@Level_Up Do you do any kind of ADS?
I like Ozark. I'm only a couple episodes into season 3 but I've enjoyed the show so far. I agree with you that season 1 is by far the best of what I've seen.Me, wondering what went wrong with Ozark...
...Seriously though, season one was brilliant, I really looked forward to season two but was majorly disappointed...it was just a little sili, far fetched and under developed. The third season was a little better than the second but just no where near as good as the first...
...lazy ass stretches are great btw...! Even if it turns out to be a placebo (which I don’t think it is) they keep your head in the game! I’m not sure how much actual stretch they provide (although I try to wriggle so as to pull away from my penis as much as possible) but they seem to be a great alternative to an ADS.
I do the lowest level of ADS there is; I Wrap up with medical tender wrap stuff after every length session and will wear it for one hour blocks. On the hour I take it off and do a set of rotary cranks and BTC stretches and then reapply it. I shoot for 6 hours wrapped on days I'm training. But sometimes all I get is 2 hours but this is better than nothing. Also, I try to get little mini workouts in after 3 hours wrapped or so to try to regain the temporary growth I got from morning routine.
I don't have any official PE equipment(too many people around for me to use equipment). When I started wrapping the longest Flacid wrap I could achieve was 5" 3 months later it's well over 6" wrapped up. I think wrapping up definitely helps with growth and also trains your Flacid penis to hang longer which is important to me
Nice, particularly the progress with the flaccid wrap. That's a big motivator for me; training to have a long flaccid hang.
I like Ozark. I'm only a couple episodes into season 3 but I've enjoyed the show so far. I agree with you that season 1 is by far the best of what I've seen.
These weren't true lazy ass stretches and were very intense. I suppose they are a combo of lazy ass stretches and newbie routine stretches. I was laying flat on my back in bed. I would raise a leg and pull dick to a BTC position and then roll over so my hand/grip was kind of pinned by my body weight(this allows you to relax your grip and go for long sets without grip fatiguing out)..Then you can scoot your hips further and further away as time goes on and get really intense stretches without having to use grip strength.
I imagine it's a similar feeling to hanging as I was able to hold for long long sets this way. And the next morning my ligs and base were sore as hell.
5/12/20 Measurement Day:
I started PE 3 months ago on February 12th. I planned an official measure day on the 3 month mark and here we are. To prepare for the measurement day I did no PE whatsoever yesterday and almost nothing the day before (besides have sex with the wife a couple times). I didn't want to have any temp gains (or as little as possible) so I took a couple days off beforehand. My first measurements 3 months ago were:
BPEL: 6 1/8"
EG(at thickest spot): 4 1/8" i was using ribbon so wasn't the best measurement
BPFSL: 6 1/4"
Todays Measurements
BPEL: 7 1/8"
BPFSL: 7 3/4"
MSEG: 4 5/8"
Girth Under glans: 4 3/4"
Base girth: 5"
So I've gained an inch in erect length. Half of an inch in girth. I'm very excited to see these numbers. It definitely makes all of that work over those 3 months worth it. I will maybe try and post later with more reflections. For now I'm going to start training for 8"
My brother my brother! I am so incredibly impressed with your results and I am so proud that you have done this in the brotherhood with everybody’s eyes on you. You set a wonderful example and now you’re on to bigger and better things with full knowledge and security that PE works.
5/12/20 Afternoon Erect Session:
I decided mid-day at my usual workout time that I couldn't handle another one of my usual mid-day routines. So I stayed wrapped up for 6 hours following my morning routine. I did a set of 50 cranks and 3 sets of upward stretches(giving the ligs a break) every hour or so then did the following:
-Bundled Stretch 2x2min straight out
-Erect Stretch/Size Blaster Couplet 10x1min (30sec erect stretch, 30 seconds blaster)
-Vitamin E Oil
-Testicle Massage and Stretch
-Shower warm down
Notes: This was quick but effective. Measured temp gains up to 7 3/8" EL (+1/4")and MSEG of 4 3/4"(+1/4")after.
