Growth Mindset

so happy that you spent time with your family without obsessing over PE.
8/11/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-Mandingo Stretch 2x2min
-Bundled Mandingo Stretch 2x2min

-Erect Stretches 10min

Notes: Pre BPFSL 7-3/4" Post Just above 8"
8/12/20 Morning Length Session:
-Warm Up
5 min
-Bundled Stretch 6min
-Expressive Stretches
-Mandingo Stretch 5 min
-Erect Stretch 5 min
8/12/20 Morning Length Session:
-Warm Up
5 min
-Bundled Stretch 6min
-Expressive Stretches
-Mandingo Stretch 5 min
-Erect Stretch 5 min

How are things feeling my brother? Do you feel like you’re seeing growth?
How are things feeling my brother? Do you feel like you’re seeing growth?

Sorry guys for not getting on here the past couple of weeks. My wife and I decided to make some major moves financially and we are selling some property and starting a new business so I've been very busy and haven't even thought of posting.

I have been doing low intensity routines during this whole period. For the last couple days I've been doing a lot of computer work and have been getting 2+ hours per days of LAS.

To answer your question DLD, I don't think I'm getting enough frequency in my routines to see sustainable growth but I'm changing that now and going to start wrapping up more and doing more ADS through Lazy Ass stretches. As well as manual routines. Hopefully I can sustain this for a bit of time and grab some more length.

I think I have seen some girth growth the past couple months
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Today I got a ton of work in

Morning Routine:
-Warm Up 10 min
-Bundled Stretch 8min
-Mandingo Stretch 15min
-Lazy Ass Stretch 20 min

Afternoon Routine:
7rounds of:
-Warm Up While Wrapped10min
-Wrapped Up Lazy Ass Stretch 20mim (4 rounds were bundled)

4 rounds of:
-100 JELQ x 1 min SSJ

Notes: Before the girth work I measured EL of 7-3/8" which is a +1/4" temp gain. If I could be consistent and cement this it would be pretty great.
Thanks for getting back to me my brother! Looking over your routine it looks good the only thing I would add in would be basic stretching as it hits every possible angle of gain. Even if you just added in one set of each it would make a big difference.
@DLD I haven't been including it but I am getting in random sets in the other directions throughout the day.

-Warm Up 10min
-LAS 20min
-Warm up
-Bundled Wrapped LAS 20 min
-Warm Up 10 min
-Bundled Wrapped LAS 20min
-Warm Down

Notes: experimented with doing wrapped up LAS today and also bundling and then wrapping and doing LAS. They were more intense for sure. Gonna keep playing around with those.
Last night in bed after sex with the wife I got ~40minutes it Lying down LAS in. This morning I woke up and measured my BPFSL Cold and it was just under 8" after warming up it was over 8". Positive indicators. Previously, even when I was measuring BPFSL improperly I had a hard time breaking that 7-3/4" mark. Going to try to keep utilizing the heating pad before and during the sessions and keep trying to stay wrapped during the day.

8/26/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Warm Up 10 min
-Bundled Stretch 10 min (upward and side angles)
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-Total Package Stretch 3min
-Warm Up 3min
-Mandingo Stretch 5min
-Stretch in all directions except BTC 12 min
-BPFSL 8-1/4"
-Wrapped LAS 20min
-Wrap Up

Notes: I'm gonna try to get a couple sets of LAS in during my commute to and from work today. Will try to get another routine in later today.
@DLD I haven't been including it but I am getting in random sets in the other directions throughout the day.

-Warm Up 10min
-LAS 20min
-Warm up
-Bundled Wrapped LAS 20 min
-Warm Up 10 min
-Bundled Wrapped LAS 20min
-Warm Down

Notes: experimented with doing wrapped up LAS today and also bundling and then wrapping and doing LAS. They were more intense for sure. Gonna keep playing around with those.

That’s just fine.
8/31/20 Official Measurement Day:
I realized over the weekend that I hit my 6 month mark in PE on Friday. I didn’t do any PE over the weekend and had an official measurement yesterday. I switched how I measured EL and BPFSL during the last 3 month block and I believe my new measurements are more accurate and true. My old style of measurement gave me an extra 1/8-1/4” of length.

Last Official measurement(wit less accurate measurements)
BPEL: 7 1/8"
BPFSL: 7 3/4"
MSEG: 4 5/8"
Girth Under glans: 4 3/4"
Base girth: 5"

New official stats:
BPFSL 8.1”
BPEL 7-1/4”
MSEG 4-3/4”
Base Girth 5-3/8”
Girth right below glans 4.9”

So, I’ve had modest gains over the last 3 months. I wasn’t as consistent as I was in the first 3 months so the gains slowed but I’m still happy there was any growth at al. I think most of my gains got this block of time happened in the last month since I got the heating pad.

