Progress thread My All-Out SRT Routine!

Can't even compare dude

I use a 29 gauge 1/2 inch syringe and I do delt injections.
I'm a pretty lean guy with alot of muscle so that works for me.
If you're not too built or lean you can still do shoulder injections (upper side delt) but I would opt for a 1 inch syringe.
You HAVE to do it intramuscular.
If you don't get in the muscle it can cause a lump and will take almost 2 weeks to go away and it sucks.

I have a link I can post here from where I purchase my carnitine if you guys are interested.
It's the best and purest stuff that I've found on the market.
Sure man, share the link!
By the way @Tommy Gun, does it actually help build muscle though? I mean, if you're already fucking with needles, why not go for the 'real deal' then? Or are you taking it mainly for the other mentioned benefits?
By the way @Tommy Gun, does it actually help build muscle though? I mean, if you're already fucking with needles, why not go for the 'real deal' then? Or are you taking it mainly for the other mentioned benefits?
Thats a whole other rabbit hole man haha
Once you start taking PEDs its for life.
Your natural levels will almost never go back to the way they were.
I'm only on TRT and HCG. I tried for a year to get my natural levels up to optimal because I didn't want to take something if I didn't have to.
I ate healthy. Slept 8-9 hours every night. Lifted weights 5-6 days a week, etc.
You name it, I tried it.
Nothing worked for me unfortunately.
I got 4 different blood panels done and they were all showing my test was in the shitter. And I felt it too.
So I started trt and I finally started feeling like myself again after a couple months.
You don't have to take HCG with it. But I was getting testicle pain so I got that as well.

Even now im not blasting it. I'm taking just enough to keep me at optimal test levels because it is a life commitment.
If I was taking 2cc of test a week thats a beginner steroid cycle haha
I don't even take half of that.
You start blasting gear thats how you die out of nowhere at 40

It does help build muscle and lose fat because you'll be able to push yourself harder than if you weren't taking it.
Thats a whole other rabbit hole man haha
Once you start taking PEDs its for life.
Your natural levels will almost never go back to the way they were.
I'm only on TRT and HCG. I tried for a year to get my natural levels up to optimal because I didn't want to take something if I didn't have to.
I ate healthy. Slept 8-9 hours every night. Lifted weights 5-6 days a week, etc.
You name it, I tried it.
Nothing worked for me unfortunately.
I got 4 different blood panels done and they were all showing my test was in the shitter. And I felt it too.
So I started trt and I finally started feeling like myself again after a couple months.
You don't have to take HCG with it. But I was getting testicle pain so I got that as well.

Even now im not blasting it. I'm taking just enough to keep me at optimal test levels because it is a life commitment.
If I was taking 2cc of test a week thats a beginner steroid cycle haha
I don't even take half of that.
You start blasting gear thats how you die out of nowhere at 40

It does help build muscle and lose fat because you'll be able to push yourself harder than if you weren't taking it.
@Tommy Gun do you know about the channel, more plates more dates on youtube? I think that guy have a company that help men to get their hormon levels in balance.

I once heard him talked about a strategy to get back your natural hormon levels like testesterone after you had been on TRT for a long time. I definitely didn't understand anything about it, but apparently he works differently then more standard doctors.

I don't know anything about this. I just find his information really interested. He's really a self learnd genius on this kind of stuff. If you haven't heard about this guy, maybe his company can help you?
@Tommy Gun do you know about the channel, more plates more dates on youtube? I think that guy have a company that help men to get their hormon levels in balance.

I once heard him talked about a strategy to get back your natural hormon levels like testesterone after you had been on TRT for a long time. I definitely didn't understand anything about it, but apparently he works differently then more standard doctors.

I don't know anything about this. I just find his information really interested. He's really a self learnd genius on this kind of stuff. If you haven't heard about this guy, maybe his company can help you?
Hes who I get my trt from
Thats a whole other rabbit hole man haha
Once you start taking PEDs its for life.
Your natural levels will almost never go back to the way they were.
I'm only on TRT and HCG. I tried for a year to get my natural levels up to optimal because I didn't want to take something if I didn't have to.
I ate healthy. Slept 8-9 hours every night. Lifted weights 5-6 days a week, etc.
You name it, I tried it.
Nothing worked for me unfortunately.
I got 4 different blood panels done and they were all showing my test was in the shitter. And I felt it too.
So I started trt and I finally started feeling like myself again after a couple months.
You don't have to take HCG with it. But I was getting testicle pain so I got that as well.

Even now im not blasting it. I'm taking just enough to keep me at optimal test levels because it is a life commitment.
If I was taking 2cc of test a week thats a beginner steroid cycle haha
I don't even take half of that.
You start blasting gear thats how you die out of nowhere at 40

It does help build muscle and lose fat because you'll be able to push yourself harder than if you weren't taking it.
Cool man. It's great that we all have complementary knowledge here, brothers!

You're totally right, PEDs is a whole other rabbit hole. I have no experience with them though except for a SARM called Ostarine. Which was really great!

By the way, if you happen to know where to buy Ostarine I'd love to know. It has been harder to get your hands on it due to regulations I think.

Lifting 5-6 days a week though, seems kinda rough to be honest. Have you ever tried to do lower volume/high intensity style? I'm a big believer in lower volume overall. Especially as a natural.

Cool to know you're getting help from Derek!
I did in the past and I think it helped. Im able to get prescribed viagra through my pharmacy so I opt for that since it's more potent.
Popping a viagra and then doing girth sometimes freaks me out cause I feel like my dick is going to burst haha

When using Viagra for girth work, break one tablet into 4 pieces. That 4 pieces should serve you for 4 days. I chew mine and do 20 mins jelq before starting my pumping session.
You're totally right, PEDs is a whole other rabbit hole. I have no experience with them though except for a SARM called Ostarine. Which was really great!
What is this? I'm scared of this kind of stuff. What did you experience from that, and where your hormon levels normal after you stopped taking it?

Lifting 5-6 days a week though, seems kinda rough to be honest. Have you ever tried to do lower volume/high intensity style? I'm a big believer in lower volume overall. Especially as a natural.
Mike Mentzer's training method, changed my view on training and even penis enlargement. It was a paradigm shift for me.
Hes who I get my trt from
What is this? I'm scared of this kind of stuff. What did you experience from that, and where your hormon levels normal after you stopped taking it?

Mike Mentzer's training method, changed my view on training and even penis enlargement. It was a paradigm shift for me.
I would never take something like SARMS.
It's the new trendy thing as a "legal" steroid.
My advice is if you're going to take stuff do injections and not oral.
Reason being is anything taken orally is going to be processed through the liver.
Thats insanely taxing on your body and sarms are still so new to the industry people don't know the long term effects of taking them.
But from any outside standpoint the risk doesn't seem worth it.
Again, do your own research but I stay away from them for that reason alone.

Also, you have no idea how much your body is actually absorbing when taken orally.
With injections whatever amount you put in is what you're actually getting

As always. A full blood panel should be done before AND after a month of taking any sort of enhancements to make sure it's not throwing other hormones out of whack
I would never take something like SARMS.
It's the new trendy thing as a "legal" steroid.
My advice is if you're going to take stuff do injections and not oral.
Reason being is anything taken orally is going to be processed through the liver.
Thats insanely taxing on your body and sarms are still so new to the industry people don't know the long term effects of taking them.
But from any outside standpoint the risk doesn't seem worth it.
Again, do your own research but I stay away from them for that reason alone.

Also, you have no idea how much your body is actually absorbing when taken orally.
With injections whatever amount you put in is what you're actually getting
I agree with all this. I would never put any unregulated substance in my body.
Cool man. It's great that we all have complementary knowledge here, brothers!

You're totally right, PEDs is a whole other rabbit hole. I have no experience with them though except for a SARM called Ostarine. Which was really great!

By the way, if you happen to know where to buy Ostarine I'd love to know. It has been harder to get your hands on it due to regulations I think.

Lifting 5-6 days a week though, seems kinda rough to be honest. Have you ever tried to do lower volume/high intensity style? I'm a big believer in lower volume overall. Especially as a natural.

Cool to know you're getting help from Derek!
I've tried it all man.
I have a military background and I know that's where I got fucked up.
I won't go into details because I don't like talking about it but from what I went through I know its the reason why I need assistance to get my hormones back to their former glory.

For training I've always been an athlete. If im not the best im trying to be the best so intense workouts is the only thing I do.
I don't believe in over training. Just under eating and under sleeping.
Keep in mind I'm an advanced lifter that's been doing it for so long so I know what works for me.
I wouldn't recommend a beginner to workout the way I do at all.
But if I do low volume I feel like I'm wasting my time at the gym and don't have a good workout at all.
Now remember that's just me.
I know some people that do phenomenal on low volume training.
I've tried it all man.
I have a military background and I know that's where I got fucked up.
I won't go into details because I don't like talking about it but from what I went through I know its the reason why I need assistance to get my hormones back to their former glory.

