How does ED-1000 work?

ED-1000 is designed specifically for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and involves low-intensity shockwaves (similar to ultrasound waves). The shockwaves created by the ED-1000 machine are focused onto the treatment area, stimulating the treated tissues to grow new micro blood vessels. Research suggests that the improved micro vessel network increases the blood supply to the erectile tissue, resulting in improved erection quality.

How effective is ED-1000?

Early results indicate that treatment improves the quality of erections in three out of four patients with vasculogenic ED or diabetes. It has been tested in patients with early and severe erectile dysfunction with the following results:

1. Men with early ED, responding to medication such as Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), or Levitra (vardenafil) - the so called 5-Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: In one research study 77% of men in this group were cured, achieving spontaneous erections and intercourse without medication (presented at the 26th Annual European Association of Urology Congress, Vienna, March 2011).

2. Early results indicate that treatment improves the quality of erections in three out of four patients with vasculogenic ED or diabetes. It has been tested in patients with early and severe erectile dysfunction with the following results.

Who will benefit from ED-1000?

Patients with vasculogenic ED or diabetes are the best candidates for ED-1000 treatment.

This can/could be combated w/ adding certain things to your diet.
Here is a post on another reputable site about a experience: ED1000 Shock Wave Therapy to cure Erectile Dysfunction?

I'll purchase a knock off if they make one, other then that I would just use a PDE5 if you respond to it.
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What is interesting is there is clinical proof of the method, has been used for heart and other organs with circulatory issues.