I have been avoiding girth work since the thrombosis but these were low intensity. I may start adding them in a few times a week. I also realized that even though I hadn't been training girth at all I had increased in girth since I trained it. I think it has to do with the slight pressurization effect i get from the erect stretches. So these should give even more girth effect.
I discovered DLD Size Blasters deep in DLDs SRT thread if you want to read more on them.
Dude I loved them. If they don't have a negative impact on the vein that got thrombosis I'm gonna be doing a lot of them.I love DLD Size Blasters and I wish everybody would use them because of the perfect exercise for training girth and length at once. And they’re very pleasurable too ?
Thank you for this feedback. I've been really slacking on the warm ups before training. I've been doing bundled stretches but warming up is tough with my kids running around and small house. I need to figure out a clandestine way to warm up. We don't have a heating pad but maybe I should buy one.You are correct in your assertions that bundled stretching will break down the septum as it does the tunica. I would even offer another step to make it go faster. Using a heating pad for 30 minutes before you train will really relax the septum And Tunica and you’ll have a much better stretch.
Thank you for this feedback. I've been really slacking on the warm ups before training. I've been doing bundled stretches but warming up is tough with my kids running around and small house. I need to figure out a clandestine way to warm up. We don't have a heating pad but maybe I should buy one.
I really want to pick up a length master and a mityvac. I'm trying to get big enough so that the wife says, "okay what is going with your dick it is getting so big?" We are tight financially and I would need to prove to her that it's money well spent. She's made a few comments so far but nothing confrontational. I'm hoping the girth training brings us to that talking point.A heating pad was so important to me in my training and I would always use it for about 30 minutes before a trained. This would work the same for you. I also advise you to pick up the Lengthmaster as it will deliver these gains so much quicker. You can do every stretch available using the LM with unlimited intensity. When you’re breaking down the Tunica or the septum or both it takes quite a bit of intensity.
On another note, has anyone ever trained in a sauna? I'm going to have access to a sauna for a week and am planning on getting a lot of
I really want to pick up a length master and a mityvac. I'm trying to get big enough so that the wife says, "okay what is going with your dick it is getting so big?" We are tight financially and I would need to prove to her that it's money well spent. She's made a few comments so far but nothing confrontational. I'm hoping the girth training brings us to that talking point.
I didn't know about the credit line. I appreciate the heck out of MOS and of you specifically so I will support in the future. Just trying to play it slow and cool with the wife. Those items are priced well it's just a matter of getting her to that point.There’s a couple things he could do. You could take advantage of our credit line that allows you to pay it off in payments. You could also go for length first than girth later, or the other way around. This would allow you to just buy one piece of equipment to work with. But for the meantime just keep cracking at the manual work!
5/19/20: Girth Training Limit Reached
I woke up this morning and looked at my dick and knew I would have to take the day of from girth training. Veins are kind of tender and I have a small spot of fluid retention. Nothing serious. Just a tired floppy penis. I had been keeping it low intensity but I guess that I was doing enough volume to finally overtrain. It took 7 days of pretty focused girth training.
Rest Day Lazy Flow Stretch Routine:
Preworkout BPFSL 8" (New PR for me)
-Erect Stretch 1min set, 30sec set
- Bundled Stretch 2x2min straight out
-Lying down BTC 2x4min
-Lying Down Bundled BTC 2x4min
-Total Package Stretch 2x3min
-Lying Down Bundled BTC 2x4min
-Heal Wrapped Up
Postworkout BPFSL 8-1/8"
Notes: I just wanted a low key healing sort of session and tried to hit all the SRT elements I could. It felt good. Exciting to see 8" BPFSL pre workout. I haven't even been doing many Flacid stretches the past week. Just bundled stretching before girth routines.
