Increase in Cum after quitting coffee!

Whats up guys, been a while since I've logged in. Been taking a break from p.e.

Anyways, I noticed that my cum shots were really pathetic. I started wondering if this had to do with me drinking 3 cups of coffee a day. So I quit, my balls literally feel heavier and bigger and my cum shots have drastically increased!

Anyone else have this experience?
hey man, long time no see

wow that is interesting, gonna try it out myself to quit coffee and perhaps drink even more water and fruitjuice (to make it taste better lol)

thanks for your info and happy newyear bro

Great to see you on the board, pal!! I've been taking all these meds that have reduced my load. This is a tough one for me because I love my java. But hey, man, it's worth a try.
Welcome back man! I just came back here too.
bigbuttlover said:
Whats up guys, been a while since I've logged in. Been taking a break from p.e.

Anyways, I noticed that my cum shots were really pathetic. I started wondering if this had to do with me drinking 3 cups of coffee a day. So I quit, my balls literally feel heavier and bigger and my cum shots have drastically increased!

Anyone else have this experience?
Guys, switch to decaf if you like to drink the stuff. It's the caffeine that has the good (stimulating and energy producing effect and superb doses of antioxidants) and the bad (reduction of energy pathways due to the job it does on the adrenal glands and the way it constricts blood flow). Caffeine in small does is not that bad. However, physicians have known for a long time that continued use of it can lead to a lot of problems; one of those being erectile dysfunction. Buy the swiss decaf method because that other stuff has an enzyme that is bad for your joints.
I'll never see this increase, I am a STARBUCKS junky! I need rehab to get off the STARBUCK's, I swear they put crack in their coffee!
doublelongdaddy said:
I'll never see this increase, I am a STARBUCKS junky! I need rehab to get off the STARBUCK's, I swear they put crack in their coffee!

LMAO greeks have a long life span , and they drink a ton of coffee , and can fuck for days on end ...... btw i drink starbucks every day , and i shoot bullets ........ the video i posted is proof of that
LMAO greeks have a long life span , and they drink a ton of coffee , and can fuck for days on end ...... btw i drink starbucks every day , and i shoot bullets ........ the video i posted is proof of that

I got jobbed. I drink decaf and dribble. Phuck!