Progress thread My All-Out SRT Routine!

agreed, my gains are not going to slow down, I won’t allow it, I won’t get complacent or lazy.
3” in 12 months has been done and I’m going to do it 💪
I belive in you brother.
I'm so happy for your fast progression. After reading some of your previous posts, I know you have the correct mindset, and attitude towards this.

You need to force the penis to grow, not ask it nicely.
I remember hearing that you've already gained over an inch and a half in length. That is insane! Because of this don't get discouraged when your results become less. It's only natural that our gains slow down the more we gain.
Yepp, that’s almost exactly what I’ve gained and gotten some girth too but not exactly sure of how much. In my YT video I say I’ve gained an inch in girth but it’s probably a bit less than that.

That’s what I need to tell myself too, to not get discouraged but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Though will keep on truckin anyways and hope the God of gains grants me the 0,6 mm I need to be exactly 8 inches BPEL soon.
Yepp, that’s almost exactly what I’ve gained and gotten some girth too but not exactly sure of how much. In my YT video I say I’ve gained an inch in girth but it’s probably a bit less than that.

That’s what I need to tell myself too, to not get discouraged but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Though will keep on truckin anyways and hope the God of gains grants me the 0,6 mm I need to be exactly 8 inches BPEL soon.
The brotherhood is so powerful in its relationship to each and every brother. And this is why we are the fastest placeto make growth
Yepp, that’s almost exactly what I’ve gained and gotten some girth too but not exactly sure of how much. In my YT video I say I’ve gained an inch in girth but it’s probably a bit less than that.

That’s what I need to tell myself too, to not get discouraged but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Though will keep on truckin anyways and hope the God of gains grants me the 0,6 mm I need to be exactly 8 inches BPEL soon.
0.6mm will come soon brother! Keep at it!
Maybe measure your BPFS and erect length at the 3 month mark and wait until you’re full six months up before measuring again.
I just measured BPFSL … Exactly the same as in October. Even though BPFSL should be the easiest to gain right… I did have 2 months off during this time so..
Yepp, that’s almost exactly what I’ve gained and gotten some girth too but not exactly sure of how much. In my YT video I say I’ve gained an inch in girth but it’s probably a bit less than that.

That’s what I need to tell myself too, to not get discouraged but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Though will keep on truckin anyways and hope the God of gains grants me the 0,6 mm I need to be exactly 8 inches BPEL soon.
That’s great bro! Hey, what have I missed, you have an YT channel?! Link brotha
That’s great bro! Hey, what have I missed, you have an YT channel?! Link brotha
Here’s a link to one of my videos, channel is called Abdiel Bull Berg. I’m a bit «different» type of guy so take that into account when/if you watch it, haha.
And I really need to get to making more videos talking about working out, PE, meditation and lifestyle choices in general.
Here’s a link to one of my videos, channel is called Abdiel Bull Berg. I’m a bit «different» type of guy so take that into account when/if you watch it, haha.
And I really need to get to making more videos talking about working out, PE, meditation and lifestyle choices in general.

You should upload these videos to the forum. Also , for people who can't get on youtube
I thought of you @squirt_inducer_man when I saw this short.

Since you very diligent when it comes to recovery - to maximise gains:

Thoughts and experiences, brothers?
Btw, this guy is and MD (medical doctor) and have other MD’s and urologists on his channel.
I thought of you @squirt_inducer_man when I saw this short.

Since you very diligent when it comes to recovery - to maximise gains:

Thoughts and experiences, brothers?
Btw, this guy is and MD (medical doctor) and have other MD’s and urologists on his channel.
Strange I recovered without L-Citrulline.
I know it's powerful impact on the body, but I did not take this.
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Hey brothas hope you’re all well, been a while since I posted.

I’ve been doing PE almost daily for over 2 years now. Tried a decon break of 8 weeks at the end of 2023 in hopes to get better gains again.

Since December/January I’ve been doing length only in hopes to get better gains by doing 6 month’s length and then followed by 6 months girth - and then repeat for a couple more years.

I ended my first ‘length only’ period around 2 weeks ago and now been slowly easing into girth again.

Problem is, I measured length 2 weeks ago and didn’t see ANY gains which bummed me out as you can imagine…. I measured today again with a bit better EQ and actually saw a minor gain this time of 0.2 inch length gain.

