My gains/advice for PE/ I need help with supplements

Hey guys, its been awhile since ive last visited the forums. Alot of gains have happen since then.

I left at 5.5 EL and 7.6ish BPenis EnlargementL

Now im currently at 8BPenis EnlargementL and 6EL

I started hanging at 2.5 pounds and im now at 17 pounds.

Ive noticed that the real gains started comming at 7 pounds.

I hang 4x20 at the edge of my bed laying against my pillows and covers comfortably while studying/playing videogames/tv. If you can find a comfortable position like I just said.. You would look forward to hanging because its the best for length. Lol you could probably hang all day like bib and it only makes sence that you will get better gains.

My current situation now is that im 20 years old with severe anxiety so I was on celexa for a year to treat it succesfully. But Celexa has sexual side effects so ive had no libido/sex drive/ able to keep a erection during sex.

Im getting off celexa, ive been brought down from 40mg to 10mg and ive noticed no increase of sexual desire/performance. Im currently on welbutrin/mertazipine both anti depressants with no sexual side effects.

Maybe when I get off celexa completly.. Things will get better? Im not sure. In 2 weeks ill be off celexa completly but I will still be on welbutrin and mertazipine.

Ive heard these supplements help with sexual performance/drive

Bulgarian Tribulus ----- 1
Ginseng ( Korean /China/ US)---4
Ginko Biloba------------3
Green Tea----------------5
Ginger Caps
Oderized Garlic Pills
L-Arginine -----------------7

The problem is, ive went to multiple doctors/phsychyatrists/pharmacists and none will give me a straight awnser if its ok to use these supplements with my medication

Is their anyone thats in the same boat as me take these supplements with their meds? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
How is it going my friend? Good to hear from you. I can relate to you are the frustrations of medications, I have been on medications fro close to 20 years now. I have tried many different combinations to adjust and fine tune for the least side effects with the best outcome,,,,it is much like a rat being tested on. I was taking Wellbutrin and it did not interfere too badly with my libido. I have the best erections when I am taking nothing but at certain times in my life this is just not possible. It all is a balance and having faith that eventually you will find a medication/therapy that brings you the most relief with the smallest side effect.

Currently I am on 150 mg of Serequel, 1mg klonipin, 300mg antihistamine and 18mg of melatonin, 1mg of Ambien. This is all for sleep, according to my internal schedule the hypo-mania should be showing up around right about now...usually beginning of October. During this time medication has little to no effect on me and I wain from a regiment. My cycles are very, very long which makes me very lucky. I can get a lot of work done very quickly during the hypomanic periods and when there is longevity to these cycles (sometime 3 months!) it makes all the depression worth it! Somehow justified but in my case, my hypomania can slip into full mania without me really knowing, this is usually at the end of the manic cycle and I am back on the medications.

I have just gotten used to it. I guess I accept myself for who I am, as fucked up as that is. I also let all my brothers here know exactly how I am doing and they too watch my back and keep me in check. If I am slipping into mania, my friends here let me know, my family lets me know, and ultimately, well it ends in a hospital visit. That is the reset button. It has been this way much of my life.

Keep the faith and keep reaching for better ways to deal with whatever mental issues you may have. It takes a proactive position on your part, staying in close contact with your doctor as you try different methods. Keep a journal, keep track of everything. Eventually you will find some things that work and some that don't. And keep this in mind also, sometimes things that worked before may not work now, again, demanding patience on your behalf to be open to medication adjustments or changes.