Growth Mindset

Thank you very very much my brother
You made me discover something really interesting with this link
Whenever I find it hard to understand the exercises but then I think there is everything we are looking for
I'm sorry I did not see your questions sooner. Bostonian gave you good advice.

7/2/20 Morning Erect Stretch:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 30min

Notes: I skipped a girth workout today because my veins were all ballooned up from the last few days girth training. Just did some erect stretches today. Recently I'm noticing a new stretchiness during the erect stretches and I'm wondering if this means I have more erect gains to cement.

What I mean is that I've already "earned" that length via Flacid stretching and it's only a matter of time before the erect gains follow. This is a theory I've been wondering about regarding the relationship to Flacid stretches length and erect length. Right now my erect length is around 3/4" less than my BPFSL. This is a question I've had in my mind for some time. If I stopped doing all PE except erect stretches from this point on would my BPEL and BPFSL eventually be the same number(or at least within 1/4" or so)? If so would this happen via my BPEL climbing up to the BPFSL or would the BPFSL drop to the BPEL? I'm not expecting any answers just theorizing and waxing philosophic.
It’s all good when you can concentrate on one thing at a time. It’s becoming more and more popular that men are going for what they want most first. This type of focus is awesome when you’re only thinking about girth as you can put everything into it and dedicate the length time to girth.

I see what you mean, focusing on one thing until the final goal is achieved then switching. I never had super specific goals in mind and just wanted some of everything. I'm seeing the long game more and more now and realizing that this is a slower process and you just have to put in time and trust in the process.
I'm sorry I did not see your questions sooner. Bostonian gave you good advice.

7/2/20 Morning Erect Stretch:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 30min

Notes: I skipped a girth workout today because my veins were all ballooned up from the last few days girth training. Just did some erect stretches today. Recently I'm noticing a new stretchiness during the erect stretches and I'm wondering if this means I have more erect gains to cement.

What I mean is that I've already "earned" that length via Flacid stretching and it's only a matter of time before the erect gains follow. This is a theory I've been wondering about regarding the relationship to Flacid stretches length and erect length. Right now my erect length is around 3/4" less than my BPFSL. This is a question I've had in my mind for some time. If I stopped doing all PE except erect stretches from this point on would my BPEL and BPFSL eventually be the same number(or at least within 1/4" or so)? If so would this happen via my BPEL climbing up to the BPFSL or would the BPFSL drop to the BPEL? I'm not expecting any answers just theorizing and waxing philosophic.

Possibly? But I mean it would still be kinda dumb to just cut out all flaccid stretching entirely just to even everything out. You're still going to see gains regardless if you keep doing both. If anything I'd just increase your erect stretches (which it appears you're doing - 30 min!) and continue along with normal flaccid stretching.

You might need to just focus more on hitting your internal penis and try to pull that sucker out. Maybe throw in some dual fulcrums like @Getbiglonger7
Possibly? But I mean it would still be kinda dumb to just cut out all flaccid stretching entirely just to even everything out. You're still going to see gains regardless if you keep doing both. If anything I'd just increase your erect stretches (which it appears you're doing - 30 min!) and continue along with normal flaccid stretching.

You might need to just focus more on hitting your internal penis and try to pull that sucker out. Maybe throw in some dual fulcrums like @Getbiglonger7
I've done a lot of dual fulcrums and lots of sock stretches, expressive stretches are also a mainstay of my routines. I'm not going to quit flacid stretching. My questions were more theoretical(And playful) in nature and are probably impossible to answer unless some sort of hardcore scientific effort was put into studying PE.
I studied anatomy and physiology in college and for me it's fun to think about what we are actually doing to our anatomy at a macro and micro level.
7/4/20 Morning Erect Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 8min

-SSJ 15min

Notes: Just a quick hitter to keep my head in the game
Thank you very very much my brother
You made me discover something really interesting with this link
Whenever I find it hard to understand the exercises but then I think there is everything we are looking for

Brothers helping brother❤️❤️
My in laws invaded my house and have been here the past week. They leave Sunday. I haven't been able to get consistent training in but have gotten some work in here and there. I'll get back to a better routine on Monday.
My in laws invaded my house and have been here the past week. They leave Sunday. I haven't been able to get consistent training in but have gotten some work in here and there. I'll get back to a better routine on Monday.