For training I've always been an athlete. If im not the best im trying to be the best so intense workouts is the only thing I do.
I don't believe in over training. Just under eating and under sleeping.
Keep in mind I'm an advanced lifter that's been doing it for so long so I know what works for me.
I wouldn't recommend a beginner to workout the way I do at all.
But if I do low volume I feel like I'm wasting my time at the gym and don't have a good workout at all.
Now remember that's just me.
I know some people that do phenomenal on low volume training.
I understand.
I have been lifting weights since I was 15 years old (33 years old now). Last year I pulled 250 kilogram in deadlift multiple times, and I'm natural no hormon replacements or something like that. Only food, Creatine Monohydrate and a obsession to pull heavy weights.

PE made me realize it's not optimal to be that big, my weight was 120 kilogram then (sometimes a little over). I have lost much strength but I can still pull 200 kilogram without a lifting belt. The fat reduction I'm most happy with. I looked like a gorilla 🦍 back then, and got knee pains from that weight. Could run around with a 60 kg slam ball without any problems (similar to Atlas stones)

I can finally wear Jeans. Need to switch out my wardrobe, everything is to big.
What is this? I'm scared of this kind of stuff. What did you experience from that, and where your hormon levels normal after you stopped taking it?

Mike Mentzer's training method, changed my view on training and even penis enlargement. It was a paradigm shift for me.
Just something I tried 7-8 years ago only 1 bottle of 100 caps something. I never been so ripped when I took it though and probably gained 2-4lbs pure muscle in a month or two
How's it going @MosMaster, everything going according to your plan?
Thank you for checking in on me and holding me accountable, brother!

Yes, even though I haven't been active on the forum for the past couple of weeks I'm still going strong and have been just trying to enjoy summer and life here. I have been slightly less strict on my routine with like 1 off day every week for 2-3 weeks now. In my opinion it's okay at times to lower the volume a little bit as long as you stay consistent and never quit the habit of working out. That's the most important for this is a marathon, the way I see it!
Thank you for checking in on me and holding me accountable, brother!

Yes, even though I haven't been active on the forum for the past couple of weeks I'm still going strong and have been just trying to enjoy summer and life here. I have been slightly less strict on my routine with like 1 off day every week for 2-3 weeks now. In my opinion it's okay at times to lower the volume a little bit as long as you stay consistent and never quit the habit of working out. That's the most important for this is a marathon, the way I see it!
You're welcome brother. We need support and feedback (the brotherhood) to make this happen.

That routine is strict according to me. I belive we need to incoperate rest days especially if we are stretching really hard. I also believe you need to set up the rest so it's planned, and not due to weakness in dicipline.

Summer here as well...soon.
Hey guys I just watched this video and wanted to share it with you:

It's the first time I hear anyone talk about exit points and how that is relevant to PE. Very interesting and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!
For me, it confirms my prior belief about why BTC stretching is so important to target the suspensory ligament.

@orgasmic19 @DLD @squirt_inducer_man @huge-girth

(btw this is not promoting his products, I strongly believe that the silistretcher does a far better job with vacuum hanging than this "traditional" compressor hanger)
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Hey guys I just watched this video and wanted to share it with you:

It's the first time I hear anyone talk about exit points and how that is relevant to PE. Very interesting and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!
For me, it confirms my prior belief about why BTC stretching is so important to target the suspensory ligament.

@orgasmic19 @DLD @squirt_inducer_man @huge-girth

(btw this is not promoting his products, I strongly believe that the silistretcher does a far better job with vacuum hanging than this "traditional" compressor hanger)

Yes, along time I ago I used to be a member of PEGYM before joining MOS and they have similar method of exit points using a clock for example, but it’s always best that you target every area of the penis from what from what I’ve been told. I’ll try to find it. It’s been few years back.
Nope I don't. Mind explaining briefly?

This is now considered obsolete. Exercises should be done in all directions.

Grasp your flaccid penis under the glans in the O.K. grip. (Palm down)

Stretch straight up (This is 12:00) Do a Kegel. Do you feel it tug back?

(No need to pull too hard, as this can be very noticeable or can be very subtle.)

Stretch straight out (9:00) do a Kegel. Do you feel it tug back?

Stretch straight down (6:00) do a Kegel. Do you feel it tug back?

When you DON'T feel it TUG BACK, this is your Loss of Tug or LOT.

If your LOT is 6:00, you will need to do your exercises straight out and straight up.

If your LOT is 9:00 or higher, you will do exercises straight out and straight down.

You always want to exercise AGAINST the TUG

Most men find that they have low LOT. Mine is at 6:00. This means that the gains come harder and require more dedication and work to see the gains.

