Liver and Kidneys Flush for Testosterone Regulation

Hello to everyone . Some of you might know who I am because of my routine and progress thread and some of you don't , but that's not why I write this thread . I would like to say that you helped me to achive my dream and you also helped me to have an amazing life , sex life and a lot of confidence in myself . I am lurking on forum , reading all of what you write .

As the title says , I searched on forum but I didn't find anything related to this topic . I hope that this thread will help a lot of you having testosterone problems . This might not be a thread that will fix your problems , but it might help to raise a little bit .

There are a lot of forums , studies and topics on Liver and Kidneys Flush that I've read , a lot of types of combination and a lot of supplements .

I will start this thread by saying that this is what I've read on some forums and sites . We live in a world where we have estrogen ( estrogens are hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body ) . We have estrogen but in small amounts but here comes the tricky part . Almost everything we eat is treated with some kind of estrogen , since we are so many on this planet , to deal with so much demand of food . These types of estrogen hasten the growth of food ( meat , veggies , fruits , cereals and so on ) . Let me make an example : let's take 2 chickens , chicken number one ( 1 ) will be placed to the country and chicken number two ( 2 ) will be in a chicken farm . ( 2 ) will reach maturity in almost 3 months with a " special diet " based on estrogen and it's also injected with salt and water to make it bigger . ( 1 ) will reach maturity in almost 5 months ? with corn and water . I might be wrong but you get the point . Now , you eat chicken number two and you ingest some of these estrogens . Your liver can't flush all the estrogen , heavy metals and what is there more to be flushed out . Having a bigger estrogen than needed , your body will creat some fat -> creating fat will reduce your testosterone -> your testosterone is low -> estrogen will grow -> fat will grow -> testosterone will go down and the vicious circle continues .

I'm now trying to find an alternative . I'm not from USA , and I don't have access to Tongkat Ali or Myomin .

Do any of you know any combination that is useful for all of us ? I found this one :

1. one large grapefruit or 2 smaller grapefruits, enough to squeeze 1/2 cup of fresh juice

2. 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If you are extremely afraid to do liver flush, you can try 1/4 of the full adult dose.

If your body weight is between 30kg(60 lbs) and 60kg (120 lbs), you can drink 2/3 of this amount.

If your body weight is between 60kg(120 lbs) and 90kg (200 lbs), you can drink the complete 1 cup of the mixture.

If your body weight is over 90kg (200 lbs), you can drink more than 1 cup of the mixture, but not the first time you are doing the liver flush. The first time you are doing the liver flush it is more then enough to drink 1 cup of the mixture.

Here is a video where Dr. John Gray talks about what I've written :

I'm looking forward to hearing from you any useful information .
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the liver produces igf, testosterone is produced in the testicles... if you already take testosterone and thats what you are worried about you can take things like milk thistle for a liver support, but eventually you should come off all drugs if you are truly worried about ur health
acromegaly;697981 said:
the liver produces igf, testosterone is produced in the testicles... if you already take testosterone and thats what you are worried about you can take things like milk thistle for a liver support, but eventually you should come off all drugs if you are truly worried about ur health

Hello . I'm not taking any pills and I'm not on TRT . I'm thinking that there is a lot of estrogen in the food that we eat and estrogen isn't the best friend for us , boys . And there is something that we can use to take it out . I guess ...
Shinto Kayden;697989 said:
Hello . I'm not taking any pills and I'm not on TRT . I'm thinking that there is a lot of estrogen in the food that we eat and estrogen isn't the best friend for us , boys . And there is something that we can use to take it out . I guess ...

To avoid the estrogen and carcinogens in food and the environment one of the best things u can do is cut out plastic. No plastic containers for drinks or food, and especially do not heat or cook food in plastic. Also try to get foods grown and raised locally too... The idea that we need to detox because the body holds onto poisons is mostly untrue, that is the point of the kidneys in the first place is to flush out the bad things. people use buzzwords like detox to try and sell shit to you.
Isn't test supposed to regulate itself at all times? I heard that if you take too much gh or test you become transgender is it true..acromegaly :| ? I suspect all that dildoes business got you looking kinda suspect. Did you at least make sure to get the non plastic ones?
i have super high natural T and my big tips are avoid processed stuff when possible and keep yourself cold at night. there is only so many things we have control over in this life!
templnite;697991 said:
Isn't test supposed to regulate itself at all times? I heard that if you take too much gh or test you become transgender is it true..acromegaly :| ? I suspect all that dildoes business got you looking kinda suspect. Did you at least make sure to get the non plastic ones?

such a retarded attempt at trolling you really have no balls
I dont have no balls because I left them stuck to yo chin nigguh
WOW, this is beyond my knowledge, I am happy some Brothers are helping!
acromegaly;697992 said:
i have super high natural T and my big tips are avoid processed stuff when possible and keep yourself cold at night. there is only so many things we have control over in this life!

There are a lot of factors that will increase your testosterone level , maybe not that much but it will do . But there was the video that I've posted and he talks about this stuff and I'm looking forward to find juice recipes , herbs and other supplements that will help out body .

I'm trying to find more informations about this because most people don't know about TRT ( Testosterone Replacement Therapy ) and how dangerous it is to use artificial testosterone . I would say start the TRT as the last resort .