Thing is, I very seldom measure. I think only 3 times in 2 years. I reached 8” back in Mars 2023 and now I’m measuring 8.2”. I’m conflicted guys… I’m grateful for every gain I get but it’s just disheartened for it to be SO FREAKING SLOW…

Especially when I’ve invested countless hours into actually practicing/researching best practices/trying to optimize everything/investing in the best tools and so on and on…

I have no idea at this point WHY it is like this. As I have discussed this issue and asked a lot of you brothers that have had much faster success and REALLY been trying to understand and implement everything you do to get better results…

I have HEAVILY focused on BTC bundled stretches with the LM (base attachment). As I thought this would be the most productive stretch. Did I overdo them? I also did ball & lig stretch as well as erect stretches all through out this 6-7 month period. Still didn’t produce hardly any results!?! And I always try to stretch as hard as I fucking can in each and every session to the point that it haunts me because of all the discussions on here about STRETCHING AS HARD AS YOU CAN.

I don’t know man… if anyone can relate or have any ideas for me I’d appreciate it a lot.

Btw, I also measured girth to control it. I were 6” MSEG also back in mars 2023 and I have now had a loong break from girth and my measurement came out at 5.9” So it should mean I’ve cemented pretty good right.

Sorry for the long text - but I’M STILL NOT GIVING UP. I can at least praise my grit because I don’t think many people would still be at it in my situation.
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It feels like I’ve tried “it all” at this point. Best tools, best practices, best feedback from brothers, long decon break etc. Everything.

If you have any input for me or want me to provide more details around my results/routines or anything else, just let me know. Peace
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I’ve been doing PE almost daily for over 2 years now. Tried a decon break of 8 weeks at the end of 2023 in hopes to get better gains again.
8 weeks a great way to have the tissues regress, but do know that you need 3 months for the uncemented gains to start losing about 10% each passing month. It's a strange adaptive process that the body undgoes for regressive loss around the 3 month mark, either for hard tissues like muscles and soft tissues like the penis and facial.

Since December/January I’ve been doing length only in hopes to get better gains by doing 6 month’s length and then followed by 6 months girth - and then repeat for a couple more years.

I ended my first ‘length only’ period around 2 weeks ago and now been slowly easing into girth again.

Problem is, I measured 2 weeks ago and didn’t see ANY gains which bummed me out as you can imagine…. I measured today again with a bit better EQ and actually saw a minor gain this time of 0.2 inch length gain.
If you're measuring girth after 2 weeks switching from length, of course you're not seeing solid girth gain. Programming and reprogramming process takes up to a monthy before the tissues start to respond. If you're pumping, the tissues will demonstrate the malleability and potential growth to come by displaying the expansion rate. If you're doing SSJ, the same things happen after a few weeks worth fo the routine. Your tissues must be primed during the programming and reprogramming processes to see any circumstantial changes. This is why we tell everyone not to bother with the measure and go steady on increase of the intensity until 3 to 6 months later.

When you switch from pure elongation to pure expansion, tissues will shift from laterral tearing (outward exertion and expansion as it lengthen) to medial expansion (internal expansion to build up internal tissue density and chamber expansions for volumes). It will take a bit of time to switch from one type of tissue building to the next. This is why some brothers constantly focus on both, while dedicating from one tissue to another in a balancing game. For me, I switch between length and girth in a 70% : 30% or 60% : 40% ratio every week to every few weeks.

Thing is, I very seldom measure. I think only 3 times in 2 years. I reached 8” back in Mars 2023 and now I’m measuring 8.2”. I’m conflicted guys… I’m grateful for every gain I get but it’s just disheartened for it to be SO FREAKING SLOW…
Depending on the aggressive game we play. If it takes more than a year to get the 0.2in of gain, go back and review your logs or recall as much as possible on the routines. What have you done? What measureable tension you've place on your tissues? How did you approach the aggressive method? Do you have sufficient amout of time in between the aggressive method and resting? Did you overload your tissues without allowing it sufficient amount of time to recover before aggressively forcing them to tear again? How's the tissue density from the aggressive routine? There are so many dimension to grasp on this.

This is why we need to keep logs, be of personal notes on a cloud drive or here in the personal Progress and Routine. We need to see trends to assist. I like to review data, and trends can be picked up very easily if there are logs. It doesn't need to be much. Daily logs that contains changes to weekly logs that contain routine updates and results. Results can be "I feel" or I "see" observation to provide essential diagnostic elements. This is the make it and break it zone.

