think is definitely worth the read/watch. But it is one of those things you have to take a leap of faith into and then continue to grow from it much like Penis Enlargement :)

If your at square one i suggest you get the book "The Game" by neil strauss, its a really good read and will give you a good introduction as its more of a chapter of Neils life going from a AFC (average frustrated chump) to a PUG (Pick up guru) and along the lines you will see how tyler durdan and RSD came about, Project Hollywood etc
From all I've seen, heard and downloaded from, none have been better than Player -Supreme. He's down to earth on his material and the best I've seen so far.
Alan Roger Currie - Mode One. I love that s#it lol

There's Ross Jeffries NLP hypno stuff that looks amazing when he does it, but when it comes down to implementing his stuff it's so confusing. His books are more of a cheesy over priced advertisement for his courses, than practical pick up advice
There's one guy named Playersupreme. He's pretty straight-forward. Just a down to earth type of teacher. Don't know if some guys might listen to him, because he doesn't teach the NLP and hypno stuff. Might wanna' check him out on youtube. Seen a huge amount of guys have success from him.

Edit: Sorry about that Red, bro'. Got the info right here. He just teaches natural game. No lines, or anything else. I've improved a lot from him.
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Mr L RX book dating to relating is very good one to read as well it's not your everyday PUA and its actually quite interesting of a read if yall get a chance I suggest you download it off the web and take a look at it
I've briefly been involved (1 year) with "dating education" and I can honestly tell you that its not worth the effort/financial resources. I've even paid for a "bootcamp" and to this day I regret it. To the best of my knowledge, most of the guys (including myself) I was with still struggle with women. Only 1 guy I know got a girlfriend months later and I hate to say this but his girlfriend is below average looking.

You'd think the penis enlargement industry is as bad (maybe it is) but the [words=]Sizegenetics[/words] is a medical device that doctors actually recommend. My point is, paying people to learn how to get good with women cannot be scientifically proven. Based on my experience and the lack of scientific evidence that a dating coach can make you better with women I highly recommend that you should avoid the dating industry and nothing can change my mind about this topic.
I've been a part of the pick up community for over four years now.
I'll start by saying that boot camps are a scam to get your money and reading an endless supply of books will not help much at all.
Honestly it comes down to growing a pair and learning to interact with women.
However, if I had to recommend a book I would say 60 years of the challenge.
Being British I like AFC Adam and PUA Beckster, My reasons well as a Aimingforthetop mentiones its good to get the basics off MM and others such as Ross Jeffries and Style but the banter here in the UK is very different to the US. If I used similar openers as used by US speaking PUA's Id be looked at rather strange as we simply don't talk like that, these guys have adapted their game for UK girls who IMO 'can' be harder to pull because societies different. Although saying that I have on a few occasions whilst being out seen a girl, pointed at her, called her over with my fingers, kissed and taken her back to mine. We've probably on started talking once outside the club or in the Taxi.

Im my opinion is comes down to being 'cheeky', confident, and using a mixture of routines and natural chat.
I recently invested into vin dicarlo's pandora's box system,I'm not completely done with the program yet but from what I've watched/read from it I can say I realize the mistakes I made in the past with certain women. I'm almost half way through it and have been taking notes and most of it is pretty easy to understand,but their are some points that I have to 're read or re watch.I'm not completely through it but once I'm able to fully grasp and retain all of the information in my head without having to really think about it I plan on using it. I can't tell you 100% right now if it works because I'm still learning,but i can say it will make you look back and go "so that's why it didn't work". Once I start using it I'll let you know just how legit it is,but so far it's very convincing
I have read just about every book on the subject. I love the psychology behind it all. It’s so fascinating learning how and why people think. Men and women are so different and similar. Living in Europe helped me view the world differently too. In Germany sex isn’t as taboo as America. I never saw any slut shaming etc. Women over there weren’t afraid of the social backlash of one night stands in front of their friends like they are here. Women want sex just as much as men do.

My suggestion is
“How to be a 3% man” By Corey Wayne. Succeed more. Learn More. Grow more. Life is… relationships. — Enlightened Self-Help
Here’s also a link to his website.
it is the absolute best book you will ever read. I guarantee it. I’ve always been very good with women. Most of the books in this genre, I feel like are written by creeps and con artists. Corey teaches you not only how to attract the women you want, but how to keep them happy and interested in you. He’s a good respectable guy who won’t have you “negging” women or other stupid things
There’s a plethora of good points in the book.

I looked back on my life and think man I was doing pretty much everything correctly without even knowing it. For example when I was in the army which is like 90% dudes btw. Every time a new chick In-processed every swinging dick in my unit was all over her. I would just sit back laugh and ignore her. Eventually the women would approach me every single time. They see you’re different and start to wonder why are all these other guys flaunting all over me, but he doesn’t seem to want me.

Another great point is just relating to women in general. Talk to them like they’re your little sister. A lot of guys are terrified to talk to women. If you have women friends you joke around with and have playful banter. Do the exact same thing to that really hot chick you want. When you think of it that way, it also takes the stress off of the approach.

I have passed this book along to many guy friends I knew were kinda lost. They were amazed by it every time. Everything just started clicking for them.
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Thank's for this informations. There are many dating sites on the Internet at the moment, but you still need to be very careful about them. Before signing up for a particular adult dating site, I read the reviews. I do this in order to protect my personal data on the Internet. For example on this site you can read one night friend reviews. Here you can find useful information on prices for using this website. This dating platform has features that make meetings fun. For example, you have access to images of other users that are checked by the site administration and are really real, not fake.
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Dating is a skill and sometimes you need someone to show you the way. The only issue is it’s just like seeing a therapist. Talking to someone about your issues is only as good as your ability to apply their information. If you don’t try to apply it or give up, you’re back to square one.
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