Growth Mindset

I was not feeling motivated to PE today but I ended up getting a lot of work done.

Bundled stretch 5 min
BTC 3x45s
Downward angles 3x45s
Wrapped and healed all morning

Notes: experimented with latex gloves for stretching grips today and they were really nice. Definitely worth trying. I'm getting a lot of stretch marks from all this work and I'm looking for ways to mitigate this. I've been using hydrocortisone after every training session and today started using vitamin E oil. Hopefully these will help limit the damage. I think I'm gonna avoid the bundled double tunica stretches for a while. I was analyzing why I was getting so much loose skin/stretch marks and realized that this stretch (which Is definitely highly profitable for tunica stretching) was giving me most of my skin stretching.

Bundled stretch 5 min
Edging/Light JELQ for 15 min
Clamp 5 min
SSJ 5 min
Clamp 5 min
SSJ 5 min
Edging/JELQ 5 min

I had good expansion from the girth work and healed up with a shoelace for 90 minutes.

For not wanting to get work done today you got a lot of work done today LOL I love to see my brothers push through discouragement or lazy attitudes!

I got in 3 15-20 minute short girth sessions. Just mixed things up and did a bunch of dry JELQ, SSJ, horse squeezes and clamp sets.
PEnis is finally conditioned to handle girth sessions more frequently. This bodes well for the future.
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I got in 3 15-20 minute short girth sessions. Just mixed things up and did a bunch of dry JELQ, SSJ, horse squeezes and clamp sets.
PEnis is finally conditioned to handle girth sessions more frequently. This bodes well for the future.

I’m so happy you were able to train. Take it slow and steady as you progress to be extra safe. Mixing up those exercises when doing girth work makes things a lot more fun when you do get better expansion.
4/8 and 4/9:
Rest days. I was feeling really fatigued and knew I needed a good rest period. Just did a few sets of bundled stretches and some erect stretching both days.

I read through the 5 phase system on the MOS site you posted in my thread @DLD. I was intrigued by it because it's mainly a manual routine with no equipment needed until deep into the phases. I had been thinking for a few weeks about where I should go after I max out on the newbie routine but I think this gave me a good plan.

@DLD do you still advocate the 5 phase system? Seems like a good program for manual only PEers; especially if you incorporate the healing principles of SRT. I have been PEing for 2 months now and my plan so far is to start merging the newbie routine into phase 2 of the system. I added in some DLD A-Stretch Blasters into my routine today after reading about them in Phase 2.

Morning Stretch Routine:
Warm up 5 min
Bundled stretch 5 min
BTC all angles 3x30s
Downward stretch all angles 3x30s
Rotary Cranks down 3x25
Straight out to the Left and Right (no stretches straight out)3x30s
Rotary cranks straight out 3x25
Stretch Up/Left and Up/Right 3x30s
Rotary cranks up 3x25

DLD A-Stretch Blasters 25 reps

My pre routine BPFSL was 18.9cm after the newbie stretches my BPFSL was 19.5cm. After doing the set of 25 blasters i was shocked to see my BPFSL easily past 20cm (first time I've seen that number)

The blasters are a powerful stretch and good PC muscle strength routine. I think I might have had a ligament "pop" during the blasters. It didn't hurt and my penis felt more free after. Today was a good session. I think the smart rest break I took set me up for success today.
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The five phase system has really been replaced by two routines that encompass everything the five phases encompassed plus so much more. Men usually start with the newbie routine and from there they go into the SRT routine. Between these two routines you’re getting much more than you would ever get out of the five phases.
I injured myself during my girth routine last Friday. I woke up the next morning and had a very obvious thrombosis situation going on. I read up on the thrombosis healing thread and took the ibuprofen, cycled heat and cold, and used some vitamin E oil. One thing I did that really helped the healing process and I didn't see in the thread was that I wrapped up with an ace bandage to give a slight compression. This really helped take the swelling down.

I took the last week off for the most part. Just doing small workouts to see how the healing process was going. One week later and I'm back to 100%. Thrombosis wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it was.