Especially when I’ve invested countless hours into actually practicing/researching best practices/trying to optimize everything/investing in the best tools and so on and on…

I have no idea at this point WHY it is like this. As I have discussed this issue and asked a lot of you brothers that have had much faster success and REALLY been trying to understand and implement everything you do to get better results…
We can research, but if we don't observe at the micro level, we won't obtain the results. Time to switch gears and try a different approach. When you're ready, we'll tear your routines down, diagnose the issues, and resume the PE in a different perspective.

I have HEAVILY focused on BTC bundled stretches with the LM (base attachment). As I thought this would be the most productive stretch. Did I overdo them? I also did ball & lig stretch as well as erect stretches all through out this 6-7 month period. Still didn’t produce hardly any results!?! And I always try to stretch as hard as I fucking can in each and every session to the point that it haunts me because of all the discussions on here about STRETCHING AS HARD AS YOU CAN.
There's a problem right there. Your penis does not just grow from the base. It's not a sapling. It's a full grown tree. It can growth outwards, and it can grow upwards. But growing upwards doesn't come from the very base. It's from near the base to build structural strength and from the 1/3 to the base of the glans as growth through micro tears and tissue buildling. You're puttting too much emphasis in uprooting your base and focus the growth from the ground up. Your growth should be focused from the 1/3 portion of the shaft near the base to the base of the glans.

I don’t know man… if anyone can relate or have any ideas for me I’d appreciate it a lot.
When you're ready, we'll shift the attack methods.

Btw, I also measured girth to control it. I were 6” MSEG also back in mars 2023 and I have now had a loong break from girth and my measurement came out at 5.9” So it should mean I’ve cemented pretty good right.
If you cemented the girth, you should have 6in or 6.01in of cememted girth. You lost quite a bit of girth there. Not sure what you've done for cementing process. That's valuable property loss.

Sorry for the long text - but I’M STILL NOT GIVING UP. I can at least praise my grit because I don’t think many people would still be at it in my situation.
PE is for life. There is no such thing as giving up. You may take one or two steps back, but you will find a way to take strides moving forward once that avenue of insights for progressive gains is grasp upon. We are there to push you forward brother.
It feels like I’ve tried “it all” at this point. Best tools, best practices, best feedback from brothers, long decon break etc. Everything.

If you have any input for me or want me to provide more details around my results/routines or anything else, just let me know. Peace

Your gains are too slow and it really makes me wonder. You said you were doing BTC stretches all this while and you were attaching the length master at the base of the penis.

I thought to do that BTC stretch effectively, you need to attach the length master right beneath the glans and also bundle/twist? This BTC stretches is one stretch I've never done before. But I believe it works.

Have you been wrapping to heal in an elongated state at all times during the hours when you are awake?

What is your routine like?

It seems you cannot gain much from the base anymore. Have you tried doing DLD Blasters with the length master?
You seem to be very intelligent and have very specific knowledge. My first thought, is do we really need to be this super scientific about it all? Maybe we do... Are we low-iq meatheads doomed? Lol. Thank you for your thorough answer though and I'll try to answer as well as I can.

8 weeks a great way to have the tissues regress, but do know that you need 3 months for the uncemented gains to start losing about 10% each passing month. It's a strange adaptive process that the body undgoes for regressive loss around the 3 month mark, either for hard tissues like muscles and soft tissues like the penis and facial.
Interesting, can I read this as 3 months should be a better decon than 2 months?
If you're measuring girth after 2 weeks switching from length, of course you're not seeing solid girth gain. Programming and reprogramming process takes up to a monthy before the tissues start to respond. If you're pumping, the tissues will demonstrate the malleability and potential growth to come by displaying the expansion rate. If you're doing SSJ, the same things happen after a few weeks worth fo the routine. Your tissues must be primed during the programming and reprogramming processes to see any circumstantial changes. This is why we tell everyone not to bother with the measure and go steady on increase of the intensity until 3 to 6 months later.
I edited my answer. I was vague. I meant that I measured a 0.2" length gain after my 6-7 month length period (but as I said the problem is also that I've only seen a total of 0.2" length gain since Mars 2023.) So the 0.2 happened somewhere from Mars 2023 until today.
When you switch from pure elongation to pure expansion, tissues will shift from laterral tearing (outward exertion and expansion as it lengthen) to medial expansion (internal expansion to build up internal tissue density and chamber expansions for volumes). It will take a bit of time to switch from one type of tissue building to the next. This is why some brothers constantly focus on both, while dedicating from one tissue to another in a balancing game. For me, I switch between length and girth in a 70% : 30% or 60% : 40% ratio every week to every few weeks.
Thank you for making the picture clearer of how it works internally! However, I did girth and length simultaneously before my decon at the end of 2023. Again, you are very analytical and scientific about it, which I like. How did you gain this specific knowledge? Are there papers out here on these things specifically? Curious...
Depending on the aggressive game we play. If it takes more than a year to get the 0.2in of gain, go back and review your logs or recall as much as possible on the routines. What have you done? What measureable tension you've place on your tissues? How did you approach the aggressive method? Do you have sufficient amout of time in between the aggressive method and resting? Did you overload your tissues without allowing it sufficient amount of time to recover before aggressively forcing them to tear again? How's the tissue density from the aggressive routine? There are so many dimension to grasp on this.

