HIIT (Intense for sure)

First off, here is a link that provides a very interesting rundown on the aerobic technique called HIIT.

There was a thread the other day concerning effective fat loss (Thank you to whoever mentioned HIIT in the thread). Having a little chub myself, I decided to take a look. What I read was pretty interesting. Interesting in the way that it is an intriguing alternative to a slow run or 30 dull minutes on an exercise bike. Now, to document my first HIIT run.

Today I decided to take this for a test. If you have not tried sprinting at 90% your full speed in a long time, you are in for a shocker. I was able to survive the first workout seeing as how I started out with a simple 4 minute regimen (this is according to the gradual start up program, here. The after effects were immediate, however. When I finished the jog home my heart was beating out of control, my body was overall weak and I could feel my raw throat. This is indeed due to my lack of any cardio training in the past year. Maybe diving into HIIT right off the bat wasn't a good idea, but then again, maybe it was. I am looking forward to my next run on Thursday and also looking forward to eating more healthy and making more body concious decisions.

All in all, I just want to let you know that I took that first step. Anyone else who knows that they'll have a hard time, get out there and give it all you can regardless. It's all about making yourself better. Giving yourself more confidence. If I can do it, you can indeed do it. Who knows, I might just turn this into a log :)
Well, if you turn it into a log, at least keep it in the right forum.

I saw that thread too and I´m ready to give it a try starting next week.

Thanks for that link but... do we have to do all 3 workouts each day, together or what?

Alltogether that´s only 13 minutes, 20 with 3 minute rets between them, fits nicely in my schedule... If I survive it that is.

Thanks Koooky, I was getting ready to give myself a heart attack then lol

3 times a week, 4 minutes each sounds very very good to me. I will give it my max intensity each time.
Kassit said:
I'd like to know what did those ancient arabs use as lubricant to jelq,since back in those days everything was scarce right? Using your own spit would be kind of hard,and especially if you lived in the areas where the arabs live/lived. Any ideas fellas?

I don't know when i was younger i used to jerk off with my own spit and it worked kinda good.

P.S. KASSIT what happend to TP you miss us.
I really wish I knew how to edit my posts. Anyways! Today, at 8:25 am, I embarked on my second HIIT workout. I completed the four minutes, but I came away from it breathing really heavily and really dizzy. Now I am all for striving for excelence but I come away from these workout feeling like I am going to die. Will the extreme short windedness and pounding chest soon dim down?
Yeah that seems pretty normal Zewt and as you get in better shape it should be better and if not, I'm pretty sure it's fine.
Zewt your body will adapt to handle it better, but at the point where you are able to perform the excercise easier, is the same point where you extend the time. HIIT is not something you should attempt without first consulting a doctor though. Even a minor heart problem can have serious complications from being taxed 90%.
Zewt said:
I really wish I knew how to edit my posts. Anyways! Today, at 8:25 am, I embarked on my second HIIT workout. I completed the four minutes, but I came away from it breathing really heavily and really dizzy. Now I am all for striving for excelence but I come away from these workout feeling like I am going to die. Will the extreme short windedness and pounding chest soon dim down?
this sounds very good,i dont lift weights and need to shed some pounds,will i shed the pounds by just following these methods and not doing any other exercise ?
