Pinky (skip to 1:47): Stacie Lane (skip to 3:54): I really like what Pinky says about regular guys and adult entertainment guys (the difference). When I hear stuff from women who are basically HOES it makes me wonder about all of the women who are just average ladies running around talking about how a man needs a big dick blah blah blah.... Stacie Lane is like the fourth or fifth adult entertainment actress that I have heard say that huge dicks are overrated. . . Honestly. . .this further proves that all of the HUGE dick nonsense is made up of two things. . . 1.) Delusional women who think they have had a huge dick but the guy was probably only 6-8" at the most. 2.) Male inferiority complexes/Male pride and egos. Big dicks are rare amongst all races. . . So to sum this up. . .if you are going to commit to PE. . .don't do it for these delusional women. . .do it for YOURSELF.