Progress thread My All-Out SRT Routine!

That's some wisdom words right there! Word brother.

This really sounds like the Reticular Activating System (RAS) you are describing:

"The reticular activating system finds information that validates your beliefs. It filters the world through the parameters you give it, and your beliefs about yourself and the world shape those parameters. For example, if you think you're bad at something, you probably will be."

"The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a network of neurons that act as a filtering system between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind. As our brains cannot absorb everything around us, the RAS controls the information that surfaces in our consciousness."

It also sounds similar to Confirmation Bias.

You're also spot on with the Imposter Syndrome. I really love learning about all cognitive biases and heuristics. It really fascinates me.

"Heuristics are mental shortcuts that can facilitate problem-solving and probability judgments. These strategies are generalizations, or rules-of-thumb, reduce cognitive load, and can be effective for making immediate judgments, however, they often result in irrational or inaccurate conclusions."

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is also one of them that's interesting.
Always learning new and interesting information when talking to you brother. That's awesome.

The Dunning-Kruger effect;
The Dunning-Kruger effect effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence. By contrast, this effect also causes those who excel in a given area to think the task is simple for everyone, and underestimate their relative abilities as well.

Really interesting concept.
But is there any name for, when you underestimate your own abilities. You have high-output but you have a hard time seeing it? You could have always performed better.

Confirmation Bias is also interesting, that's why you can't discuss new concepts, thoughts beliefs with some people. They already know everything (they think they know everything, since they do not see what they do not know)...and that's a bad spot to be in. Since you stop evolving.
But is there any name for, when you underestimate your own abilities. You have high-output but you have a hard time seeing it? You could have always performed better.
I guess it's a part of the dunning-kruger effect or just a performance-based self-esteem. Very common with high performers in any field.

Confirmation Bias is also interesting, that's why you can't discuss new concepts, thoughts beliefs with some people. They already know everything (they think they know everything, since they do not see what they do not know)...and that's a bad spot to be in. Since you stop evolving.
Exactly. Very important to be aware of confirmation bias. One of the most effective ways to do it is always look for the counterargument in any theory and rebut your own beliefs.
Success Report:

Just reached the 21 cm (8,26") mark inside the mity for the first time! Also struggling a bit with removing the mity after pumping because it gets stuck at the base, especially at the last pump set (doing 5x5x3)!

With this pace I guess I would need a new cylinder maybe even this year hehe
Only got like 0.5 inch left before I would reach the top inside the mity vac.

Girth training is going really well!
Success Report:

Just reached the 21 cm (8,26") mark inside the mity for the first time! Also struggling a bit with removing the mity after pumping because it gets stuck at the base, especially at the last pump set (doing 5x5x3)!

With this pace I guess I would need a new cylinder maybe even this year hehe
Only got like 0.5 inch left before I would reach the top inside the mity vac.

Girth training is going really well!
Hell ya man! Congrats. We can sing this song to celebrate lol

Success Report:

Just reached the 21 cm (8,26") mark inside the mity for the first time! Also struggling a bit with removing the mity after pumping because it gets stuck at the base, especially at the last pump set (doing 5x5x3)!

With this pace I guess I would need a new cylinder maybe even this year hehe
Only got like 0.5 inch left before I would reach the top inside the mity vac.

Girth training is going really well!
How high pressure/vaccum did you use, when you got to the 8,26" mark in the cylinder?
Now I’ve stacked up and it’s time to double down on the girth sessions! Let’s go brothers! If you’ve not tried these yet I recommend you do! It’s pretty cheap and very effective nitric oxide booster! 5 grams 20 mins before girth does the job (on empty stomach for best effect)60D5E792-9C76-46A3-984A-80FA1D92760F.jpeg
Now I’ve stacked up and it’s time to double down on the girth sessions! Let’s go brothers! If you’ve not tried these yet I recommend you do! It’s pretty cheap and very effective nitric oxide booster! 5 grams 20 mins before girth does the job (on empty stomach for best effect)View attachment 1832909
Awesome tip!
I used Citrulline before, to perform better with physical training.
It's really good for EQ/blood flow! My dick gets really veiny when I use it

Not really tried it for the gym though. Did you notice any particular effect?
Yes mostly cardio training = more indurance.
Like Concept2®ROWER.

Strength training I could push for more reps, and the pump feeling where enhanced. Faster recovery as well, If I don't remember incorrectly.
Last edited:
Yes mostly cardio training = more indurance.
Like Concept2®ROWER.

Strength training I could push for more reps, and the pump feeling where enhanced. Faster recovery as well, If I don't remember incorrectly.
Cool, I will try it for the gym some day. But I don't think it will do much as I'm not a big cardio and pump guy. I like real strength training
Cool, I will try it for the gym some day. But I don't think it will do much as I'm not a big cardio and pump guy. I like real strength training
Awesome brother.