You told us to avoid as mush as possible processed food , plastic containers for food and drinks and you also told us about milk thistle . There is a start that might help some of our members .
kyomoto;698006 said:
Thanks ill try this when i can dude. You're really interested in this stuff?

Hey kymoto . Here is my opinion : so I watched that video and I was thinking how right he was in the video . Like , I'm not saying to take TRT out of the equation , but if you are healthy and there are no tumors or problems with your glands , why would you inject artificial testosterone and screw your body .

About that combination , if you are interested in trying , I would say change the grapefruit with pomegranate juice . Why ? Grapefruit is dangerous in combination with some pills and also , from what I read grapefruit will increase testoterone level and estrogen level , so I don't think you are looking to have more estrogen level in your blood .
Pomegranate is way better and here is why : " Pomegranate juice has long been in the spotlight as a Superfood . Even more notable are recent studies which have shown this bright red fruit can also cause surges in testosterone , improve sperm quality and increase sex drive & mood in both sexes .
Pomegranate has long been considered as Superfood because it is full of antioxidants that improve blood circuation , has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and decrease inflammation . "

The whole article is here if you want to read it : Pomegranate Juice the Key to Increased Testosterone & Sex Drive - Virility Protocol

And we all know about extravirgin olive oil is a very powerful testosterone booster, it also makes your testicles bigger. Another article about olive oil in here : Olive oil converts cholesterol more easily into testosterone
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doublelongdaddy;698025 said:
WOW, this is beyond my knowledge, I am happy some Brothers are helping!

Hello DLD . Long time no speak . I don't know either about the liver and kidneys flush , but I came up here to ask if this is a real thing and we can use this for our benefit . Maybe someone will have some informations and will share with us to confirm or infirm if the liver and kidneys flush is associated with hormones
Shinto Kayden;698087 said:
Hey kymoto . Here is my opinion : so I watched that video and I was thinking how right he was in the video . Like , I'm not saying to take TRT out of the equation , but if you are healthy and there are no tumors or problems with your glands , why would you inject artificial testosterone and screw your body .

About that combination , if you are interested in trying , I would say change the grapefruit with pomegranate juice . Why ? Grapefruit is dangerous in combination with some pills and also , from what I read grapefruit will increase testoterone level and estrogen level , so I don't think you are looking to have more estrogen level in your blood .
Pomegranate is way better and here is why : " Pomegranate juice has long been in the spotlight as a Superfood . Even more notable are recent studies which have shown this bright red fruit can also cause surges in testosterone , improve sperm quality and increase sex drive & mood in both sexes .
Pomegranate has long been considered as Superfood because it is full of antioxidants that improve blood circuation , has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and decrease inflammation . "

The whole article is here if you want to read it : Pomegranate Juice the Key to Increased Testosterone & Sex Drive - Virility Protocol

And we all know about extravirgin olive oil is a very powerful testosterone booster, it also makes your testicles bigger. Another article about olive oil in here : Olive oil converts cholesterol more easily into testosterone

Well you have great information and research. And as long as you're able to give off some great credits throughout your research then your experimentations and suggestions will go far because this is something we don't really talk about that we need to at times for our self health.
Hello . It's been a long time since I've posted here . Any new information about the stack that I've found ? Anyway , I have spoken with some people and I got 2 detox juice recipes - one for the liver and one for the kidneys .

First of all , you need to drink atleast 2L of water everyday , I think we all know that but it's just a reminder . Secondly , these juice recipes will improve blood circulation to these two organs and also will have diuretic effect .

Kidneys Juice
5 cups Fresh Watermelon
1 cup Fresh Strawberry
Juice from 1 Lemon
2 Mint Sprigs

Liver Juice
3 Oranges
Juice from 1 Lime
3 Carrots
1 Mango

Blend it all together and drink any of these juice every day for the next 30 days .
DIM from the stack is quite fine to use. I don´t know about the others, but look at
Cleanses, detox, flushes and what ever fancy name people are naming these things are pretty much proven to be a waste of time. I normal fast of just water does the trick.
General diet will do it as well, since the body will store most toxins it can´t get rid of in fat cells, do if you diet down and burn fat, you will burn of the toxins as well. You can keep the liver healthier with lime juice in luke warm water empty stomach or use a real liver supplement, but unless your numbers are high I don´t really see much use for it.
Kidneys just need water and keep and eye on blood pressure.
Shinto Kayden;700214 said:
Hello . It's been a long time since I've posted here . Any new information about the stack that I've found ? Anyway , I have spoken with some people and I got 2 detox juice recipes - one for the liver and one for the kidneys .

First of all , you need to drink atleast 2L of water everyday , I think we all know that but it's just a reminder . Secondly , these juice recipes will improve blood circulation to these two organs and also will have diuretic effect .

Kidneys Juice
5 cups Fresh Watermelon
1 cup Fresh Strawberry
Juice from 1 Lemon
2 Mint Sprigs

Liver Juice
3 Oranges
Juice from 1 Lime
3 Carrots
1 Mango

Blend it all together and drink any of these juice every day for the next 30 days .

Do you mean blending or juicing?
I cannot imagine that all that fructose (especially without the fiber) is any good for you liver (and your whole body)
Munto;700234 said:
Do you mean blending or juicing?
I cannot imagine that all that fructose (especially without the fiber) is any good for you liver (and your whole body)

Ofc dikus! Its not for your hole body, its for doing enemas. Dont forget testicle exfoliation and excision if possible