4/17/20 Stretch
Warm up 5 min
Bundled stretch 5 min
Beginner stretch 3x30s in all directions
3x25 rotary cranks down, out, and up
100 DLD quick blasters to warm up for blasters
50 DLD blasters

Before stretch BPFSL 18.6cm
After BPFSL 19.5
Damn which part of the routine you think caused injury?
Clamping for 5 minutes followed immediately by SSJs and other high intensity girth stuff(2 sets of this). I just did too much too soon. I won't be making that mistake again. It was a good learning experience. I will ease back into girth and probably eliminate clamping altogether or do only 1 or 2 minute sets.
I injured myself during my girth routine last Friday. I woke up the next morning and had a very obvious thrombosis situation going on. I read up on the thrombosis healing thread and took the ibuprofen, cycled heat and cold, and used some vitamin E oil. One thing I did that really helped the healing process and I didn't see in the thread was that I wrapped up with an ace bandage to give a slight compression. This really helped take the swelling down.

I took the last week off for the most part. Just doing small workouts to see how the healing process was going. One week later and I'm back to 100%. Thrombosis wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it was.

4/17/20 Stretch
Warm up 5 min
Bundled stretch 5 min
Beginner stretch 3x30s in all directions
3x25 rotary cranks down, out, and up
100 DLD quick blasters to warm up for blasters
50 DLD blasters

Before stretch BPFSL 18.6cm
After BPFSL 19.5

I’m so glad you were healed and I’m very pleased that you found the therapy for this. Are usually have to tell people where to find it. I’m very happy that you’re back to work, this time don’t over train and pay very close attention to what’s going on.
Yea sounds intense, not ventured into clamping as everyone says stay away, just keep safe bro

stay away from it unless you want to be out of PE for a while from an injury. The discoloration that you get when you clamp it’s very dark and very difficult to get rid of. And some men who have been clamping for years have a penis that’s much darker than the rest of their body. The other issue I have with it is thrombosis which is very easy to happen when clamping.
[QUOTE = "Level_Up, publicación: 1876710, miembro: 211154"]
Hola a todos,

He estado al acecho en este sitio durante poco más de un mes y estoy haciendo una versión modificada de la rutina de principiante de DLD durante 1 mes y 1 día.

Comencé el 12 de febrero y las medidas iniciales fueron:

BPEL - 15.9cm
BPFSL - 16.3cm
MSEG - 10.9cm

Mi rutina ha sido:

- Calentar
- Estiramientos incluidos
- rutina de estiramiento para principiantes 3x30s en todas las direcciones
- Jelq 200-600 repeticiones y experimentar con otros ejercicios (apretón de caballos, SSJ)
-Estiramiento erecto

Estoy casado y tengo un par de hijos, así que he sido clandestino sobre mi educación física. He estado entrenando longitud 4-5x por semana, circunferencia 3-4x, y estiramiento erecto 2-3x.

Las últimas 2 semanas estuve terminando con un As Vendaje inmediatamente después de mi largo trabajo para promover la curación en un estado alargado. Y usando un cordón de zapato para sujetar durante 5-10 minutos después de las sesiones de circunferencia.

Mis medidas ayer en la marca de un mes fueron las siguientes:

BPEL - 16.5cm
BPFSL - 18.2cm
MSEG - 11.3cm

Entonces, he ganado algunos y creo en estos métodos. Aprecio esta comunidad y todos los consejos que la hermandad ha dado a todos los acechadores como yo.

Supongo que mis objetivos serían llegar a 19-20cm BPEL y 14cm EG.
¿Ustedes piensan que este protocolo actual aplicado consistentemente me llevará allí? ¿Algo que deba agregar? No estoy buscando agregar ningún equipo en este momento.

Gracias de nuevo. Esta hermandad es bastante asombrosa.
Holbueno tu Rutina es genial es la adecuada para empezar encuanto s lo atas un cordon bueno se llama clamp sudaca es muy bueno y nada peligroso yo he colocado lo que se puede hacer deacuerdo sl tiempo que se lleve entrenando el clamp sudaca es lo mas parecido a un anillo de silicona cosa que me agradan muchisimo encuanto a que no quieres agregar herramientas es muy inteligente de tu parte ya que primero debemos adaptar al pene antes de utilizarlas
mucho gusto soy de colombia
Weekends are tough so I just get in what I can.
Warm up 5 min
Bundled stretch 5 min
100 DLD quick blasters
50 DLD Blasters

