I need a Diet/Excercise plan that works!!

I've tried many, many things over the past year or so to lose weight. The Atkins diet worked good for a while, but then I fell off the horse. For one thing, meat is DAMN expensive, so I can't really afford to go on the Atkins right now. All I have for excercise is a manual treadmill that I don't use enough, and we hardly even have food in my house, let alone nutritious, healthy food. Basically, I'm looking to see if anyone has any ideas of how I could lose weight.

By the way, I'm 6'4", about 250-270lbs, pretty muscular and thickly built, but I still have too much fat on me. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated...thanks in advance.
Okay, I've come up with a somehwat plan for what I'm going to try. It's a diet/excercise routine, tell me what you think:

3 sets of 20 push-ups
3 sets of 30 crunches
3 sets of 30 calf-raises
3 sets of 20 curls (Using around 20-30 pounds of weight)

I plan on throwing something aerobic into this, but I'm not sure what. I'm not in the best of shape (or even close to it), so running miles or anything is out of the question. I was thinking jogging would be a better solution, but time-wise, what would be best?
Body for life is amazing because it is a diet and exercise program that rocks! I got down to 5% body fat with this program. This program will change your life if you follow it, and even after it is "over' (because it is never really over)

I am busy now so I substitute the workout stuff with body weight exercises by Matt Furey. They only take about 30 minutes, but they work. BTW, get the videos because there is alot he can't explain in the ebooks.

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I also highly rec. the Body For Life program. If youre on a budget and dont have much access to good whole foods, you can still make a good diet routine work. I do a modified "atkins" that works very well for me to this day. I dropped about 5 inches off my waist line in about 3 months-ish. Love handles no more. Was a 32" waist now I'm around a 28" waist...and those pants need a belt. My last thread where I posted full body shots is where I'm at now. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15263

My diet is very simple in my opinion to follow. I only rarely eat sources of simple carbs such as anything with sugar in it, or non refined or non whole sources of carbs. Weekends I eat whatever I want but rarely go overboard. I drink mostly water. I dont worry about the whole protien/carb ratio. If it's bread, you want wheat, or the wheat mixes.. .there are very tastey wheats that even have nuts in them. Honey wheat nut is one of my faves. White bread is a no no, plus it's just not usually that great for you anyway. I think wonderbread has a new "white" that is actually wheat or refined not sure. It's simple to learn what has sugar in it...in other words simple carbs...the bad kind by just checking labels. I usually avoid them except on the weekends rather than try and complicate things by counting carb grams. Complex carbs I dont worry as much about (whole wheats, veggies, potatos, nuts etc.) but I try not to exceed 100 grams a day most of the time. Meat, I dont eat a lot of reds but anything from the sea is game, chicken and other fowl are good. I dont know how to break it all down like a book or dietician would. Hopefully this will give you some ideas though. I hate the term "diet". It conjurs up nothing more than fads which is what diets usually are for most people. That's why they rarely work long term. Eating is more of a type of lifestyle if youre into it for a better looking body. Eating less traditionally will also help you out. Bodybuilders and fitness gurus are correct that several smaller "meals" are better for your metabolism, makes it work more effectively than 2 or 3 big meals.

Also as far as exercise goes, dont knock cardio a few times a week. It does not take much. 30 minutes on a treadmill once a day 3 days a week can do wonders when accompanied with a better eating routine.
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Yeah, that's really what I planned on doing. I have a bike (real bike, not an excercise one), and was thinking about biking for like an hour a day, combined with push-ups/sit-ups and eating a low-carb, high protein diet. not really a carb-counting one, but one where I mostly stay away from refined carbs. I think this should have some good resulsts, if I can get into it and stay into it. Wish me luck...I'm going to need it.