8/31/20 Morning Routine
-warm Up 10min
-Bundled Stretch 10min
-Low Shaft expressive stretch 10min
-Mandingo Stretch 10min
-Erect Stretch 5min
-Wrap Up

8/31/20 Evening Routine:
-Warm Up
-Bundled BTC 15min
-Warm up
-Mandingo Stretches 10min
-Erect Stretches 10min
9/1/20 Morning Routine:
-Warm Up 15min
-Bundled Stretch 8min
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 8min
-warm up 3min
-Mandingo Stretch 8min
-Erect Stretch 8min
-Wrap Up
-Lazy Ass Stretches 90 minutes total (wrapped up during and in between sets)

Notes: penis is feeling very stretchy and long. These LAS are such a nice way to get length work in.

9/1/20 Afternoon:
-Warm Up 5min
-Bundled large Fulcrum Stretches 8min
-Erect Stretches (downward angles) 5min
-Warm Down
-Wrap Up
I was really busy with stuff to launch our business yesterday and didn’t get any training.

9/3/20 Morning Length Session:
-Warm Up 20 min
-Bundled Stretch 8min
-Warm up 2min
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 8min
-Warm Up 2min
-Mandingo Stretch 5min
-Bundled Mandingo Stretch 5min
-Warm Up 2min
-Erect Stretch 15min

Notes: BPFSL after the workout was 8-1/4”.The most exciting part was seeing an BPEL of 7-1/2” after the erect stretches. Will do a bunch of LAS today.
I was really busy with stuff to launch our business yesterday and didn’t get any training.

9/3/20 Morning Length Session:
-Warm Up 20 min
-Bundled Stretch 8min
-Warm up 2min
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 8min
-Warm Up 2min
-Mandingo Stretch 5min
-Bundled Mandingo Stretch 5min
-Warm Up 2min
-Erect Stretch 15min

Notes: BPFSL after the workout was 8-1/4”.The most exciting part was seeing an BPEL of 7-1/2” after the erect stretches. Will do a bunch of LAS today.

I’m so happy for you my brother! This shows that if you want it bad enough you can get it
Life has been crazy in September. My town was threatened by the wildfires on the west coast that you’ve probably been hearing about. We had to evacuate my house for 9 days. I’ve started a business and my kids started back doing zoom school so I haven’t been posting my routines unfortunately.

I have been training but not with as much consistency as before. When I do train my routine has been Focusing on heating pad and bundles then doing lots of LAS while wrapped up. Then just doing random other stuff to try to hit all angles and hit all the SRT elements. Recently I took a week off so measured. I didn’t measure girth

BPEL 7-3/8”
BPFSL 8-1/8”

I will try and post a bit more often. I think about the brotherhood often and hope all is well with you guys.
I haven’t been posting my workouts but I’m still out here training. BPEL Up to about 7.5”(Just under) and very close to achieving my short term goal of minimum 5” Girth throughout the shaft. I got one stubborn spot that is stuck around 4-3/4” but I’ll get there eventually

Figured another pic would help chronicle the journey. Maybe I’ll try and grab a measured pic here in the near future.
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I haven’t been posting my workouts but I’m still out here training. BPEL Up to about 7.5”(Just under) and very close to achieving my short term goal of minimum 5” Girth throughout the shaft. I got one stubborn spot that is stuck around 4-3/4” but I’ll get there eventually

Figured another pic would help chronicle the journey. Maybe I’ll try and grab a measured pic here in the near future.

I am so happy to hear things are going good and you’re making gains. From that picture things are looking really good and your erection quality is amazing. I would love to see a measurement so tag me when you do it
10/16/20 Length Session:
-Warm Up 5min
-Bundled Stretch 5min
-Expressive Stretches 8min
-Warm Up 2min
-Mandingo Stretch 8min
-Warm Up 2min
-Newbie Stretches 8min (all angles except BTC and Straight out)
-Warm Up
-Erect Stretches
-Wrap Up
-Wrapped Lazy Ass Stretch
20 min

Notes: this is the kind of routines I’ve been doing the past couple months or so. Been getting 3 to 4 of these type of sessions a week and lots of other little stuff here and there. Sometimes I’ll do sock stretches or dual fulcrums instead of mandingo and I’ll mix other stuff up as well. I’ve also been doing lots of Lazy Ass Stretching. My new business requires driving around a bit so I get lots of sets in throughout the week. Hitting Girth less frequently, maybe 1-2x per week.
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That’s what’s up my brother! You got to make PE fun so throwing in new exercises like fulcrums and sock stretches or anything else will make things more enjoyable. In PE if things become boring motivation slows and gains. Keep things fresh and exciting!
That’s what’s up my brother! You got to make PE fun so throwing in new exercises like fulcrums and sock stretches or anything else will make things more enjoyable. In PE if things become boring motivation slows and gains. Keep things fresh and exciting!
I agree. I’ve gone away from having strict stuff in mind. Just let the spirit lead me in my routines and conscientious to it all the SRT elements.
I agree. I’ve gone away from having strict stuff in mind. Just let the spirit lead me in my routines and conscientious to it all the SRT elements.

Exactly! This can be used in many different ways also. I do the prayers and Lords Supper every day and I do it different every time so it remains fresh and new and exciting. Doing the same thing over and over and yet really boring. The same thing holds true for PE, if I had to do the same thing every single day for the past 20 years I would be so fucking bored. Variety is the spice of life
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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