3x100 JELQ followed by 30s SSJ
Healed with shoelace cockring

Weekdays are more conducive to PE so today I got quite a bit done already. I'm trying to follow more closely with the SRT program rep scheme. I think what I did is pretty close to DLDs rep scheme for weeks 2-4 of SRT

20 min erect stretching
5 min bundles
10 min low shaft manual expressive stretching(first time doing these and I could feel their benefit)
100 DLD quick blasters
100 DLD blasters
Newbie stretch in all directions except straight out 3x30s
3x30 rotary cranks in all 3 planes

Preworkout BPFSL 18.4cm
Post workout BPFSL 19.5cm

I will heal for about 4 hours in the wrap and do a set of cranks and BTC stretches every hour. I hope to get a girth routine in later
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Weekends are tough so I just get in what I can.
Warm up 5 min
Bundled stretch 5 min
100 DLD quick blasters
50 DLD Blasters

3x100 JELQ followed by 30s SSJ
Healed with shoelace cockring

Weekdays are more conducive to PE so today I got quite a bit done already. I'm trying to follow more closely with the SRT program rep scheme. I think what I did is pretty close to DLDs rep scheme for weeks 2-4 of SRT

20 min erect stretching
5 min bundles
10 min low shaft manual expressive stretching(first time doing these and I could feel their benefit)
100 DLD quick blasters
100 DLD blasters
Newbie stretch in all directions except straight out 3x30s
3x30 rotary cranks in all 3 planes

Preworkout BPFSL 18.4cm
Post workout BPFSL 19.5cm

I’m so happy with your training! You are seriously kicking butt! Keep up the good work and keep on kicking ass!
I will heal for about 4 hours in the wrap and do a set of cranks and BTC stretches every hour. I hope to get a girth routine in later

Got in a short girth routine in the afternoon
3x 100 JELQ and 1min SSJ

I read through @filmfreak progress thread yesterday and it inspired my routine today. I did a lot of erect stretching today to try and bring my EL closer to my FSL.

10x1min erect stretches (Hitting a bunch of angles)
10x1min erect stretches the last 30 seconds I hand clamped the base and did a size blaster.

I had good temporary gains from this workout so I think I'm going to be doing more like this until my EL catches up to Flacid.
Got in a short girth routine in the afternoon
3x 100 JELQ and 1min SSJ

I read through @filmfreak progress thread yesterday and it inspired my routine today. I did a lot of erect stretching today to try and bring my EL closer to my FSL.

10x1min erect stretches (Hitting a bunch of angles)
10x1min erect stretches the last 30 seconds I hand clamped the base and did a size blaster.

I had good temporary gains from this workout so I think I'm going to be doing more like this until my EL catches up to Flacid.

Erect stretches are the best way to close that gap so you’re right on point.
Afternoon Girth 300 JELQ.

I'm still focusing on converting Flacid gains to erect gains so did a lot of erect work today.

Morning Stretch:
-5 min warm up
-5 minute bundled stretch
-15x1min erect stretches(5straight out, 5 down, 2 BTC and 3 up)
-10x1 min alternating A and Y fulcrum stretches with rolling muscle massage fitness tool (these were powerful)
-5x1 minute erect stretches (2 straight out, 2 down, 1 up)
Applied hydrocortisone cream and Healed for a few hours in a bandage, stretching every hour 1 set each of A and Y fulcrum stretch.

-5 min bundled
-6x1 alternating A and Y fulcrum stretches
-5x1 minute erect stretches (2 out, 2 down, 1 up)
-700 JELQ/edging session

The workout today was inspired by FilmFreaks thread. I'm definitely noticing gains in EL. It will be cool to see where I'm at when I measure in the middle of May(that will be 3 months since I first started).
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Afternoon Girth 300 JELQ.

I'm still focusing on converting Flacid gains to erect gains so did a lot of erect work today.

Morning Stretch:
-5 min warm up
-5 minute bundled stretch
-15x1min erect stretches(5straight out, 5 down, 2 BTC and 3 up)
-10x1 min alternating A and Y fulcrum stretches with rolling muscle massage fitness tool (these were powerful)
-5x1 minute erect stretches (2 straight out, 2 down, 1 up)
Applied hydrocortisone cream and Healed for a few hours in a bandage, stretching every hour 1 set each of A and Y fulcrum stretch.

-5 min bundled
-5x1 minute erect stretches (2 out, 2 down, 1 up)
-6x1 alternating A and Y fulcrum stretches
-700 JELQ/edging session

The workout today was completely inspired by FilmFreaks thread. I'm definitely noticing gains in EL. It will be cool to see where I'm at when I measure in the middle of May(that will be 3 months since I first started).

I love the routine and you’re going off of the filmfreak who is a superstar here in the brotherhood. Any advice from him take it, he is 100% correct. Gaining his attitude is what’s most important, being inspired and motivated every day to make this work.

I'm continuing with focus on converting Flacid gains to erect gains. I'm really excited to see where a couple weeks of this routine takes me.

-Warm up 5 min
-Bundled stretch 5 min
-10x 1 min erect stretches(2 BTC, 4 down, 4 out, 2 up)
-10x1min alternating fulcrum A and Y stretches(mixed in blaster style kegeling and rev kegel pulses and 5s holds during the stretches)
-5x1 min erect stretches(2 down, 2 out, 1 up)

Using my phone size as a reference I got good temp EL gains from this routine.

-Bundled stretch 5 min
-12x30s low grip expressive stretches
-5x1min erect stretches (2down, 2 out, 1 up)
-6x1min alternating fulcrum A and Y stretches with fitness tool
-5x1min erect stretches(1 up, 2down, 2out)
-JELQ 200 reps
-testicle massage and stretch

Had good temporary expansion after this as well and enjoyed the testicle routine. I'm hoping to get cuddly with the wife tonight and put all of this work to good use.
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I'm continuing with focus on converting Flacid gains to erect gains. I'm really excited to see where a couple weeks of this routine takes me.

-Warm up 5 min
-Bundled stretch 5 min
-10x 1 min erect stretches(2 BTC, 4 down, 4 out, 2 up)
-10x1min alternating fulcrum A and Y stretches(mixed in blaster style kegeling and rev kegel pulses and 5s holds during the stretches)
-5x1 min erect stretches(2 down, 2 out, 1 up)

Using my phone size as a reference I got good temp EL gains from this routine.

-Bundled stretch 5 min
-12x30s low grip expressive stretches
-5x1min erect stretches (2down, 2 out, 1 up)
-6x1min alternating fulcrum A and Y stretches with fitness tool
-5x1min erect stretches(1 up, 2down, 2out)
-JELQ 200 reps
-testicle massage and stretch

Had good temporary expansion after this as well and enjoyed the testicle routine. I'm hoping to get cuddly with the wife tonight and put all of this work to good use.

i’m pleased to hear about your expansion, excellent work. I’m overjoyed that you’re using the Testicle Health massage and stretch as this is going to be such a big part of you gaining heavy, long and formative flaccid Penis.

Family day today. Only thing I could squeeze in was 10x1 min erect stretching.

I had sex with the wife last night. While we were having fun she said, "your dick looks enormous today." I made some deflective comment and complemented her and she said "it looks longer and more girthy."It probably sounds like I'm making it up but those are her exact words. She doesn't know anything about my PEing but I've been waiting this whole time for her to notice on her own. I wonder what she will be saying in another 3 months
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Family day today. Only thing I could squeeze in was 10x1 min erect stretching.

I had sex with the wife last night. While we were having fun she said, "your dick looks enormous today." I made some deflective comment and complemented her and she said "it looks longer and more girthy."It probably sounds like I'm making it up but those are her exact words. She doesn't know anything about my PEing but I've been waiting this whole time for her to notice on her own. I wonder what she will be saying in another 3 months

Best feedback a man could have, well done
God bless you and your family! Have fun and relax because this weeks almost upon us.
I took Sunday and Monday off. I was fatigued and needed the break. Got back in the saddle today though; I continued my efforts at converting FSL gains to EL gains. Everything always feels more stretchy and ready for growth after a couple days off.

Morning Stretch
-Bundled stretch 5 min
-10x1 minute erect stretches (5 straight out, 5 down)
-16x1 minute alternating fulcrum stretches
-10x1 minute erect stretches (4 down, 4 out, 2 BTC)
-1 set of 30 second BTC newbie stretches
-Healing wrapped up

Pre workout BPFSL: 7.5"
Post workout BPFSL: 7.9"

After my morning session I was reading in @A-Spot Spammer thread and I learned about DLD sock stretches. I had some extra time in the afternoon so I got a shorter routine in utilizing sock stretches.

Afternoon Stretch:
-3x1min erect stretches(out up and down)
-4x1min alternating A and Y sock stretches
-5x1min expressive sock stretches in A and Y configuration
-5x1 min erect stretches(out, down, up, 2x BTC)

Sock stretches are great. I'm glad DLD invented them and I discovered them.
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I took Sunday and Monday off. I was fatigued and needed the break. Got back in the saddle today though; I continued my efforts at converting FSL gains to EL gains. Everything always feels more stretchy and ready for growth after a couple days off.

Morning Stretch
-Bundled stretch 5 min
-10x1 minute erect stretches (5 straight out, 5 down)
-16x1 minute alternating fulcrum stretches
-10x1 minute erect stretches (4 down, 4 out, 2 BTC)
-1 set of 30 second BTC newbie stretches
-Healing wrapped up

Pre workout BPFSL: 7.5"
Post workout BPFSL: 7.9"

After my morning session I was reading in @A-Spot Spammer thread and I learned about DLD sock stretches. I had some extra time in the afternoon so I got a shorter routine in utilizing sock stretches.

Afternoon Stretch:
-3x1min erect stretches(out up and down)
-4x1min alternating A and Y sock stretches
-5x1min expressive sock stretches in A and Y configuration
-5x1 min erect stretches(out, down, up, 2x BTC)

Sock stretches are great. I'm glad DLD invented them and I discovered them.

Thank you so much for using the socks stretches, it’s a very under-used but very powerful exercise. It’s so simple and effective and I hope that you have great luck with this and bring other men into the fold.
I took yesterday off. I was really sore from my first go with the sock stretches And needed the day off

4/30/20 morning routine:
-5x1min bundled stretches
-5x1 min Mandingo stretches
-5x1min erect stretches straight out
-10x1min sock stretches in (4 straight out, 3 down, 3 up)
-10x1min erect stretches(3 straight, 3 down, 4 BTC)

In trying to keep with SRT style training I did the Mandingo stretches for the expressive stretching portion of the length routine. Are Mandingo stretches good expressive stretches? The sock stretches are killer, easy to set up stretches.

Pre-BPFSL 7-5/8"
Post-BPFSL 7-7/8"

-5x1min bundles stretches
-5x1min Mandingo stretches
-5x1min bundles stretches BTC(1left, 1right, 3 middle).

Post-BPFSL 7-7/8"

Im noticing a little bit of fluid build up on the right side of my shaft. I'm nervous that the thrombosis might be rearing it's head again. I will be monitoring this. I did a few rounds of ice and heat to reduce the swelling
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The fluid retention in my last post turned into an inflamed thrombosis last Thursday. I took Friday-Sunday off and applied the same healing protocol as last time. Compression, ice, heat and ibuprofen. Things are back to normal today so I had a productive day. Due to these recurring thrombosis issues I'm having I'm going to forgo training girth for a while and focus on length. Girth workouts aggravate the problem while length workouts seem to bring healing.

I plan on measuring on May 12th so I'm still working on converting Flacid gains to Erect.

Morning Routine(inspired by @filmfreak):
-5x1 minute bundles stretches in downward angles.
-5x1 minute erect bundles (straight out and straight to the side angles)
-5x1min Mandingo stretches
-5x1min erect stretches (2 down/right, 2 down/left, 1 straight down)
-10x1 minute sock stretches
-10x1min erect stretches(2 straight, 4 down, 4btc)
-hydrocortisone and healed 2 hours in wrap doing a set of BTC stretches every hour

Notes: the amount of tension you can generate when you incorporate your legs into the sock stretches is insane.