Sunday it’s gonna be a great day! It’s gonna be like going to the carnival LOL
7/13/20 Girth Session:
Over the weekend I wasn't able to get any sessions in besides a few bathroom break sessions. Today I had the opportunity to get a quick girth workout in. Seeing as it had been over 48 hours since I last PEd I took the opportunity to measure EL and MSEG and see where I was at now that I've been on a low volume program for a number of weeks. My BPEL measured standing up with the ruler vertical was 7-1/8" (The same as I measured sitting down for my first quarter official measurement, which means I think I've gained around 1/8". MSEG was surprisingly at 4-3/4".

3 Rounds:
100 JELQ
1 min SSJ

Testicle Massage and Stretch

Notes: had good temporary expansion from this. Judging by today's preworkout measurements It seems like I'm getting slow growth from this current girth routine I'm doing. I'm nearing 5" girth near the glans and am over 5" at the base so closing in on my short term goals.
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7/13/20 Girth Session:
Over the weekend I wasn't able to get any sessions in besides a few bathroom break sessions. Today I had the opportunity to get a quick girth workout in. Seeing as it had been over 48 hours since I last PEd I took the opportunity to measure EL and MSEG and see where I was at now that I've been on a low volume program for a number of weeks. My BPEL measured standing up with the ruler vertical was 7-1/8" (The same as I measured sitting down for my first quarter official measurement, which means I think I've gained around 1/8". MSEG was surprisingly at 4-3/4".

3 Rounds:
100 JELQ
1 min SSJ

Notes: had good temporary expansion from this. Judging by today's preworkout measurements It seems like I'm getting slow growth from this current girth routine I'm doing. I'm nearing 5" girth near the glans and am over 5" at the base so closing in on my short term goals.

congratulations on your growth very proud of you. It seems like this workout is doing the trick so I will continue until you see a plateau. At that point we can get you into something more intense to continue growth
Nice job! Keep going!
I see you are focusing mainly on girth now. Or are you also doing length?
I've been sort of deconditioning the length. I hit a plateau in that regard so right now I'm taking a break from it and doing some girth work. I'll be starting length work back up in a week or 2
7/15/20 Girth Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-SSJ/Size Blasters 10min

-Testicle Massage and Stretch

7/16/20 Morning Girth Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 5min
-SSJ/Size Blaster 20min
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7/17/20 Girth Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-JELQ(100reps) x SSJ(1min)
6 rounds
-Testicle Massage and Stretch

Notes: This was a good routine. I had good EQ and was able to get through the whole thing without any images.
On another note I've been doing more and more lazy ass stretching when I'm driving and/or sitting around at home. I haven't been logging these sets in here but I have been enjoying LAS
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7/17/20 Girth Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-JELQ(100reps) x SSJ(1min)
6 rounds
-Testicle Massage and Stretch

Notes: This was a good routine. I had good EQ and was able to get through the whole thing without any images.
On another note I've been doing more and more oxy ass stretching when I'm driving and/or sitting around at home. I haven't been logging these sets in here but I have been enjoying LAS

Man am I proud of you! Your proof that you do not need filth to remain engaged in your Pe. I love those lazy ass scratches. I used to do these all day every day when I was sitting.
7/18/20 Afternoon Maintenance Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-Newbie Stretch Straight Down 4min
-Erect Stretch/Size Blaster10min

Notes: Earlier today, I was changing to go swimming with the family. My wife saw me naked putting on my swimsuit and commented about how "it seems like it's getting girthier." She said, "is it possible for a penis to gain weight?" ?? She still doesn't know about PE but if things keep trending the way they are I think she's gonna be asking more questions
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There is no better measurement than the amazement when our wives notice the difference
7/18/20 Afternoon Maintenance Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-Newbie Stretch Straight Down 4min
-Erect Stretch/Size Blaster10min

Notes: Earlier today, I was changing to go swimming with the family. My wife saw me naked putting on my swimsuit and commented about how "it seems like it's getting girthier." She said, "is it possible for a penis to gain weight?" ?? She still doesn't know about PE but if things keep trending the way they are I think she's gonna be asking more questions
This is good haha keep it up!
This is good haha keep it up!

to me it was one of the best things I ever heard when it came to PE. The day that my girlfriend notice was the day that I measured for the first time after I started. I was in the game for about six months when this happened. That’s when I made my first measurement I saw that game 2 inches. It was a great day.
7/19/20 Sunday Funday:
Random routine today I did all of this spread throughout the day at random times.
-Bundled Stretch 5min
-SSJ 15min
-Lazy Ass Stretch 2x25min during drives
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch ~3min
-Testicle Massage and Stretch
-SSJ/Size Blaster

