I Propose That Increased Size is Similar to Increased Wealth

In most cases, neither will improve your happiness.

I just watched 20/20 with a John Stossel special called something like "Myths, Lies, and Plain Stupidity." It was a good program and one of the Myths was that "Money Makes us Happier" The studies concluded basically that for people that are poor or lower middle class, having more money does make them happier, but it reaches a point of diminished returns around $50K a year. Basically people who are on welfare, or food stamps are unhappy and do become happier when they reach middle class and are comfortable; but after that point happiness has almost nothing to do with money.

I just had the same thought about penis size after reading the thread "Why do they want girth?" Someone wisely pointed out that size alone is not like some great key that will give you access to any vagina. I think too often people put too much emphasis on size; not taking it for what it is.

Penis Enlargement can be great for self esteem, sexual performance,etc; but this is not some great panacea. Dont look at Penis Enlargement to fix your life if you are unhappy. Dont expect it to help you land the girl of your dreams if you couldn't otherwise land her with your outward characteristics.

I think a lot of people look at penis size the way they do money. "If only I could have a million dollars, if only I could have a ten inch dick"etc,etc

If my hypothesis is right, there is a dick size equivalent to being poor or on welfare- A size where someone truly is disadvantaged and can have anatomical problems with performing sexual intercourse. Then there would also be a size equivalent to $30K and $50K. after that returns would diminish and any increased size would have no real impact on sexual health or true happiness and would merely be extra opulence.

I dont want to throw around stats, and this is all in fun. but lets say someone with a 4.5x4" penis (or someone on welfare) really is at a disadvantage to the point where it is just not enough, but then he gains (size; or income) to the point that he is 5.5x4.5 ( or off welfare and making $30K a year). At this point he could definitely do better, but he is much happier and functional than he was previously. He's at least getting by. He works even harder and gets up to 6.5x5" ( or $50K). Now he's not the biggest guy on the block, but he can provide for his family well; hes doing more than just getting by; and he's at least as well off or better off than most(>50%) people. At this point, it would be great to advance and not become complacent. However, almost all happiness or dissapointment will come from things such as meeting personal goals, interacting with family and friends, and leading a "good life".

With that said and I'll leave you with this:
I think We Pe-ers have a psychological profile, and it has Nothing to do with penis size ( ever notice how almost all are already bigger than average?).
Hmm, interesting. I think things are simplified a little too much though. Yes, there is a point of diminishing returns, but just getting at an average 6.5x5 size wouldn't do it for 99% of guys. Think about it, do you wan tto be average looking, average intelligence, average car? No. You want to be the best you can be. These are just my thoughts though. I am always looking to move up in the world.
your views are interesting, but i sort of disagree on some of it. Every person looks for self improvement, that's what we're all here for, right? I don't think more than an average dick would save our life, but its one more thing to be proud of. Many people go out and try many things, this is self improvement, learning how to surf, do karate, learn about computers isn't just a cheap way to get by in life, but makes us a better, interesting person. I see your main point about not relying on it in life, but i think we've been through that before, we're just a bunch of guys (and a few girls) who all have one interest, and help each other with it, make friends, etc.
Being happy with your own body leaves you one less thing to worry about in life.

Let me get to the level of "cock millionaire" and I'll let you know if I'm any happier.

Besides, I know I ain't never gonna be a happy person. I'd rather be unhappy and rich than unhappy and broke... when it comes to penis wealth or monetary wealth.
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so basically if i end up getting a 10 inch dick off Penis Enlargement, i will eventually get a job makin 100+K salary ??

lol j/k

that's very insightful big - your analogy of penis size and wealth is a very good one

however i'd like to wonder if there IS a correlation with penis size and wealth?

let's say your a business manager or something, and you tell other people what to do, and have leadership characteristic and therefor make more money. do you have leadership characteristics because of your big dick ? feel more confident about telling other men what to do ?

i think intelligence definately does have a correlation with wealth, but i was thinking maybe penis size does too.

for instance i went to a military school and it just happened to be that the guys with the biggest dicks were leaders AKA 1st Sgts, Squad Leaders, and of course the guy with the biggest dick was the CO !!!

or was that just a coincidence ?

i think since penis size increases confidence, you are more likely to demonstrate confidence in a career or something - sound likely ?

of course for rocket scientists, i doubt penis size would matter, but i mean more along the lines of business people in authority positions like supervisors and managers and shit
I wouldn't rule it out completely and say there is NO connection

Maybe not a direct connection, but maybe an indirect one. Think about it, do you think having a bigger dick would make you more confident in the workplace, i.e. more likely to get promotions or something ?

i mean i must have worded my post the wrong way, i didn't mean to imply that all millionaires have big dicks or that poor people have small dicks, that's obviously not the case.
Sorry, I refuse to believe that New York's Mayor Bloomberg is hung.

You don't need confidence to be rich. You just gotta be smart, ambitious, & shrewd.
Originally posted by Godsize
Sorry, I refuse to believe that New York's Mayor Bloomberg is hung.


I think Mr Howell from Giligan's Island may have had a 10 incher:D
Yea, nice read but it still does not apply to most. Some points do. Sure bigger penis or more money wont fix everything. Many people think having a couple extra arms would fix problems for them too but, thats most likely also not the case.

I've also heard the infamous phrase "money doesnt fix everything" or...."Money wont buy happiness" or..."money is the root of all evil" ....all usually uttered by people with little money or money problems. (insert bright light bulb of insight here)

Money can fix most things. Money can buy you a lot of stuff that will make you MORE happy. The MISUSE of money rather than simply money itself is the root of most "evils".

I'm not looking for my increased penis size as a fix all for my life. I'm already a pretty outgoing, confident guy. Perfect example: Went for a job orientation today for a job I start Monday....BEAUTIFUL woman a few years younger than me (age 19) was also there. Within 20 minutes I knew her name, what part of town she lived in, her age, and that she was getting engaged next year (damn!). LOL.
Originally posted by Gandolf
Hmm, interesting. I think things are simplified a little too much though. Yes, there is a point of diminishing returns, but just getting at an average 6.5x5 size wouldn't do it for 99% of guys. Think about it, do you wan tto be average looking, average intelligence, average car? No. You want to be the best you can be. These are just my thoughts though. I am always looking to move up in the world.

I picked the numbers in an arbitrary fashion. There was no science. I was just using numbers to illustrate. Maybe its 7x5.5, know what I mean.

I agree with you, I'm the same way. But I was going by numerous studies as well as anecdotal "evidence" that once people are middle class, money has little or no bearing on increased happiness.
Originally posted by cupidvalentino
so basically if i end up getting a 10 inch dick off Penis Enlargement, i will eventually get a job makin 100+K salary ??

lol j/k

that's very insightful big - your analogy of penis size and wealth is a very good one

however i'd like to wonder if there IS a correlation with penis size and wealth?

1. No I wasnt saying that. I was just using that for comparison purposes. Not that there is a correlation, just an equivalent analogy.

2. Hmm. I actually tend to think that smaller guys are more forceful to compensate and larger guys are confident enough not to need to put it out there, but who knows.

Also, intelligence is NOT a reliable indicator of financial success.
It isn't ?

It tends to be a pretty good indicator - there's always exceptions to the rule.

However, the rule is pretty much established as a fact.... intelligent people (if they are obsessed about money) have a higher chance of making lots of money than a ... retard... or even just a moron. Morons will tend to work menial jobs.

There have been studies - there is a high correlation between intelligence and financial outcome. But then there's always the chance that you are like me, quite intelligent, yet works menial jobs because I'm too poor to afford college. I also dropped out of high school... but it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

It just depends what your desires are, I think Greed is the highest factor in relation to financial success.
Originally posted by AncientChina
I have to agree with SWM about the money issue. Those who have little money and may want to vouche for an excuse, or those who have a lot of money and have no idea how beneficial it is at all, may say thing. Family and friend connections are wealth also.

I can tell you that having little money sucks, and yes more money would make a lot of problems go away fairly quickly and would give anyone below average wealth wise a far better life...period. Most of those who are well off, wouldn't be going to that nice University, driving/having a car they didn have to work for, or many of the things that let some get by far easier. Even Donald Trump grew up very wealthy. So those who come from families who are well off have an easier and more likely chance to succeed...unfair? What isn't?


Yes, but my whole point was that at some point happiness levels off. I didnt make this stuff up; I was going by studies, interviews,etc.

As I said, poor people are unhappy because of money problems, but comfortable middle class people (and above) dont really have any true money problems (only problems they create for themselves, such as "needing" 3 or 4 cars). So this does not contribute to their happiness. Poor people need more money to be able to survive so that real stress will make them unhappy. Middle class and above get by perfectly fine and usually expand their expenditures to meet their income.

Some other myths (lies) that kindof tie in here are :
Life is Getting Worse and we have to work harder now ( Ask any 80,90, or 100 Year old about this one), That Families Need Two incomes ( for most people, No. its all about keeping up with the Joneses),etc.

Also, stew on this one;

In the US today, the average poor person has:
A Home or Apt, Car, Color TV with Cable, Microwave, and a Computer (but no food?). One of the highlights of that show was john Stossel interviewing people in the Soup Kitchen line and they said of course they had all those things.

Also, I want to add: A lot of things people mistake for happiness are just "Keeping up with the Joneses". Happiness is a "self" thing, so that type of happiness is artifical.