NOTHING is better then pushing in the Concept2® ROWER for 30 minutes straight, at the highest resistance with 20-25 m/s constantly (speed simulation on the PM5 display). I need to get back there, or switch gym.
You will probably be stronger as well. I regret I didn't use Citrulline when I was pulling heavy weights.
L citrulline doesn't make you stronger in the gym. It might feel like it but it's definitely a placebo.
It will give you one hell of a pump and vascularity but you'll need about 8-10 grams to get the full effects.
Anything less isn't going to do anything for you.
Take it from a gym rat that's been working out religiously for 12 years now
@MosMaster do you do bundles before your girth or do you go straight into the 5×5×3?
I usually just go straight into the 5x5x3, after warm-up.
Sometimes my last length master session gets pushed late into the night so I'll do my DLD bundled blasters a bit before 5x5x3 but that's it.

How about you? Does it really help to do bundles beforehand? Sometimes I feel it's 1000 things to optimize for and I try to just keep it simple.
L citrulline doesn't make you stronger in the gym. It might feel like it but it's definitely a placebo.
It will give you one hell of a pump and vascularity but you'll need about 8-10 grams to get the full effects.
Anything less isn't going to do anything for you.
Take it from a gym rat that's been working out religiously for 12 years now
That's what I thought as well. Have you been doing citrulline for PE yet? Would be interested to hear your experiences and doses etc. you found effective for you
I usually just go straight into the 5x5x3, after warm-up.
Sometimes my last length master session gets pushed late into the night so I'll do my DLD bundled blasters a bit before 5x5x3 but that's it.

How about you? Does it really help to do bundles beforehand? Sometimes I feel it's 1000 things to optimize for and I try to just keep it simple.
I try to do bundles for 5 minutes most of the time. I haven't noticed too much of a difference on the days that I don't do them.
I feel like 10 minutes in a hot wrap and then 5 minutes of erect jelqs gets me more primed for my sessions.
That's what I thought as well. Have you been doing citrulline for PE yet? Would be interested to hear your experiences and doses etc. you found effective for you
I did in the past and I think it helped. Im able to get prescribed viagra through my pharmacy so I opt for that since it's more potent.
Popping a viagra and then doing girth sometimes freaks me out cause I feel like my dick is going to burst haha
L citrulline doesn't make you stronger in the gym. It might feel like it but it's definitely a placebo.
It will give you one hell of a pump and vascularity but you'll need about 8-10 grams to get the full effects.
Anything less isn't going to do anything for you.
Take it from a gym rat that's been working out religiously for 12 years now
I believe you. I think I remember incorrectly. The placebo effect is a strange phenomenon.
I try to do bundles for 5 minutes most of the time. I haven't noticed too much of a difference on the days that I don't do them.
I feel like 10 minutes in a hot wrap and then 5 minutes of erect jelqs gets me more primed for my sessions.
Sounds great
I did in the past and I think it helped. Im able to get prescribed viagra through my pharmacy so I opt for that since it's more potent.
Popping a viagra and then doing girth sometimes freaks me out cause I feel like my dick is going to burst haha
Hahah I can imagine...
Me neither. Would you mind telling us more about your experience with that? @Tommy Gun
I'm on injectable L-Carnitine right now.
It's pretty amazing.
It does take about 2-3 weeks to start feeling the effects but once you do it's a game changer.
Fatigue isn't a thing when you're running it.
I can be in the gym 2 hours and I don't get tired.
Helps with fat loss by a good margin.
But I got on it primarily for energy, mental clarity/sharpness.
I feel like I don't need coffee or any other stimulant when I'm on it.

It does require a loading phase.
200mg per 55lbs of bodyweight.
I'm 200lbs so I was having 400mg pre workout and 400mg post workout for 2 weeks.
You HAVE to take this stuff with carbs for it to work.
Nothing crazy. About 30-40 grams will do. I usually eat a banana with 2tbsp of honey then have my injection after.

After 2 weeks you can bump your dose down to half of what you were taking. So for me, 400mg for the day and you can bump it down to just pre workout.
On off days just take it in the AM with a little bit of carbs as well.

Don't waste your money on oral l carnitine.
It only has a 10-15% absorption rate so you would have to be taking an insane amount orally and you'll probably get an upset stomach at that point.

Also this stuff is completely legal. No prescription needed. It's just an amino acid.
No way to overdose on it either as it's water soluble.
I know some guys that take as much as 2000mg daily close to a contest prep.
I would never go that high tho unless you want to feel like a pin cushion haha
I'm on injectable L-Carnitine right now.
It's pretty amazing.
It does take about 2-3 weeks to start feeling the effects but once you do it's a game changer.
Fatigue isn't a thing when you're running it.
I can be in the gym 2 hours and I don't get tired.
Helps with fat loss by a good margin.
But I got on it primarily for energy, mental clarity/sharpness.
I feel like I don't need coffee or any other stimulant when I'm on it.