7/19/20 Sunday Evening Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-BTC Stretch 15min
-Erect Stretch 15min
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7/20/20 Morning Length Session:
t0: 7-3/4" BPFSL
-Warm Up 10 min
-Bundled Stretch 8min
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 4min
-Total Package Stretch 3min
-Total Package Cranks 1min

-BTC Stretches 8min
-Downward Angles Newbie Stretch 8min
-Straight Out Angles Newbie Stretch 8min
-Upward Angles 8min
t2: 8"
-Erect Stretch 10min
-Wrap Up

Notes: Had morning sex with the wife so couldn't do my planned girth routine. I haven't done a length routine like this in some time. I was a bit disappointed with only +1/4" temp gains for the Flacid length however I did do quite a bit of Flacid stretching last night. I'll try to get more stretching or a girth routine in later today
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7/20/20 Afternoon Length Session:
-Warm Up Shower
-Bundled Stretch
-Testicle Massage and Stretch
-Downward Angle Stretch

Notes: For downward angle stretch I was able to utilize the toilet to get bodyweight and legs into the stretch in my bathroom. It was powerful.

For this session I started measuring my BPFSL differently and it will ultimately prove to be most consistent of the approaches I've tried. I've avoided sticking the ruler directly above the penis when measuring BPFSL in the past because it hurts a lot to jan the ruler into your pubic bone while simultaneously pulling the suspensatiry ligs and skin attached to the pubic bone out.

To mitigate this somewhat I measured from the direct center of the pubic bone but held the ruler vertically(I had done horizontal in the past).It still hurt a little bit but was better and more accurate. My pre workout BPFSL was 7-5/8" and post was 7-7/8". So I lost 1/8" from the mornings measurements but gained in repeatability.
7/20/20 Afternoon Length Session:
-Warm Up Shower
-Bundled Stretch
-Testicle Massage and Stretch
-Downward Angle Stretch

Notes: For downward angle stretch I was able to utilize the toilet to get bodyweight and legs into the stretch in my bathroom. It was powerful.

For this session I started measuring my BPFSL differently and it will ultimately prove to be most consistent of the approaches I've tried. I've avoided sticking the ruler directly above the penis when measuring BPFSL in the past because it hurts a lot to jan the ruler into your pubic bone while simultaneously pulling the suspensatiry ligs and skin attached to the pubic bone out.

To mitigate this somewhat I measured from the direct center of the pubic bone but held the ruler vertically(I had done horizontal in the past).It still hurt a little bit but was better and more accurate. My pre workout BPFSL was 7-5/8" and post was 7-7/8". So I lost 1/8" from the mornings measurements but gained in repeatability.
The way you measure and where you measure from is so important in the beginning and when we track our gains in the future. The way you’re measuring now is the correct way to measure. The ruler goes to the center base of your penis, pressed hard against the pubic bone and measured to be extreme tip of the penis.
When you do erect stretches for 10 minutes, you do it just for 10 minutes randomly, meaning that the duration of sets varies? Or do you do it 10x1 minute sets?
When you do erect stretches for 10 minutes, you do it just for 10 minutes randomly, meaning that the duration of sets varies? Or do you do it 10x1 minute sets?

If you can get in 10 minutes five times a week that will be plenty to cement your growth
I had friends staying over at my place the last 2 days so didn't get much privacy. I did get a couple of workouts in my bed after the wife fell asleep but didn't write them down and don't remember.

7/23/20 Morning Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretches 5min
-Mandingo Stretch 5min
-Downward angle stretches 5 min
-Lazy Ass Stretches 1x20min, 1x15min, 1x10min

Notes: I've been trying to warm up more frequently and I do notice a big difference when I actually take the time to warm up. LAS were done while driving in the car to and from work.
I love the combination of the size blaster and duel compression squeeze! A very fun way to exercise.
7/24/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 6min
-Total Package Stretch and Crank 2min
-Lazy Ass Stretch 1x20min, 1x10min
-Fulcrum Hanging 5lbs 20min

Notes: I did not plan on doing the Lazy ass stretches in the middle of this routine but I got interrupted and had to sneak some LAS while things cleared up. Pre workout BPFSL 7-5/8" Post 7-7/8"

7/24/20 Afternoon Length:
-Warm Up

-Bundled Stretch 5min
-Newbie Manual Stretches 15min
-Hanging 5lbs 10min
-Wrap Up

Notes: I also got a couple 20-25 min sets of LAS in during my commute. Pre BPFSL 7-3/4" Post 7-7/8"
7/26/20 Erect Stretch Session:
-Erect Stretches

notes: weekends are tough with the wife home. I just get in what I can
7/26/20 Erect Stretch Session:
-Erect Stretches

notes: weekends are tough with the wife home. I just get in what I can

Takeoff the weekend and spend it with your wife. You’re not gonna lose anything over a two day break.
7/27/20 Morning Length Session:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-Total Package Stretch 2min
-Total Package Crank 1min
-Fulcrum Hanging 5lbs 20min
-Wrap Up

Notes: Pre BPFSL was 7-5/8" Post BPFSL was just under 8".