I am a firm believer in checking BPFSL before and after each workout (and even before and after the individual elements of the workout). Doing so allows you to really track the effectiveness of your routine. It helps you figure out what techniques are giving you temporary expansion and what should be cut from your routine. It will help you understand how the growth cycle seems to work as you watch todays post-session temporary gains become a future days pre-session length and eventually that number gets left behind. I like including these numbers in my log so I can look back and see trends. It is a very encouraging number to track
5/20/20 Flacid Length Routine:
-Bundled Stretch 5x1min (2up, 1L, 1R, 1Down)
-Total Package Stretch 2x3min expressive stretch
-Mandingo Stretch 2x2min
-Bundled Mandingo Stretch 3x2min
-Sock Stretches 5x2min
-Lazy Bundled BTC Stretch 6x2min
-Testicle Health Massage and Stretch
-Wrap Up
Notes: Had sex with the wife this morning so substituted the lazy BTC bundled stretches for the erect work. Only gonna get one session in today.
I'll be traveling the next 10 days so routines will be low key. My only goal is to get the testicle health massage and stretch in every day. Other than that I'm gonna use the time as a kind of recovery period.
5/20/20 Flacid Length Routine:
-Bundled Stretch 5x1min (2up, 1L, 1R, 1Down)
-Total Package Stretch 2x3min expressive stretch
-Mandingo Stretch 2x2min
-Bundled Mandingo Stretch 3x2min
-Sock Stretches 5x2min
-Lazy Bundled BTC Stretch 6x2min
-Testicle Health Massage and Stretch
-Wrap Up
Notes: Had sex with the wife this morning so substituted the lazy BTC bundled stretches for the erect work. Only gonna get one session in today.
I'll be traveling the next 10 days so routines will be low key. My only goal is to get the testicle health massage and stretch in every day. Other than that I'm gonna use the time as a kind of recovery period.
I spent the last 2 days driving but was able to accomplish my goals.
5/21/20: Testicle Massage and Stretch
5/22/20: Testicle Massage and Stretch
Man this log is something else! I love how you go into detail every session describing your thoughts.
Also congratulations on 8 inches, thats absolutely amazing that you have reached that. Is that like 2 inch gain? What is your current erect length by the way?
In the earlier post I noticed you mentioned that wet jelqs and SSJ gave you fluid buildup but then you incorporated them again in your routine. Why is that?
Also what I really like is that you divide your daily session into 3 small sessions. It looks really good because you dont overwork your penis. In the past when I used to do also girth work I sometimes did too much in one session and my EQ suffered for days.
It makes me think if in PE in general, frequency/volume beats intensity...
??? might be hard to explain to my wife and kids why dad is sitting on his dick for 11 hours!!!All that driving you should be doing lazy ass stretches!
Man this log is something else! I love how you go into detail every session describing your thoughts.
Also congratulations on 8 inches, thats absolutely amazing that you have reached that. Is that like 2 inch gain? What is your current erect length by the way?
In the earlier post I noticed you mentioned that wet jelqs and SSJ gave you fluid buildup but then you incorporated them again in your routine. Why is that?
Also what I really like is that you divide your daily session into 3 small sessions. It looks really good because you dont overwork your penis. In the past when I used to do also girth work I sometimes did too much in one session and my EQ suffered for days.
It makes me think if in PE in general, frequency/volume beats intensity...
5/23/20 Testicle Massage and Stretch
5/24/20 Testicle Massage and Stretch
5/25/20 Testicle Massage and Stretch
5/26/20 Testicle Massage and Stretch
5/27/20 Bundled Stretch (2x2min), Testicle Massage and Stretch
5/29/20 Maintenance Routine:
-Bundled Stretch 4x2min (straight up x2, Left, Right)
-Erect Stretch 5min total (3:30 straight out, 1:30 down)
-Testicle Massage and Stretch
Notes: I haven't had any privacy in my current travel housing. I'm curious to see what my measurements are when I get back home. I have noticed stronger EQ since I've taken this little break. When I was doing erect stretches today I was able to stay erect for much longer than when I was training more seriously.
It is a very intense stretch. Do you think that routine alone would give erect length gains?It just dawned on me seeing your thread I wonder how much size somebody could gain just by using the testicle health massage and stretch. In my opinion it’s one of the most intense stretches and I think it would be a formidable length routine if anyone was up to taking that challenge
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend