In most cases, neither will improve your happiness.
I just watched 20/20 with a John Stossel special called something like "Myths, Lies, and Plain Stupidity." It was a good program and one of the Myths was that "Money Makes us Happier" The studies concluded basically that for people that are poor or lower middle class, having more money does make them happier, but it reaches a point of diminished returns around $50K a year. Basically people who are on welfare, or food stamps are unhappy and do become happier when they reach middle class and are comfortable; but after that point happiness has almost nothing to do with money.
I just had the same thought about penis size after reading the thread "Why do they want girth?" Someone wisely pointed out that size alone is not like some great key that will give you access to any vagina. I think too often people put too much emphasis on size; not taking it for what it is.
Penis Enlargement can be great for self esteem, sexual performance,etc; but this is not some great panacea. Dont look at Penis Enlargement to fix your life if you are unhappy. Dont expect it to help you land the girl of your dreams if you couldn't otherwise land her with your outward characteristics.
I think a lot of people look at penis size the way they do money. "If only I could have a million dollars, if only I could have a ten inch dick"etc,etc
If my hypothesis is right, there is a dick size equivalent to being poor or on welfare- A size where someone truly is disadvantaged and can have anatomical problems with performing sexual intercourse. Then there would also be a size equivalent to $30K and $50K. after that returns would diminish and any increased size would have no real impact on sexual health or true happiness and would merely be extra opulence.
I dont want to throw around stats, and this is all in fun. but lets say someone with a 4.5x4" penis (or someone on welfare) really is at a disadvantage to the point where it is just not enough, but then he gains (size; or income) to the point that he is 5.5x4.5 ( or off welfare and making $30K a year). At this point he could definitely do better, but he is much happier and functional than he was previously. He's at least getting by. He works even harder and gets up to 6.5x5" ( or $50K). Now he's not the biggest guy on the block, but he can provide for his family well; hes doing more than just getting by; and he's at least as well off or better off than most(>50%) people. At this point, it would be great to advance and not become complacent. However, almost all happiness or dissapointment will come from things such as meeting personal goals, interacting with family and friends, and leading a "good life".
With that said and I'll leave you with this:
I think We Pe-ers have a psychological profile, and it has Nothing to do with penis size ( ever notice how almost all are already bigger than average?).
I just watched 20/20 with a John Stossel special called something like "Myths, Lies, and Plain Stupidity." It was a good program and one of the Myths was that "Money Makes us Happier" The studies concluded basically that for people that are poor or lower middle class, having more money does make them happier, but it reaches a point of diminished returns around $50K a year. Basically people who are on welfare, or food stamps are unhappy and do become happier when they reach middle class and are comfortable; but after that point happiness has almost nothing to do with money.
I just had the same thought about penis size after reading the thread "Why do they want girth?" Someone wisely pointed out that size alone is not like some great key that will give you access to any vagina. I think too often people put too much emphasis on size; not taking it for what it is.
Penis Enlargement can be great for self esteem, sexual performance,etc; but this is not some great panacea. Dont look at Penis Enlargement to fix your life if you are unhappy. Dont expect it to help you land the girl of your dreams if you couldn't otherwise land her with your outward characteristics.
I think a lot of people look at penis size the way they do money. "If only I could have a million dollars, if only I could have a ten inch dick"etc,etc
If my hypothesis is right, there is a dick size equivalent to being poor or on welfare- A size where someone truly is disadvantaged and can have anatomical problems with performing sexual intercourse. Then there would also be a size equivalent to $30K and $50K. after that returns would diminish and any increased size would have no real impact on sexual health or true happiness and would merely be extra opulence.
I dont want to throw around stats, and this is all in fun. but lets say someone with a 4.5x4" penis (or someone on welfare) really is at a disadvantage to the point where it is just not enough, but then he gains (size; or income) to the point that he is 5.5x4.5 ( or off welfare and making $30K a year). At this point he could definitely do better, but he is much happier and functional than he was previously. He's at least getting by. He works even harder and gets up to 6.5x5" ( or $50K). Now he's not the biggest guy on the block, but he can provide for his family well; hes doing more than just getting by; and he's at least as well off or better off than most(>50%) people. At this point, it would be great to advance and not become complacent. However, almost all happiness or dissapointment will come from things such as meeting personal goals, interacting with family and friends, and leading a "good life".
With that said and I'll leave you with this:
I think We Pe-ers have a psychological profile, and it has Nothing to do with penis size ( ever notice how almost all are already bigger than average?).