Pre BPFSL: 7 5/8"
Post BPFSL: 7 7/8"

Noon workout(filmfreak 3x5 quick hitter)
-bundled stretch 5 min
-5x1min Mandingo stretch
-5x1min sock stretch
-10x1min erect stretches
-healed 2 hours in a wrap and did a set of BTC stretches every hour

Afternoon workout(quick beginner stretch routine and testicle health massage and stretch):
-5x1min bundles stretch(all upward angles)
-2x1min BTC stretches in each angle
-2x1min Downward stretches all 3 angles
-2x25 rotary cranks downward
-1x1min straight out to left and straight out to right
-25 rotary cranks straight out
-1x1min in all upward angles.
-1x25 rotary cranks up
-testicle health massage and stretch
-vitamin E oil and wrap up for 2 hours stretching on the hour

Pre-BPFSL 7 3/4"
Post-BPFSL 8"

Notes: I had been neglecting all the newbie angles for a couple weeks and hitting them today seemed to grab some new temp gains, getting my BPFSL to 8" for the first time.

This thrombosis issue has taught me some things and caused me to see the PE endeavor in a more long term way. It's been good for my mindset having to go through that setback. It has also showed me that rest breaks are often really profitable. Every time I've come back from a 3+day break due to this thrombosis I've been able to reach a new best for BPFSL. Things are just stretchier after a little break.
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Morning routine:
- Erect bundled stretch 4x1min (1 ea of straight/right, straight/left, up/right, up/left)
-Bundled stretch 4x1min(1ea of down/left, down/right, up/left, up/right)
-Low Grip manual expressive stretch 3x1min
-Total Package expressive stretch 3x1min
-Mandingo Stretch 10x1min
-Erect Stretch 10x1min (1ea in all beginner stretch directions besides BTC)
-Sock Stretches Dual Fulcrums 10x1min
-Erect Stretch 10x1min (2xBTC/Left, 2xBTC/Right, 2xBTC, 2xDown/Right, 2xDown/Left)

Pre-BPFSL: 7 3/4"
Post-BPFSL: almost to 8 1/8"

Notes: Pretty similar routine to yesterday's morning session but I added in the expressive stretches. I had never tried the total package stretch before today and it was a great stretch felt all through the perineum. I'm going to keep going with this routine for a while, taking the appropriate rest days here and there. Its been very successful so far. I got the structure from FilmFreak's progress thread and I was intrigued by the logic of it. Check his thread out he's a very thoughtful programmer.

Healing up with hydrocortisone and a wrap and will stretch every hour and rewrap. I will try to get another session in later today.
5/5/20 Noon routine(4x5 quick blaster):
-Bundled Stretch Upward directions 5x1min(2x1left and right, 1 straight up)
-Twisted Mandingo Stretch 5x1min
-Sock Dual Fulcrums 2x2min
-Erect Stretch Down Directions 5x1min(2x1 left and right, 1straight down

Note: Twisted Mandingo stretch was pretty powerful. Applied vitamin E oil and I'll heal wrapped up for a couple hours. I'll do a modified newbie stretch routine in a few hours.
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I was going to do another lengthier routine but upon starting I could tell I would definitely venture into overtraining if I went through with my plans. Penis was feeling tight and ropey, not ready for an intense session. So I masturbated (no adult entertainment) and did 3 sets of BTC stretches for 2 minutes in each spot. It was a good decision. The stretches felt really good after ejac. It Feels like it started healing of the penis or something. Followed it up with Testicle Massage and Stretch in the shower. Every time I do that routine I'm glad I did it. Feels really good and relaxes everything after a good days PE

Mondays and Tuesdays are my heavy PE days and I'm happy with the work I got done. Tomorrow will be low key. The wife has the day off from work.
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What an incredible string of days! This is such a good progress log and I truly pray that you make incredible gains.
5/6/20: Aside from a few bathroom break stretches here and there it was a rest day. The wife was home from work and we both slept in; when we woke up we had sex and in the moment I figured out a new position (for us). She absolutely loved it. Her face flushed and she had a deep convulsing orgasm. It was great.

A large part of this whole PE journey for me is to become better at sex. My wife and i have been married for 12 years and have always enjoyed a very good sex life. My wife has always orgasmed easily and often but not every time and that has always bugged me.