It does require a loading phase.
200mg per 55lbs of bodyweight.
I'm 200lbs so I was having 400mg pre workout and 400mg post workout for 2 weeks.
You HAVE to take this stuff with carbs for it to work.
Nothing crazy. About 30-40 grams will do. I usually eat a banana with 2tbsp of honey then have my injection after.

After 2 weeks you can bump your dose down to half of what you were taking. So for me, 400mg for the day and you can bump it down to just pre workout.
On off days just take it in the AM with a little bit of carbs as well.

Don't waste your money on oral l carnitine.
It only has a 10-15% absorption rate so you would have to be taking an insane amount orally and you'll probably get an upset stomach at that point.

Also this stuff is completely legal. No prescription needed. It's just an amino acid.
No way to overdose on it either as it's water soluble.
I know some guys that take as much as 2000mg daily close to a contest prep.
I would never go that high tho unless you want to feel like a pin cushion haha
Sounds really cool. So oral carnitine can't even compare?

You're injecting this with a needle with liquid medical grade carnitine then? And how do you get your hands on that?

I have zero experience with needles hah
Sounds really cool. So oral carnitine can't even compare?

You're injecting this with a needle with liquid medical grade carnitine then? And how do you get your hands on that?

I have zero experience with needles hah
Don't think this is possible to do in Sweden? We have really hard rules here. I learned for some time ago that in the USA, you do not need to have a prescription for Viagra.
That blew my mind. 🤯
Can't even compare dude

I use a 29 gauge 1/2 inch syringe and I do delt injections.
I'm a pretty lean guy with alot of muscle so that works for me.
If you're not too built or lean you can still do shoulder injections (upper side delt) but I would opt for a 1 inch syringe.
You HAVE to do it intramuscular.
If you don't get in the muscle it can cause a lump and will take almost 2 weeks to go away and it sucks.

I have a link I can post here from where I purchase my carnitine if you guys are interested.
It's the best and purest stuff that I've found on the market.
Don't think this is possible to do in Sweden? We have really hard rules here. I learned for some time ago that in the USA, you do not need to have a prescription for Viagra.
That blew my mind. 🤯
Should definitely be legal in Sweden brother
L carnitine is an amino acid. Your body naturally produces it so I don't see why it would be illegal.
I do have a prescription for viagra. I wouldn't trust a source that would sell it to me without it.
Viagra is some strong stuff and can have some side effects if not taken properly
I usually just go straight into the 5x5x3, after warm-up.
Sometimes my last length master session gets pushed late into the night so I'll do my DLD bundled blasters a bit before 5x5x3 but that's it.

How about you? Does it really help to do bundles beforehand? Sometimes I feel it's 1000 things to optimize for and I try to just keep it simple.
Perfect order!
Should definitely be legal in Sweden brother
L carnitine is an amino acid. Your body naturally produces it so I don't see why it would be illegal.
I do have a prescription for viagra. I wouldn't trust a source that would sell it to me without it.
Viagra is some strong stuff and can have some side effects if not taken properly
Okey. But I think you need to get it prescribed by a doctor. There is no way you can buy this at a pharmacy without a prescription and inject it into yourself You need to get it from somewhere else...and that's dangerous, since you don't know if it's safe.
It will be tricky.
This sounds interesting to me. I'm always tired.

Maybe if you got a separate health care insurance, and a private doctor you can do it in Sweden? 🤔

You can't even buy regular Paracetamol
Okey. But I think you need to get it prescribed by a doctor. There is no way you can buy this at a pharmacy without a prescription and inject it into yourself You need to get it from somewhere else...and that's dangerous, since you don't know if it's safe.
It will be tricky.
This sounds interesting to me. I'm always tired.

Maybe if you got a separate health care insurance, and a private doctor you can do it in Sweden? 🤔

You can't even buy regular Paracetamol
I buy my stuff online.
Never had any issues with it.
Unfortunately I don't know the laws in Sweden but I do stand behind how good of a product L carnitine is.
I hope you're able to try it
I buy my stuff online.
Never had any issues with it.
Unfortunately I don't know the laws in Sweden but I do stand behind how good of a product L carnitine is.
I hope you're able to try it
As you are describing it, I would think my life would change in a pretty substantial way if I injected this into myself. I'm always tired...

The laws are strict. We can not even import Viagra from for example USA. We need to get it from Danmark or Norway, and find a loophole in the system, so the doctor there will write us a prescription for that drug. Even that feels risky. I don't use Viagra but I have check out what I can do.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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