Help gaining weight

Well im your standard skinny guy who has decided its time to put on some pounds and get stronger.

127 lbs
Arms - 12
Calves - 15
Quads - 21
waist- 29

Have never lifted weights and plan to start but not to sure how to go about it, have benched a few times and my one rep max is 120.

My goal is to gain around 20 lbs and get bigger arms and chest
I eat between 4-6 times a day and eat pretty healthy a majority of my food is meat and I eat alot of wheat bread with occasional pizza or fast food every 3 or 4 days I drink a bottle of soda every other day but I mostly drink water.
honestly man yo are eating way too clean to get big as u want to get. its hard to stay cut and gain weight fast. ur might have to sacrifice body fat in order to gain the weight you want. diet as in anything cutting or gaining is most important. alot of calories and mabey mix n a protein shake with penut butter before you go to bed
i don't know how old you are but if you are young you probably have a fast matabulism and it is hard for you to gain...i know i was that way when i was younger too...i was your size about two years ago...i know weigh 165 and trying to add another 10 or 15 pounds...the way i did it was i made sure that i ate every three hours no matter what...and with every meal i would drink a meal supplement shake...that adds about 250 -280 calories to every definitely have to get into a gym as well...if you really don't know what you are doing...i would advise to go to your gym and see if you can meet with a trainer if you can't afford one...maybe go to the gym and asked a more experience guy in there for some help..most guys are nice enough to help you out a little...and i also after everywork out made me a protein shake with peanut butter and i also added about three or four scoops of ice cream...good luck
hey man i feel your pain, Im 6 foot and for the longest time was only 150.
Youve probably heard it before but you need compound movements at high wieght to bulk up. This includes chin ups, push ups, bench press, rowing, squats, deadlifts etc.

But above all is LEGS, legs will make every muscle bigger as it triggers growth hormone production. Personally i was only able to keep perfect form for squats using the bar plus 10s on each side, which is pretty pathetic imo. So i started from the basics, 100 lunges per leg on leg days, 2 sets of split squats(aim for 25 each set), 2 sets of wide stance squats no weight (again 25 a set). I can know do 4 sets of 12 reps squats with 25's on each side (95lbs) total with perfect form(which is really important). Idealy you should aska trainer at the gym to watch your gym, but if u cannot just make sure your back is flat and you go down until your thighs are parallel with the floor.

I peronsally do not bench because i have rounded shoulders which is due to sitting in front of the computer and having my chest stronger than my back. However it is up to you, but do not forget to workout your back as well.

As for diet I alot of meat and alot of veggies, while avoiding too much fat, salt, and otherwise unhealthy foods. I drink lots of water and have 2-3 protien shakes a day. I peronsonally avoid really fatty because I am trying to look cut for new years(big night) but if all you care about is weight gain go for it. As well make sure you go to bed full every night.

Best of luck, oh btw I am now 155, having gained 5lbs in the last 3 weeks, which is amazing progress for me. If you would like more info feel free to send me a msg.
I feel your pain...I'm 5'7" and 125 lbs...currently trying to get to around 180-200 lbs. Luckily though, one of my good friends is a personal trainer and he also owns a nutrition store where I get like 60% off all products. I used to weigh around 150 in my senior year in highschool...I was doing gymnastics, martial arts, weight training and cross-country running...after I turned 18 and moved out on my own, I went about a month eating only Top Ramen and went from 150 to 115 I had no fat on me and was all muscle, but I guess my body decided to eat it either way :( Luckily now though, for X-Mas I am getting a gym membership which is pretty cheap ($200 for a year). I have a LOT of protein shake, Super Mega Gainer which is like 1200 calories per serving some amino acid complex stuff etc.. to get me started. I will be working with the PT and I will keep you posted on how things go.

BTW...he had the same problem as us, as a fresHydromaxan in High school, he only weighed 115 lbs. he started taking creatine and working out and by the time he was a senior, he was 180 lbs. He's now 5'7" and is currently 200 lbs. He eats 2 large pizzas on top of 5-6 smaller meals a day and STILL has a hard time keeping his weight up.

One thing he did suggest was eating something every 2 hours of every day whether or not you feel hungry....5-6 small meals a day is what he suggests. And to put it this way, for us to gain 2 lbs. a week we need to be eating around 5,000 calories a day...just so you know.
Dinzu;287199 said:
I eat between 4-6 times a day and eat pretty healthy a majority of my food is meat and I eat alot of wheat bread with occasional pizza or fast food every 3 or 4 days I drink a bottle of soda every other day but I mostly drink water.

When I meant "be specific" I was also referring to quantities :)