I've been reading around in some of the outside PE threads on here and learning some things about angles(aiming for posterior fornix) and stamina. There is a lot of good info on this site.
5/7/20: Sex Update
Well apparently the wife REALLY liked that position from yesterday. The dog woke us both up at 6am and she quickly scooted over to me and started fondling my Johnson. We went back to that position and after warming up for a bit I started pumping a little harder, after a few pumps she was already close to finished and she started actively pulling me into her and wouldn't let me pump at all so I just grinded around to get good clit pressure and then she had another deep, spasming orgasm.

So the wife is definitely reaping the fruits of my PE endeavor even if my unit hasn't grown a millimeter. But it has grown and I think that's part of why she was pulling me into her this morning. I'm going to do an official measure date next Monday so we will see where we are at.

I don't have any friends IRL that I really talk about my sex life with; everyone in my world is pretty conservative about talking about that stuff. It's good to share it.

5/7/20: Length Session
I normally would do a lot of erect work in the morning today but due to the unforeseen romp with the wife I changed my plans because I knew it would be laborious getting erect that many times. So I doubled up on my sock stretches today in lieu of 10 minutes erect stretching.

Warm Up 5min
-Bundled Stretch 5x1min (Upward Angles)
-BTC Stretches 5x2min (1 left, 1 right, 3 middle)
Total Package Stretch 1x3min expressive stretch
Low Shaft Grip Stretch 3x1min expressive stretch
-Mandingo Stretch 5x2min (3 regular, 2 bundled)
-Sock Fulcrums 10x2min(Last 2 sets BTC)
-Erect Stretch 5x1min(out, down/right, down/left, 2xBTC)
-hydrocortisone and wrapped up will do stretch set every hour

Notes: the sock stretches are very powerful. I measured BPFSL before and after them and I went from 7 7/8" to almost 8 1/8". The BTC was an experiment and they were powerful. The sock stretches have lots of configurations to figure out. Base girth is looking larger from all this stretching.
Great news and feeling, whts the position?

I saw it called "man on top leg glider." Similar to this picture but I took a different grip with the right arm and went elbow to her knee from the outside to the inside of her leg(this is called a scoop grip in Brazilian jiu jitsu and it's very powerful ?) this connects you better to her and allows you to lift her hips easily and make her feel small and powerless. Other hand can reach down and feel her ass or pick her hips up even more. I could go in all the way to the hilt with this position and she loved it.
I love it when a plan works out perfectly! You’re progressing and addressing all of the wonderful parts of PE. Thanks for your inspirational posts I hope it gives motivation to all those who lack inspiration
5/7/20: Afternoon session.
-testicle massage and stretch. Felt great.

5/8/20: Morning session
-Bundled stretch 4x1min (3x BTC, 1x straight up)
-Total package stretch 1x3min expressive stretch
-Low Shaft Grip Stretch 3x1min expressive stretch
-Mandingo Stretch 5x2min (2x regular, 2x one bundle twist, 1x extreme bundling)
- Sock Fulcrum Stretch 5x2min (3 V, 2 A)
-Erect Stretch 10x1min (2x straight, 2x down/left, 2x down/right, 2x straight down, 2x BTC)
-Hydrocortisone and healed wrapped up 2 hours stretching a set of BTC on the hour.

Notes: I've been really feeling an amazing tunica stretch in the down/left and down/right erect stretching position. One of my favorites of all the erect stretches.

I plan to measure on Monday which will be the 3 month mark of my PE journey. Gonna just do my usual maintenance routine this weekend and I'll measure on Monday.
I love it when a plan works out perfectly! You’re progressing and addressing all of the wonderful parts of PE. Thanks for your inspirational posts I hope it gives motivation to all those who lack inspiration

Thanks DLD. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying being a part of this brotherhood. I've never been good at journaling but I'm loving cataloging my day to day on here.
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5/8/20: Late Night Lazy Session:
I was up later than the fam and watched a couple of episodes of Ozark while I did a modified lazy ass stretch on the bed. Same concept as lazy ass but I had to grip with my hand a little because the soft mattress wouldn't hold it while I was laying down.