This is why we need to keep logs, be of personal notes on a cloud drive or here in the personal Progress and Routine. We need to see trends to assist. I like to review data, and trends can be picked up very easily if there are logs. It doesn't need to be much. Daily logs that contains changes to weekly logs that contain routine updates and results. Results can be "I feel" or I "see" observation to provide essential diagnostic elements. This is the make it and break it zone.
I have everything logged in this thread. I started out with manual stretches and bathmate for the first 3-4 months every other day. Then in july 2022 I started training daily when I received the SRT package from MOS (Mos red light, mityvac, length master, silistretcher etc.)

  • Did 1 month of the length master beginner routine for 1 hour per day (30 mins x 2) and nighttime 5x5x3 for girth.
  • Then 6 months of 1-hour downward bundle stretch (30 min x 2) glans attachment - at night, 5x5x3 for girth.
  • Then 8 months of 30 minutes a day BTC and started to attach lower and lower during this time and then at base. 5x5x3 at night
  • I dabbled for 3 months with erect stretches and traded lengthmaster to vacuum hanging with 9 pounds this period for 2 hours a day.
  • Decon break for 8 weeks
  • Then now these last 6 months I did: 10 min erect stretches, base attached Bundled BTC LM stretches 20 mins, 10 mins ball & lig stretch
We can research, but if we don't observe at the micro level, we won't obtain the results. Time to switch gears and try a different approach. When you're ready, we'll tear your routines down, diagnose the issues, and resume the PE in a different perspective.
100% agree. I tried my best to be accurate with my input above this section!
There's a problem right there. Your penis does not just grow from the base. It's not a sapling. It's a full grown tree. It can growth outwards, and it can grow upwards. But growing upwards doesn't come from the very base. It's from near the base to build structural strength and from the 1/3 to the base of the glans as growth through micro tears and tissue buildling. You're puttting too much emphasis in uprooting your base and focus the growth from the ground up. Your growth should be focused from the 1/3 portion of the shaft near the base to the base of the glans.
I definitely have spent the most time in base attachment, but also a good deal with higher-up attachment.
When you're ready, we'll shift the attack methods.
I'm ready boss!
If you cemented the girth, you should have 6in or 6.01in of cememted girth. You lost quite a bit of girth there. Not sure what you've done for cementing process. That's valuable property loss.
I double-checked, and it was 5.9" MSEG back in mars 2023. So I did in fact cement the 5.9" measure!
PE is for life. There is no such thing as giving up. You may take one or two steps back, but you will find a way to take strides moving forward once that avenue of insights for progressive gains is grasp upon. We are there to push you forward brother.
Love your attitude! Thanks for all the support!
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Your gains are too slow and it really makes me wonder. You said you were doing BTC stretches all this while and you were attaching the length master at the base of the penis.
Makes me wonder too, certainly! Yes, I spent the majority of time with BTC bundled, base attachment, but also higher-up closer to the glans.
I thought to do that BTC stretch effectively, you need to attach the length master right beneath the glans and also bundle/twist? This BTC stretches is one stretch I've never done before. But I believe it works.

Have you been wrapping to heal in an elongated state at all times during the hours when you are awake?
Yes, I forgot to mention above that I've been always staying elongated 5-10 hours after every length session! Also cock ring after girth for 1-2 hours.
What is your routine like?
I summarized my whole PE journey and routine in the post above this one.
It seems you cannot gain much from the base anymore. Have you tried doing DLD Blasters with the length master?
Yes I briefly tried them out but not enough for to make meaningful gains. The DLD Blasters have been in my mind that this would be my next plan of attack for when I start my next 6 month length period.

