Interesting views on Masterbating and Kegals

I came across an interesting site that proposes that over masterbation at an early age is what leads to premature ejaculation, not a weak pelvic floor. It also says that doing PC exercises can do more damage then good to helping improve pre jack. Just wondering what others think of this site and whether or not others have had the same experiance with over masterbation at an early age leading to pre ejac.

Link is here:

Not sure whether this site is just trying to sell its product or atchually give real information.
Dr. Lin is a quack. I woudn't buy into much of anything on his site. I don't think I've read a single thing on his site that I agreed with.

If you want to see a good way to end premature ejaculation, read the link in my signature.
I don't know why... but when I try to RK it only brings me much closer to orgasm. When I regular kegal it feels better but I can handle it. (meant for cyclops)

I've only tried it a few times so it may work differently later... but so far this has happened every time. Maybe I'm different. =\
Every case is different. I used to masturbate upwards of 5-10 times a day when I was younger. Premature ejaculation during intercourse since I've become sexually active was only a problem psychologically when I was nervous or anxious. Though people saying that premature ejaculation can be cured by kegeling I disagree with, and I've seen quite a few others concur. In accordance with the site, I have seen accounts of people coming quicker while kegeling during sex. I believe that edging and desensitisation (whether by condom, cream, or masturbation/Penis Enlargement prior to intercourse) and the stop/start method are the only physical ways to delay ejaculation. Otherwise psychology weighs in heavily.

Now there are those who have kegeled enough to clamp down and force an ejaculation to wait - but from what I've read this works for only a matter of seconds/minutes. Others claim to have become multi-orgasmic via non-ejaculatory orgasmic response prior to ejaculation... I've done this before myself, but it's technique or accident more than a killer PC muscle. What a killer PC muscle can do for you is give you a larger, harder erection plus other sexual health related things. And, with a little bit of luck and the right body chemistry, you'll be able to kegel every time you thrust during sex, or pulse during a deep, slow thrust. The ladies love it.