-Lazy Ass Stretch ~90min switched L and R whenever hands got tired

Notes: everything felt really relaxed and stretchy after this session of long holds
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Relaxed and stretchy is where you want to be. Excellent three days worth of work my brother I am so looking forward to seeing the accolades of all of your efforts
5/8/20: Penis dream
I had a bizarre dream last night about my penis. I don't remember what exactly was going on but it I was doing PE or something and had decided to cut the penis open, my penis was dissected open in layers with no blood, skin, tunica and CCs all flayed open and I could see each one distinctly. I remember thinking "oh my god how am I going to put it back together." It was a weird dream and I remember waking from it kind of freaked out. Any dream interpreters out there know what to make of it?
5/8/20: Penis dream
I had a bizarre dream last night about my penis. I don't remember what exactly was going on but it I was doing PE or something and had decided to cut the penis open, my penis was dissected open in layers with no blood, skin, tunica and CCs all flayed open and I could see each one distinctly. I remember thinking "oh my god how am I going to put it back together." It was a weird dream and I remember waking from it kind of freaked out. Any dream interpreters out there know what to make of it?

Not sure what to make of it but thats some weird dream lol
When you start having penis dreams you know that you are dedicated to this big time!

5/8/20: Late Night Lazy Session:
I was up later than the fam and watched a couple of episodes of Ozark while I did a modified lazy ass stretch on the bed. Same concept as lazy ass but I had to grip with my hand a little because the soft mattress wouldn't hold it while I was laying down.

-Lazy Ass Stretch ~90min switched L and R whenever hands got tired

Notes: everything felt really relaxed and stretchy after this session of long holds

Me, wondering what went wrong with Ozark...

...Seriously though, season one was brilliant, I really looked forward to season two but was majorly was just a little silly, far fetched and under developed. The third season was a little better than the second but just no where near as good as the first...

...lazy ass stretches are great btw...! Even if it turns out to be a placebo (which I don’t think it is) they keep your head in the game! I’m not sure how much actual stretch they provide (although I try to wriggle so as to pull away from my penis as much as possible) but they seem to be a great alternative to an ADS.
5/8/20: Penis dream
I had a bizarre dream last night about my penis. I don't remember what exactly was going on but it I was doing PE or something and had decided to cut the penis open, my penis was dissected open in layers with no blood, skin, tunica and CCs all flayed open and I could see each one distinctly. I remember thinking "oh my god how am I going to put it back together." It was a weird dream and I remember waking from it kind of freaked out. Any dream interpreters out there know what to make of it?

All that comes to mind is the saying, "You've got to crack some eggs to make an omlette".
5/12/20 Measurement Day:
I started PE 3 months ago on February 12th. I planned an official measure day on the 3 month mark and here we are. To prepare for the measurement day I did no PE whatsoever yesterday and almost nothing the day before (besides have sex with the wife a couple times). I didn't want to have any temp gains (or as little as possible) so I took a couple days off beforehand. My first measurements 3 months ago were:

BPEL: 6 1/8"
EG(at thickest spot): 4 1/8" i was using ribbon so wasn't the best measurement
BPFSL: 6 1/4"

Todays Measurements
BPEL: 7 1/8"
BPFSL: 7 3/4"
MSEG: 4 5/8"
Girth Under glans: 4 3/4"
Base girth: 5"

So I've gained an inch in erect length. Half of an inch in girth. I'm very excited to see these numbers. It definitely makes all of that work over those 3 months worth it. I will maybe try and post later with more reflections. For now I'm going to start training for 8"
5/12/20 Measurement Day:
I started PE 3 months ago on February 12th. I planned an official measure day on the 3 month mark and here we are. To prepare for the measurement day I did no PE whatsoever yesterday and almost nothing the day before (besides have sex with the wife a couple times). I didn't want to have any temp gains (or as little as possible) so I took a couple days off beforehand. My first measurements 3 months ago were:

BPEL: 6 1/8"
EG(at thickest spot): 4 1/8" i was using ribbon so wasn't the best measurement
BPFSL: 6 1/4"

Todays Measurements
BPEL: 7 1/8"
BPFSL: 7 3/4"
MSEG: 4 5/8"
Girth Under glans: 4 3/4"
Base girth: 5"

So I've gained an inch in erect length. Half of an inch in girth. I'm very excited to see these numbers. It definitely makes all of that work over those 3 months worth it. I will maybe try and post later with more reflections. For now I'm going to start training for 8"

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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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