Thanks for your input boss. Hope all is well with you.
You seem to be very intelligent and have very specific knowledge. My first thought, is do we really need to be this super scientific about it all? Maybe we do... Are we low-iq meatheads doomed? Lol. Thank you for your thorough answer though and I'll try to answer as well as I can.
In PE, we can't tackle things blindly. We've been doing that for decades and not knowing why things are and poke at things until they work. We have to incorporate scientific and medical knowledge into the mix to evaluate and rework our routines to optimize our workouts. Can't go to the gym and pound all the machines like a mad man then expect to gain the bodies we want. We have to work hard but smart. So, idiots like me must become smarter to make our penises better.

I've read through the entire chain of posts but I couldn't create a pattern from your posts. The routines are there, but the intensities were not. There wasn't fulfilling details like the baseline of the pumping sessions in pressure, the traction force in terms of comparative weight load to hanging for the Length Master, how hard the ADS is pulling daily (I can only assume you over used the traction tensions beyond 2.5lbs, which is a negative for promoting growth), no info on pains discomforts to indicate your progressive tissue development, and many others. Look at brother @Haursen posts to get a glimpse to his recording. I can pull trends and results quite quickly just at a glance, and predict and analyze his gains and progress immediately. Time to reset your recording method going forward in this thread.

Interesting, can I read this as 3 months should be a better decon than 2 months?
Correct. The longer the decon, the more regression the tissues will occur. Just like hard tissues, the long the break, the more relaxed the softer tissues become. Commonly, around 3 months. The longer, the better. Some of us took years off after cementing. When we come back. We grow more efficiently.

I edited my answer. I was vague. I meant that I measured a 0.2" length gain after my 6-7 month length period (but as I said the problem is also that I've only seen a total of 0.2" length gain since Mars 2023.) So the 0.2 happened somewhere from Mars 2023 until today.
Got it. Looks like you reached a plateau. Your growth reduced due to overloading on your stressors.

Thank you for making the picture clearer of how it works internally! However, I did girth and length simultaneously before my decon at the end of 2023. Again, you are very analytical and scientific about it, which I like. How did you gain this specific knowledge? Are there papers out here on these things specifically? Curious...
Got it. I'll analyze according to routine load sharing between length and girth works. We'll do that from here on out. My knowledge is collected over two decades of my own person PE journey, on top of millennia of collective researches by me and my colleagues in various fields. They are also brothers in PE. There is a post containing scientific and medical info I started, and managed my brother SIM. I add only relevant info as needed or upon requests.
I definitely have spent the most time in base attachment, but also a good deal with higher-up attachment.
Time to revise the approach after decon for another month. Allow all tissues to relax and regress a bit. I visualize your routines and will now work with the brothers here to provide you insights to tackle the slow gain and bring you back out from the plateau and prevent the body from over adapting. We need to reprogram that brain and penis tissues.

I double-checked, and it was 5.9" MSEG back in mars 2023. So I did in fact cement the 5.9" measure!
Great. You cement your gains. Once coming out of decon, you can count the point going forward with new objective length and girth as a reset point.

Love your attitude! Thanks for all the support!
Brothers in PE all the way.
Makes me wonder too, certainly! Yes, I spent the majority of time with BTC bundled, base attachment, but also higher-up closer to the glans.

Yes, I forgot to mention above that I've been always staying elongated 5-10 hours after every length session! Also cock ring after girth for 1-2 hours.

I summarized my whole PE journey and routine in the post above this one.

Yes I briefly tried them out but not enough for to make meaningful gains. The DLD Blasters have been in my mind that this would be my next plan of attack for when I start my next 6 month length period.

Thanks for your input boss. Hope all is well with you.

I believe you need to tap gains from the mid shaft area. I made most of my gains around the penis shaft and mid shaft area.

You can do the DLD blasters for 3 months and then measure.
When you are stretching 5D-BTC-BS (5 minutes Dynamic-Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches) and attach at the base, during the set of 10 minutes you will elongate your tissue, and therefore you will be stretching your entire penis (inner and outer).

The key here is to relax fully into the stretch (reverse Kegel), and increase the intensity/stretching force during the set. I have explained this concept in the exercise, Penis Exterminator.

Imagine you're pulling a rope that is buried in the ground. In order to keep the intensity highest and be able to pull the rope out of the ground, you need to first pull the rope as close as you can to the ground, with time the rope will be pulled out and you need to get a new grip closest to the ground in order to keep the intensity high, and apply the highest pulling force on the rope in relation to the ground.

