Always learning new and interesting information when talking to you brother. That's awesome.That's some wisdom words right there! Word brother.
This really sounds like the Reticular Activating System (RAS) you are describing:
"The reticular activating system finds information that validates your beliefs. It filters the world through the parameters you give it, and your beliefs about yourself and the world shape those parameters. For example, if you think you're bad at something, you probably will be."
"The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a network of neurons that act as a filtering system between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind. As our brains cannot absorb everything around us, the RAS controls the information that surfaces in our consciousness."
It also sounds similar to Confirmation Bias.
You're also spot on with the Imposter Syndrome. I really love learning about all cognitive biases and heuristics. It really fascinates me.
"Heuristics are mental shortcuts that can facilitate problem-solving and probability judgments. These strategies are generalizations, or rules-of-thumb, reduce cognitive load, and can be effective for making immediate judgments, however, they often result in irrational or inaccurate conclusions."
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is also one of them that's interesting.
The Dunning-Kruger effect;
The Dunning-Kruger effect effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence. By contrast, this effect also causes those who excel in a given area to think the task is simple for everyone, and underestimate their relative abilities as well.
Really interesting concept.
But is there any name for, when you underestimate your own abilities. You have high-output but you have a hard time seeing it? You could have always performed better.
Confirmation Bias is also interesting, that's why you can't discuss new concepts, thoughts beliefs with some people. They already know everything (they think they know everything, since they do not see what they do not know)...and that's a bad spot to be in. Since you stop evolving.