Men with high LOT, are very lucky. Their gains come easier and can utilize weight hanging.

I TOOK THIS FROM PEGYM, but I believe this is not the one it could be like I said it’s been a long time so my memory a little foggy.
I first introduced clock stretching 20 years ago. This gave me the ability to introduce expressive stretching. Bibs theory was flawed as myself and others did not respond physically to the theory.
This is now considered obsolete. Exercises should be done in all directions.

Grasp your flaccid penis under the glans in the O.K. grip. (Palm down)

Stretch straight up (This is 12:00) Do a Kegel. Do you feel it tug back?

(No need to pull too hard, as this can be very noticeable or can be very subtle.)

Stretch straight out (9:00) do a Kegel. Do you feel it tug back?

Stretch straight down (6:00) do a Kegel. Do you feel it tug back?

When you DON'T feel it TUG BACK, this is your Loss of Tug or LOT.

If your LOT is 6:00, you will need to do your exercises straight out and straight up.

If your LOT is 9:00 or higher, you will do exercises straight out and straight down.

You always want to exercise AGAINST the TUG

Most men find that they have low LOT. Mine is at 6:00. This means that the gains come harder and require more dedication and work to see the gains.

Men with high LOT, are very lucky. Their gains come easier and can utilize weight hanging.

I TOOK THIS FROM PEGYM, but I believe this is not the one it could be like I said it’s been a long time so my memory a little foggy.
Oh cool I didn't know about this and just tried it as you described. The strongest tug is upward, medium tug is outward and NO TUG AT ALL is downward. Does this say anything about me, or could it be I've done a lot of downward stretches and hanging?

Or is this theory obsolete as you say?
Agree! Any downward angles target the ligaments including hanging.
Yeah but for best targeting of this specific ligament you should probably actually do Behind the Cheeks, or if hanging: (see pic)
I first introduced clock stretching 20 years ago. This gave me the ability to introduce expressive stretching. Bibs theory was flawed as myself and others did not respond physically to the theory.
Awesome DLD. How come we don't discuss this here at MOS? Is clock stretching obsolete possibly? Or do you know of any old threads discussing this of value? Intrigued to learn more if this is of value!
Clock stretching became Rotary Stretches. LOT is obsolete as it is not consistent with stretching with those who have high or low lot.
Clock stretching became Rotary Stretches. LOT is obsolete as it is not consistent with stretching with those who have high or low lot.
So basically, stretch in every direction or doing it in a dynamic movement "around the clock"?

Also, so your LOT is not really useful to determine what direction one should stretch, is what you are saying?
Hey guys I just watched this video and wanted to share it with you:

It's the first time I hear anyone talk about exit points and how that is relevant to PE. Very interesting and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!
For me, it confirms my prior belief about why BTC stretching is so important to target the suspensory ligament.

@orgasmic19 @DLD @squirt_inducer_man @huge-girth

(btw this is not promoting his products, I strongly believe that the silistretcher does a far better job with vacuum hanging than this "traditional" compressor hanger)

I always have this thoughts and feeling in my head that I haven't done enough downward bundled stretches. I also have never done the BTC stretches before. I will see if I can give it a try. I'm focusing heavily on girth now.
I always have this thoughts and feeling in my head that I haven't done enough downward bundled stretches. I also have never done the BTC stretches before. I will see if I can give it a try. I'm focusing heavily on girth now.
How come you think you haven’t done enough downward bundles? I thought you have focused heavily on just that.

If you’ve never done BTC I’m positive you have more length potential left in you to gain by directly target the suspensory and fundiform ligament.

If and when you decide to focus on length again I think you have the most to gain from it as BTC is just a more effective/intense stretch than downwards, in my opinion.
How come you think you haven’t done enough downward bundles? I thought you have focused heavily on just that.

If you’ve never done BTC I’m positive you have more length potential left in you to gain by directly target the suspensory and fundiform ligament.

If and when you decide to focus on length again I think you have the most to gain from it as BTC is just a more effective/intense stretch than downwards, in my opinion.

Maybe this sounds stupid, but when stretching are you creating micro-tears in the ligaments and they’re stretching out? Are they actually stretching out literally longer disconnecting from the body?

Just curious 🧐
Maybe this sounds stupid, but when stretching are you creating micro-tears in the ligaments and they’re stretching out? Are they actually stretching out literally longer disconnecting from the body?

Just curious 🧐

No disconnect but definitely micro tears. Each day you will have new tears and this is why it is important to heal these while extended using something like the SiliStretcher
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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