Important Factor for PE

One thing I havent seen mentioned here is that a key is keeping the cells - specifically cell membranes of the cells undergoing stress (as in Penis Enlargement) - flexible and elastic.

You do this by having good quality FATS in your diet - specifically Omega 3 fatty acids (flax oil). Cell membranes are fat and water soluble membranes, so keep healthy fats in the diet!
Very interesting thread, I would love to hear your expanded thoughts and theories on this.
not much to expand on DYD, but the healthier you are the more tissues can sustain stress and heal - so anti-oxidants and anti-inflam's like curcumin will stop inflammation after Penis Enlargement - helping prevent scar tissue.

Fats are critical - and fat soluble anti-oxidants like E, Alpha lipoic acid.
Very interesting idea. I'm sure there's definitely some truth in it.
I can say that a high quality fish oil supplement (molecularly distilled to filter out PCB's, Hg, heavy metals, and dioxanes and standardized for EPA & DHA), A high quality evening primrose oil supplement (cold-expeller-pressed, hexane-free and standardized for 10% GLA), along with a good multi-vitamin (Life extension mix is best, but there are cheaper ones out there) and possibly some extra anti-oxidants (such as Dr. Dave's "Boost" which is the KING of anthocyanin content) will certainly fit the bill.

For more reading on this, DLD, I would STRONGLY recommend "Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill" by Udo Erasmus.

However, I honestly cannot say how much, if any, these supplements will aid you in Penis Enlargement. I WILL say that these supplements should definitely be the cornerstone of any long-term supplementation program for overall health, but obviously the exercises themselves are THE most important part of any Penis Enlargement program (warning to those who are thinking of buying into [words=]Penis Enlargement pills[/words]: they don't work). If it is possible to grow 5" WITHOUT any supplements like the above, then they must not be absolutely crucial...that isn't to say they couldn't have made those 5" come quicker, but who's to judge that?
and how about stretching the ligaments? I just bought a product that heals the ligaments faster and makes them stronger....jointment, have you heard of it?
Goldmember is right, i never meant to imply supps work in any way for Penis Enlargement - but the tissues that undergo stress need to be functioning at their best....and the tissues are made of cells and cells are plastic/elastic due to cell membrane integrity. Fats are the worst culrpit here as typical diet has little healthy fats....and Udo's book is a MUST READ! Kudo's to UDo's! lol

Also - for reading...look at some of the stuff on copper peptides - - not sure if they have any utility here, just throwin it out there.
Yeah, it's not that those things will give you gains but the omega-3 and things do play a major role in health and membranes etc. so definately good regarding Penis Enlargement. You find them in 'fat' fish like salmon.

Now I'm a bodybuilder and most of us use flaxseedoil and/or fishoil. Ther're of great benefit for overal health too, especially cardiovascular health. Do play a role in your mood also.
Your body needs the right nutrients to make new cells properly.

If you go on omega 3's, as your body continually remakes new cells, they'll have a higher permeability next time - like they're supposed too - and will tend to heal faster.

It's not like an aspirin, take it and a few minutes later you feel better .... you have to stay on the oils constantly to see the best effects. About 2 tablespoons per day. Your body needs the essential fats all the time, not just when you think about it.

Fish oils are, ostensibly, higher quality than flax oil for this, but only in the form of uncooked fish.

As an oil (bottled, capsuled), flax is superior.

Squeeze a flax seed and you get flax seed oil....

Squeeze a fish and you get a mess.

Fish oils have to be separated out of the mess by some amount of cooking. These fats are extremely delicate, so while fish oil should be the higher quality it ends up losing to cold-pressed flax oil.

It all depends on how the oils are expelled. Flax oil is theoretically superior, however, conversion of LA and LNA (lenoleic and linolenic acids) to GLA(w6), EPA and DHA(w3's) is governed by an enzyme in the body, which is easily blocked by many stresses of daily life. Therefore, even though the body should be able to convert 2.7% of LNA to EPA & DHA, usually the percentage is closer to 1%. LA to GLA is even less, sometimes even close to zero, meaning it would take many-a-tablespoon of flax seed oil to get the amount of these EFA's...the take home story: Flax is great (in moderation--high doses have been linked to prostate and breast cancer) but should be supplemented with fish oil and evening primrose oil (high-quality per the recommendations in my previous post). That is MY take on the issue after reading many sources of information, but I am NOT claiming to be a guru on the issue...however I am thoroughly confident in my approach to EFA supplementation and will continue to take 500mg EPA/DHA, 130mg GLA, and one tablespoon of Udo's Choice Oil Blend (flax, sunflower, coconut, wheat germ oil, lecithin and evening primrose oil) daily.
high doses (of flax oil) have been linked to prostate and breast cancer)

There were earlier figures, circa 1998?, stating that flax lignans could interfere with testosterone - but the latest figures re high serum lignan concentrations are that they raise normal free testosterone by as much as 10% while massively blocking its aromatization to dht and estrodiols. (which would actually protect against prostatic and breast carcinomas.... some baldness too while it's at it.)

Man, it seems that science continues to condradict itself every day...aspirin good for breast cancer; aspirin causes breast cancer...coffe bad for heart; coffe good for heart...I guess the take home message here is that a BLEND of oils (as I suggested in my last post) is probably the best approach to EFA supplementation. Any EFA oil in moderation, and you can be certain that you are doing your body good. Going Gung-Ho on anything cannot be a good approach.