7/27/20 Afternoon Work:
-Lazy Ass Stretches
90minutes total throughout the day
-100 JELQ x 1min SSJ/Dual Compression Squeee 6 rounds
-Cockring 20min
7/28/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft grip expressive stretch 5min
-Total Package Stretch 2min
-Total Package Crank 1min
-Hanging 5lbs 20min straight down
-Fulcrum Hanging 5lb 20min
-Bundled Hanging 5lbs 20min
-Wrap Up

Notes: had to do this one in my bedroom and it was cold. Post BPFSL 8". Gonna try to get a heating pad today
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7/28/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft grip expressive stretch 5min
-Total Package Stretch 2min
-Total Package Crank 1min
-Hanging 5lbs 20min straight down
-Fulcrum Hanging 5lb 20min
-Bundled Hanging 5lbs 20min
-Wrap Up

Notes: had to do this one in my bedroom and it was cold. Post BPFSL 8". Gonna try to get a heating pad today

The heating pad is one of my favorite go to’s in PE. I use it before I stretch to get that stretchy state and after to heal.
7/30/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up
with new heat pad
-Bundled Stretch 5min
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 5min
-Fulcrum Hanging 5lbs 20min
-Fulcrum Hanging 8lbs 20min
-Wrap Up

Notes: I wanted to do 3 or 4 sets but didn't have time when the kids woke up early. First session with the heating pad. I used it through both hanging sets fully wrapped around the penis. Pre-BPFSL 7-5/8" Post BPFSL 8". This is the biggest temp gains I've had in a while, probably because of the heating pad. I wrapped up after and measured the length the wrap is holding me at and I've broke the 7" mark in the wrapped up state(haven't measured this in a long time). I'm excited to keep going with this heating pad. I can already tell it's gonna make a big difference.
7/30/20 Afternoon Length/Erect Session:
-Lazy Ass Stretch
30min on drive home from work
-Warm Up 10min
-Hanging Straight Down 10lbs 20min
-Erect Stretches 5min
-SSJ/Size Blaster/Dual Comp Squeeze 10min

Notes: Had temporary gains to 8-1/4" BPFSL. Heating pad seems to be working.
7/31/20 Morning Length Session:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretch 10min
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 10min
-Mandingo Stretch 8min
-Fulcrum Hang 10lbs 15min w/heat
-Lazy Ass Stretch 30min
-Wrap Up

7/31/20 Afternoon Session:

-Warm Up 5min
-Lazy Ass Stretch 30min
-Fulcrum Hang 10lbs 20min
-Erect Stretch 5min
-100 JELQ x 1min SSJ 6 rounds
-Cockring 30min

Notes: I'm starting to really like how things are shaping up. Last night my wife and I were fooling around and she took my pants off and when my dick flopped out it looked humongous. It was so big I was anxious she was going to ask about it. She didn't but we had a memorable night.

The heating pad is worth it's weight in gold. Game changer for me. I keep it beside my bed(I use it for my back pains as well) and use it morning and night and sometimes I sneak in there during the day.
I've been out of town the past 9 days. Relaxing and having fun with my family. I did some stretches and SSJs and stuff while I was gone. I didn't have a daily specific routine but got some stuff in almost every day.

7/10/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundlrd Stretch 5min
-Expressive Low Shaft Stretch 8min
-Seated Hanging 8lbs Straight Down 20min
-Fulcrum Hang 8lbs 20min
-Hydrocortisone Cream
-Wrap Up
2 hours
8/10/20 Afternoon Routine:
-Warm up
-Bundled stretch 5min
-Total Package stretch and crank 5min
-Mandingo stretch 5min
-Sock Stretch 5min

-Erect Stretch 10min
-JELQ 100 reps x1min SSJ 3rounds
-Warm Down

Notes: Pre BPFSL 7-3/4" Post 8"
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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