Also, have to readdress: Most people who do Penis Enlargement I believe are using it to substitute for something else, as most people here dont "need" it in that sense. I know my true happiness level will probably not change even if I am 12x7"
Originally posted by cupidvalentino
It isn't ?

It tends to be a pretty good indicator - there's always exceptions to the rule.

However, the rule is pretty much established as a fact.... intelligent people (if they are obsessed about money) have a higher chance of making lots of money than a ... retard... or even just a moron. Morons will tend to work menial jobs.

There have been studies - there is a high correlation between intelligence and financial outcome. But then there's always the chance that you are like me, quite intelligent, yet works menial jobs because I'm too poor to afford college. I also dropped out of high school... but it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

It just depends what your desires are, I think Greed is the highest factor in relation to financial success.

Maybe in employment, but when I think of financial success, I am thinking more in terms of being wealthy, usually by owning a business. There are a lot of not too bright business owners out there and a lot of wealthy guys who own labor intensive service companies like construction, refractory, sewage pumping, mechanics,etc. What I meant to say is that intelligence is not the MOST reliable indicator of being successful in business.
Originally posted by cupidvalentino
I think Greed is the highest factor in relation to financial success.

Hit the nail on this head with this one.

I think bigbutnottoo is right about this. I always thought the same thing.

Money can't buy happiness, but at least 30k/year and a big dick can, haha.
Also, cupid :
Where do you live? If you are in the US, I dont think there is such thing as "too poor to afford college." Usually its the opposite. I have literally lived off of financial aid alone and I know many people who do.
These days you can buy happiness in a bottle

just go to the doctor and ask for Zoloft or Prozac.

I seen someone completely flip out and have a mental breakdown AND a seizure (one in the same?) right in front of me because of this shit though.

He had some serious problems...

Big - no I live in the US. I guess you are right bout the financial aid thing, but to get free money you usually have to have good grades from HS, which I dropped out of. Other than that, there are loans that you have to pay, seems like a pain in the ass to me.

I was actually just considering joining the service and getting that "college money" package they are offering. But with the current state of affairs... I dunno quite yet.

If you have advice about financial aid though, I'd like to hear it ;)
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excellent point by bigbutnottoobig about Penis Enlargement'ers fitting a certain profile, diminishing returns, ect.

obviously the wealth statements are more controversial here, but i think the analogy to penis size is quite valid in many ways. everybody is an individual case, but i think the idea about diminishing returns is key.

maybe not in this forum, which i think we would all agree is highly specialized, but a 6X5 penis is more than enough for many, if not most, to be perfectly happy and fulfilled. likewise, the same intensity that some people bring to wealth building is just a different outlet and form of ambition than they guy who Penis Enlargement's for hours everyday.

i still maintain that penis size, while a factor to some, isn't a something that women regularly select mates for and unless the size is a real problem, like just too small for her to have any normal sex life or she has a really large vagina, then just adequite will be alright for 95% of the ladies out there. after you surpass average,, you;re generally competing with yourself in my opinion.

imagine life before the internet . . . you sleep with a few girls, they all say your cock is great, you find one you really like, settle down and spend your time happily fucking your wife. no statistics, no adult entertainment, nothing to make you even question your penis size, you just know it works fine for the both of you. ah what a life . . . strive for that. in general i think women are a lot mroe turned on by a guy secure and happy with is body who knows how to work her's over, than just a bigger than average dick. they can't see a big dick when they first meet you, but confidence (or lack there of) telegraphs from a mile a way. if you ahve that they're gonna like your dick, average or otherwise.
Originally posted by Swank

maybe not in this forum, which i think we would all agree is highly specialized, but a 6X5 penis is more than enough for many, if not most, to be perfectly happy and fulfilled. likewise, the same intensity that some people bring to wealth building is just a different outlet and form of ambition than they guy who Penis Enlargement's for hours everyday.

i still maintain that penis size, while a factor to some, isn't a something that women regularly select mates for and unless the size is a real problem, like just too small for her to have any normal sex life or she has a really large vagina, then just adequite will be alright for 95% of the ladies out there. after you surpass average,, you;re generally competing with yourself in my opinion.

imagine life before the internet . . . you sleep with a few girls, they all say your cock is great, you find one you really like, settle down and spend your time happily fucking your wife. no statistics, no adult entertainment, nothing to make you even question your penis size, you just know it works fine for the both of you. ah what a life . . . strive for that. in general i think women are a lot mroe turned on by a guy secure and happy with is body who knows how to work her's over, than just a bigger than average dick. they can't see a big dick when they first meet you, but confidence (or lack there of) telegraphs from a mile a way. if you ahve that they're gonna like your dick, average or otherwise.

Great post. you made at least 3-4 great points.