This above is an analogy what will happen with your penis/tissue.

This exercise will not work effectively, if you attach behind the glans when you start stretching. You will loose all the levarage and pulling force/intensity, when your tissue elongates during the set.

In the beginning when you are new to it, you can attach behind the glans but as you progress, you need to have the approach I'm explaining above. The limiting factor here is how hard you are willing to stretch.

This is the reason the stretching time for each set in this exercise is at 10 minutes. When you get to the highest intensity the stretching time = one set is 5 minutes. Rest and then go again for 5 minutes.

If you can go longer time you are not stretching hard enough. When you get to the maximum intensity, you will be able to get a temporary stretched flaccid stretch increase of ~2 cm (0.79 Inch).

Trust me. If you begin all your stretching sessions in indefinitely by attaching behind the glans there is no way you can produce maximum temporary elongation after a session.

I hope I explained this well.
To prevent you from getting confused in the entire bombardment of info, let's do a summary.
  • When you are pursuing length, options are opened up to you in terms of routines. To obtain every little valuable penile property you can get your hands on, work from the base up.
  • The base tugs and pulls on all the internal tissues and ligaments to cause traumas, causing the existing penile base to reveal the hidden 1 go 2 inches of available penile body. Think of your penis like the Mangrove trees. What you see as an adult trees above the soil surface is just part of the tree. When the water tugs and pulls the tree and roots up, there is more of the tree being hidden underneath. Too much yanking and the roots won't have stability on terra firma (firm ground) to prevent the tree from being swept away and destroyed.
  • To further elongate your entire penis, there must be tears and fissures along the entire penile shaft, just like girth, to provide the the cells and collagen bonds of the entire penile shaft to reform, repairs and duplicate. Just like a tree, the growth also requires above the root zone, or in this case the trunk and branches. If we are talking about your penis, it's your shaft, blood vessels, internal tissues and chamber restructuring, and nerve bundles.
Don't just focus so hard on one and cause the penis to plateau too quickly. Keep switch things up and around to allow the brain and penis to play guessing games on where and how to adapt, causing the plateaus.
When you are stretching 5D-BTC-BS (5 minutes Dynamic-Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches) and attach at the base, during the set of 10 minutes you will elongate your tissue, and therefore you will be stretching your entire penis (inner and outer).

The key here is to relax fully into the stretch (reverse Kegel), and increase the intensity/stretching force during the set. I have explained this concept in the exercise, Penis Exterminator.

Imagine you're pulling a rope that is buried in the ground. In order to keep the intensity highest and be able to pull the rope out of the ground, you need to first pull the rope as close as you can to the ground, with time the rope will be pulled out and you need to get a new grip closest to the ground in order to keep the intensity high, and apply the highest pulling force on the rope in relation to the ground.

This above is an analogy what will happen with your penis/tissue.

This exercise will not work effectively, if you attach behind the glans when you start stretching. You will loose all the levarage and pulling force/intensity, when your tissue elongates during the set.

In the beginning when you are new to it, you can attach behind the glans but as you progress, you need to have the approach I'm explaining above. The limiting factor here is how hard you are willing to stretch.

This is the reason the stretching time for each set in this exercise is at 10 minutes. When you get to the highest intensity the stretching time = one set is 5 minutes. Rest and then go again for 5 minutes.

If you can go longer time you are not stretching hard enough. When you get to the maximum intensity, you will be able to get a temporary stretched flaccid stretch increase of ~2 cm (0.79 Inch).

Trust me. If you begin all your stretching sessions in indefinitely by attaching behind the glans there is no way you can produce maximum temporary elongation after a session.

I hope I explained this well.
Perfection 👌
Yes I briefly tried them out but not enough for to make meaningful gains. The DLD Blasters have been in my mind that this would be my next plan of attack for when I start my next 6 month length period.
I would not recommend DLD Blasters with LengthMaster 3, if you want length. DLD blasters are better performed with your hands, or a fulcrum device like a broomstick or PowerAssist.

There is a reason you did not gain anything with BTC stretches. If you want elongation of your entire shaft, there is no better exercise then, Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches.

I have HEAVILY focused on BTC bundled stretches with the LM (base attachment).
Let's discuss and discover what the reason is.
What position did you do BTC stretches in, and what did you exactly do in your routine?
DLD blasters should be done with your hands but if you can't do them with your hands use you lengthmaster. After a short time you will be able to do them with your hands. The original lengthmaster was created for men who could not do them with their hands.
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!